MEMBER 17, 1941 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE (Second Section! already organized isket to perform 9u this Christmas, I most popular under fluMi t he boys see I Yule g'fts. The fand "aahh" your & think of all the e! e the old standbys: wit h crochet trim Ittcd or crocheted hat and belt sets; igerie bags; skating I made from three fhiefs and trimmed be a five-star suc bw they are made: terchief and use it body of the apron. pvood c Service ner with the 1-AWAY' 7-y 4 When th bag is full of dirt . . . Don't empty itl f tonlc-typt clanr 4 G-E quality com- ,B-p-ed motor ieaning tools iiflion tubes , age fan for power- mm ent Toe-Tip Switch Cxible hose. Hfl(Si Tuow-Away" bass i ... H71 . v $79.95 "i BUILD FIRST X-RAY TELESCOPE' if r-afcf Mm STANDING ON A PEDESTAL In Pittsburgh Is the first working model of an X-ray "telescope," or Image amplifier as it is technically known, con structed in big research laboratory. Physicians using the apparatus will be able to view an Image 500 times brighter than is possible with present fiuoroscopes. Dr. Richard L. Loiigmi is closing the doors of a ipecial furnace in which the tube will be baked. (International) Hind il .'ill around null i ililion knit sink, some hand Willi enough Icll i.u-r on the lop ', li.i mlkci ( hut s ci orhcl or lo he used to tie ihc apii.u hack j Hero aM iu can gel ; Take the second liandkei rhiel. cut 1 liniili in exhibit lour I it in half, pleat eaeli half. hind : In making leather muee. wilh rilihon. Sew both halves t bottom of the largo liandkcreliicl On the remaining handkerchief, nit il across In form two triangles. You'll find that if you place the longest side of this triangle up against the side of the large hand kerchief plus the small front wing, it will bo just about the light length. Sew these triangles on either side, bind with the ribbon, and you have a pretty and colorful handmade apron Anybody can Sew from a pattern today directions are being made so simple. Why not try your hand at a housecoat or charming black panties or nighties? When mak ing lingerie Christmas gifts can use ribbons with a gay hand. Ribbon can make all the difference between simple petticoats, slips and panties and the luxurious ones. Stoles are going to be a big gift item this Christmas. They are easy to make, particularly effective in greens, red, yellows, plaids, with fringe of contrasting hues. Make them in wool or gabardine. If you aren't good at judging width and length, you can find a pattern at most yard goods departments One popular stole easily whip ped up from some 54-inch rayon gabardine has three tiers of ruffles on each end. I ne sioie is win n with a belt and the tiered ruffles look as if they are part of the skirl. A ribbon book cover is a good gilt for vour favorite book worm. Make this by sewing wide strips of j ribbon together and flat, to fit Hie j size of Hie hook. Add a ribbon ! bookmark of stiff ribbon that will ; hold its shape. j Clothes hangers, of course, are . easy to maw oy i.ikuik i" lollies hangers, covering them with j cotton and shirring two pieces , ribbon over il to make a mil led bag cover. The cotton can be per fumed or sacheted before the rib bon is put on. You can box the hangers in sets ( of three, four or six. j The men in your me will worship you for some init ialed knit tie n oppor andicrall ins. ash copper and other man-in-pii at ion I hi which can in am hobbi shop or art First Baptist Sets Special Event Sun. The first Baptist Church will ob serve the annual White Chrntma event Sunday morning at 11 o do when the congregation will be giv en opportunity to brins gills to Christ for the building fund Spe cial Christmas music by the choir and congregat ipnal singing of car ols will be a feature of the service A brier meditation on the Christ mas Story will be given by the pas tor. A profiam of Ciui-lm is inn u will he civiii bv the high scho cborie.. under the diieilion i t Charles Islcy. at the r'irt Hapli t Church. Sunday niglil at 7 ltd Thi . is a community-wide event keen ly anticipated alChi islmas lime and the public 's coidi.illy invited to attend. A beautiful kodachronie deputing the birth of .le the return of the wise men, shown at the First Baptist on Wednesday night. December 2 '. at 7:30. This is an impressive and worshipful program of piitiin, song, and scripture appealing both young and old The pill cordially invited to come apart and worship at this Christinas midweek service. The present value of Stradivari us violins, made by the famous 17th Century Italian violin maker, ranges from $5,000 to $100,000. WHCC Radio Programs STUDIOS OVER PARK THEATRE 1400 ON YOUR DIAL F RiUAY, DCC. n SATURDAY, DEC. 18 SUNDAY. DtC. 19 X 4.. 1 1 1 , If S I i V 1 -JO l'h. 1...IIM . - i,.,il, !. .il. flub I I,,, ,,. M-Lli-a I'"" W.Mld K..Ui..lP ';, ,T. N , 1. , . .1 xi'ih I ' I r' lo" Ki.riiiii ' . ii ... a,.,l I, Mr-".M i.' Mm w.v'.. 1 '-;; "' " . i i .I., c i"-1'1'"1"1 , ; . i i ,., Mm Khillim '" lti,, o. U-t 11 i. I . i.ln it I -I Hi.--Sat l'i" lrlf ; , ,,.,,.,, H-.UI I ... I , i. ,hi,. i Mil. lilntluil .'. mi- I Mul- , in ,;, ,,,, i .... "..ii... 1 1. ' "" r""""t i-a.i.-i nll ,(, , Ml,s. I . ll I,,, e..r.r s.,ae ' I ' S,,..(hl,l Hi. sv...rl M,,h ,,,, I ... Ii. l.i, I li.l. - Mll" ', , -, ( Hm.uii , : imi i ii. o rlul. , IL"-,m K".,U ( T.iliiirt M In ' ""V1 ' )A . , , ;- 1 H",M1 , .k .... MMu.iin K...,.hH. " " ", 1 v ( ;i;r , muimm H.......I..I. " ;n , u . I.,,..., Mi-sir Mgh on Ut. Lor II i hunii i - . r mi i.;n-l -.In J (IU Slrflt Oil - 1 . .t'.U I Itiit- i i ,ix ill .i.ii- ..f Mti-i.' 1 .. n.i - M.i- .. tt".i.i llx I 1 i 1 1 ru .ii.-l l.iilf oiU II 1 It U.- lUx. It ii . . win r ews 1 MKIi of( f MONDAY. DtC. 20 fi o.i Sigti On 3 imi Nv. 6 n Y-truitt'm Almtnae 7 mi Take A Number 7 : 5" A'.-curding t& th l mi Nfx1 a fi ii;,-rimi and a Tuu y u-t ivit Hart i ;.-)rgmi MHodiet xt titM(niing Uevotiom 9 lnl1e btuiy 1 - i 1 li l.ndit Hi I .V Uvrt and Marge in KextxiHnl Urlcxliea I,,-!.-, , a Vanrtifti I i uii - Mid Om Melodies I ' mi vxntld News Hound up 12.1 ,V-Kumi Forum I'rog. I to ruM.lirta Mn Rhythm I 1 ,' Trading 1'ost j ;,u( H.'dina Mtn. Rhythm 1 n't pother rii turc 1 Hitlers of The Purple 1 so lit", tewing Records ;i no-- ('divert Hour 4 mh 1 a p Orcheitra 4 I :. ,in)j rUtm 4 ,'t 1 mil Kequest i i, smith of the Border .". I .' ( "in ert .", -to JmuHiiuii K hoes ii uo ('itr'diiiu Woihl New (. I .. SiMt light On S porta i, :o Ihnix-i Music r, i;, - Hailio Rithinetie 7 h i i.v ii T.iU 7 1.. I Hi. Cluh H mi IUmp'h To Vftemiia is ' -Viniffhii Monroe Oroh. 5 in Sing Time -mi c,iv;il ade of Moic I o imi Mtii' to Road liy II mi - i'8 and Late M porta ! j , If We Have It i 1 i Tonmrrow'a Newi 1 'i (Hi- -Sign (ff Special Christmas Program Set Sunday -. At Ilazelwood, Church "The King' Birthday." Christ mas musical program, under the leadership of Mr. Paul Throwef, will be given at the Hazelwood Presbyterian Church Sunday eve ning at 7:30 a'clock- The regular church choir with additional guest singers will compose the chorua. The annual Joy Gift offering, (or aged and disabled minister! and their dependent, will be received. On Wednesday. Dec 22 7:00 tn. Knndav school children, under the leadership of Mra. U C Davis, will present their pro gram. "The Gold Star Christmas . The public is cordially invited to these and the other regular serv ices of the church. Kliubarh has been Used in inedi ne from very early times; Chi v e pn scribed il as early as 2700 I H C Tin- IlkihtiiiK weapon of rhinoceros is a horn on the nose. Its sight is poor but its hearing and scent are acute. Ithetorie, the art of using lan guage to produce a desired effect, was taught in encient Greece by the Sophists. Walter Brown Gets Army Promotion Master Sergeant Walter D. Brown of Waynesville was appoint ed warrant officer Junior grade in the Regular Army, it was an nounced today by the National Military Establishment. Captain Joseph E. Moore, Route 3 Canton, also received an ap pointment as warrant officer. The enlisted personnel receiving the appointments will become 'warrant officers as soon as they qualify physically. Appointees holding temporary officer ranking will con tinue to serve in their officer grades. United States life insurance in force at the end of 1946 totalled more than $174 billion. I 1 ill s III size iMlls lie lnond store. Kven il urn are only painter, vour art nia elated In that best talents veer Ion aid copy a photograph ol is inlere: seascape in amateur be apprc u. It your trail work, him. II he led in I he sea give him a Try to give vour paint- boi po; nig :i personal possible. touch if il is at all hand- krber's For )KIHG - CANNING j Including I Grimes Golden f Starks Delicious Golden Delicious f Stayman Winesap Fancy Apples now available for shipment in bushels and k bushel quantities ock Apple Service Station VT BARBER'S ORCHARD Highway 19A-23 Shine up 1 hose Christinas bells, pick the holly, sweep the chimney, and get set to help Santa shake the soot out of his ihiskers. Gather you j up the nicest gals and guvs you know and stage a Christmas party. The best time lor this holiday revelry is the night before Chri .t mas when evcrvone is in I hat mellow pcace-to-all mood. Invite the gang to your house for a trop trimmin' partv This is lots ol fun, marks the beginning of the Yule season and gels the ornament-, on the tree before vuu can say Don ner and Hlitzen You don't really have lo hurry Hie project. Hut il there are small fry in the house, vuu villi have lo wail until Ihev are salely tucked in bed with "dreams of sugar plums" in dreamland. Sing the carols early. You might do this while wreaths are being hung in the windows or ouside the door Thi n the lusty voices will not viake sleeping moppets. If you live ill the country and the bins in vour crowd are am bitious, perhaps ou will no! cut the tree down nn'il ( 'hisl ma; eve. The gang can hop in a car nr walk to the lir grove, wield the ax. and all help lo cart the tree back You should have some snacks piepared lo serve (luring the trimming period Warm spiced cider, or hot chocolate, carrot sticks and cracke('s and cheese are good to still e o(T hunger. After the tree is bedecked break out viith some food thiil can be prepared in ad vance and reheated. Spaghetti, chicken ala king and chili con cirne are period for this. Chili alwais is Tine food for a parti be-i cause il is filling and inexpensive. 1 To every can of chili, add an ex- j tea can of beans. Serve it with saltine crackers or over spaghetti. ' for that Southern favorite. Chili Mac. I If ion plan lo Use cranberry and popcorn decorations on the tree. why not let the girls string them while the boys gel the tree in ' shape'' I like alternating the cran berries and popcorn for a prettier effect. The crowd may not pair off, and ! if this is the case, the small present : which is brought by each should be put in a grab bag and fished out. Girls can bring something for bovs and boys for girls. These j should be inexpensive, perhaps from the dime store If any of the crowd is especially chummy, their main presents should be re served for Christmas day giving. This way kids who are not on a "big gift" list will not be embar rassed. Dress up for this occasion if you like. Wear one red and one green sock, small jingle bells in your hair, holly berries on yrrtir dress. Put the mislletie in a prominent i place. Christmas Eve is not an evening for games but you can find plenty of amusement just sit ing around the fireplace and wait ing for Sanla Claus! .TV . Artificial limbs are called cork legs because at one time such limbs were made of solid substance covered' with layers of cork. Space Eiakeir DBS See them all I Make your choice I Here's a complete line of the refrigerator mo$t women want most. Come in and tee them. There's a model which will exactly fit your kitchen and your purse. ONE-THIRD MORE SPACE: Every one of these new General Electric Refrig erators gives you one-third more refrigerated food storage space, in the same kitchen floor space at , previous models. This General Electric Space Maker design is the greatest advance in G-E home refrigerators in 20 years--made possible ly improvements in the fa mous G-E sealed-in refrigerating system. The system has been made more compact to give von extra space and it has been improved to freeze ice one-third faster and consume less elec tridly than the latest G-E prewar refrigerators. When you buy a G-E, you buy dependability. More than 1,700.(100 G-E Refrigerators have been in use ten )ears or longer. Come in ami pick out your new refrigerator. Refrigerator Home Freezer Combination $460.00 nine vpp7pt in nnf ! rnn;irt rnont qui k of fo'iil . . . snnip fur Ynnr n"w rf r'cfrntnr and Hnmp rrr?r ";prn 7 f t n frpz bimI tri t pound as l'ng a ov.p rnr, JTas its nun donr lo prrvnl "mid w,vtr." FrfriR frator frfdi-fnod zenr pip- as much pace as mot 8-rbir-font rpfripfratnre. Aerer needs defrosting! Ao need to cover dishes! -'IHII HI! t a 1 f DELIVERY EASY PAYMENT TERMS! D lit Spies Maker NF-S On of the TMtet rffrlyprato. rrt huill. 8-ruliic-fnot caparitT. ETtr lar Irwwr. Pakd with tpeciai convenience fciruret. $329.00 p.pir sp.c. $279.00 Maker NC-8 I.ef. fxppn'ivr rprinn of the D Lnni- ?pace Maker. R-rubirfoot capariiv. Ha manv nf th? rnnvprn ieuce features of De Luxe model. j- Lew Priced Space $259.00 Maker NB-I A bif refrigerator velne t I min imum price. 8-rubie-foot capacity. Built to tame riafid upecificatioiU ai highest-priced modeL HAYWOOD ELECTRIC SERVICE Phone 45-1 Main Street, Hazelwood S3 I I I