K I Wii i 1 t 1 . ' r it i Vt n h l i ? ; 1 I- 'J I - ri ! ' t' ft 1 f7 f JTAvit, rOUil (oiconi Section)' toe waynesvhjj: MOUNTAINEER Christmas Sales May Hit Record; Big Late-Shopping Rush Is Anticipated Here LOOKING OVER BERLIN AIRLIFT j iif ri::;v-.t ( in i-,uiuis evt r is coin i ri'! up. and i iit hipit,t lale .slu)jnii id-li K a n( ii-ijateit in (he fun in . sl.ur ;iml tuition. St-m i hum it .in ung ewrai local h i .ui aii ;nm' i t iMi a, topping ih;. t l.t t a. Only a tew Ikm't Nefclrct Theml Nature designed the kidney to do msrrifus job. Their task m to keep tb flowing blood stream Irtae oi a Mltm ul tui.e uupurnit. Tfc tt of living ill If a tOUStAUll pTwduciDg 4dia tutittr itm t.diiri nmsi remove (rum Le Muiu 'I good tifiith a io t-ndurc. VLrQ ihe kidiic-ya lJ lo tunt-tiun Nm uff ui c-uded, t h-r- is tvtetii iun j VaSlr Ifcitl Uiay fili-tf ri.d-id tl.ss irtjj. uu may surft-r ngn baoksi'L, LffNjrH lit da. , all. uf diUlDt-M, rl l .Ii up ir.g hid. 8 r 1 1 ,U , puthat&S Ulalrr tt.e ff - le-i tiUd, Ut-rvuUi, tttl i Q uul. KrtM;u-iit, st-nry or burning pasafa art luri. t..e further r . idt-iu e uf kd Otv uf tljdd-r urban i 1 ) r n . ii.-itl iiid tropr trHaiirifrit is a d.t-rt -:.r :m dii-.rt- U uti T li- kJti-s ft f J .-f t-'VS L - ti'd V.iSlf. I s- i'i(.n'rt .li.-. Thrv laf Ll uiure ! ILai: ! -' i n uf p libl.i- n;pru a! rf t-udurst d (!. t L'Uiitr i.vi-r. 1 naidl uu , ilii at ull diuir slur. 3 stoics ivpoi t a decrease In Christ inas business As HajAvood count ians have al ready noticed, there is a greater ot goods on the countfr j to s aie niore amazing than ever beture. and there seems to be an abundance of everything evcept turkeys. hetler get yuur Christmas tuike order in eaily this season, because the supply is likely to be short Accoidins to p'.esent tiyu.es, the price will be hither ihan the Miiount paid, tor the Thjiiksyivins turkey. Some turkey raisers have been holilin;; their turkey:, hoping for a price ri-e before Christmas. Local department and specialty sioivs are eiectlm; I, in !:,. iiilnule rush by shoppers as usual. This year, manufacturers have no bitf bachluK of orders lo take care "of as has been the custom dur in! the past few years. At present there is fi eater availability t)f gift Roods than at any time since the u ar. iuiintj me war and post-war years when articles were scarce, many people beyan Christmas shop ping in October and some even siarieu in Isepleinber. This year ml. sJ Idj 111 I -v ivlvi -s I ' ' I W ' S i v 1 h 1 - , si e. k v y-s? v v, i ill I j Mnirmnm immnnH'iMimtT ttmnn -it mult : Jmrnimm imitmhimi-miMtk t..v I " RI!i and mptlai automatically. Washes 8 lbs. of clothas In Uss than a half 4 hour; cleanor, whiter. Civos 2 rinses with UvWafor1? action.' Spins clothes damp dry. Self-balancing needs no bolting down." Self-cleaning porcelain inside and out. Can be hand-controlled for special jobs. BRITISH MINISTER FOR AIR Sir Arthur Henderson gets an Inside picture on the operation of the airlift into Red-blockaded Berlin. Above, he climbs aboard an American transport at Britain's Gatow Airport in Germany. Air Marshal Saunders follows him up ladder, (international) Farm Questions and Answers (Compiled by Extension Service at State College) in- -n my my w w Why not is it Rood th.it most pro- v tjuestion: turkeys are iluce is . Answer: Professor If S, Oear styne, head of the State College poultry department, says that for years the emphasis in turkey breed ing has been toward type. How ever, at the Central Experiment Station farm near Raleigh, where for Ihe past eilit years tests have been conducted to improve the utility of ihe Bronze turkey, one luikey hen laid 219 cut's in 194r and two hens have passed the 200 egg mflrK this year By producing -uj and Jll eggs during a 12 uioiilh period. According to Pro fessor Dearstyne, the tests show that high eyg production can be developed in turkeys through care ful breeding factors. IS Question: What kind of saw beM for pruning fruit trees? Answer: Any kind will do wbirh is iharp enough to do the job. However, a sw ive!-bladed saw teems best suited to the work it cost? only a few dollars but lax a lifetime if given proper will care. QueMion: What is meant by Hiey realize they do not have to bop early lo beat sell-outs, because all stines are well slocked with a vai iely of floods. ; 'i'liiv f'hii lnias Santa Clans will j deliver Mich innovations as a baby I doll that gurgles and burps when it's i back I: patted; a "walking giant' j etc 1 1 in --,c iH,t that walks by re ; 'mine control, iuN buttons and ; blinks its eyes: a "talking station" 'that bawls out train destinations I when a steam-hissing loconioliv: nears ils platform, and an Knglish ' made hobby horse I hat walks across the room. A miniature piccolo, 'which requires a coin, is on dis play at a local store. Several other odd tins are ready to assist Santa Clan, in tilling his bags for the trip through the country come Sat urday, December 2.r). " STATU ( Ol.I.IXii: HINTS ! TO FAKM HOM1.MAKERS ; , , , D ! Don't spend too much on maca ; roni. spaghetti, while rice, grits, and coin meal They arc poor in ' minerals and vitamins. We might cut down mi these foods and use mol e whole w .ieat products, en- riclied grain products, oatmeal, i soybean products, and fresh fruits and vcgclahles. Variety is the spice of good eating. Buy carefully. Look before you buy; compare prices of different loods ol the same type. Some foods are cheaper if bought in large quantities. Tomato and citrus fruit juices and evaporaled milk cost less per serving if you buy I hem in hu ge size cans. Bead labels l hey have an edu- -onin.li wiiiie. i iiey list all ma terials used to make the packaged food and tell how much the pack age holds. Sniiielimes surprising "certified" cotton seed0 Answer: ( 'ei I iliral ion in North Carolina is a seed improvement plan sponsored by Stale College and f .ii ro il ,.u under the super vision ol Dr. II. p. M.jore. director of ihe Crop improvement Associa tion. On Ihe one hand, farmers are as-i led in t)t. production of hiidi-qiulily plaining eed, and on the other, -ei il iiiii, li!,....-t- urged to lake advantage of this uperior lype of seed. The fields p.-oducni' cert died seed are in- pecied for pit i il of variety and for unifoi only oi staple and seed cliaraclerilic-,. Special precau tions are ohrivcd at the lime of ginning to prevent mixing and healing Germination must be 80 per cent or above. The purchaser of cerlitiefl ,.,.! receives-a grow er's guarantee wilh each bag of seed purchased. "This feature," says Dr. Moore, "is certainly wor thy of consideration by farmers who do not want to risk nii.tin of questionable origin." Farm, Home Week Plans Are Slated Plans for an outstanding North Carolina Farm and Home Week program tor lUiii were made by- Slate College officials and agricul tural leaders of the State in a re cent meeting at the College. Date for the event was set as the second week in August, which is about two weeks earlier than usual. Beginning on Monday, August 8, and continuing through Thursday evening, August 11, the program will include general sessions and subject matter discussions each morning; tours, demonstrations, and visits to exhibits each after noon; and addresses and recrea tional features each evening. Several internationally known speakers will be invited to give addresses or lead discussions. Prin cipal speakers at the last Farm and Home Week, held in 1947, were General Dwight Eisenhower and Columnist Dorothy Thompson. On Thursday evening the prin cipal feature wjll be an educa tional program on farm and home mechanization during which sev eral thousand dollars worth of prizes will be awarded. An effort will be made to have this program indled by personnel of a well- known national radio quiz show and possibly have it broadcast on a coast-to-coast hookup. Farm and Home Week was not held in 1948 because of the polio epidemic. The event normally at tracts more than 5,000 farmers and homemakers from all parts of the State. The planning meeting held re cently was presided over by Roy I.ohr of Lexington, president of the State Farmers Convention. John W. Goodman, assistant director of the State College Extension Serv ice and secretary of Farm and Home Week, led the discussion of program plans. Among other per sons attending were representa tives of the College, the State De partment of Agriculture, the State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs, and other agencies. DIDN'T KNOW WINDOW WAS LOADED Tlv.DEciw l I f ,Ti ' f"iYt lJ''l'ii,i' sji, i - -s. - . ' t ' I tk ' "" Mutr"" IATEST ENTRY FOR the "Believe It Or Not" pri7e or the vc G. Campbell, who was walking past a Los Angeles spotting g ik- ss looking for Christmas presents, when a gun on display in 'ihe win, accidentally exploded. A charge of birdshot crashed Uirou-'- t ho Wj,. pane, wounding Campbell in the head. He is shown (Kit) h.,1,1 , ,, shot-torn hat (arrow) as ambulance attendants arrive. Int. i:,(i!.,. B. Cook Serves With Occupational Forces In Japan Haywoc; Electric Ser Phone fig Main St. j and interesting information is tucked away in fine print. Remem ber that a package which looks large may hold less than one that looks smaller. The weight is what counts. 1.1.1111 Station . Dii a Cook. I fou ml ou.ili occupational klm. m and Hot Spiced Cider: 4 inches stick cinnamon, 6 whole cloves, a dash of nutmeg, sugar if desired, 1 gallon of cider, 4 tablespoons butter, 1 orange sliced. Tie spices in bag and place in 'kettle of cold cider and bring to boil. Sweeten slightly if desired. Serve hot. Yield: 10 cups. Ironing hint: Starching will cut the ironing time in half. It means that dresses, skirts, shirts, and blouses stay clean longer, shed dirt and dust more easily and keep that crisp look TWO days instead of one. Pfc. Boyco Cook Hospital, son of Mrs Waynesville. has been fied in the military specialties of medical medical technician. Acquired largely I hrou gh hi ; Army trainim; and c perii-ncc, these qualified ions will aid Pfc. Cook to obtain advaiiccnicnl un der the new Career Plan which is lo govern all promotions in enlist ed and warrant grades. Stationed in Yokohama, .lapnn's major port city and seat ol lite headquarters of the Kiyhlli Ann'.. Pfc. Cook is lilltn with the Army lorees. Entering Ihe army in l'H7, arrived in Ihis theater m Sep; her of I he same y ear. lie 1 . to er st.ldi ill of ay tie ; il le To ship high school. Ill i s- ( til i.'ll oei up.il io job 1 1 . . I he ii- t? 1 Bf SNUG At J BUG NAM WITH Ml GENUINE FORD HEATE AND WINDSHIELD DffROSTB Of arnpla capacity to keep interior of cat wam si Ihe coldest weather. Fits all 1941-48 Ford can.,.i X- I i-l I . .1 ,1 uuupiuuio iu iiiu new 1717 moaei. DAVIS - LINER MOTOR SALE I'llOl Ashnl seed Io you always eat breakfast? You need breakfast if you expect to do your best work and be bub bling over with energy for the day's work. Prepare slow cooking cereals the night before, cover with a thin film of water, and reheat in the morning before stirring. Dried fruit soaked overnight cooks very quickly. You can cook it with the cereal. Fresh fruit juices may be bottled, stoppered, and stored in the refrigerator. SHERIFF LOSES PANTS WEATHERFORD. Tex. (UP) Parker County Sheriff John Young lost his pants. They were included among clothing taken from a clean ing establishment broken into here. W0May work ooes out lh winoW , ffc," frinidoire My-Aooolte Worfwr com tn door YoB jurt put in dofhe and soap, set th. dial ...and tof8.r itl Then in leu than a half -hour dothM ore washed draw, whiter, and spun dry . . . some ready for ironing UwnedV atefy. That's all there Is to ft. ww tr-SetaPemoittfartibrf Sensational Hew Radio Quiz Show BUY NOW AMD SAVE u Wgldofre Bdrk IIONII far M).r, fnta. frlgldolr. Btklc I (l CLOTHIS BITI I 11 Mwrs I'IMTin ELECTRIC CO. Phone 31 Main Street EVERY TUESDAY 9:30 to 10:30 p. m. Over WWNC IT'S FUN! IT'S EXCITING! IT'S ENTERTAINING! Brought To You Bt Howell Motor Co. Haywood St. Waynesville D Sote-PIymoutli Dejdox FIRST QUALITY CLOSE COUPLED Water Closets INTERNATIONAL OIL BURNING SPACE HEATERS ONE SECOND HAND COAL SPACE HEATER FLOOR FURNACES RECORD PLAYERS RADIOS COMBINATION RADIO AND RECORD PLAYERS CARPET SWEEPERS Myall Plumbing Co. Phone 165. 10 Church Street There'll be a "Waiting Line" on Long Distance,1 d -.telefhone call, we've e.er had ... -i ri switchDoaru" iven witn every circuit, a Jce, there may be delays. To avoid the rush, why not ffake Utort Christmas Eve or alter Cbns SOOTHERR BELL- TELEPHONE kU TELE8R'1 Incerpereted

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