)ECEMBER 21, 1918 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (Second SectifflJ T77 yJJ 1 AD 1TES , 2 cents per word, ge 40 cents. type. 3 cents per mum charge GO ze type, 50c imn inch. will be published 4 desired schedule a charre. rtlsementa should be mediately. The Moun- not be responsible .nan one Incorrect In- t RTISEMENT8 ARE UOVANCE. Cash must orders sent by mall. st be In office before , on day before publl aarantee to be in want sh to Insert .1 want ad, tone 700. KOH SAFE 1 1 r . all Hi,. mo,l. i n com rule lues ,, . i ,v ing Us In install a ;mI,I,iii and Mjfi s or IVei le-., a.-, p or pump. Eas trims. I I'HMll l!K I O I VIM Ss rsD VPglflTS, W i rvt j Hi: INI1HU II l sliallilH W C A ( i 1 P. Civile, N C. ii HEATER WOOD 1 OK SA1.K. S.i 00 a load dclhcied. H 1- BRAD LEY, Pk'i-.m M. Or S -24 FOR SAl.lv Out- gu I - lull ,r.l blClir hi :.'.,Oil lacl.ililluil fit) "dTI Tt;.i-V ti VN l'i;o idem i: a. i. mi- Fat ins, tliu' lo ov t-i c al lug fan lie in-h-iili-cl, the IIiiumi Uiuei -ally Imil on ilr)in luiriil report fit alter ex-Piinotnl- mi "lhiltet ball." a ro llout uuace and lier progeni Hut Hit- iiiliciited laliiess also can be mi i n led. as it is ill humans, ny pi oper diet, laboratory workers tolled DAYTON ' KELTS- Ml -ic- m sloi I:. M Vil'i 1 l.l.i I TilK CO tl Sl'F.ClAl. ill i:i;v lit I'.liY' - Gt Mel .M l.li i l( h V.. i uaio Cle.iii ei ... ii' ul.ii I. K.4 :i i Spi i sale 'ia. Ilo; , i I.Urli h I'o Phone 11.1. M.uii Mn et II A RIAL i:IM.l I i lladto I'liolloi'l apli. Slli'hlh u-i-d. Spe cial pi ll'' ( '.ill 401, W.i. lit il Ii- 11 ioii HINT 3 room unfurnished ap.ii hut nt. cas i.oige, letriitra io. lu.t v a lev lllllii-lied Av.iil al.le .L.miai ' 1 1'lioiie :"iii4-li 021-24 J NOTIl'K Ol UK-SALE NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD ('DUN'17. Under and by virtue of an or der of the Supeiior Court of Hay-! wood County, made in a special proceeding therein pending entitled Zora Hall Green et ai. vs J Craw ford and signed by his honor C. H I.eatherwood, Clerk of said Supeiior Court, and under and by value of an order of re-sale upon an advance bid on former sale made by said Cleik of said Court cneiial nroceedinS on the THE OLD HOME TOWN Bv STANLEY I 'THEY SM - HE olp hAvtwucw h .. kAEH v AUP H1T V OF THIS VNOBLO- l PXPECTH? IV ENJOY A L.04 HAPPY WWTEB IV AT HEK 1b.ouet .. , . ta WAS r-f. I nS' .lumped liooi triuk Salui- il.i. l,,; 1,1. white-fared steer, .boiil lb . li.aiUtd under Inl in t aril tai Noilly pulirr In .uliii:o It l'v I-'-1 I ..u re i old di ink bos u-, ,1 a deep fret er Slim oil. I'hoiie 1 :") W D21-24 ions vi. i: ll:r lit ell H.oti.oil -Boy's l)icyrl, 24" $20. J. D17-21 WELLS DRILLED .1,1 tt fl I- :, 'I I ,.l r ,t, ii. I,,, -. n ,i GKI.KN HKOS. WI LL DKlLUNtJ CO. . 3, C-.t,n, N. C I'l-. Cantul, i??0 Ktlt SALI lurniturP ilrcsscrs New and used used furniture with plate Rlass SIED OranRcs or Riape r a bnsliel. You pay rant!e Blossom Honey nd pouiul jars or tins. Expressable villi lb. 'The Taste Tells'. Groves, Winter Haven. V 17-2 1-24 JESTIOV Now takiitR dcrs for butter mints, isorted or solid colors mas Rift boxes. $100 I Call Mrs. J. C. .len-9-R. 1)17-21 "-- , --19:i:5 rbnioutli coupe. Xr. Excellent lires. Mew Kelmel at Richland hone 411. 1)17-21 Jlccorm' P. Bent slu- 5 piece dinette, solid pic; 4 piece malioRany ;;sel, with box -pi nu's iress. 9 sliRhtly used gowns, sizes 13 and lli. i3-W. 1)17-21-24 E 2 nice buildinR lots im Highway in Saunook If interested write or in Davis. lit 1. W.ivnes- 1)17-21-24:11 52 bouses and lots, on Creek Iioad. .lust above Creek school. See .Ion aute l. 1)17-21 ,E -- Famous NOBfJK. 0 QUEEN WAS11KKS. ears of service guaran tor immediate delivery. ' RoRers Elect ric Co. i61. if iE 134(i Ford 1'- ton lew motor, good nierhaii ildition. Can be seen at Jones Service Station on ST, If HAY FOB SAI.lv Si e Kui'fJI Shenill, Bella ! or ackeu, Waj iKsville. la. ;. ni7-2i HOME FREEZERS 5-10-30 Cu. Ft. FARMERS FEDRAIION he hn of h: BOOMS FOR BENT $7 00 jur week for one. $." 00 and $(i 00 per week per person for Iwe in one room. A few available. I.rKainc Hotel. ,f JAMES W. REED. Jit. INSTITUTIONAL fUHNlTUUt. Cnntr.it I tuiM.licrs I" l"'tirl. " court;,, l,f,iUlr,. ust.iu t". H ' I ...islil lli.il'fl !-. t.tf It t-s. Hf,liin li,,,tuH (, si.m.us ar.,1 nmttH,'ts. Ifl-liy ' l,,urie f tir n itute. n,t.t4urrtt il,uinrtl . Layouts mid ittit, i 0 n , r y turv1, it. PHONES 63 7 on J3I-W Showroom l obby Hotel . Waynesvllle mirrors. 8!.!.r) t. $24.9r.; r' liuill electric SiliKt'r SevyiiiL Machines. S7.i"i; iron beds. he(lroan suites; pianos and . . .... I .a. .-i.-.L 1 t.l t-IIOIll Sillier, liirt-t Iricviles. Every : IS . i lllC'I'll'l' iart:aiii ( J 1 - niiiMi'li'RI'. S T O K E. Phone ri(i7. Depot Street. r-u i.' r NAI!V For Christmas v.. tl. Hi- Sinners o ou e.n o Phone .r.42-M. 1)21-24 Kon MONUMENTS sr Haywood Monument Co . next to farmers F.xi hatiRC, on Asbeville Boad H. 1). Angel, manager, "hone 271-M LE One 3-ioom house, i bath, 75 ft frontal Ilich L, just below Five Point rs. Part cash, balance can inced. Tom Fee. 1). 10-14-17-21 are Coughs :m common colds J hat Hang On alslon relieves promptly be 'oes right to the seat of the uo help loosen end expel en phlegm, and aid nature and heal raw, tender, in ironchial mucous niem 'ell your druggist to sell you if Creomulsion with the un ing you must like the -way it Jlays the cough or you are your money back. iOMULSICN hj, Chest Colds, Bronchitis SPOKTSMEN The finest sportum Hoods ill Waynesvillr are -old at lioeers Electric Co. Phone 401. LOST: Small red change purse, containing bb-nt iliialtoii papers and krv " l.o-l S,liutla ileal WaMit-ville l.aiin.li Contact Mi ie l-eieuson. Ibmlf 1 Hn- 21. ! I'D I .I.A' .S il, l.dl. d If. t ' pel I cm ed men. I.ai vr 'to k ol glass. t...,l ,1 ' n. ills I'tompl st Hire Twin Citv Ola-s S.-IMtr. below I., Fame Hotel. Phone ti'.l. 'I j ' i l.nlest Itecards. liiidios Kadiu and I'honoKriipii. Eleclric Irons and Toasters. .tlusical Instrunients. Sheet Music. K.ulio Repair Service. Jones Radio and Music Co. 76 Main St. Wayn. s.ille rONCFETE BLOCKS CEMENT Hilt SAFE I). Iivo. d. or at H;,v. Block Plant. Franklin. N . Call 201, I ranklm. or !o:i. High lands. ' ,f t H( SAFE Hickory wood, "f1""1 Craiidnvi used to '"k leather hiceches with". I'll""1' I), c 2I-21-:U - Fi" M.IK I. OF HI SM I. BY COM MISSION!'.!! I'NDI'.II OKUtti OF CO! ItT NOHTll ( ' A UOFI N A . 1 1 AY WOOD CO I NTY. W ' HYATT, Administrator, et al, Expiate. Pndcr and bv virtue of an order , n. ..iipeiioi' r.iml of Haywood i.. .n..ii:tl uioceetl.- ( oiim . onto- 'li t r 1 mi; th. teiii pending, entitled V . V IP HI adiiiini .-1 rat or ol tlie mit 1 r K lhatt, el al. expiate, as will 1 ,,,. luih appear I nun the records ,,,, i, It uilh saiil coiul in the above !,.l,..l special proreeiling, and I u ,, , .,,,,1 p. virtue df an order ol ,,,, a,i aduate bid made ,,i Hmioiahle C. IF 1 .eai bet w ood i cu , k ol said Supei ior Court of ll.iiitiiod Connly on Ihe With of ID,,. Mill), the undersigned com ! , ,,. nun r will, on the 0th day of ; , i , KM!), al 12 O'cloi k noon. ! ' ! ! , i t ii,.. foio I House in W.r hi -mIIi in nit l dav nf December. 194U. the under' fneii coniniisEioner will, on Hi. 2.H h day ol Dec. 1948, at 12 ocloik noon, offer for resale, at public auction, at the Court House door, in Wa nesville. Haywood County. North Carolina, to the highest bidder, on terms of one ball ia.li and the balance on one and two ears time, subject to the ippiowil il the court, upon an .mi ning bid ol $;.:'. l.uu. a ceiiaui tract or parcel of land lying and being in White Oak Town hip. Hawi)od County, North Carolina, known as the old Snelson place, more part icului ly described as fol lows I n l Tract: BEGINNING on double Dogwood on a ridge in the I) I. Clark line and runs .. Hi., . idee N lib 30' W. :i polt s i, i a II '(Miry on the ridge; thence S. 33 30 VV. KM) poles to i Poplar in a nat branch; thence S. 1!) E. 117 poles to a Locust in a gap of ridge; thence down the ridge 124 poles lo a Birch at the point of the ridge; thence N. 7 v 7 poles lo a Birch in the I). P. Clark line; thence with said line N. 40 VV. to the beginning, con taining 10(1 acres, more or less. Second Tract. adjoining' the above and HEOINNINO on a Bin-It at Hie point of the ridge, a corner of Ihe Snelson unci anu runs N 7" E. 7 poles to a birch in the I) P. Clark line: thence lo a large Spruce Piue on the East bank f While Oak creek, 1). P. Clark ...l I Dm ket co r of old ti ai thence with VV M. Hunter's line, n ov ing I be creek, to a Birch, the beginning cornel-. This December 13. 19411. T. E. GREEN Commissioner. 11110-1)14-21 w:ri ri i i 1 ii i Hi U i y j il tl i SEEING THINGS IN TEXAS nuANKUKV. Tex. (UP)- FM nshermen thought they were wse- iiiB things when one hopked a flve-rool one-iucn And they were, too. wa h alligator. ujHT-mv SAY- IS AM OLP STOT TO MARSMAW OTBY NrVALKPW Capital Letters as yet GARNISHMENT There is now ,.i ,i,.. t,l sni eadillg in the MllOlld nil" "".' ' State for a Kariiisliee law with teeth in it hi North Carolina. Vir ginia has a law of this nature. Though it is often messy, it litis been very effective in Uie collec tion of bad accounts. The fact that there seems to be a great desire for a cold-hearted garnishment law in North Carolina is important within itself. However, more im portant is the fact that the pay ment of debts has become so slow MLJGGS AND SKEETER in this day of plentiful money that il seems necessary to attach a man's wages in order to obtain set tlement. Nevertheless, merchants in almost every section of North Carolina are pleading for a strong garnishment law. 7 ii e y want the Legislature to get on it this time. ADVERTISING PAYS TOO WELL DENVER (UP) A filling station didn't know there was supposed to be an anti-rreexe shortage in Den ver. 11 had trouble disposing of its stock and advertised in a news paper. The next morning the sta tion spent four hectic hours taking care of potential customers who lined up their cars for three blocks. NOTICK OV SUMMONS IN SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY HAYWOOP COUNTY EMMA DAVIS HENDERSON, IN- priMPETENT. by her General -i.iarHii.-v W.C Davis. W. C. Davis and wife, Mary Murray Davis, In- aiuiai.allv Robert Gaddls and wite Emma Gaddis, ana iown oi Waynesville, a municipal corpora tion. The defendants. jEmraa Davis Henderson, Incompetent, by her General Guardian W. C. Davis, W. C. Davis and wife, Mary Murray Davis, Individually, will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the supe rior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing tax liens for taxes lev ied and assessed against real es tate in Haywood County ana aue and owing to Haywood County; una said defendants will further take notice that they are required to be and appear at the onice oi ihe fleik of the Superior Court of Haywood County at the courinouse in Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the Dili day of January, 1949, or within 20 days thereafter, and answer or demur to the com plaint of Ihe plaintiff filed herein ih,. nlaintiff will apply to the Court lor the-relief demanded in its complaint. This the 2nd day of December, 1948. C. II. I.EATHERWOOD Clerk Superior Court. 1807-D7-14-21-28 - NOTICE OF SALB f. On Mpnday. December 27, W';-r at 11.00 A. M. at the couru Door itt Waynesville, llaywpod at puWle emery w i"; "7. Zt for easb, the tollirwm l4d and premise, situate, Jytng, and being in wyiTy nM:. County and State ftirtaatd, to-wit. BEGINNING at a stalte In Ui public road at the Northeast corn- ol the Mrs. Downs lot (formerly owned by Howard Arrington and tatei by Harvey Mashbuml wU runs thence with the line et ail lot 4 IT W. about 13 chains. 62 Knks to a stake ia the , Frank Compton (now Milner) line; thence ...iM, ..ia ltnp S. 86 30' J5, 3 chains, 66 links to a stake corner between Lots Nos. 19 and 20r,.thence with the line between said ww . IT E, 13 chains, ff inks to stake in the center f public! road; thence with the public road about 3 23 chains to the BEGINNING, con taining 4.B acres, more or less, Hoi no the Eastern half of Lot No. 20 of the R. A. L. Hyatt laBds as per survey and plat of Terrell and Terrell reeordea m map noon "B" Index "H" Office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Haywood County Also being the identical proper ty conveyed to Bill R. Creasman by W. E. Stansberry and wife, Edna Stansberry, by deed dated June 12, 1947, and recorded in Book page , Haywood County Registry. Sale made pursuant to power and authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee by that Deed of Trust dated July 15, 1947, exe cuted by Bill R. Creasman (single), an drecorded in Book 63, page 15, Haywood County Registry, to which Instrument and record reference the terms is heiebv made for all and conditions thereof. This November 20. 1948. A. T. WARD, Trustee. 1804 Nov. 30 Dec. 7-14-21. ,.4 V I rl BY WALLY BISHOP I THE I'l or FAMILY rjxnr i i i . v I I e, . h J uc ciory UT Vm IB 1 I f 1 ! . . o. hi fy,nr-0 fin U, V V?ti W HOLE VvW WrA0-KvO -.. h. ol I. ', ( ' and p i: i.-i, i'. ntll.FDOX.EIt h SHOVEL WOIIK -. Grading ol ail kino-.. M. Alexander Com I -v. 'u Asbeville 2-12n4. N. " -!1 7 1 , i.- yiif SATISKIKJ) with vom ' ,;.,,,. ra.miU' ' ' " '"ll i ,n, ronoi: and . m urn." free' Stanle Home Prod on' I" po i'ioii that will "" "." fro.i) s:.0i!0 a week ui. lb. ol bolt c lo I .' " ,,na:'ing. win- '"''r;";! i, i.i,i. IdiX .'l.S.i ii, cm: . i.. i) A-heville. N. C. ONE DAY 'AIR SERVICE Tie and Auto Radios RANTEED SERVICE k Up and Delivery also ompt Service on Refrigerators Small Appliances Electric Ranges PHONE 772 lio Appliance Service sement Boyd Fnrniture D21-24 Federal Bookkeeping and . ..i.. v..riii c.-i 1 1 1 1 n ; i oiler !,c u, I he hcahe-l bidder for ,,,,,,,, an oncning bid oi -a. i ,,i ohiei t to i iinfn mation , , ,,,,, i lui, certain small tracts n, hum and being in Waynes 'i . .,. iiin lias wood County. about I mile from Hardwood i. .,,,.,11 nalts of the old lhatt i" "'late and more parlicu- ,1, .ciil.ctl as follows: FIRST I I (T BEGINNING at an iron 1 1 , ih, .1. It. Ho.-.d line and in Ih, Niirlli margin of a private road :., ,.. lbcticeN.2 ' :i0' E 202 feet I n, .v, I line lo an iron stake; I., .. . , -til i-'i -if. feet to an iron 1 1 in ii . . . , I . ,i... in a dilch line: llienre S.I7 IliAV Mil leet with Ihe road to a 1 .. ..... ii,..,,,,. n hi: 3()'W with the i ,, im . ,,,.,'.. Voilhcn margin of sai.l pnvajc , ,,,,( to the beginning and rmdain i nit- :i0100 of an acre, more or less. ,, , m v. y aii'l plat by . aogeis. .Itlh Ii. 1948. ..I. i ti.ii Tit ACT: BEGINNING ; ke in ,F It. Ibiyd s line 20 leet West of a large Chestnut stump .,,! i .. I hence S.3F W. with J. R. n . ,1 line :I21 feel lo a stane, c r.l :ill W 35 feel to a 12- .... i . n..n..nl in Ihe old P. F, A i !' i hail - I hence S. H:V 30'EfilB I,,, i in :tn iron stake in the fence Ha ce ()-4;) E 297 feet to the be rinniug. containing 2.07 acres, more or less, as per survey and plat ,y N. lingers. July , !. This the 21st day of Dec, 1948. T. L. GREEN, Commissioner. 1813 D21-31 yn. 1 t i - i i 1 , . - Z. VsJOfA VrvNI V71t t.H-U u wuni (.itmT fA NADitsj-A VOUtst TO c?c nrvv Ml S- cm II Wnv4 v H: V - Wwi I-- - .Mil. Bv SWA -st-n.I Tax Service MASONIC TEMPLE BLIG. Wavnesville. N. C. Some principal rhan.es l the new 1948 Revenue Act are. 1 RplittinR of income between ' husband and wife and cor responding changes In the Fs1ate and Gift T"'- . 2. Increase In the prnnal tuemption and exemption for dependents. 3 New reduction percentases " individual Income taxea. Have your return prepared by a competent accountant who is familiar with these and ov other tax saving fea tures of the new Revenue Act Come in to see us or call 777 for an appointment. It will pay you to do so. Backache For qukk comfortiiif help for Bckmch, Rheumatic Patru, Getting Up Night. tXtoxm cloudy urln. inlUting postage. Leg Pftlna, circles under eye, and wollen ankles, due .i. .M Knn..nmli ITIriiitv an Bladder troubles, try Cyttcx. Quick, complete . . ... - - - 1 b. 1 K.V WtlSIBClIon Hiuney urnu uuauwni. am for druggt3t tor Cfitcx today. TBisgnuiruj only J124 THI MATTAO CHIEFTAIN. E..y trmi - liberal trade-iq. Com ia today. MARTIN ELECTRIC CO Phone 31 Mala EUeet F I5W ' M ., , .i1 - OLl-.-U -t Ii 1 y . - 1 I - o ll mil II I I l JWl . y si m pjal r I 1 tmm i 'jiwHf'li!. I HOU!; y. A IV ' J Va .S.l . P" I VI I J a( a rl t V I I -1 TTTTttU" S',an i" v'u "i'" """ rrl ?ii"--' - - '" ',m 1 ZZ 1 - - ' : ' ' mvt.V HlGHT ARO UND HOMfci By lJiiIH.r.Y MYRTLE i i i t i " ffl ! ft cr,cT VI PUT 'EAA Y S -THIS 'kl I BPlNG A rS , ffl all 7iiLf ff vCTl! II "II VW (1 11 I vtwSSK AtStzS ' Jf II H,fi f cVASSa-ai M l I PT W&Mm. s.fe'- H vxms h turn a i'U tirriw- I Lf3Eai-. - (l1or 148 jj,g tnturmn&ice. Inc 1otld merged , . . : : . J X . " " - " CARL C ANDERSO I rT tV! I V - - nr.iiLi . . . .. - - " - 1 ii. J L II 1 I f cO 1 . 7 7 rm 1... i . n A r.x-c BY WALT DISNKfl DONALD DUCK , -,, ,,. ,1 i. t ii i i i, i i y v hi 1 1 r f ,j r i ij IkH Tr;. - I 1 id ala . J -3 4 vU W - & n i I ' I -i-1 1 1 I -aaal m lW"'aV 11 Mr W M Jk-' ll - - - : : I 1 aaaak. - - a IK ,1, IV.- IMaiaM f T U I X aB t . . .; J 1 1! I Fk .FI f J M m "'- If i M I I ' ' 1 Fiji jM- I . . . - l-.aCWI '- J III 4 V H , I I V . jF- I aaaa. W I C BB W ,1. ft

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