ORTS PAGE Of The Waynesville Mountaineer Tuesday, December 21, 1948 law lent .tion t dlil'e law enforce in will lie held in Jioiie at 1 1 o'clock i those who desire I applv for a po-i-jrth Carolina Wild Joiiii)ii"ion as Dis- !Fi h Protector in ; George Jarrett. jirreuient supervis es iiiuming. f eligible fur parti jtt have the follow ialilicaiions: eduea d 01 heller; expel i r(t meiit desirable 1); iiit -til ill ly and intt-res.t in and il.llii'e; interest in leie-t in affair- of Jicir oryanialion ; Sof 21 and 45 years; tn devote full time 'to enloi'ce law im tl : and ability to y a physical exam 1 I Faces tcrwood iursday School D1 five will be mil Bi'ly season defeat Ilic Crabtree caK plil when they tail ors on the Wnynes Tlie game will !!et ;lil o'clock. ?ason Ihe Crabtree tile Underwood dd'cal. Since thai i - have improved ,h Ihe addition of le team handed the ;ers a (if) to 41! lick- iirsday night is ex Iniller and a large 'iited. 3 le Dec. 21 Ion 2 Ion 1 BALlt U.I. SCORES .iiK 'inlcr'onville 19 .a 21. h. li'ce 12 iiiys "il. Canton 23. a i'li ihliee 15. lie lies "ore 5(i, WCTC :i, Atlantic Chris- i y Si, Wake Forest H, I'lninan 49. f i in- on r,o. i. v- A h M 2.1. 11 .lohn's 30. Ml. liuckntll (il. Dcpaiil ri0. ''I. Navy 43. !. Kansas Slate GO h. -( ih's ,r)4. - me" is more cor i'ne '', but the fiis iv duo to a con void "rhythm". j Teams Hit Victory n Over Crahirec Foes 1 ni i: it ,, iNbiANs rss? ' vrr.;,..iw r i ir . and we 'Re i v Hmcr4 u a on,,.! i ,, , , , , , 1 1 jfvl pg&spi t jffd) I-Sciif xS v lt;::V:v.;r' ;',,',";',v'r' ff ""h " : ' "i.'i.'i. '..'I".',' RtD ROLFE V1BUCKX E SAWY R WliNlti? Hltf o rS'X lory. In. .1 t ji ,i -v Cl Tl" PPl SSl M.niioli: V.. I- the ullen-iVe "f 'he ;'.,Ue v ,, 1 ;in; M. Uii. W il.ili l M il ii. i . ( ; .,,, , ,. , hit Hi,. I,,, ,,,,,, ,,, e 111, Pi , I 'I he Il.l. Ii ;m)i r ( l eil ulll l,e I"1 ' l.n.i !.. dill. ol l,ll s'' ''oof .11 l ., , I v., ,.,M1 , action .i. .I.ii.ii.n 7 .( a i,,,. .,,,. ele vmi h Ihe : e. h.i Mi,, , ,, itl S. Ka and l 1..I1I1, v.ui. I1.1, I; ,,, lo ai -Hun :e ..11, 1 i,,e U'.i. 11, .,11, l ' 1 1 .'ll .1.' lie Vi!l,. li J;,,,,,,,, 11th. Cii I-' I, in iip: cr.diiice 11 m I'.dii.i u:;i ' M-:- ' ' l l:l h.oi . i:'i K Smith .luue- ri I'-- I). .hum C.u n il d fi--Nol..i.d !!. ..,, C; I'. .I.iine. Cu,,k ('. CahhM il I!,,, , n, , ,(;. Hull- : ( '1 ..lil 1 . e I 1 i ; ii- 1111 ( I ;iv, - lord. Cl.n l.e: It. Hi, I :, , 1 1 ; ' . . I Ii 11- Steve: on I'.ul,-. Iti 1111 up: Crahtrci- 1 l.ii lictlid i'Mi I'' Cl.'ll Ke 'III M.llllolc. 1 I I 1 I' ('l.e.dul.l Hell-(III 'le C It. : v Mini-;., d'l (I Milnii '7i (,ili-, ( ; K i ii'.land 1!. 1 re .Siilc : 1 ..lit 1 e ( '.ihlwell. II, lie el SI e e on ( ii iiL'.ui. Carol Grahl Gets Football Letter At Emporia College The Athletic I t. p.ii l 1111 i.l ul The Col lei'e ol I 'iiii.ii i.i, 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1:1 K;ni- a: h.l il 1 1:11 il 1 1 ii-i il I lie 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 lion ol ( ,11 .il ( .1 .,lil to 1,1 1 1 i. :i Icllel Ul loulh.ill I ( '. ul i:. in recoil, It 1 -ill ul In-. M'lire In Ihe Col le? e I e.11,1 dm 1111, I he I 'H.'l m .1- SOII. Carol i- the son ot Mr. and Mi Caiol I. Cr.ihl. U.imii mIIc C.nol plav 1 d 1 11 1 1 h.i, k 01, Ihe .11 ,1 mid will 1 11 1 1 e In - 1 1 uihI lei I, 1 in t ll Il.l 1 1 h,l 1111. lelli I I'll III lent il. ill l.e I ' e.11 .il ( ' ol I Ciil ul 1 .1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 !. 1 1 e 111.1)111 mt! Ill -( ii lli t .: 1 1 ' 1 I .1 inch ,1 it 1 nl the "I-!' ( lull 01 . .im.il lull ol al hi. ie wlio h.i '. 1 ii.dil.eil lor an .il lil. I ic 1.11. 1 i.l ( ! I'hr, in:- .. : 1 lie. lull- ol lidie cam." the C. ol h. I. .en v 1,11 ."1. lied 1 and hid 3. 'I V.o nl ill. 11 In . - eie h' lll.il en, nl I .old I' pullil ( u.i. ll Mill I ;,v l!i ,,v II ll.e ( ooiph I. .1 I.l- M'. uii.l .. .. nil al III. t ulh -"e idler h;i mi; . 1 e,l ill the I S. ..V (III .'e ..I ,n all A 1 1 1 1 t ic Do e( 1 1.1 Baskelhall Schedule Waives To Radio l.l-.XINCTON. K 'I I'' I 1 1 i i l il;. ol l. ul 11' In' ha I- 1 I hull ?.ll,n , with I lie I I inn nl I ' . 'tail fhi v e.'ir al .'! 03' j p in., nr lead ul I he n 11.il .'I pm. Coach .l..l'h Hupp said Ihe Piimi". would dart al the time a' ;i cunc."iun lo 'i'.lio dalion broad. .e !im; I hen. Ih aid w 1" n ,e,-uii.". he; iii'. al II I'.ui . Iliev int. 1 fcied with "n. .Hun d l..'l;up'-. c.uii nicr. iaV . ai'd Ihe like. ' Only the ui ;'i.i l e. Ii and Ala plain n h 4t7 uper Phosphate Bring Your 1949 AAA ORDERS To Us (AGENTS) tiland Supply Co. 13 At The Depot STENGELSn a" SHOTlS(S)Wte SaT' JOHNNY SAIN 3vh?Ut V JUf JoTT" --SfefZ .ZSSQA- .-J 1 AVAo;y-g.y Of TH6 VKA Tap wwoiuf i Dayton Bowling Team Registers Win Over Lions I..: I Week lil.'.li'll i;iv in the i'l' l eu I'm I .eaeiie found u. 1 i.ikiinj llnec stiiiii'lil W.e 11 l),i !, : aim 1 1 oin I lie 1 .ion-, lo leal lire Hi. mi il ii.lliiii;. In Ihe other niat.h. ., W.ud lopped Dadou No. 2 b 2 In 1 iind the ';i ncsville I'.uw Inn' I , liter look two out ol lh i.-e ii.iui 1 1 if A. C. l.iiwrcnce ( III olel '-. 'I lie I . 1 1 I ill "-, of Ihi' lca;;ue le in.'.i ne.l I In- ' anie wil Ii I he excep I ion ol I l.e tun No. 1 . which moved lulu a third place tie with the ( el ul. r War. I. look liinh series honors lui Ihe ue.k villi ii sel of 27(14 and I he W a" in die How linu Cenlci' he' h e.iiiie vulh .a !7H Wind-, . olid li.pll.il- v llll ii ill,;. .k In Hie individual sell.'-, Jim I a. l-clt ul W ards took hii'h hon v. n h a : pm h 1 1 1 1 u; (idli sel and o 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.'aiiie wilh a 231, which null one pin he low I lie league lord Iti.ickell ids.) had a 215 L'.une ct liU'li was a 214 by "Spider" Miillonl of Wards and a 213 eaine by Khner Dudley of Ihe Culsi.le k'i.in. Olher lile.h , I'.iiiie, included l II. Slrelcher and ! ('. Minell ol Ihe W HC team Willi "07 ..lid 202. I e.speet ivcly. i Wjvnrr.villr Tell Pin l.canne M.ii.mnr,'. l .Is U It I '. ( ul ule , Da- lull 1 i l).e lull 2 I .ions W L 1,. Pet. 21 6 .771! 1 5 12 . aViti 13 14 .4H1 13 14 .4111 10 17 .37(1 !) IS .333 Checker Players Of County Meet At YMCA Dec. 21 The Champion YMCA Checker chili lias -in ceded in their efforts In i.ide Tunuiiie Wl-well. clieek ei . han. p. .ui, I.i return to Canton Im uii,, Ihi i . sllihilinn Mi i well will appear at the ( li..u,,i.,i YMCA Tuesday, Dec. 21 and will lake on all comers, play- im; I ... nl; live or more at one I time, lie uill play Champion's b.-sl while blindfolded. The following local phnei - uill lie on hand to phe aeaiu I Mr Wisnell; M. W;ir i. n. Sic M. Klralh. Jim Hardin. W. . William--. I. iicd Hardin. Jeter M.-ii tin K. Ilv Will. I'iHil Wheeler. A M tail hrollier and Charley Hardin. I'lavei"- from Ashcvilli'. Waynes- mII. Clde .-in. I other .sections of V. "l. in . ii III Carolina will be ,. eleomed h Ihe Checker club. Tin-- e i ul Hill he rlai'.ed in the " Y " C;. m ami l!ie-s will be set uii lor lenl live players al each -illiii!'. The public is invited to all. nd. Bulldogs Gain Close Win Over Cats 'B' Team The Asheville - Biltmnre quintet, -paiked h .lack Brinkley and Ren in Ih Hud. en. banded the Western Carolina "It" team a 56 to 49 de teal Thuisday niRlit. The tron? Bulldogs had to go all out to turn back the baby Cats. The game was close throughout vdlh the Bulldogs leading 27 to 22 dt the half. Brinkley and Rudeen hit the loop for Ifi points each for the Bulldogs while Pardue tossed in ,15 for Western Carolina. Pardue performed brilliantly and was con cluded as the outstanding player of the game. WCTC "B" A-B F Rhodes (9) Brinkley (16) F Williamson (7i Petillo (8 C Pardue d5l Israel (10) G FoEter '2 Rudeen (16) G Martin (8) Dale (2) Subs: WCTC Ethridge, Sluder, Scruggs .6), Tilley, Norton: A-B Carter .21, Colegarakis, Leeson, Thompson i2i Bunn. Until the 19th Century, nine out of 10 persons in America spent all their working lives producing and marketing food. , -r Boston Braves UrdJtf PUSCC TEt W""L'l & SH stam Job-Hunting Days Over For New Chisox Chief By FRANK 1CK AH NcN..leaU.I .", Spoi ls Kdilor MAV YOHK Some people ..in chance a tune o i rnhilil . Take Jack On-low for instance. Two years ai;o he was looking for a job iiround World Series heatlqiiar ters in Hoston. Onslow didn't even have a ticket for (he Series between the Ited Sox and ('animals. He had trouble Heltinn nilo lied Sox press bcad ipiai lers. TIiIn fall It was (lilTi renl. Just before the I!I1S Series started between the Braves and (Teve I.iiiiI Indians people were asU iiiK (Insluu for a job. He had just been appointed ni.iiiiii.cr of the Cliicar.o Whil; Sox. The former Detroit ami New York (Hani cat. her next spi iin.' yets his his I Hun.1, at inaiiat-'liiii; a bit; league club at the ai;c ol !!! lie rose to the top alter a two year hitch in Ihe While Sox chain In Ihe sprint; of 1047 be was a While Sox scold and tatitied along to Pasadena, Calif , lor sprint-' training. A few wetk-- lalei he was named nianat-'cr ol the Water loo, Iowa, Wlult'hawks in the Three I League. Onslow and (Ins Memphi: Soul hi i n ( liicksaw s led the luh lo the title spnny he iii.iii.'ii.'h.I the ( P.. h the While Sox A-.'o. i.ilion team. The line lied lecond One of his slurs was Hugh Mulcahy, the lornitr I'hlllie pitcher who won 14 c.iines and lost seven. Aniilb.r was (.rover Rowers, yotniK uiilln Id. r who hit .34(1. Both will Ik- Inoiii.lit lip by the Sox next (.print;. "Win n Mulcah' came In Mem phis he app.ai.d lo have hid all conlidenoc in hunell." -as Ons low. "When the season was over llui'Iuy (anie to me and ?aid: 'Jack. . 1 1 1 i . 1 the man rcponsihle tor my omi ba. k.' "There wa- nothing wront; with Mull ..lis- arm win n he came back lioin the .-rvice. Hut he was 1 1 1 1 1 1 . to pil ll -id. ai in md. ...1 of his normal overhand delivery When I saw Ibis I d slop Ihe f-'anic and tell lliifh. v that he was throw inr; - i.l. arni ne tead ol over- THE RIGHT PITCH iPAUL EDWA HNPCHS SeMAIAfiy BTVOVK ftASHSS WAT MAY B A $ 7SOOO SMtL THE . PUMOGED AtfOUMT Of TME BO,VOS THE i A Y YANKEES fP I 7i s&a Tzs youthful N PTCHER tVMO WAS SOUGHT 8 2 rtAJOR minor veAf? PAUL STRUCK k OUT- 32 S4TTEX V TVS AST 9 i i I i 'Jil. AMD Z I -V -,i--ff boms I 7v?-' JfvirJCz r' air hf Uii' i Vif 1 haJfca,- ijg, , MIBI M mi , iirW"" -; s -" t ffi '&: x A I JACK ONSI.OW (iets Firot Fling hand. ' in going to make room for Mulcahy.-1 want to give him chance to get back in the big leagues just as he helped me to get back by winning in Mem phis." Onslow, who began his organ ized baseball career Ml (lie age pf 2o wlivn he reported lo Dallas hark in 1909, plans an accent on speed. "This While Sox rlub we put on the held next sprint! will bw a run niiii; club, .miii can be firre of that." The resident of West Acton, Mass., served as a coach under Bill McKiclmle wtth the Pirates and Cardinals and was with Bueky Harris in Washington. He also coached for the Red Sox and scouted for the Braves. He has been with 18 different teams in oii;anized ball. Onslow realizes that be is sue reeding one of baseball's nicer coys in replacing Ted Lyons and thai from what the Sox showed during 1043 he has little to boast about. However, the young fellows and a veteran named Mulcahy like the way be handles players. By Alan Mover Bearcats Divide Twin Bill With Canton High The Canton High Black Bears and Ihe llendersonville Bearcats split a (ioubleheader Saturday night on the llendersonville floor with the Canton girls winning an easy 38 to 19 verdict and the Bear cat boys walloping the Canton boys 51 to 28. The Canton girls jumped into an early lead and maintained it throughout the game. Sarah Fish with 19 points set the pace for the Bearettes with Miss Griffin adding 11. Miss Taylor wilh seven points was high for Die llen dersonville' girls. The llendersonville boys, after leading ten lo nine in the first quarter, nroved out in front by 22 to 12 at the half. Mot; raw, lanky center of the Bearcats, started bil ling the loop consistently and the Bearcat lead was never threatened in the last half. McGraw with 17 and MrCullough with IS points sparked the llender sonville team while Moore came fhrough with 11 for the Bears. Girls' lineup: Canton (.18) llendersonville (19) F Fish (19) Walker (2) F Griffin (111 Smith F Ford Price (3) G Hardin Osteen O Harvey Taylor (7) G MeCreary Tweed Subs: Canton Parharn, Brinks, Cabe (2), Johnson, Crawford (2), Queen, Brookshire i2), Duckworth; llendersonville Johnson, Baker, Heiidrix 16), McGraw, M. Johnson. Boys' lineup: Canton 2K) llendersonville (51) F Wells (61 Morgan 2) F KinR (5) McCullough (15) C Phillips (3) McGraw (171 G- Stiles (3) Burnette (4) G Moore (11) Whit entire (9) Subs: Canton Stroupe, Alexan der, Puindexter; llendersonville Orr (2), Kalin, Young, Dunlap. Underwood's Pull Upset Win Over City Electric Underwood's upset the league leading Cily Electric five Wednes day night in a Haywood County league game on the Champion YMCA floor. The score was 65 to 42. Underwood's jumped into an early lead and led throughout the game. They held a 28 to 16 ad vantage al halftime and roared back in the last half to increase the lead. Harry Jaynes, the latest new comer to the Underwood squad, paced the locals from his center spot by dropping in 24 markers during the contest, Joe Cline and "Pig" Troutnian tossed in 13 each to aid the winners. The win marked the fourth straight triumph for Underwood's arid the team seems to be in high gear now after a slow start. CANDIDATE COMES CLEAN BISMARCK, N. D ( U P.) Usher L. Burdick, North Dakota congressman-elect, believes in telling the vhole story when he files his cam paign expense account. The state ment Burdick filed with Secretary of State Thomas Hall included $115 for a new suit and $27 for shoes and shirts. Reason Season GIVE yourself a Christmas present the gift of oppor tunity. Holiday time is a good time to get set for the future in a real career with the new U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force. Active life. Exciting work. Investigate now. Call at Post Office Bldg., Asheville, N. C. Tech nical training. Free retire ment plan. Security for the future. Mountaineer Gage Teams Are idle ;0nBl Jonnary 1 '. The Waynesville Mountaineers will not swing back into action un-1 til January 7th when they face the Clyde cagesters in Waynesville High gym. The Waynesville girls boast of two straight victories at the present while the Mountaineer boys have one win and one loss. The Waynesville girls got off to a fast start in the 1948-49 season when they topped the Crabtree girls by 27 to 18 and then outclass ed the Fines Creek girls by 32 to 15. The local girls have flashed a smooth passing game and a couple of crack shotmakers in Betty Shee han and Margie Cogdill. Miss Shee han has averaged 15 points a game and Miss Cogdill is close behind with a 12 point average. The Waynesville team boasts of the best guards in recent years In Peggy Sheehan, Bess Francis and Miss Farmer. The opposition has been able to tally only 33 points in two games and the Fines Creek team could score just five points in the last three quarters of the game Tuesday night. The Waynesville boys opened their season with only four days practice and almost came through with an opening game win but the Crabtree basketeers roared from Sanla Claus - Take Hole At RAY'S You will find in the Junior Hoys' Department at llay's .... Just about anything and everything for boys of a practical and wearable nature. SIZES TO 17 2ND FI.OOK Jackets-Mackinaws-Sweaters-Slacks Wool Shirts - Sport Shirts - Pajamas Dungarees And Overalls All Sizes MAY'S BOYS' DEPARTMENT behind to hand the Mountaineers last minute defeat by th narrow margin of five points.- ' : in th ooronri eame of the sea son, the Mountaineers entered the game as underdog sgamsi uie strong Fines Creek team, which was undefeated in five starts, 'the Mountaineers grabbed an early lead and scored at ease to wallop the visitors by ,54 to 28. . The Mountaineers 6howed one of the smoothest passing games seen here in years and also blessed with plenty of height, the team controll ed both backboards air through the game. Bill Sutton, Mountaineer center, Gene yarborough and P.uf us Liner, guards, all over the six foot mark, along wifh Tom Boyd and Bob Davis have set the pace on both offense and defense. Sut ton Is the top scorer of the team with an average of 14 points a game. The teams are taking time out for the Christmas holidays now but will start tossing the ball into the loop again the first week of Janu ary and if the Mountaineers con tinue the same pace that they have started out at, , every indication points toward one of the best sea sons in the history of the school. Wool Shirts In all sizes from 6 to 20. Pajamas In all sizes from 6 to 13.

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