! -a TODArS8MILE .. .. . -That em.tt I T herd . w Wk "lZ; rfMK.ld-H father wm a t.bae. eer aad hi w The Waynesville MouSf a iews of Hay WiU be found this issue. Of The Great Smokountains National Park Q T Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance U J0M- iTooTrTdceln --r-riVnTTlwDAY. DECEMBER 24. mi ' man. No. 102 24 PAGES Associated Press mid I'nitcd Press News ' ' - ' Oft hi' mfifm U W W WM 1 MM mm Ml mm J ga Tl'tll 'y GOV. CHERRY lit ' - T : , tCw4 Martlets 1-lflle toad Essepa For Fairmm - T struction of 19-mile, of the water- eve roa f m W ynesv tlUM Governor Cherry s act , highway program started back m section, and go through tne lamou r.B. The ,.oad will also link the Foothills Park J. j ...:n linlr th Foothills Park l ne rtiau win ..- way in Tennessee, ana, P" wayiuv only 51 miles from Newport over a stand ard highway. The proposed routing is to go from here to Cove Creek, a distance of 14 miles, then to White Oak and follow. the Pigeon river for 19 miles to the North Carolina-Tennessee state line. It is only 18 miles from the line to Newport. Action on the road was culminated in July, 1945, when member of the State Hhway Commission together with offi cials of the National Park Service met here and discussed a general development pro gram of highways and the Blue Ridge Parkway in this area. At that meeting, a tj noViom nf thf commis- . .. i J n sion, pointed out tnai ne was uiut Se Road Wwhj Pa , , it II; '"'If'