0-2'-'J S ..... k elights f The News - , Enjoy 'Loafing' New Year's Eve Lank Knutti will do L has not done since 9 i v ,ge lie is lamiig nc musician, ana in great . ,,ianlst for dances. L is not playing just L New Year's Eve by feg the ivories. Just Lars it has been since ge i noc Kiiu" ut minors cannot be Mother Nature ttiest Trees hnn.p had beautiful rees some still have lot a single one came xecs nature decorated 1 n4nn s over in me v-aiiiun the rain turned to sleet, Ihe forests silver. eve night, all day knd even on Sunday, ipaikled and glistened or the sun hit the sn- jople from here went h the "Winter Wonder- a Men To Tn Rail Game faynesville boys will mselves into tne sugai at New Orleans Satur- are Joe Morrow anu t. both members of the if North Carolina band. tians played for a num- irs in the high school g Money In Your iocsn't Help Any of Lions gathered the to count the hundreds from the Dime Board. fas a little more tedious Ihought, and after work- wee hours, some of the lontinued to count in However, the bank ept the latter counting ,sil slip the next niorn- raper Keeps Dog from Fire Plug one confused doe in finity Wednesday morn g the rain and wind !irBe piece of red paper, from a billboard, blew n Street, and became mood the fire plug In flic First National Bank. keel over to the fire plug. a-; he was a lew reel red paper came to life keel terrifically in the 1p loi! tucked his tall be- i legs, and with utter f walked away, keeping the queerest fire plug jh-r encountered. Ian Substitutes Luck Menu" our pressmen, a great Lady Luck, wants to do t to retain their friend- ecided that since he can- black-eyed peas and hog 1 substitute green peas k chop. Asked how he rd a pork chop, replied: here I begin trusting in ical Market fed at Noon Thursday) irent rollertinn fi0e-65c fns 20c-28c ns 15c 10c . 32c-36c Dcr Itin Ihe 2.75 Wef row 20.00-23.00 Jfcrs 24.50-27.25 s 22 50-24.00 s 28.00-32.00 24.30-26.00 lbs 24 25-25.50 December 31 Fair and 1 Waynesville tempera- I rpenrHcrt hnr fh EtJtfT nf f Test Farm): Max. Min. Rainfall . jther fiS I Press fets&S 48 42 42 35 '48 47 .:-.": " 35 31 24 8 11 27 42 .74 .53 .86 The Waynesville Published bird LA It No. ki;i Six Injured, Three Cars Demolished In Accidents County Schools Open Monday After Two-Week Christmas Vacation Some 9.000 students in the county school system will trek back to school Monday morning to resume their routine school duties of 'reading, 'riling and 'rithmatir after enjoying a two week Christmas vacation. The schools in the county closed for the holidays Friday. December 17 and will open again Monday, January 3. Recreational Program For Community Urged At Fete Speakers at the annual llael vvood baseball team baniuet were unanimous in urging that this com munity seek a full-time supervised recreational program, with ade quate facilities. George BisholT. president of the team, in pointing out the ac complishments of the team for the past" season, said: "We need a supervised program for our young people. There is interest in the proposal here, and ue need to get action on the subject." Mr. Bishoff was followed h (' E. Wcatherby. principal and coach of the high school here, who point ed out the value of sports attribut ed to clean living, and building up morale in youth as well as older people. Hi' cited Ihe definite need tor a full-time supervised program and a recreational center. M. H. Bowles, district superin tendent of schools, briefly address rd ft" fvoi'p m; tbr 'aine line thought He praised the team tor (heir accomplishments, then point ed out the lack nf a program for boys and girls, especially during the "idle summer" months. A presldent of the Boosters flub, he said that organization was Kit) pe r rent behind such a program The team was hosl In tin wives and a few friends at their annual banquet at The Lodge lack Smith, manager, th.inl.ed the players for their "lighiin', spirit" and cooperation, lie will not be here for next summer, he said. Several of Ihe invited gue-ds spoke rriefl; before Ihe lenm held Ihe annual business session and elected managers for Ihe IfMIl sea son. (See spoils page for details . Services For Mrs. Moss Are Held In Canton Funeral services were conducted at the Canton Baptist Church on Tuesday afternoon for Mrs Mary McCrackcn Moss, 46, wife of A B Moss. Jr.. who died on December 19 in Buenos Aires. Argentina. The Rev. R. P. McCracken. pastor of the Lake Junaluska church, offici ated and interment was in the family cemetery at Crabtree. Serving as pallbearers were Wayne and Hugh Rogers. Paul Mc Cracken, Mack Rogers, Donald Medford, and Hugh Noland. Mrs. Moss, a native of Haywood County, was the daughter of the late W. D. and Ellen McCracken Since her marriage she has lived in various cities in Alabama and (See Mrs. Moss Page 8) Slight Drop In Business, Less Profits, Mo War Forecast In Sanson's '49 Survey By: ROGER W. BABSON 1. Total volume of business for 1949 will be less than that of 1948 There surely will be many soft spots. General Business 2. Most industries will show mailer nei profits. This A " means that, in I ' ' many cases, div- l -tm W 1 1 idends will be less in 1949. 3. Military prepare d ness will be a new and power ful industry which this coun try never here tofore experienced In peace times. It i destined to bolster employ- Twice-A-Week In TIim County 12 PACES Associated ot hi,-h.., . .icc-i-lenN in I" opl . ,md demolished and did cs.cn- im- Ham. "I -1 ii I hn o ''' '" i dm i-i.; Hi,- wcek l"i u tie lid. i "'" 1-Vvi-, ol ll,iehood. is "i Hi.- Mis lun luispil.il ulTcring limn a l iiken l.-g. broken collar 'nr. ai d other injuries sustained v. la n lus l'l mouth crashed oil' ilighv..iv i-. ..ml ;;j jo a tree not lai from the HatclitT Cove road inlei secili.n The crash hap pened about fi o clock Wednesday. Wrapped Around Tree So Is, dls u.iv ihe car wrapped around the tree that a truck was used In rescuers to pull the car oil. and cMracI the diner A re port at noon Thursda from the Mission Hospital, in .sheille. gave Mr l;cis' condition as "fairly good" He worked on a switch en gine of the Southern railway at Canton The tree into which he crashed is tin- same one that a lauudrx truck hn about a year ago and killed a man It was raining at the time and the highway was slick The car was completely de molish",! About six o'clock Wednesday afternoon a Kurd pick-up truck crashed into a narked truck in East W.iv in sv iPe, hurt nig two passen gers and drmai.'ing the truck about $21)0 1'oliccnien Noland and lingers, together wit h Patrolmen Mays and Woolen, arrested Joe Parks driver. He will he given a hearing this afternoon. The two passengers. Carl Dry son and Hug'i Chambers, sullcrcd culs about the lace and head Hot b were released afcr receiving trea m nt at Ihe hospital. Ilcud-On Crash Three men suffered njuries about 2 o'clock (hri.lm.is nioining. in a be id on ci ash on South Main Sir. el Ml liner weie treated at He- ho pllal. one being relea e(! sev eral lioiii s lalei and I be other ..ui on lined. -x aflernoon I'lW ami eh.-i and lie-.s. a. oll'o t'aidl'.ell CalH'vrll wa i -- . i, ... lib .! iviinf w hile drunk Me; i-i- villi public diunken oftirrr :.iid Swan Jenkins was tin- other Injured man in the collision 1 lie Jenlf in , -car was dina-i- l between T-7(i0 and $1.0(11) The Caldwell car w .is . nbl lor junk A car owned hv I) C Davis tin lied over three times early ( In i .' ii Li-, morning near Dellwood. wrb no injinie'. 'iiMcicd liy any one, it wa. lrpolle-1 Kranl; Davi. in charge of w-reck-i.Ser Six Hurl Page HI E, F And G Drivers Must Obtain Licenses By Today Christmas Sled Owners Are Elated Over Fine Snow Fall Thursday Owners of new Christmas sleds were e'ated to find skiffs of snow Thursday morning, and the tops of the mountains covered. Throughout the morning, a few line Hake's fell, but were blown away or melted as fast as they fell. Cars coming from some nf the higher gaps were covered with an inch or more of snow. Sledders were watching the low leaden clouds with keen an ticipation as The Mountaineer went to press. CORPEMNG RETL'RXS Wayne Corpening, county farm agent, returned to his office Tues day morning following an opera tion at the local hospital. 11)49 IN A M'TSHELL By Roger W. Babson General Business Off 5f National Income Off Farm Income Off 15 Bituminous Coal Off 5 Anthracite lr'r Crude Oil Production Vp Sr Steel Output ' P Automobiles lTP Building - Construction Off 29ri Lumber off 5'' Foreign Trade Vp 5"t Airline Passenger Miles Up 10 A Military Activities Including Aircraft Up 50 Retail Trade Off 57f to 10 ment for some years ahead, but not the standard-of-living. 4. Inventories quoted at both their dollar values and in volume Seat of Haywood County At Press and United Press News Senator's Aid J A MT.S RICHARD Ql'REN Queen Chosen Staff Member Of Broughton Sen.itor-eleel .1 Mchille Hrough lon today aniiounced the appoint ment of .lames liichard Queen of W ax ne.sx die as a member of his stall The appointee, who had two years experience with the Veterans diiiinislration folbrwing his mili tary serxice in World War 11. will be classified as secretary and will have particular charge of all corre spondence, claims and inquiries relating to veteran affairs. The 30-year-old appointee is a native of Haywood County, gradu (See Richard Queen Page $ , - - x-- " sv - ii !t i Fire Levels Home Occupied By Family With 5 Children Inspection Lane Will Return To Waynesville Tuesday For Three Days The mechanical Inspection l-'.e -ill rituri'i o Waynesville for three days next Tuesday throne h Saturday. January 4 tt. according tn a schedule released this morning by the Motor Ve hicle Department. All vehicles nf the year model up to and includinu the year I !:!( must be inspected hy January 31. I!ll!. t nder (he Inspection law. all lecislered ehicles in the state must he Inspected twice a year after the IS1K inspection. The inspection lane will make another appearance here Feb ruary 11 through 2(1. Motor vehicle drivers whose sur j names begin with K, F or (I are re ! minded thai today is the deadline (or sec uring drivers licenses. W M. Moore, local examiner, emphasized this morning. The local examiners office, lo cated in the court house, was flood ed with last minute motorists who wailed until the final day to gel their licenses renewed. Mr. Moore reported ll'.nl it will be impossible to check all applicants before the deadline. Drivers tests for this group be gan July J. and will end Friday I midnight. Additional workers may I be added to the local office in order to handle the expected rush. The E. F and G groups, caught j operating cars with old drivers ! licenses after Friday are subject I to arrest and a fine of not less than $25 for the first offense. This ' misdemeanor is punishable by a I (See Driver's License Page 8) will increase during 1949. Both raw material piles and mamifac lured good will be in greater sup ply during 1949. Commodity Prices 5. Some rationing or priorities may be attempted in 1949. The public will make demands for price controls in the case of certain products. Beware of installment purchases in 1949. 6. We expect the peak in whole sale commodity prices has been reached for this cycle. We, there fore, advise going easy on inven tories. 1949 is a time to get out of debt and stay out of debt. 7. The retail price of some goods, other than food products, may be, higher during 1949, but we believe that the Cost-of-Living Index has (See Babson's Report Paffe 8) M The Eastern Entrance Of The WAYNESVILLE. N. C, FKIDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1948 Civil Court Term Opens January 10 The civil term of Haywood coun ty superior com I x. ill convene here for txo xweks starting Monday. January 10. wilh Judgt Dan K Moore of Sxlxa occupying the bench A crowded cixil ducket consist ing of a lengthy list ol divorce rases and several civil suits will he tried dining Hie court session The criminal session of superior etiii'i will get underway in Feb ruary The jurors impaneled for tile fust week ol jury duty are llie fol low ing: (Ilenn Clark. Kines Creek: Kred Wood. W ax iirsx 1 1 1 -; .1 It Users, lieix erdani; Kruce Sellars. Clyde; John Tittle, Wax ne.sx ille; Dewey Green. Hoax erdani: I. em Sliepard. W ay nesx ille. C arl llry son. Iron Dull; Edgar Hnn,n, Clyde; John Ciiaslx, Waynesville. Columbus Uich. Iv v Hill. Marion K i kial rick. Kines t'reek Kred Mann. Heaver dam S .1 Moody. Ivy Hill; Andy Itec loi , Crahlree; Matt Caldwell. Clyde: It C. Morrow. Clyde; Deity Nor man. Waynesville: 1) A l'erry. Heaverdam; Charlie Hranson, Bea verdam: llernian lihiiu-barl, Clyde; S E llipps Heaxerdam; Mrs Sam Arlington, Waynesville: S C. Wood. Heaverdam; and Mrs Eliza helh Carver, Jonathan. Fire of an undetermined origin, fanned by a In isk wind and fine snow, leveled a four . room box bouse in Ille H.n liei sv lib- seclion of Haywood county aioiind noon Thill sd.iv, Ihr lire drpat Inn Ml le poi led T he Iioiko w as or upied bv Mr. and Mrs Hubert llrtvle mid live small children with the oldest he mp, nine Ve.n-i of are The house was owned by llutsl Itiiigin and was valued between $!l(l(l unci $1(1(10 hv Ibe ownei Fire eh part niriil official'; report ed that Hie house was a complete loss and nothing was saved. not even Ihe overcoat that Mr llovle wore home for lunch or the small h.ibS's bottle. 'Ihe mo, I (ol lunate tiling, ullicals said, was the far! dial no person was injured as lire gulled Ibe homo The lire wa , completely out of control when the local fire diparl menl arrived on Ibe scene shortly after noon .xesleida.x The file de partment used Ille Mill gallons of water on Ihe booster line lo keep another house nearby from catching alire. The city's si reel washer was called to the scene, hut to no avail. Mr. Hoxlr is employed by the Waynesville Lumber compan.v. lb had just arrived home for lunch when he found the house going up in flames His wife and small chil dren had escaped Ihe blaze which was said to have started in the kit chen. At press time eslerdax , Mr. Iloyle had not iound a place to lodge his family and were in des perate need of clothing, food and furniture that once was available in the four-room house Only ashes, smoke, traces of iron materials and two chimneys were all that re mained of the Iloyle homestead. Services Held Thursday For R. L. Whitner Robert L. Wintrier. 78, native of Hawood County and retired farm er, died Tuesday morning at his home at Houle 1. Waynesville. Funeral services xxere held Thursday afternoon at Ihe Pleasant Balsam Church with the Rev. Thomas Erwin. Rev. Ben Cook, and Rev. Woodward official ing Burial was in Green Hill Cemetery. Serving as active pallbearers were Fred Tittle. Clarence Moore. (See R. L. Whitner Page 8) License Plates Not Selling Fast Srles are behind schedule for 1949 license plates, according to the Canton Chamber of Commerce, a branch of the Carolina Mo! or Club, handling sales. The Canton office said about 1. 500 plates have been sold to date. The gross sales for 1948 tags hit the 7,000-mark. Motorists have un til January 31 to secure their tags, but unless sales pick up. officials fear a lafst-minule rush might necessitate some "parking" their vehicles about February first. OUNTAINEER Great Smoky Mountains National Park Revaluation Be Called Tennessee Leaders Praise Cherry For Road Decisiong.ntu Board Monteith Named Scout Council Head Hugh Monteith of Sylva was elected president of Daniel Hoone Boy Scout Council at the annual business meeting held in Asheville Moiii'..i night He succeeds L. Y. Higgerstall of llendecsonville Oilier officers named are F. B Gardner of 1 lendersonville. lirsl vice president, and Carlton Peyton ot Canton, second ice president, liiggri -staff, council commissioner; 11. C .1 oi vis. treasurer and Mun is l.ipiusky, assistant treasurer, both ol Asheville. It .Lee Kills, Harry W. Love and lliggei staff were re-elected to Ihe national council. Gardner was named to the vacancy on the hoard, to serxe until 1931. Directors who will serve until l!l."i2, all of whom were re-elected, are Line, Lipinsky, .larxis, W. I' Lawrence of Canton, the Itev. .1 White Idclings of Asheville, W. C. Hennessee of Sylva and the Itcv liiilus Morgan of Franklin. These leaders of the Daniel Hoone Council will be installed at the Scooters Convent inn to be held ill Asheville. January 1(1 Funeral Services Are Held For J. Fred Henry Funeral services for Joseph Fred lli-iu x. 47, native of Wavnrs ville, who flied iii an Asheville hospital Monday, were held at the l-'irst Methodisl church here Thurs day mm uiug. The Rev W Ci Gregg, pastor of tin' Svlva Melhodlst Church. nlTi ended and interment v.as in Green Mill Ccinelerx Serving as pallbearers weir Koss Caldwell .lames Sullon. Simon Da vis. Lerox Sossman, James Mveiy, and Jack I.ydax Mr. Henry was Ibe son of the ; late Mr and Mrs .1 H llenrx o! i Wax nesville He had operated a dry cleaning business at Bryson City for the past eight years and was a member of the Bryson City Rotary Club. Before going to Bry son City he was connected wilh the ! Wax nesx ille Laundry, and a! one period lived in Sxlxa. Surviving are Ihe widow. Mrs Mary Geisler Henry: a son, Joseph Henry; a daughter. Mary Bess Hen ry: two brothers. James Henry of (See Fred Henry Pase 8) New Year's Eve Ball Set Friday Night At Armory A New Year's F.xe Ball, spon sored by the Waynesville Junior Chamber of Commerce, will be staged Friday, Decem'uer 31. in the Armory starting at 9 o'clock. Teddy Martin's popular orches tra will provide music for the oc casion A large crowd is expected to attend to "See the Old Year Out - The New Year In". Advance tickets may be pur chased by members of Ihe Jaycees and also at the door Friday night. First Baby Born In County In 1949 Will Receive Gifts The first while baby born in Haywood county in 1949 will be showered with a number of valua ble gifts donated by business firms of Waynesville and Hazclwood. Haywood's first 1948 baby last ear was Veda Jo Haney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haney of Canton Several business establishments in this vicinity are offering special gifts to the first born white baby of 1949. Belk-Hudson company will give a complete baby layette valued at $14.50; E. J. Lilius Jew eler is giving a sterling silver fork and spoon set: Junaluska Supply company will give an electric bot tle s-tprili7er: Garrett Furniture $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Of Property May By Commissioners Carolinians ar.d Tennesseans are slill talking .iImiui the recent $450, 0(1(1 appropriation hy Governor Cherry to build a modern highway from Cove Creek to the Tennessee line lo connect with the Newport road Tennessee stale officials have come forth with elaborate state men; s of praise of Governor Cberrv s action, and promised "we will nieel .vou at the line with our road al any lime" That, in part, is the sum and substance of their attitude towards the .rl-mile water level, lai in to inai ket road from Wax nesx ille to New port. Over in l!;earil. Duncan Mc Diiim.dd. a leader in getting High wax No U7li I mm here to Brevard completed, wind this newspaper: "Congratulations on the Waynes ville to Newport farm-to-market road This is the greatest piece of news that could happen to North Carolina. Tennessee, South Caro lina, and Georgia, as It connects the Canada lo Key West overseas ; highway through beautiful Hay I wood county and Waynesville Thank Governor Cherry and Com missioner Noland for Ibis wonder ful piece of w ork " The Newport Plain Talk and Tribune gave the story big head lines across Ihe en! ire front page, then two columns of reading mai ler on the front, and also Inside pages In a Iron! page editorial, i lie New port paper lermed the .highway of national importance". i point i nt out This road U Tif great national Importance. It kirts Ihe Kastern end of Hie Great Sniokv Mountains i National I'aik. and when all other loads now planned are completed, it will give visitors an opportunity i of seeing Hie park I roll) all sides 'Aside from the national im portance, it will he a great boost j (or Fast Tennev.ee and of course nieaii more lor Cnckc and Greene 'counties than anv others. It will make a more progressive commun ity on! ol the southeastern par! of the cou nly "II is good fo know that Tennes see lias already approved the road from Newport via Fdwina and no lime should ') lost in furl hering the project so 1h.il we can meet Norlh Carolina al the line " M O Allen, a former Tennessee highway commissioner, who lias i (See Tennessee Road Page HI Stores Will Remain Open Saturday; Post Office To Close Business will go on as usual in most business establishments in i Waynesville on Saturday. New ; Year's Day, according to a sur , vey made this morning. I All downtown stores will re main open Saturday and Monday Dave Felmet. president of the j Merchants Association, reported. J The Post Office will close its service windows and suspend de ! liveries of mail on Saturday. January 1. it was announced by Postmaster .1. Hardin Howell. The First National Bank will be open Saturday, according to an announcement made by Jona than Woody, president of the bank. Business in general in Canton, including downtown stores, will be closed Saturday. New Year's Day. it was reported bv officials of the Merchants Association. company is dona! ing a nursery lr;.iner: Firestone will give a baby tar seal. Hazrlwnod Pharmay will give SI 00 worth of baby merchandise anything in store i; Crawford Funeral Home will give a free ambulance service from the hos pital: Waynesville Laundry will offer two weeks dry cleaning ser vice; Pet Dairy will give 15 quarts of milk; Builders Supply company will give one gallon of paint, com-, plete wiih thinner for baby's room and furnishings: the First State Bank will give a $? 00 savings ac count. All details of the baby contest will be found on. page fixe of this kue. TODAY'S SMILK f. There's a lot tf men im this world who started at the bottom and stayed there. -a - Tav T ictinrr jNot To Start Meets Mon. Tax listing in Haywood will not start until after the meeting of the Board of Commissioners here Mon day. The board will then decide whether to call for a revaluation of property, make a horizonal raise, or keep the present valua lion on property. The Board will also discuss the possibility of a cut, ic was learned from George A Brown, Jr., county manager and chairman of the board. The Board in discussing the pos sibility of a revaluation, met with Ihe problem of getting qualified people to handle the work. Most qualified people are too busy. Ihe board has learned In fact, the usual large number of applications from people to serve as just listers are lacking this year. Mr Brown pointed out that so far the board has only received appl ications from two people in the entire county. Usually by this time the board is loaded down witli ap plications for the places in each township. The regular schedule for tax listing begins on January firs!, but due to the lack of listers, and (lend ing the decision on a revaluation, llie listing will begin a Utile late. To have a revaluation at this time means that appraisers will have lo check each parcel of land ind each building and pit! them down for a current appraisal This procedure takes time, and rill cost the county about $12,000, it wa est intellect In the meantime. Ihe onmiin.;. soncrs are Irving lo deride on the best course, and on Mond will come to a definite decision. Lions Club Goes Over Top In Drive For Relief Funds The Lions Club raised a Iriial of S 1 ,515. 1 I on the dune bo,o d and I wo radio shows, il wa. revealed Ibis morning bv Lester liui hiii, Jr. chairman of Ihe health and welfare committee. Mr. Hurgin reported Ib.d lh" Lions Club has clothed around 10:2 needy children in Ihe coim'y schools and plans are bring made to cloth 15 or 20 more w hen .c hoed opens again Monday morning. The original goal set by the Lions Club was $1,200 to p u to; the clothing bought la. I week in outlining the children "The Lions Club was very ap preciative to the people of Wax nes ville for their fine cooperation in the dime board and I wo radio shows." Mr Burgin said. Father Of Mrs. J. L. Edwards Passes Fune ral services were held Tues day at Rural Hall, near Winston Salem, for Henry O Hei ..aheck. father of Mrs J L. Kdwards of Wax nesville Mr and Mrs. Kdwards xxere visiting the latler's parents for the Christmas holidays when her father died on Sunday Mr. Helsabeck was a lifelong resident nf Rural Hall, and taught in the Forsythe county schools laler entering the mercantile field and then becoming a farmer He had been seriously ill for about txxo months. He is survived by his widow, five daughters and two sons. Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 7 Injured .... 43 (This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).

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