PAGE FOUR 'of interest to women SOCIETY and CLUB ACTIVITIES MRS. BEN SLOAN, Society Editor-OiTice Phone 700 Home Phone 462-J Shower Fetes Miss Tuttle, Bride-Elect Mrs J C Crouser and her itdnehlor Ml .lean I l'UUSt'l . Oil- tertained with a miscellaneous shower at their home on Wedni snower ai men noon. . j day evening in honor of Miss Hetty i t..ii .. h.i. Mi-ti-ri.ii't1 til i riaiice: luintr. i iivi-v Robert Ray Riley of Greensboro j will take pi are tins ;ttiernoon m the Boyd Memorial (. luiiei ui u First Methodist church Christmas tiroens and ivd '-"- : dies with red (lowers were um-iI throughout the residence Miss Tuttle wa- the rci inenl i,l many gifts from the siuet- who included her mother. Mrs 1! I' Tuttle. Miss Ida l.ou Cihsi.n li- Jean Ann Bradley. Miss Ll-n- ,l..n Green Miss Xaney Knkpatruk ; Miss Jean llatt. Miss Jiiikie Sin Messer, Miss Hets Sile.. Miss ii - j , . l,l.,l:ie u.i- :i , d pinia Francis. Miss Belle Hannah. J iimn .n m-v lib- Sell. ml and Miss Maimiente Va. Mus .lane :i, , a .,, ,! C,. lc. . Mr Mclmne u.i Wyche. Mrs Charles M. v Mi-! , ,lu, ,,i , iM ii 1 1., m luu iN .l Ci cciis BeVsie Bovd. Mrs rier Knnlv bun, Bin an I Clv- Mrs Carl Mundi Mrs M i Stanley. Mi- Hoy I'aikiuaii. Mi- 7 eh Curtis. Mrs Whitener Pn vos. I Miss Norma -lane Hurnin Mr Lester Burgin. '' . Mrs Harry Whisenhunt Mr- Willi.-nn 1 I Mrs. Athel .Imie- Mrs dry Ma i and Miss I-m- M.i-mc Mr. ami Mi- Bowl Mcdlord ,.l 1 Green Cine Springs an here ti n ..i. it t Ihuir n:iv.-nU Mr' ;i i Mrs-. Hogt-J Med turd and Mr- Woodson Jones Mrs .vieiimru i the former Mi-- Nancy Jone- Stomach Distress Relieved Bv Scalf's NANCY U)C I) A VIS "Food rising- and smothering a pressure pains caused m daughter. Nancy Lou. untold agony. ' riie Mrs Lou Davis. Fayette. Alahama. Scalf 's brouiiht Scalf's Indian River Medicine is guaranteed to satisfv. On sale at all good drug stores. - ANNOUNCEMENT - As is our ruMom. the WAYNF.SVII.I.F. COUNTRY CLUB INN is remaining open, on the Kuropean Plan, through out the Winter months. Kates Sll.dtl Per Day THK MANAGEMENT Announcing . . . THE OPENING OF THE M & R BAKERY On the Highway, Hazekvood Monday, January 3rd ALFRED HUDGINS. -featuring- PASTRIES. CAKES, PIES. To AH Our Friends and Customers BURGIN'S DEPT. STORE Phone 334 Aletha Cagle And William Mclntire I Wed In Hickory- Th, hi.uu.i ..I Mt.s Alejlui f;ii;lc daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. ,. ,, . ii.ini I. Cn-'U hi ,i in wlli . ; William C Mclntiu- 111. -"H ' Mr. and I . , 1 1 , i 1. Int i n I I III' .m - ,,,n.,:,i, v (;i ,.ciil"i ' umk pi. ice lust Kriday ..ii t 'li.. I it tin lii'V .iiiii ii .1. in -,.K i ( M.iIim.h in link l(l-v l, M.uii i.n (ui'imr paiUir ol i I,,. hi hi. nil i iiili-it. ll-llisj the .lnuliU in - i . : t n . i i The vows w ii ,,,,ki I. ix'lolr .1 IMCkUl outlll ,,t : , , i :.i . .ii.d Indued candles. ,ml I lie 1. 1. n e decorated will :. - ii'.d other Christ mis th.t i - 'I !,, l ul, . :i oi! pink iiali- , I:, ,111 Willi .1 winle III Oil s f an in ie- liild .1 II ol i ll'il At I , I el.KiiH I lit' Vledillll i) u l' ,i. -.'I veil .Hi He l'illl-e Ie. vl t.!,.i, Slu assisted l An - ( I 1 t' i ! .v ,ii ii- n! hev i I If I-,, II, mn. I!,. v i ildiin; 1 1 if couple ,.. . , 1 1 ,. in ,, t ; i i n. .ill I v Inch II,,., u i mil, I I, rii Inline al Hi i 1; , ,1 Slllll . . BODDy LGnCCIStGr i iHas Lhnstmas 'Party At Home ! linliln ! ..i l.i .. I '!' i I it el ! allied a i ill', nip ..: ui'!., I: ii mi- al a Christ pal I . i . ; i: al I1 1- home oil (-, ,,, , .., v , mi U.-dn. -day al ! .,!. IV .'.i - ;.ss ted by Ins i .m,j (.,. i Mi I'. I -a in .ist t-r . Tin lieine v .i - dine at ed in tin ! Chnstt:i..s ii ii! i! and a i mil- ttanies ! u ere pla ul dm ir the alt eriu "in ' Tin iiii- -i ii-' mi I tided M iss Finn ie I'.ii . n k Mi- i'lii; encc Anr How '.i -. Mi-- M.,i - iu rite Buss , Mi ,:.,t a 1 .. a 1; ewi-l Miss Su- san I'n '.,- . '1 ..! Millet . Stephen ' "i:' Tir, II.,' '- Nell Knsley Ted Kn.i -. Mil! Ci .eetni d. Illlh , I'n mi-i a:.. I i 1 1 1 r 1 1 n Prev iisl 1 (. harn,' ' ! Ml- Hi . 1 1 - I.n . a' ,1 -M..I till ol i i,i I' . .in k end hen ", i - p. u eii! - Mr. and Mi (!!.,! .i Fred Lew ,.l H.iltih spent tin Chi i-tma- !.n :,i,n- v.ith his moth el Ml- Hllll la,'.''. Owner and Operator DONUTS and COOKIES At the Depot 'Miss Collins j Is Married On Christmas Day ! Miss Jianctte Collins, daughter uf Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Collins of ( Kile, was married to Krnest Jack son of Chile, in a quiet eereiiionv On Doccmher 2! at the parsonafc id the Kaptist cluireh at Canton 1 'I'lie Kev. C. II Creeiie, pas;or. oIliei;iled. usiiift the double rim-' ei'ieiiioii The bride wore a suit ol sra wool gabardine with black ac i t'sMil'les. Miss (;eialdiue Huberts, maid ol linii.ii' wore a blue suit with black ..ccessiit ie- Hay Viek. cousin of tile liride. was best man The collide u ill reside ill Clyde Beta Sigma Phi Has Christmas Night Party The annual Cln 1st mas party ol the lpha 'I'heta Chapter ot tin Hi la SiUina I'hi siirnrity was held at The Waviiesville Country Chili' mi Chi i.-t mas iiiv.ll Holly, mistl.loc and red candle Mere u-ed ill ilecoralini! and liaine I and daiiciim tealured the ciilci lain I llielll J Speiial (ilk-Ms lir Hie oeca inli well' .Mr and Mr- I laltite Walkii el Kinsiint, Teiin . .Vlr. and Mrs .liuiiiiv Fields ul Awin-Dale Iv-lale liinre.ia .Mr and .Mrs. M I). Him nicult, ,li'.. of WaiikeHiin. III. Jack liiclicsiiii ol Nashville. I)r and Mrs Hiuli Daniels Mr and Mis .1 II Uimdy Mr. and Mis. Hill Hurler. Mr and Mis James H. Hhill, Jr. Miss Margaret (iieeu, Joe Halnier Mi. and Mis. Iliih Halmer. Mr and Mrs. Harry Wliiseiiliunt . Jim my Strintjtield. Hud Wliiscnlmnt, 111 ui- Kiilnnsiiii, Miss Mary Jane Fdvcards. iind Jack Clopp. -s Miss Calhoun Is Honored At Linen Shower Miss Dorotha Calhoun, whose iiarriat'e to Kenneth Turner will ake place this afternoon at The First Baptist Church, was honored ii Tuesday evening when Miss Norma Jane Hurijin entertained with a linen shower at her home 1:1 the Fairvieu' ltoad. Seasonal decorations were used liioiiuhout the residence. Hino tnd card names were played at sev eral tables and at the conclusion it the Haines the bride-elect was ;iesinU'd a shower of linen yili The tliesls included Mi-s Cal inun, her mot her. Mrs. Joseph ('al lium. Sr.. Mrs. Oliver Ymnit. Miss Meleii Jewel Hohiiisiin. Mrs. linbei I .ester lUiruin. Jr. Miss Haibara nn Howl. Miss Iteltv Jo Hiuwu. vhss There-a Alley. -Miss Nina MeCltue. Miss Klsie Jane (iicen, 'diss Dorothy Mallei. Miss Jean nn Htadlcy, Mis. Arlliin Haul Aans. Mis. Joseph Slanellt. Ml losepb Calhoun. Jr., Mrs. Kenneth '.owe. Mi-s M.irwiret I'aliucr. Mis-, lai.v Sue Crocker, Miss Heucy Sue llinuin. Miss Mai liuci ile Way. Mrs iobert Tin in I . Miss J.ii kie Sue Messei . Mis Henry Clavton. and Mi s. Itimh A Nuckalls ol II, u,l, i - nllV lilt'. The Barbers To Entertain This Evening Mr. and Mi-. Hichard liarbrr. .Ir ill entertain with a bridge dinner it their home on the Dellwond toad this cvcniim in cclebral ion if their sixteenth wcddinfi anni .ei sary . Christinas decorations will he ised and appointments will be in he holiday motif Kollawinu tin iames prizes will he awarded to he holders of high and low si nu s Tht invited quests aie Mr and Mis Whitener Hrevost, Mr. and Mrs ti L Provost, Sr. Mr and Mrs Hugh Massie, Mr. and Mrs Charles Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Watkms. Mr and Mrs. .1. 1.. Kil- i Patrick. Mrs. thinner liay. Mrs Milliard Atkins. Mr and Mrs. C J Reece, Mr. and Mrs M II llowli-s. Mrs. L. M Richeson. Mr and Mrs Felix Stovall, Mr. and Mrs. Hallett Ward. Mr. and Mrs Grayden Ferguson. Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan, Mrs William 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee, Mr and Mrs Aarnn Prevost, Mr. and Mr (Jen Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. Krk Clauson. Mr. and Mrs Jonathan Woody. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Ray. Mr and Mrs A H. Dubreuil. Mr md Mrs G. M Kimball. Dr and Mrs. Boyd Owen. Mr. and Mrs David Felmet. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prevost. William Moss, who has been here to attend the funeral of his mother. Mr. A. B. Moss, Jr.. will leave to day for Boston, where he will re Kume his studies at M.l.T, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sharp of Asheville spent Christmas here as gueiU of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Swift and Mrs. Nora Sift Atkins. THE WAYNESVILLE Contest Winner MISS A N N JHA.N CROCKKR. laildaiishlei nl Mr. and Mrs. J. !i. l.i a! In i n end. who ha.- been aw aided a S"0 "0 bond as prize in in e-s;, c.eile t spoiisiired by t he Serlli Caiiilii.a Cilieii-liip Assu- ialiun lor !.i".b school seniors 1 III illl'.'lliillt till Male. Anna lean Crocker Is Winner In Essay Contest Mi Jean (Tin ker. inenl- lier oi tin- i i mr class n! The W;. iie-v ill 1S T: si linol ha- been ,,v ai ih d a !r-.ill oi' Inind as a prize II an i - .' v i in 1 1 1 -! spinisol i d bv lie Noi I h l .ii iil li Cll lellsllip As--Ol iallnli ot K ilemil ol, tie subject, Slmllld I he I'nlile He T.Uillllt 111 I he I'oblie S. ho,.: ol m Mi Caro 1 1 1 h i The i ,,nie I w in, !i is an annual . V , i,l t- o; ,i ii to all hii'li school einoi and a winner I- selcctetl irniii e ., i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; i e -. i o 1 1 a I district inner- ale ;d-o vn , n a trip :u Haleich w In ;e Urn aie Iniiuir li, -, - at a hai'iiiel 141 v en at The sir Waller Hotel. Miss Crocker at 1, tuled I lie banquet which w as held nil Deceinliei 1 "1 v. lib the Ha-iet-h llmli School dec Club as hosl. Miss ( 1 1,1 ki t 1- I In yranddaush ler ol Mr and Mrs J. li. Lcutlier wood and is an outstanding -stu-ilellt III ; he hlth scluuil. She w tis ;.cconipaniiMl to Kaleitih hy Mi-- leui: Camp. Couple Is Honored At Cake-Cutting Mr. ,11, d Mrs. Joseph Tate. Sr , enlei lamed la-t iilhl at 'Heir hnine on the Hal-am ltoad with a 1 akc-cu'l iiil; m honor el Miss Dor- lot ha Calhoun and Kenneth Turner, who-e vw'dditm v ill lake place to day. Seasonal dei 01 al ions were used. Tile In ide s table was covered with a while -aim clolh and centered v. 1H1 a silver howl ciui!aininK red and nub ci nt m n;ir nuts and 11.. nkeil by ted candles and holly hci 1 n - i The ho I vvi re .'i-si led in re levine and -civile! by Mis Wood Mill .lone, and Ml - Howl Medlord. Th 4iii t in ai lull ion to Mis ( ' .i 1 1 1 i ti 1 1 atiil Mi. Tuiiiei V"ie Miss Ma i e.n el I'.ihin r Miss Iteiiv Pru ett. Mi - , ii m i .l.iiii- Hurgiii, Mr. itid Mi' .hie ( a i limn , . Mr. and Mrs ',ov,l Meilloi d. I!. and Mrs. 1. ; I'll.. ill. Hi- Mo, lie Liner. Mi-. Den', he l , Air. and Mrs. hat h -. I h '. . Mi Mr-. Ken neth Low,- Mi .1,, eph Slanelli. Mi - Hie I. k.dl Ml . anil Mrs. .Illi e ,1 , , S.iii I ( '.ii hi ill n, .Ille ill kail and .1 1 1 l-.ell, v . Air and lis l.i ., on left liii-il.iv lor New l h l.;it:- lo atUrid ' he Shi . it How I -.niie 'I hcv w ill -o 1 1 mil I In t e I o ( ah lot ii i.t lor an . extended veil. Me- bla I ( I ih-on w bo is tud '. in at I he ( uu nmal i Con- -ei v.ilni ', ot Mii- e . I-. -pending the ' liolnla. . with hci paient-. Air. and Alls I! II ; iIi-om Mi and Mi- William Alexander ,,l Id i Inn' ( it ei 1 1 K 1 at e here for a e.l lo Mi - Ab s.itider's par , nl'- Mr. and Mr-, F. C. Wagen- ileld. Mr :, ml Mi- .lonathan Woody '"id ehtldi i :i. Lama and Stephen Wood;.. l-fi Tuesday f,,r a visit to relative- in llanta Mr Woody will ::o Lorn t1ania to New- Or-I'an- to attend the Sugar Bowl t'arite. i I .1 i Holtclaw of Richmond. Va.. was the yue-t n( his son-in-law and ' daiiKhl.-i. Mr and Mrs. Aaron Pre , vosl he fir st of I he week. 1 Hi and Mrs JiiP Way . Ill and ; young son. .Jor Way. IV. have re- I turned to their home in Richmond, Va.. after a visit to Mr and Mr.' I. H. Way, Jr Mrs Sydip Hay and Mi F.liza , both Ray have returned from a visit to Birmingham and Atlanta and are residing at the Lo Fin I Hotel. ! Miss Ann Osborne of Ml. Airy I spent the Christmas holiday here I with her mother, Mrs Robert CH ! borne. j Mr and Mrs. Winfred Blu-r of ! Orlando, Fla.. are here fi vlt to Mrs. J F Abfl end Mr- hort Osborne. MOUNTAINEER j Mrs. Taylor Is "Hostess Of Christmas Party Mrs. George Taylor was hostess of a tea given at her home on Wed nesday before Christmas honoring ihe local employees of the Bell Telephone Company. She was as sisted in entertaining by her f daughters. Misses Viola May and Gccrgeanna Taylor, j Ch'-istmas decorations were "sod ; throughout the resi tence w ith a Christmas tree featured in the liv i ing room. The dining table was I covered with a iaee cloth and cen- tered with an arrangement of hol- ly flanked by lighted red tapers, j Guests invited to call between : one and five o'clock in the after noon and six and eleven o'clock in the evening were Miss Ida Jean Hrovvn. Mrs. Mabel Brown Abel, Mrs Walsie Morris. Mrs Laura Heardon, Miss Jane Harrison. Miss Hi becca Harrison, Miss Marjorie Skidmore. Mrs. Fay Toy. Mrs Bill Toy, Misst- Elizabeth Davis. Miss Aiiiiieniay Lovelace, Miss Jewel ! I'.issinore. Miss Hester Davis, Miss Loreiia MehalTey, Miss Billy Sue Francis. Miss Martha Ferguson. Miss Virginia Smith. Miss Frances Uii;;ht. Harry Kent, Hiuce Toy. and W. L. Lampkin. Walkers Celebrate 65th Wedding Anniversary i Mr and Mrs. Albert C. Walker nl ( rabtree celebrated their (ifilh I wedding anniversary on December Sixty-five years ago. Mr Walk er married the former Miss Maltie C McCracken. Mr. Walker is very active in the Democratic party and both are members of the Baptist Church. Mr and Mrs. Leo Martel had as their guests during the holidays their daughters, Miss Lorraine Martel of Oak Ridge, Tcnn.. and Miss Dorothy Martel. who is a stu dent at Woman's College in Greensboro. ' Mr and Mrs. W. A. Bradley have as their guest their nephew. Bob Bradley, of San Antonio. Texas. who is a student at West Point. - ' Wj.V $ i, s i NOW AT ) Miss Tuttle, Robert Riley Are Honored Miss Betty Tuttle and Robert Hilev of Greensboro was honored ui a dinner given at The Lodge last night immediately af'er the I rehearsal of tlKir wedding at the ' First Methodist Church. Hosts for the party, were Mr. and Mrs. C. i Early Ki'ey of Greeiuboro, parents i of the bridegroom-elect. ' The bi'de's table was center'-d villi an arrangement of pink and ! w hile snapdragon and tuberoses Hanked bv white tapers in crystal j holders and the bridal motif was I nou'il in all appointments. ! Those present, including mem j bers of the bridal party and out ! of-tow n guests for the wedding, i were Miss Tuttle. Mr. Riley, Mr. land Mrs. Roy C. Tuttle. parents ! ol Ihe bride-elect. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tuttle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles lslev, Miss Belle Hannah. Miss Je.iii Crouser. Mrs. J. C. Crouser, Dr and Mrs. Charles N. Clark. Mr. end Mrs ,1 F-. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs J H Smith. Miss Betty Flowe I of Asheville. Bairnard Bun-ess of Ciuon, Mrs William B. Heyniann of Aslicville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sullivan. Miss Margaret Willed, Mi and Mrs. Lion Killian, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kirkpatrick, Mr and Mrs Carl Mundy. Mr and Mrs. Harry Whisenhunl, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Athel Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Fred N. Pegs of Kci ncrsi ille. and Mr, and Mrs. A. J. McGlnne of Atlanta. Methodist Circles To Meet Circles of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet next Tuesday as follows: Circle No 1 al the home of Mrs. Noble Garrett, Sr.. at J:30 p.m. Circle No. 2 at the home of Mrs. Robert Livingstone at 3:30 p.m. Circle No. 4 at the home of Mis ses Helen and Frances Ray at 7:30 p.m. Circle No. 5 at the home of Mrs. Carleton Weatherby with Mrs. William Dover as co-hostess, at 7:30 p in. THI 0HI0INAL tc' -m ..1 r WIND and WEATHER LOTION 12 REGULAR II L PRICE 51 For powder base, body- rub, chapped skin. Buy now and save Vi! Regular $2 size at $1 LIMITED TIME ONLY Doris McCracken j Yovm s . - Carlton Holt TH Announcement has been made ' of the marriage of Miss Doris Lec McCracken. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Emerson McCracken of Civile to T. Carlton Holt, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Holt, also of Clyde. The ceremony took place at 8:30 in the evening, Friday. De cember 24 at the home of Rev, and Mrs. C. O. Newell, with the ' Rev. I Mr. Newell pronouncing the vows. 1 Only members of the two families ' and a few friends were present. The bride wore for her wedding i a dressmaker suit of soldier blue j faille with black accessories and a I corsage of red rose buds. Mrs. Holt is a graduate of the Clyde High School and is now em ployed at the Eagle Store here. Mr. Holt, a graduate of the' Waynesville Township High School, served with the merchant marines during World War II and is now co-owner of the Pure Oil Station on Main Street. Breakfast To Honor Couple This Morning Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Calhoun. Sr., will entertain, this morning with a wedding breakfast at their home in honor of their daughter. Miss Dorotha Calhoun, and Ken neth Turner, whose wedding will take place this afternoon at the First Baptist Church. The bridal motif will be used in decorating and tables at which the gitcsts are sealed will he cen tered with greenery and white tap ers. The guest list will include Hie guests of honor and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, parents of the bridegroom, Miss Norma Jane Hurgin, Miss Betty Pruett. Miss Margaret Palmer, Miss Jean Allen Patton of Asheville, Mr. and Mrs J, D. Kelley, Rev. and Mrs L. G. Elliott, Mrs. Hugh Nuckalls of Hendersonville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isley, Miss Mozelle Liner. Mrs. Douglas Moore, Mrs. Joseph Stanelli, Mrs. Kenneth Lowe, Mr ni l i ipii i nn an-iiit tr ii uu n'r'TiftTrT iti in n 1 ": .-w". , ' .v.".' if-) j SI SIZE SIX s-oz. BOTTLES IN MANDV FAMILY CARTON. SI MlpricMpluta Please send me bottles of Tutay Wind and Weather Lotion. 8-oi. $1 Ue at Mcper bottle. Regular $2 ! at $1 per Six S-oi. bottlea In carton, 9. A'am Address. " C.O.D D Check EnclosedQ kit T lo than pritet. m" S :ll. "Ol I ;,.,( , ,;" ''''nil,, .i w i . : , ' '"' ' 11 1!, e m s " ': Tt, '''"W-, .,. ; ,;"''lb: all. "" leu ('l'i' i;,!, ,, lit ;! , ,. " '''li- li,', , '"' i; !).,:,:, , J toe ' '-ni'l .I'.ii,., V:. The .,. , ' Wnoily. , ' ' ' I M'ss i,. Si LlisU y M, .Viiicv j',,, , M'-s A,ih , l-'lialielh v, ''Hn. '' '"'si !U'' :i '''Mum,' J ! limy i To'iiim Dewev I I '-me. qJ Cliarlr, M i i'., "i. Uonald ( i,i, r H Sl;aih,ii a . ' 'Jtt -'arl Mnih' V llei lil II S; , Coilll'i, ;,U j,,. Lai.. ',' l'- S l)ei,,i in l el ri. i.etl :., -peinhi." I n 1 1 v,:i, i,.. Lrain. i , ',, Mr aiu! V; Cllildl'eli l;,iv, i to rt'liiiiv, . .. Jilt ''lllllt ''r:a V. IIS If? 4 Inst.'.r.hy l':o:r:-:. J'ou put a i, ,, c of Vkks V.'.-tn.-i .; each ii'j.-h.' yen .. your told-iiufi'.i i,. start tu o',K n ;im ;.i. fill relief Imhii m. .; Va-tro-!1'! v: n li' ia-fo:atJ i-l I), ,'i'JCll J right trir rc (n: '.'.V congestion, awi ir.:.-: If used in t::-i, V.i 1 1. r. rt73 i tn-utliiiigj liebl vettt many i"uh lun cneloaistl i it! V.clis Va-Uu-cJKiatJtafJ WlaOAKDWlAftP 10TI0N "tlPSSUIROSHIf MlNSTWUOB'l'S IND, CO10 HW StVESliO ' Wim0Ti0N BA5fc