DAY, JANUARY THE ' WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER By STANLEY MORE ABOUT Highway (Continued from Page 1) r- -. i , . y V- y&Z SIT " . '. t ' ' a , l, AWm. -as. JA . ..TUMN I . V "- L- t y.. ArjJZiiJtn F-5 J " . . . . , . THF Ol n HOMF TOWN Wu a -If ,fSfjfc7 AT. J CrWCJTM ff Mff SJfhl TT IT . " ANT AD Urates 2 cents per word, ilze type. urn charge 40 cents. size type, n.inimum 3 merits Der rharee fiO size type 50c rolumn inch. 1 (,t eitra chare. 1 .dvertisements should be A immediately, im "- will not be respuui taor lhan one incorrect iu- in. ADVERTISEMENTS ABE IN ADVANl E. i-asn " pany ordera aent by mall I, must be In office before a m. on day oeiurc h t, guarantee to be In want "on- . .A . ... InaAX - WSDl 111. IjH wisn w " elepbone 7UU. k I k Famous ii"""" 1) QUEEN wars of service puaran- Kor immediate delivery. ;. litters Electric Co. 4K1. f,K Hickory wood.- Kinu na used to cook learner Ilk. .no 'llli-W CS Willi . I 4-31 - .Ian 4. DNUMENTS se Haywood ipnt Co . next to farmers lige, on Asheville Road. H. el. manager, nnone zu-m. u L-ASS installed by expen- Un. f!t- "lock of glass ir pails. I'rompt service, it v Class Service, below . Hotel, Rhone (9. tf ady's (iiuen wrist wa'ell. ilh black band. "W.C.P." kl on back. Please call hitener I'revost. Reward. D31-J4 Y TOP PRICES for Irish i. black walnuts, onions, s anil shoals. Junaluska Phone H8. tf PR SANDING FINISHING I'hone 710-VI X. It KAMI. LIT, JR. I)i lluooil Road FOR RENT $7.00 per one $5 00 and $6.00 per person for two in one few .T.ailable. LeFaine tf YT AO Easy beral fouie iq SN ELECTRIC CO. Main Street Atlas Permaguard P'ze. Pel iii.ini nt Ivnn lad Service Station Hl. y- D31-.I4.7-11 To couples onlv! 3 '"Hafii'S. 1 mil,, west nf p Mrs. J. . Gosselt N.P HUHRY! HURnvi I'.leetiie Vacuum Clean ''larlv $04.95, Special Main Street. tf Shucks from 75 biinh- rl and 5 big shocks of e J. T nwa-ro He. WE DAY R SERVICE Auto Radios TEF.D SERVICE H and Deliver also , ' r'v . tat Service on fgeraturs 1 Appliances "c Ranges "ONE 772 ' - x Appliance ervico ;,. - 11 Bpyd Fumltttn " FOR SALE Have all the modern conveniences of the city by hav ing us to install you a Rohhins and Myers or Peerless deep or shallow well pump. Easy terms. CAGLE FURNITURE CO. Clyde, N. C. if A REAL BARGAIN RCA Radio Phonograph. "Slightly used. Spe cial price. Call 461, Waynesville. If WELLS DRILLED Water Welle a Speciaitj farm Some Dttriet 10 Years' r:xp:neni-e GREEN BROS. WELL-DRILLING CO. R. 3, Canton, N. C. Ph. Canton 2920 DAYTON "V" BELTS AH sizes in stock. MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. tf AMANA Walk-In-Refrigerators FARMERS FEDERATION FOR SALE Good mountain block wood. Phone 318 W. D31-J4-7-11-14 JAMES W. REED, JR. INSTITUTIONAL FURNITURE Contract suppliers to hotels, motor courts, hospitals, restaurants, apartment houses and offices. Bedroom furnitura box springs and mattresseji, lobby and lounge furniture, restaurant equipment. Layouts and designing service. PHONES 637 OR 338 W Showroom Lobby Hotel Waynesville SPORTSMEN The finest sporting goods in Waynesville are sold at Rogers Electric Co. Phone 401. tf Latest Records. Radios Radio and Phonograph. Electric Irons and Toasters. Musical Instruments. Sheet Music. Radio Repair Service. Jones Radio and Music Co. 76 Main St. , WaynesyUle FOH SALE 1937 Ford Tudor se dan; new paint and new uphols tery. Also kerosene hot water heater. See I.. L. Hollilield Goodyear Street. J4-7 FOH SALE 1910 International Pick-up truck, flood condition. Blue sticker. $50(1.00. Cross Road Service" Station, Halsam, N. C. I:n-J4 HOUSE FOR RENT 5 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, electric hot water tank, wired lor elec tric stove. Garage. Inquire at W. A. Bradley's Store. D31-.I4-7 CONCRETE BLOCKS & CEMENT FOR SALE Delivered, or at Hays Block Plant, Franklin, N. C. Call 201, Franklin, or 903, High lands. If FOR SALE 1939 International ton pick-up truck; also 1930 De Solo sedan, both in good running order. Priced to sell. See C, B. Ferguson, Route 2, Waynesville. or phone 60-J-l. D31-J4-7 , FURNITURE SALE: Due to water pipes bursting over Christmas holidays and flooding basement floor, we are offering dressers that were $19.95, now $10.00. New Chest of Drawers that were $24.95, now $12.50 Piano was $195 now $25. If these prices don't suit, come and make offers. JUSTICE FURNITURE S T O R E. Phone 567, Depot Street. tf Federal Bookkeeping and Tax Service MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. Waynesville, N. C. Some principal chanpes In the new 1948 Revenue Act are: 1. Splitting of Income between husband and wife and cor responding changes In the Estate and Gift Taxes. 2. Increase in the personal exemption and exemption for dependents. 3. Nfw reduction percentages on individual income taxes. Have your return prepared by a competent accountant who is familiar with these and many other tax saving fea tures Cf the new Revenue Act. Come in to see us or call 777 for an appointment. It will pay you to do sq. Inspection Lane Periods For Cars In 1949 Slated Larceny LARCENY Joan CaullH-ld and John I'avne find love on their hands (luiini a teiiM' sct ne in the Universal-International crime drama, "Lar :i ny." in which Dan Duryea and Sin 1 ly Winters co-star with Miss CauHield and Pa.Mie. The picture opens at the Strand Theatre to morrow. Letters To Editor (Continued From Page Two) criteria used. This victim was Isial Nixon, 28-year-old Negro, who in sisti d on voting in Georgia's Prim ary election after being advised not to do so. On the evening of tin same day he voted, two broil while, went to Nixon's home and shot him. He died two days later in a hospital. I.viiihioes Prevented. In at least 7 instances lynchings were pie vented by officers of the law. All of these were in the Southern Stales. A total of 19 persons, all Negroes, were thus saved from death at the hands of mobs. Punishment of Lynchers. For participating in the lynching of William II. Turner, 1 person re- reived the death sentence and persons were sentenced to life im prisonment. Very truly yours, F. D. PATTERSON President William Kiddle Serves At Bermuda Ait Station William 'ice. IISN, ing at the Itiildle, seaman appren of Waynesville, is serv- Naval Air Station, Ber muda. Riddle received his recruit train ing at the Naval Training Center, Cambridge, Md CAUSE OF COLDS ELUSIVE ( LEVELAND i UP) Twelve prisoners being held on charges from armed robbery to auto theft were used as "guinea pigs" by medical scientists from Western Reserve University seeking to dis cover the cause of the common cold. But none of the men became vi i v ill despite injections with a virus Ihouglit to be a cold causing agent . FOR RENT--3 room unfurnished ap.-i) I nienl . Newlv n derorctec Range and refrigerator. Hot am cold water furnished. Couple onlv. Phone 564-R. J4 FOR RENT- Two 3-room unfur-ni-died apartments with private bath, on ground floor, 20 Pigeon S!. See Mrs. Caldwell in upstairs apart meid at same address after 5 p.m. J4 WANTED Boys who are interest id in carrier routes for The Mountaineer. Applications are now being taken for new and expanded routes. See Mrs. Mc Eitirick at The Mountaineer. FOR SALE -9 piece maple dining room suite, like new, at sacrifice price. See Mrs. Bronson Matney, 209 Beech St., Hazelwood. J4 Don t let coughing, wheesing, recurring at tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy without trying MENDACO, which works thru tha blood to reach bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviates coughing and aids freer breathing and better jl.-.p. Gi-l MHNDACO from druggist. Sails li lion or money back guaranteed. Beware Coughs from cociraon colds That Hang On Creomulslon relieve promptly be ,use it goes rig-fit to the seat of th trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to sootne ana neal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to Bell you a bottle of Oreomulsion with the un derstanding' you must Ilka the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chut Colds, Bronchitis f aaniiiJ HA) j The Motor Vehicle Department today announced inspection peri ods for various moiUd vehicles for the fust half of 1919. The Mechanical Inspection Law, passed by the 1,947 Legislature, provided that all vehicles tegis tered in North Carolina be inspect ed once during 1943' and twice a year thereafter. According to a new Inspection Manual, released today by the Mechanical Inspection Division of tile Department of Motor Vehicles, the first semi-annual inspection pe riod for each year will begin on January 1 and end on June 30. The second semi-annual inspection pe riod will be, gin on July 1 and end on December 31. The Manual sets forth the in spection deadlines for all vehicles for the? first inspection period as follows: All vehicles of the year model up to and including the year 1930 must, be inspected by January 31. 1 949. All vehicles of 1937 and 1938 models must be inspected by Feb ruary 28. Models 1939 and 1940 must be inspected by March 31. All vehicles of the year models 1941 and 1942 must be inspected by April 30. Models 1943 through 1947 must be inspected by May 31. All year models 1948 and 1949 must be inspected by June 30. The Manual further states (hat "the operation of any vehicle after the time limit set for inspection, without displaying the official seal of approval, will be a violation of the Motor Vehicle Laws of 1947." A provision is made that begin ning January 1, 1949, the owner of a vehicle will have 30 days from I he date of acquisition of a vehicle to have it inspected, provided that (lending inspection, the owner shall have with him at all times a bill of sale or other sufficient evi dence to show the date nd place of acquisition of that vehicle. Arthur T. Moore, Director of the FAMILY -:- .:. .:. .:. nv SWA ) THE FLOI a l f i . ww" ""-r mi iaat; -r?-. i AiTrr vyr:? ,"w"' r vr.r 1 b , 6Q VOLVtffl fPf?fMD To.1LL lrA COOK H-5 THol)6M WL MC-l'lA-TCLL Of r K6HT fHOU) tern sJo in tvsgp Tw A7y " . t ; 'I -' '. ) MYRTLE RIGHT ARO UND IIOMfc " By DLI)LEY FMHFit" ' Ifc WHAT'S mv BEST I Y DONT LET IT GET VOU 1 X HOW ABOUT PUTTING N I f 'i LXlN'T KNOW ,1'"'" rTJ THE VATTEpV FPIEND DOWN THINK OF SOME MUSTARD BETWEEN TWO J ( WHO'S fOACMING A WITr4 YOU TjfCAME ME A JOKE TO PLAV ON . COOKIES ANO LETTING J liSi( SAMPSON, BUT HF S ,u j&Zr'l CHOCOLATE ) YOUP FRIEND, AND SOME VOUP? FPIEND CHEW f i55aS GETTING IDEAS A IS wi-fii I CPEAAA WITH GET EVEN JOKE ON Am t E5fV FO . ;.' . E3 e 11 in 3 f r T 1 I J23t.. 1 ' I T iS? 1 TV'J rT I ill' I i r lr C I r 1 YZ ; -v VW ! I I A U ?Y-) Tif I ill: I HENRY ! iCARL C. AnWrSW i j l tQ-1 "1 srii !jJr EXPERT I OerCo 1 ft -VlTfPf tr5 . mover. n i 1 . Copf. 94B, fa Inc, Vcrtdi tight) iictved " "" ' "'"H'ia ' ' ''229 DONALD DUCK " KY WALT niSNlfl j a I . Jx LI STMAA 5 II TWhN VUNt.' I I TAII rf 1C ,k ur-elT , lW " IL7tT I v fl v.r freb coal. LirN ( t ft '.' bump ksW. fe-CfrvS BE HAULING SLACK Ucttl J TO PAY AiSTgAp UC-j-C k M . - Mechanical Inspection Division, said the same type of seals, stick ers, and tabs will be used in 1949 as have been used in '48. These in clude the blue seal of approval in the shape of the Stale of North Carolina; the red diamond seal for rejection of a vehicle; and the huge yellow sticker for "con demned" vehicles. Moore said that 40 inspection lanes would operate full time throughout the Slate during 1949. lie added that if motorists will co operate by bringing their vehicles to the lanes during the time limit set forth for each particular model, there will be no congestion, and motorists consequently will face no inconvenience. The Inspection Division at the HcK inconvenience. tion lane schedules for the first V-. a" w W .. ,, 2 The Inspection Division at the 1 three months of 1949. 1 WiooTim-SAi,AnMuu "'U' UV""C' .! ; . . a;;'V-ti' MUGGS AND SKEETER - , . BY WALLY BISHOP ,v 'A , U NO, JUWIOR! YOU'VE HAD YOUR 'I A SHH-H-HS...CUT OUT THAT i I ' ALL RIGHT! ALL RI&HT!! NICE 1 I ' yOU KHOvV IF I II ' t 1 BEDTIME SNACK.!! NO MORE FOR. ) ( BACK TALK, JUKIOR! YOU'LL HAVE ( BOY ! DON'T BARK! I'LL FIX. YOU r sfTt WANTED TO ' WAKE AN 1 i YOU!! BAtCKTO YOUR w'fT -tTHE WrOLE HOUSE r V A LITTLE r CrJt'T? ISSUE-CF THIS... I ' t' "yrrV- oS Wouk-r m$i($JP iSM could get you for J ?t f BB ri' cv cook to ,)w-Tcs cFr? , 4roo t - iv Ctwr i'HU. Ktnit Ic.ture. iynjujlf. In, . Vt'otTlirht, rf.r,vr.l : " AV " . 1 t Horse Takes Vengence On Machine Age VESTAL, N. y. UP) Several hundred pounds of vengeful horse flesh rebelled against the machine age, to the regret of Henry J. Bucher. The front of Bucher's car was smashed in as the runaway saddle horse "ambushed" him while he was driving to work in the half darkness of early morning. The animal leaped from a bank overlooking the highway and land ed, hoofs down, on Bucher's car. - CVW CURTIS DRUG STORE , ' j t;.-imf tiirlfl nnnnunppH th Innpr- X. B . . I Bl BI I . ..... ....... r .... . .... ,i j ' " l "mmr m IJIISA II .1 1. 1'.I , vr II 1 II I'll i lt.lVI11 . V WORE ABOUT Polio (Continued from Paxe 1) these polio fighters," Mr Hyatt de clared. "Further, the Foundation furnished great quantities of equipment, and material aid comes high today." Included in the material aid were 26 respirators, BO hot pack machin es, 2,448 lbs. of hot pack material, 475 bedside tables, 14 refrigerators, 141 tables, 390 chairs, and 646 beds and cribs. Also included were large numbers of sterilizers, chart desks, suction machines, exygen equipment, electric fans, blankets and many other goods. Finally, the National Foundation establish ed two hydrotherapy and physical l.ierapy units and furnished 64 rooms for nurses. "Exclusive of the funds which local chapters in North Carolina pooled, this service of the National Foundation cost more than $1,000.- 000 by the end of the year," Mr. j Hyatt said. "Remember, this is I just the story of one state. Forty-! one other states received aid from ' the emergency fund of national headquarters. North Carolina counted 2,407 victims of infantile j paralysis, California had 4,150 and j Texas victims numbered 1,011 all up to October 30." ! The horse freed itself, lie told po lice, and disappeared down the road with an exultant wave of its tail. I To Relieve - fEH n (a) with an Atlunfa-Aiheville motor express about one-half rnile east of Canton. Stanley met death y.-ithin 200 yards of his home while at tempting to make a left-hand turn off the Asheviile-Canlon higliwav- Death rode Haywood county highways Sunday, November killing two person in different ac cidents. Tl.e two deaths brought the total ot fatalities to seven in the county this year. Frank E. Haynes, 78, retired farmer, and former police judge and mayor of Clyde, was instantly killed when struck by an automo bile as he attempted to cross High way No. 19 23 at the Main Street intersection in Clyde. Wilford Carver, 31, was instantly killed when his lightweight truck in which he was driving struck a five-foot bank on I he Crahlree Panther Creek road. He suffered a broken neck and was alone in the vehicle at the time. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptom of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS buetoEXCESS ACID FreeBookTellsofHomeTrtatmenttliat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Avar three million buttles ul the fTiiEATMENT liavtj been sold for relief of ayinptomsoftlistrese arising from Stomach bad Duodenal Ulcers due In Excess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach eassiness. Heartburn, Sleeplessness, ate., out; to Ficass Acid. Sold on I A days' trial I Ask for "sVUIard's Message" which fuUy explains this treatment free at SMITH'S DRUG STORE 1 f ft

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