V JANUARY 7, 1949 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (Sacoml 3eti!c37 ANT AD BATES L type, 2 cents per word, charge 40 cents. cents P Jr.inimum cnarge in- , size type, 50c olumn inch. ,mPnt, will be published lnS to desirea t extra charge. 3 titomonf a hnnd be Eauvri - d Immediately. The Monn .111 nnt he responsible L than one Incorrect In- iDVEKTISEMENTS are IN ADVANCE. Cash must mJ orders sent by mall. L must be In office before k. m. on day oeiore puuu- H guarantee to DC in warn Klon. wish to Insert ; wan aa, Llepbone 700. FOB SALE -Have all the modern conveniences ot the city hy hav ing us to install you a Bobbins and Myers or Peerless deep or shallow well pump. Easy terms. CAOI.fi FURNITURE CO. Clyde, N. C. tf . faitfr A REAL BARC.Arpf-RCA Radio Phonograph. Slightly used. Spe cial price. Call 401, Waynesville. tf I v Famous nunun ... 1KTI 1.MJC VMrs cif service guaran tor immediate delivery. Holers Electric Co. 4C1. 11 BNUMENTS ?ce Haywood hient Co., next 10 rarroeis Lge, on Asheville Hoaci. n. ;cl. manager, rhone 1 1 i-m. u LASS installed by etfperi incn. Larue stock of glass Lor parts. Prompt service. City Ola Service, below Lie hotel, I'hone 69. tf Jan. 1st, Male Fox lid. Black, white and Name on collar. Notify KDKORI) lit. 1, Box Wavn.-svillo, N. C. Jan 7-11 WELLS DRILLED Water Wells a Hpeiiultjr Farm Home DhiIhm 10 Yeitfe' Experience GREEN BROS. WELLDRILUNG CO. Hi. 3, Cinton, N. C. Ph. Canton 2920 DAYTON "V" BELTS All sizes in stock. MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. tf .WESTINCHOliSE RADIO BATTERIES FARMERS FEDERATION FOR SALE Good -mountain block wood. Phone 318-W. D31-J4-7-11-14 JAMES W. REED, JR. INSTITUTIONAL FURNITURE Contract suppliers to hotels, motor courts, hospitals, restaurants, apartment houses and offices. Bedroom furniture box springs and mattresses, lobby and lounne furniture, restaurant equipment. Layouts and designing service. PHONES 637 OR 338-W Showroom Lobby Hotel Waynesvllle Crosby, Miller Set To Revive Jazz As Tomorrow's Music HOLLYWOOD IIJPI Fans of the old two-beat jazz, who've kept a candle in I he window for it these many years, say their lost love is dually coming home. lie-hop's dead. So's swing. So's everyday jam-sessioning. Jazz, says Hollywood cult, is the music of to morrow as well as of yesterday. One movie director, David Mil ler, an all-out, 10b per cent dyed-in-the-wool addict of jazz, lias set up a call at Paramount studios. making "Top o' the to wait for the revolu- where he Morning," lion. "We're determined to D I) or 4 room house. Call J7 AY TOP PRICES lor Irish tcs, DlacK wainuis, onions, igs and shouts. Junaluska I'hone (ill. tf JOR SANDING D FINISHING I'hone 770-M . V. ISilAMI.i: I T, JR. Pi IL oiid Koad I dl! RENT $7.00 per for i, ne $.") (ID and $fi.00 per pei pn ' on lor two in one A lew available. LeFaine tf Wine f? Ji24l pjty MAYTAG AIN. K..kV - liLi-rnl p. W , pTIN ELECTRIC CO. 31 Main Street SPORTSMEN Tiie finest sporting goods in Waynesville are sold at Rogers Electric Co. Phone 401. If Latest Records. Radios Radio and Phonograph. Electric Irons and Toasters. Musical Instruments. Sheet Music. Radio Repair Service. Jones Radio and Music Co. 70 Main St. Waynesville FOR SALE nm Ford Tudor se dan; new paint and new uphols tery. Also kerosene hot water heater. See L. L. HollilUld Goodyear .Street. .14-7 HOUSE FOR RENT!) rooms and hath, hardwood floors, electric hot water lank, wired for elec tric stove. Garage. Inquire at W A. Bradley's Store. I):il-,I4 7 CONCRETE BLOCKS & CEMENT FOR SALE Delivered, or ot Hays Block Plant, Franklin, N. C. Call 201, Franklin, or 903, High lands. H bring back an lionest-lo-goodness two beat jazz," Miller said. "People have been calling jazz 'corn' for a whole generation, but a lot of us have kept the candle burning in the window. It looks like jazz is about to return." It Takes a Specialist Not everybody, naturally, can qualify for this cult.' It takes what Miller calls an "advanced, not re tarded'' swing fan. Bing Crosby is, with Miller, a co-leader. They've converted Ann Blyth and Barry Fitzgerald. Crosby and Miller lake time some evenings tOr rhapsodize about the jazz items in the huge record libraries they both own. Other times they get together to listen to jazz stars and groups at thea ters and jam sessions. The trouble1 with jazz is. Miller said, it's got to be good. "Even in its heyday, jazz was something only a few musicians could play perfectly," he said. "That's one of the things that hurt it. Thousands of people tried it and never got anything but noise. "The few really good jazz play ers are getting to be the idols of the few real fans who have the taste to appreciate them." Miller says he may be in the second class but he's certainly not in the first. He just gets noise when he plays the piano or sits in on a jam session. White Grub Damage Reduces Seedlings 30,; White grub damage in the N. C. Forest Service's tree nursery at Clayton has reduced the seedling output this year by 30 per cent, according to Assistant State Fores ter Fred Claridgfj Damage was heavy because of the exceptionally dry growing sea son, Claridge said. The Division expected to lifi 9 million trees this winter, but recent inventory figures indicate there will be only about 6 million at this nursery. Claridge states that orders have been heavy and that the demand will probably exceed the supply. However, there is a limited amount of loblolly and shortleaf pine, and red cedar left at the Clayton Nur sery, and some white pine left at Ihe Hendersonville Nursery in the western part of the State. Landowners still wishing to or der seedlings may do so by writing to District Forester Charles C. Pettit, Jr., P. O. Box 936, Sylva. Czechs Claim Credit For Lightning Rod PRAGUE (UP) Czechs have taken steps to revive the memory of ancther "neglected Slav scien tist" who they said discovered the lightning rod six years before Ben jamin Franklin flew his famous kite. A commemorative service spon sored by 12 scientific organizations honored Prokop Divis. At the meet ing. Prof. Julius Slornad not only credited Divis with the lightning rod but said he also was the first to investigate the possibilities of treating disease with electricity and that he had "suspected the possibility ol lighting hy electricity 120 years before Edison." THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY $Z (SH-H-H JOHN. MOTHER? IS JUST ) A llptU U, WWVD I SHWA Me HOW KlLI-lRf KE-HOE ( ItOTflCX FLATTENED ''SPltee MC COT ' OAJ Vv'ykrifl. .THel?ff5IN AND ROSES HOME J , I ijSiO ' OOD CLEAN- TELEVISION FUN Inspection Lane Program Shows Results In State MEN STRUT THEIR STUFF FALLS CITY, Neb. i U P.) The Pre: liylei ian church ran the fol lowing ad: "Come and see what Hie men can do." About 300 per nns lurned out to see what it was ll about. The men prepared a amage and pancake supper, serv ,'d ii and I lien washed Ihe dishes. Make the best use possible of leftover vegetables by using them in salads, casserole dishes, sauces and soups. Or combine them with a cream sauce and some leftover meat or fish and serve over toast. The Motor Vehicle Department today came up with some convinc ing evidence to show that the Mechanical Inspection Program is doing the job it was intended to do SAVE LIVES. The Department stated that in 194G, 104 fatal accidents, killing one or more persons per accident, were caused by defective equip ment on vehicles. In 1947, the year the Legislature passed the Inspec tion Law, and while there was much publicity and discussion con cerning it, only 58 fatal accidents were caused by vehicular defects. But the Department announced that the recovd for 1948 is even better. For the first nine months of the year, statistics show, only 24 fatal accidents were attributed to defective vehicles. The Depart ment explained that since the In spection Law went into effect in January of this year, motorists have realized the importance of keeping their vehicles in safe con dition, and the lanes have done much to educate motorists as to safety devices on their vehicles that noed constant attention. Arthur T. Moore, Director of the Mechanical Inspection Division, said that through December 11, 723,000 vehicles had been inspect ed at the Slate's 40 insuection lanes. He estimated there are around 87.000 - vehicles that still must visit the lanes by January 1. and urged motorists to get their in spections as quickly as possible. Moore said the lanes would be able to take care of all these cars if the owners will only bring them in. Some very lengthy Australian earthworms lay eggs as big as olives. II AULpG LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE For Quick, Dependable Service See BILL PEARSON Day Phone 179-J Night Phone 7 15-J Prosecuting Attorney Takes It On Chin LEXINGTON, Ky. (UP) City Prosecutor Richard P. Stoll didn't know whether to be glad the de fendant was found guilty or un happy because he was used is a yardstick in obtaining the convic tion. A detective had arrested the de fendant for loitering. In testifying, the officer said lie based the arrest on i lie fact the man "never has worked ". Proof of that, said the officer, was the condition of the prisoner's hands. "Why," the officer said, pointing to Stoll, "his hands are as soft as yours." NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. MARVIN CHAMBERS, vs. ARZ1LLA CHAMBERS. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, N. C, to obtain a divorce absolute on the grounds of two years separation; and that said de fendant will further lake notice that she is required to appear. be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, in his olfice in Waynesville, N. C. in said County within twenty days from the 20th day of January, 1949, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 23rd day of December, 1948. DIXIE CAMPBELL, Ass t. Clerk of Superior Court, Haywood County. 1814 D 24-31 J 7-14 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executors of the estate of G. R. Ferguson de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Clyde, Rt. 1, North Carolina, on or be'ore the Hlh day of December, 1949 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the Hill day of December, 1948. JACK FERGUSON, SAM FERGUSON, Executors of the Estate of G. R. Ferguson, deceased 1809--Dec. 10-17-24-31 Jan. 7-14 Syracuse university first i.cldcd a football team in 1809. NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY HAYWOOD COUNTY vs W. A. BAND, if alive, and wife, if any, and if dead, bis heir.j at law, by whatever name and names they may be known, and Ihe Town of Waynesvllle, A municipal Corpora tion. The defendants, W. A. Rand, if alive, and wife, if any, and if dead, his heirs at law, if any. by what ever name and names they may be known, will take mil ice lint an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Caro lina, for the purpose of foreclos ing tax liens for taxes levied and assessed against real estate in Haywood County and due and ow ing to Haywood County; and sairl defendants will timber take no tice that they are required to be and appear at the- OH'ice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County at the court house in Waynesville, North Car olina, on or before the lath (lay of January, 1949, or within thirty i30) days thereafter, and am vver or de mur to the complaint of the plain tiff filed herein or Ihe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in its complaint. This the 14th day of December 1948. DIXIE CAMPBELL Ass't Clerk Superior Ojurt. 1811 1J1V-24--I-.I7 INCOME TAX Tilt: CLOSMAN CO. m l it Main hi ret t l pslairs fri Across From Coin! Ilmee Everyone has to fill out a Tax Return to .iccoiiipany W-2 Eiirniii'; Slis (his year. Consult us about tli" many changes that can lower your tff taxes. Fga our ;s.t sears itiisiness ann Tax I pel ii ir e WILL SAVE YOI MONEY! Fourth Year In V.t ncsville Daily: 8:30 to T,::il Special Appointments THE FLOP FAMILY seiilitfitei 'I W sImIs. 'rt&i set iissasi Hv SWA Never boil an oyster, slews are best cooked over Oyster water. PAI.K .t:,o Pwrnomi,,,! H'lvi'. Permanent tvne. n Iiu;nl Kervif-o t;i.lir,ii linl N ( 031-J4-7-11 tl'.N'f To couples only; 3 111 "ii;n'e , 1 mi),, west of '' See Mrs .1 11 r:.,tc..n S. ( l lie 1111 I A n i , I'.M-JI-I-II Al,: H I' lk V Till IIDirl . . 1 1 j ini i : - l:'l Klutric Vacuum Clean r'Siilarlv $64.95. Special $!()): Hoiicrs Klirfrir rn ,,(' 4l. Main Street. tf FOR SALE 1939 International ' Ion pick-up truck; also 1930 Do Soto sedan, both in good running order. Priced to sell. See C. B, Ferguson, Route 2, Waynesville . or phone (iO-J-l. D31-J4-7 FOR SALE Corn roughness, top' and shucks and a Model-'!' tor truck. Dewey Francis. Rt. 1 Waynesville. -17-11 QUIT LOOKING FOR WORK Establish yourself in a profit able Rawleigh Business nearby. Jio your own boss. No experience or .capital necessary. Write Im mediately. Rawleigh's. lX'pt. NCA .r81-23( Richmond, Va. J7 M-'E- Kllllrks fr.wvi U....I. 1. tj uuan- corn ,-md f, )i(? shocks of " I T. Blidi'es Eal "full,. ii ONE DAY ?AIR SERVICE flint. r... 1 ' 1 Auto Itadios ARANTEED SERVICE 'tk Un J rs.i:.. 1't-iivrry also rmpt Service Ref on "'fierators S'H Appliances "wtric Ranges PHONE 772 dio $ Appliance WANTED Good clean soft lag: with buttons removed. No wool 5c lb. The Mountaineer. ATTENTION Will I be person who left a girl's while party dress at The Mountaineer last spring please call for it. since there is no record of the owner's name tf Federal Bookkeeping and Tax Service MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. Waynesville, N. C. Some principal changes In the new 1948 Revenue Act are: 1. Splitting of Income between husband and wife and cor responding changes tn the Estate and Gift Taxes. t. Increase In the personal exemption and exemption for dependents. 3. New reduction percentages on Individual Income taxes. Have your return prepared by a competent accountant who is familiar with these and many other tax saving fea tures of the new Revenue Act. Come in to see us or call 777 for an appointment. It Will 'pay you to do so. WANTED Boys who are interest- ! erl ill carrier routes for The Mountaineer. Applications are now being taken for new and expanded routes. See Mrs. Mc Killiick at The Mountaineer. LOST -Brown Shepherd, 2 years old. Named "Jackie". Please no tify Mrs. Way, Box 387. Phone 321 -M. J7-11 SLEEP TONIGHT! lo something when sleepiest nighu . . ciidtt'ss IwiMuiR and turning . . . )e;ive yrtu exhausted in the morning. NORMALIN TAHI,K1'S cjii help bring calm, refreshing ipst wiicn nervous tension threatens normal sleep NOKM A LI N TAI .LETS are non-habit forming . . sale to use. Take as directed. Medically approved ingredients. Guaranteed satisfaction or money lefunded. NO PRE SCRIPTION NKKUKD Clip thw nv-tnage to insure getting genuine NORMALIN 1 AliLKTb un sate ivday at . . . mO To? LHtA6 THE PHoMe. To CfslL 0? UooK 20H F&EblQZ t t t i i- Kin 1 1 loir- Svndmfc, Iru , Vt'orl.l tight revrved . HE.S A c3L To i ' MYRTLE RIGHT ARO UND HOMh Rv DUDLEY nrrt Worn-oBi. M r .. , fa... benefited Ibe ! Hiln. KUtf tubslsnt-e OM1N ID et Bi.ntsm. in.liilln Iro ph..nh.i Arceol ne tvbfttl- cul Tr OMIN tor W It om don't feel fxanier mcb pepplef U Were enlol l.H ch.a IIMIN like fnedl A' raltk't Orm iHfs-41, M. l TPS 4MUi EUCTUC ALL-AUTOMATIC ' WASHER . :. .anr.l... Mrnthlna thai Is rvolly oU automatic. II soks, washes, flnees, ipln-driet-at srtln8 the dial. Si ACTION-TODAYt Hayvyopd Electric Service Phone 45-J Main St. Haielwood "Tbpokeav SUPELV i ENGAGEMENT TO L OH . .FPEODlE , ( you DON'T J 4 MVPTLE, AND SHE rS, ) TAKE IT ) ' TDOAV SNOCGONS V OIO.'?l? TfZ7?J!r 1 VSEPlOUSLVy t CAPPIEO MVPTLE'S JV, K !Jr , I BOOKS HOME AND ' ( PMiA1KTr ) AAVPTLE r VOU UNLOCK YOUPGAPAGE FOP FIVE MINUTES AND I'LL SHOW VOU HOW SERIOUS I AM.' HENRY CARL C. ANDERSOP rn 1 n run imi 1 111 1 1 1 'iinnm n 1111 11 n 1 ih 111 1 1 1 111 'iiiim 1 1 1 1 VJ? Wo)&? I " I LL BOOKS ON lllllll 1 II J 1111 1 ', 1 1 I BOOKS ON lllll t.UIJ ; . r- V COME TRAINING- I I I I III 1 HTTT TRAINING- III III T n IN HL n , IN YOUR XI THE U 11 1 1 2 1 QL f rS7 BR0WSE hi iiiifV MITT ITTriii iiiiiiroyTTf C,.pi i' -if KinjFc-lw S)-nJiia'r lac, WwlJ ttgMtt ittttj r ' ' ' DONALD DUCK RY WALT DISNtfj rso' i l i s 1 i rtarvs i izr i ik him tv ' i m n tin emmm LqNALD OlCk n -? t- l sb i , r -. tm. It i , ' oeryice . ment BFd Pnrnltur. . j ' rm mn . i : v z i r i .m ww rw m. i - n,- i i i i i ,u j .-i ti hJQl

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