STANDARD h,; , Comp 220-2;)0 s i- loitisville ky TODAY'S SMILE Tve insured mr life for 919.M so that if anything happens to me, jon and the children will be provided for." "How thoughtful of yon. darling. Now yon won't have to see the doctor every time HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published Twice-A Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park lights f The lews yon feel sick, will yon?" - $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties now, Not Sun 64th YEAR No. 4 12 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUAKY 14, 1949 ts In California upon ouhfov" - kains from his saow I in California. Mr. ctired newspaperman, ring air ntfU letter to londay, while gazlpf ow and ice that sent the lowest since Crop losses nusn " and the cold is ter med, with a yearning in Western Carolina balmy weather of the in a humorous vein, lomeday I'll write you llfornia, but not during fir t Official Would Know Truth" Clark, now district nt of the WaynesvUJe e Methodist Churcn, ltln cr newspaper cuiw, is one question mai Jthcring him for many kks, "What wouia nap- a newspaper, for one Everything they know, any holds.' , explained by adding: Mage for example. All that some brides are or charming, yet so- would be run out of did not say so. Many Worthless, but you can't L-ould like to see one fpubllshed along that would not want to be was reminded that an h the same position as conducting a funeral. kimcs when a lot of feft unsaid. Dr. Clark n that one by explain- led some time ago that ftual was the best way problem." Again Saves ys His Mother of the ill-fated plane d on a Greenland ice i weeks ago was a Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Pre- lilot, First Lieut, Jams Is from Chattanooga, ler is a Baptist minister fcvost's mother said, af- be, "He always depend: fnd he believes in pray I the war Lieut. Prevost ivn over the North Sea d consciousness while ! icy water of the sea, feting his life preserver ced to stay afloat long fee picked up by rescue er repeated, "James has tended on God. That's he has been rescued revost has a wife and n. o Re-Models Street Shop Iissie is remodeling the o the Park Theatre, and ake a modernistic front "ding. The store was ccupied by Roy Mose- fsstand. "'c said that it would al weeks to get the re completed. Plans for the shop are Plete, Mr. Maseto eoiA fe will know in a day or I"1" oe used for." W Market led at noon Thursrfavl Pnt collection SOc.Sfic fs 20c-28c J8 15c 10c ...32c-36c Per 100 lbs 2.73 20.00-23.00 eef cows lers 21.00-25.00 27.50-2R.0n Fs .... 27.00-32.40 22.00-23.00 - 24.25-25.50 ther CM Jan. 14 Parti v pued cool, becoming. the afternoon. fj Waynesville temperature Po by the Staff of the fl Farm): Max. 70 .70 Mia. 36 38 37 Directors Are Hamed For C. Of C. The twenty-four directors of the Chamber of Commerce have been selected as results of an election held last week, according to an an nouncement made this morning by Stanley Henry, secretary. Only two members of the board of directors are yet to be named. The two are representatives from the town of Hazelwood and the Boosters Club. Five of the direct ors are holdovers from last year. The newly elected 1949 directors and the group they represent are s follows: Agriculture and Livestock Rich ard Barber; Automobile Service, Sales and Repairs H. S. Ward; Industry L. Kim Barber; Business and Professional Alvln T. Ward; Hotels, Boarding Houses, and Res taurants J. C. Patrick and Paul Hyatt; Merchants W. M. Cobb and William Ray. Rotary Club Leo Weill; Lions Johnny Cuddeback; Junior Cham ber of Commerce Lester Burgin, Jr.; The Waynesville Mountaineer W. Curtis Russ; Park Service Charles Ray; Merchants Dave Fel- met; Western North Carolina Asso ciated Communities Jim Kllpat- rlck; and Town of Waynesville . C. Ferguson. The holdover directors include: Wayne Corpening, Bill Prevost, Dick Bradley, S. E. Connatser, and Jonathan Woody. Prisoner Hangs Self In Camp Harold Hawley, 53-year-old negro of Granville county, hung himself with a bed sheet at the state prison camp in Hazelwood shortly after noon Tuesday1. Hawley, a life termer, had been at the camp about three weeks. W. fV Swift, . superintendent of the camp, Mid that Hawley had complained of being sick, and had not gone out on the roads to work Tuesday. The camp physician fail ed to find anything wrong with Hawley, but. had him confined to the camp infirmary. The prisoner ate a hearty dinner, and shortly afterwards, guards found the body hanging with a broken neck. The man had tied a sheet around his neck and the other end around some electrical conduit on the ceiling, and jumped from the top of the double bunks. Coroner Dr. J. F. Tate pro nounced the case as suicide, and no inquest was held. Hawley Was in prison for killing his wife last September. He was scheduled to have died in Novem ber for the crime, but former Gov ernor Cherry commuted the sen tence to life in prison. County Apple Growers Attend Disease School Several apple growers of Hay wood c6unty are attending the apple disease school now being held in Hendersonville high school. The two-day school, which closes Friday afternoon, is sponsored by the N. C Agricultural Extension Service in cooperation with the N. C. Agricultural Experiment Sta tion and the U. S. Fish and Wild life Service. Around 15 apple growers from this county tatended the opening session yesterday morning, accord ing to a report from the county agent's office. 8,063 In Sunday Schools ... 48 Baptist Churches Have 8,839 Members In County There are 8.839 Baptists attend ing 46 churches in Haywood county, according to a survey made by the Hywood Baptist Association, which was released in its annual report. The survey was organised, at me wood' Association, held with Hazel wood, W?st Canton and Waynes ville first Baptist churches last August. 'Sunday School enrollment in Hay wood' Baptist churches, the sur vey ijiows, total 8,063. This figure shows an., increase of nearly 3,000 over the report issued; last Septem ber by trie Sunday School revival in the county. the First Baptist Cburch In Can ton has the largest membership of any church n the county with a total membership of 910. The Haywood's Legislators Get Important aw r-K Ltv i&r ' V'-' ' - v 'v M ML 'AtLfrk I lfJ7 HI X W. H. CRAWFORD, of Sylva, senator of the 32nd district, is chairman of the committee on pensions, also chairman of the committee on immigration, and a member of the following other committees: agriculture, appro priations, conservation and de velopment; library; journal; min ing; health; teachers; and state commission, for the blind. March Oi Dimes Drive Opens Today In Waynesville Area; $6,500 Goal Sorority To; Sponsor Polio Ball The Beta Sigma Phi sorority will sponsor a March of Dimes dance Friday night. January 28, in the Wayheville.Armor i ConnecUw with the polio drive now underway in Haywood county. The highlight of the polio ball will be a grand march during inter mission with approximately 35 girls and their escorts taking part in the program. Merchants and business establishments in the Waynesville area are sponsoring representa tives in the grand march. The band to play for the dance has not ;been named, according to Miss Bernice Harrell, publicity chairman of the sorority. The group held a meeting Monday night for the purpose of deciding on, an (See Sorority Page 2) Poultry Meeting Scheduled For Thursday, Jan. 20 There will be a meeting at the court house Thursday, January 20, at 2 o'clock for all persons in the county interested in poultry, Wayne Corpening, county agent, announc ed today. C. F. Parrish,' extension poultry specialist, will address the group on the future of broilers for mar ket in this area. Mr. Corpening stated that there is a need for more broilers as an added income for smaller farmers in the county and the market for. broilers is available. The only need now is production of broilers, the farm agent commented. A tour of broiler producing areas in North Carolina and Georgia will be made if there is enough inter est shown in the movement, Mr. Corpening said. Waynesville First Baptist Church ranks second with 787 members. Gifts by the Baptist churches in the county to all missions, educa tion and orphanages totaled $176, 831.43, the survey showed. The annual report indicates that there are 35 ministers who hold pastorates in the Haywood Associa tion. There are a total of 40 or dained rhinisters who are not pas tors of churches in the county. Two new ministers were ordained dur ing 1948 and five ministers re ceived licenses. At the present time there are eight students from the county studying for the minis try. The officers of the Haywood Bap tist Association are the following: (See Baptist Pare 2 W. B. HODGES, of Hentierson ville, senator of the 32nd dis trict, is serving on the following committees in the Senate: Chair man of the committee on cities, towns and counties; banks and currency; corporations; educa tionf finance; insurance; mining; penal institutions; propositions and grievances; public health; roads; welfare; rules, wildlife-resources. The most crucial March oi Dimes campaign in history will get un derway in the Waynesville area Friday in. an effort to raise funds to combat infantile paralysis over the nation. The goal set for this area in the drive is $6,500, accord ing to A. P. Ledbetter, chairman of the campaign in this area. The Sotary Club will have charge of all business and industries in the Wavnesville area. For the sec ond fralght ear.- UuvTjeta Sigma Phi' sorority will handle all wo men's activities iu the campaign. The goal for Haywood county has increased some $4,000 over the amount raised here in 19-48, the March of Dimes chairman asserted. The combined goal for the county is $13,000, compared to the $9,000 goal the previous year. The following will have charge of the house to house drive in their section of the Waynesville area, according to the list announced by Ott Ledbetter this morning. Nathan Carver. Mrs. Dick Moody. Hobert Franklin, Mrs. Winnie How ell, Jule Boyd, Lyda W. Hall, Rev. J. E. B. Houser. Norman Caldwell. Mrs. Jim Plott, Rev. C. O. Newell, Jack Rogers. R. G. Sanford, Mar shall Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Fred Saf ford. Cleve Noland. Mrs. Carl Green, Frank Davis. Jarvis Cald well, Rev. Nando Stephens and i Mrs. Porter McClure. Rites Are Held Thursday For Rev. Yoder Davis Funeral services for the Rev. Joseph Yoder Davis, 53, of the Crabtree section of Haywood County, who died early Wednesday in a Waynesville hospital after a long illness, were held Thursday at 11 a.m. in Panther Creek Bap tist Church. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Rev. Davis was a widely known preacher for the Baptist denomina tion in Haywood, Buncombe and Madison counties. He was a native of Haywood County and a farmer and preacher. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Bertha Moore Davis; two sons, Carlylc and Joe Davis, both of the Crabtree section: two sisters and five brothers. (Join tftf MARCH OF MIES I f- t IS ,. v. ' m "unv M ii' i. Mr io ii is ii 14 is "7 17 jt it ao 21 n 2? 24 25 26 27 2t 29 - -' i mwjw mm wr so ji - ii y-f- -1- -f ' fr"P-.r-i ii'iiTini' i i T i Assignments GROVER C. DAVIS, representa tive, has been named to serve on ten committees of the House of Representatives, including ap propriations, and roads, two of the most important committees in the General Assembly. Be sides those two, Rep. Davis is a member of the following com mittees: agriculture; counties, cities, and towns; health; Insti tutions for the deaf; journal; Ju diciary No. 2; Mental Institu tions; and Salaries and fees. Civil Court Ends After Short Term The January civil term ol su perior court adjourned shortly af ter noon yesterday as several civil suits and divorce cases were cleared from the. docket in the closiuji morning's session. In the top civil case of the court. the Mowers Holding Company was ordered to oay Matt L. Burrcss the sum of $1,720. The case had pre viously been on the court docket for the past three terms. In another civil judgment hand ed dow n. Ben Noland was ordered to pay a sum of $281.08 to Brad ford K. Mehaffey and Blue Ridge Insurance Company. The civil suit between John E. Sentelle agmnst Clifford E. Brown was continued until t he next session of civil court. The jury granted a divorce to Leonard Brooks from Venue Brooks Wednesday afternoon. Judge Dan K. Moore of Sylva presided over the four-day session of theJanuary civil term. County Corn Club Holds Banquet Event January 19 The 100 Bushel Corn Club Ban quet will be held Wednesday night, January 19, at 7 o'clock, in the Towne House under the sponsor ship of the Chamber of Commerce. The 48 members of the Corn Club in the county will be special guests at the banquet. A corn show is being planned during the pro gram and all members are asked to bring ten ears of corn to the banquet. Dr. B. A. Krantz from the experi ment station at State College will be principal speaker for the dinner meeting, Wayne Corpening, county agent, announced this morning. Dr. Krantz is an authority on fer tilizer and its application, and farmers of the county will benefit greatly from his address. Burley Tobacco Sells For $48.89 Average A total of 312.256 pounds of to bacco were sold on the Asheville Burley Market yesterday for $152, 665.87, or an average of $48.89 a hundred pounds. Yesterday's sales brought the total for the season to nearly seven million pounds. Figures for the season through yesterday are 6, 993,480 pounds sold at an average of $50.39 a hundredweight. Tax Collector Is Being Kept Busy Sebe Bryson, Haywood tax col lector, estimates that by the end of January, between 65 and 70 per cent of the current taxes will have been paid into the county. "January lias been a busy month, and most tax payers want to get theirs paid before the one per cent penalty goes into effect on February first," he said. Property Owned By Town Valued At Over Two Million Tax Listing Begins In County; Listers Warned Will North Carolina Get To Vote On The Liquor Question? Will North Carolina get to vote on the liquor question during the next two years? That question is being dis cussed freely these days, since Gov. Scott has asked for a refer endum on the matter. The special Raleigh writer of The Mountaineer gives her opin ion today. The answer will be found In the Raleigh Roundup on the editorial page. J. P. Dicus Died Unexpectedly Early Thursday James Perry Dlcus, 64, deputy tax collector of Haywood County, died at his home on Boundary Street early Thursday morning. He had been in declining health for some time but his death was un expected. Mr. Dicus, a native of Seottsboro, Ala., came to Waynesville in 1923. He was a Shriner and a- life mem ber of the Shrine Temple of Mo bile, Ala. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Meta Barefoot Dicus; four daugh ters, Mrs. J. W. Robertson of Pom- pano, Fla., Mrs. B. G. Pigg of Rich land, Washington. Mrs. W. W. Gor don of Sumter. S. C, and Miss Salinda picus of the home; two sons. J. V,' JDAeus,, Jr, -Tabor City and Freddie Dicus of the home: and three brothers. Mark Dicus of Waynesville: Frank Dicus of Abbeville, and Will Dicus of Clinton. S. C! Funeral arrangements under the direction of Garrelt Funeral Home were incomplete Thursday noon. Chief Warns About Getting City Tags Chief of Police Orville Noland warned Waynesville motorists yes terday of the necessity of having a city tag on or before February first. "All motor vehicles registered from within the city limits must have a city tag on or before the first of February or be subject to a fine.'' the chief of police said. During 1948 a total of 476 tags were sold. Chief Noland estimated that 550 would be sold this year. Already 200 have been sold, and the price is one dollar each. The tags can'be had by applying at the city hall. Plans Of Memorial Marker Reviewed By V.F.W. At Meeting Around 30 or 40 prospective members of the Veterans of For eign Wars attended a special meet ing of the group Tuesday night. Mrs. W. A. Medford showed the group a set of plans for the me morial marker at the Green Hill Cemetery. A. E. Marshall, senior vice-commander, presided over the meeting. Know Your Hospital . . . Hospital Official Gives Reasons For County Aid By LEE F. DAVIS Occasionally some people, either uninformed or misinformed, will ask the question, "Why should I help the hospital, by paying tax or in any other way?" Most of the time this question is followed by the statement, "The hospital cer tainly does charge enough." I feel that in every forrft of be nevolence, without any exception, the cause of the sick should come first before the orphans' home, before the schools, before any and all civic groups. My reasons for this are as follows: 1. The question "Why help the hospital it charges enough" is the principal reason why the hospital r-eeds help. If it did not cost any Tax listing began in Haywood this week, with listers pushing hard to complete the work within the month of January. A delay of several days was experienced while the board discussed whether to make a revaluation of all property. The decision to make a five per cent horizontal raise was made, and the listing got underway. Tax listers for the townships in the county are as follows: Beaverdam, V. H. Byers. Cataloochee. Boyd Hannah. Cecil, Ken Browning. Clyde, Carter Osborne. Crabtree. Fred Noland. East Fork, Wes Pless: Fines Creek, Cauley Rogers. Iron Duff. J. Manson Medford. Ivy Hill. J. E. Ferguson. Jonathan Creek, N. W. Carver. Pigeon, Way Mease. Waynesville, D. A. Howell. While Oak. Robert Wililams. Book Drive In County Set Monday A campaign to collect books and magazines In Haywood county for shipment to schools in Germany and other European countries will get underway here Monday, Janu ary 17. it was announced today Tjy Oral L. Yates, district chairmen. The bookstand magazines will be collected through the schools, and rivic organizations and Boy Scouts will be asked to assist in packing them for shipment overseas. All types (f books and magazines will be shipped except those deal ing with crime, sex and comic bonks, it was 'pointed out by the campaign chairman. Knglish school books are especi ally needed, as well as reading books, and children's books for first and second grade children. Desir able selections are picture books for young ages, readers, story books, histories, social science, art, music, classics, Bibles, dictionaries, I reference books and wholesome I magazines. "During the past few years, sev eral million copies of books and magazines have been shipped to Germany and other countries, and there has been a decided improve ment in morale and attitude to wards America as a result of this," Mr. Yates commented. Mr. Yates has charge of 14 coun ties and is launching the campaign in each of the counties on January 17. rf "We should get thousands of pounds of books and magazines from this district which will prove beneficial in trying to educate a large population in Germany and Europe.' Mr. Yates said. BREEDING GROUP MEETS A meeting will be held Monday night, January 17, in the county agent's office at 7:30 o'clock for all officers and directors of Hay wood Cooperative Breeding Asso ciation, Joe H. Palmer, president, announced this morning. thing to care for the sick, the hos pital would not need any help When you put a patient to bed, feed him in bed, bathe him in bed, give him toilet service in bed, change the linens several times a day, give him three eight-hour shifts of con stant care with drugs, dressings, laboratory tests and hundreds of oilier necessities, you are spending money. If, for example, one is paying $6 a day (which is approximately ward rate) for care in the hospital, he is only paying 25 cents an hour because he receives twenty-four hour care. The average patient is served 37 times in twenty-four hours at any hospital. Ninety' three per cent of those who ad- (See Hospital Pnse Auditor's Report Places Conservative Value On Town's Utilities At One Million The Town of Waynesville owns about two millions in utilties. property and equipment, accord ing to an audited report made pub lic this week by town officials, and published In accordance to muni cipal state laws. The same report shows that while the town owns about two mil-' lion In properties, based on a con servative estimate, the total bond ed indebtedness of the town is $388,000. The report of the proper ties and the bonded indebtedness is as of December 31, 1948, the audit showed. Auditors told the town officials that based on today's market, the value of utilities would be doubled. The recent rumors that the water shed of Waynesville, con sisting of some 9,000 acres, is merely leased, is without founda tion, and entirely false, G. C. Ferguson, town manager, said. The water system is carried on the town books at a value of $556.- oii, while the electric system is carried at $210,200, the sewer sys tem at $95,000 and the lointiv own ed Waynesville-Hazelwood sewer line at $lo4,549. makins the total value of utilities at $1,016,272. Street improvements are the next greatest single item in the auditor's report, showing streets and sidewalks at $747,213. and con crete bridges at $48,300. for a total Ol $795,513. Equipment for the various de partments adds up to $47,702. Thit equipment includes S18.491 for the fire department, $10,614 for the street department, $8,245 for the water department, $6,740 for the light department,, $2,475 for ill po lice department a posting machine of $1,398, and general purpose equipment at $1,731. Land owned by the town is the fourth largest item, totaling $32, 240. The park land is carried at a value of $5,823. and the Armory grounds at $1,250. with uniojd cemetery lots 'amounting to S3. 560, and the parking lot at $1,664, with all other land at $19,941. The town has an $10,163 enmtv in the Armory, and have the citv hall lot, building and garage on (See Town Property Page Z) War On Rats Set In County During First Week In Feb. A war on rats of Haywood coun ty will be declared during the first week of February. This annual campaign is being jointly spon sored by the County Extension Service and Health Department, in cooperation with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is estimated that rats each year cost the people of Haywood county around $200,000.00. This does not include the deadly disease which they spread and annoyance of having these pests around the premises. During the local rat campaign. Fortified Red Squill will be used. according to Wayne Corpening, county agent. This poison is harm less to people and domestic ani mals and has proved deadly effec tive on rats in other control cam paigns conducted over the state. The bait will be prepared on campaign day and put in small packages, in the amount needed to bait the average farm. Complete instructions for using the bait will be furnished with each park a a.' The cost will be only $1.00 and all orders must be sent to the V'nmty agent's office before the deadline Thursday, Januarv 20. Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed.... 0 Injured .... 1 (This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).

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