J FRIDAY iu. PACE TWO s THE WATXESVILLE MOUNTADfEER It I I f f, j' , i 1 1? 'M St i 11 4 Federal Aid For Schools Favored By Siuderiis Here MOEE ABOll Baptist itminmr-d from Pgt 1 MORE ABO I T Hospital tCtmUnme fram Pace Saxon Charms A aajorit w? tbdr.i' tte' ; reel.) rat.'.'. .' HtC n .i - a.. i 7j I In, r ' I z ...J.'?; t - c ;lef i. A 11 : . : iihy-Ho c.'ub J iLUfi : f i U.( HH HI H E WII.l.M M-i J 1. I '' - .1. i-' J . T. lb- . f.o.,N ;.. Tii i fU i. -1 ' i. : r ;CJ.....-- ? Ou-' Ir-3 he?- lice v, it--; v.. ,1.. -.n'- it jr : t - !.I . - 't , m :. r Levi moderator. Hazl.jJ: roiniter care iu iw uek are pro- Chamber. r Mr. S3 r. Ciii'.i,; v k-e-moderacor. r, Knirh: clerk Gladys Hens J K Mtrya. IK) S 1. 1) M UM.y i( ; bad ..- i.' : - ir. r-i trul 3- df a to t ; -")--. jr.. Wa rs--v ,::e. Frrd Fore i-.-i-' j.' t SjrnJi S rvooi ipera-rtd-r;l Caniun. Mr Sjui Knight. , Iraixiir a.iuic dix.ttur i'.if . - !: V.r John f-.U.'uc a ?ir. IV M l uwrrinU-mlt-rit. I'iiir.iKl JIi Daphne Bouik-i--un mtisiorr Wa m-jlit-. r M C. Wa:t. Mjpennu-nd . Tr- ..ijrrr.tn o: itm BsjMj i A-rx-iai.!.-r. ire L G Kllioit. txecu-j.- proration ,nmi t-e. Wayn w!l C M Cr-fr. brol her !wd ar:tc.'. C T Ta;. lor. a.wialion orot t.jd. Wari-iik: C" U jr.- - eaardiJip Catoc. and Maur- hink. aMxiaton brotbt-r-f.ot4i Canton f I IF .U.H.HM. M I I tl t , r .-' . :,m- a r i 'ij f mj - rr: . . . ;,ia;. o.-i :.,.-;.; : -,; I ; j:. : -. ',.Ji:-:flf '.I- - .''ai fjf j r.- r r,.i. a i.-.,! .- . . 'rCir.e If,', .-..( . - i 'funk I:..- , ''j Ife rr.o.: ;:,.-' Tt- ri-d.-.-s '-. fc..! hit ti i r i, i V ereffltr'ir;. '-.,. jtf i.fi :.. .- ttjgtfl ht-i tr. ' ; i lERatt-rt 7 r - , tr: r,iil (v if,f. - -rr :. . ho - -- - . of the ;,. ..: nr:u--; ' - .-,.- : ,r '.'.t- : - -r-.H-t . ''' ' riw- ro J . ' ar.d r ir.-: .ro it-dge ' ' t'jdj ; ' ' ' : : :t. j. . . r - : ' - f , rbi a.d ;' ' , pr .o'-rn ri.AlVf: FK N'CIS ; " - - :f con-I '- o''orr.f- may I .' in.'i or. r.- educa- r:.,- ' '.-jzAr;, All in- J ' : 2,-. y i::, r ;h- bf-? , - r.h olt nation's . r :.r..2ra.'.-. 'i'! agret- on '' .- ..- f.;: - -'att-t do not now have ir; ; to -uprt their '' ' v.ea;th-. : other ' '',! term- are not r-acr. rnonev is Congregation Of Grace Church Has Supper Meeting The annual conEregation il .neet - t. of Grace EpiAoopa! Church was .,r.rj near.esday eer.,ng in the P:-.-.-h Houe Supper ia -en,cd U-lore th business session The Rev Edgar Goold ret . or of the church dicued the progre--of the church work and the fuiio' m? committee chairmen report ; Mrs John Tavlor Mis Clara Be!!-i!iiarr,.- ir. William I L, Kobert Hil! and Mi, Rorra. ! Britten L K Bar her. mor warden and Mr J F Abe! church treasurer, alw, gave alkc David Felrnet and Robert Hill were elected ve-r..i:, r. to .vene with those already ir. office A rising vote of thank- was given o William .McCallum for hi assist ance in the renovauor- of the 1 church rectorv Members of the Young people - service U-ague itr-.t-d the supper ihich was planned and prepared b Mrs Cleveland K.rkpatnck Mrs JaTiie U,, Taliaf-rro Mr. M .Jham Lee and Mrs. Kov Camp- tessUisul people w ho have stul an average of from ;hree to ten years preparing iherrlvei before the ij tJ prrau: iLtrui to care for (he jik. Mzn people (-annot pay .be bosu. for iiii .-rjt. 2 The- ond reason for support- m th hospital k that lae sck i-ar.nol help them Ive This should -hal?n?e thv best that is in us all. Ml chivalry, all human kindness ti-uaui anU dullei :hai it- sick slid beple corno first 3. Thv? thfrd reason is that the irk mmst have help or they may die. You may close your Chamber Commerce, your hanks, vour choois. axjd no on will die be cau of this, but lock the doors of J our bos-pitaJ and many will suffer, -'-d some win die. The care of the kk bjus: come first. W e triticwe our hospital as a de fense reaction: We expect fh- hos pitals to educate our nurses, tet-b-r.icians- e expect the doctors to do the work, but give l hem nothing ith which to do it. The bet buy on the American rrirket today is hospital care. One ret,s more for his money in a hos- ' pital than anywhere else. Six dol lars a day, or 25 cents an hour, is less th.-.r- i- ... ... i , - vuju iwi io luve vour :: w n mowed or vour dishes washed Stockholders To Meet .v. anitjuiix a patient is bathed in bed fed in bed. linens are changed from one to a dozen irres a day and he receives con--unt care from faithful and untir i .2 r.ur-s twenty-four hours per Udv. No one can huv as much W Robert Montgomery , above, plavs the leading role in the L'niversa! International film. "The Saxon Charm." adapted from Frederic Wakeman s best seller of the same title. Other actors siarnn? in tire film are Susan Haward John Payne and Audrey TUter. The picture opens at the Strand The atre Sunday. Building And Loan Stockholders To Me Here Tuesday Night MOEE ABOl'T Town Property rBtiacJ from Pe 1) the Us i A conserva tive estimate shos the property could be sold for $75,000 TjHrfe were numerous hnprove aients tnce during the latter part of, 193 tlai hive not betn capi talucd. V.r Ferguson pointed out In the pa -I few weets there have br-n a number of improveiaents made in the area of East Wavnes iile. which became part of Havnesvilcl several months ago. The sjne report shows that light and water lUleclions for the ear IMS totaled $153.697 During the ear. the town collected $4,352 for privilege uses while the sale of cemeterv lots amounted to $1.- 215. eDidemics in its history, with ap- Wane?Mlle received from the proximately 26 000 cases, Mr. Led state $2,497 from the beer and better said. '"Never before have wir.e tax. in addition to $994 in the National Foundation and its state intangible taxes. The park- chapters been called upon to render ing meters netted the town treas- ueh extensive aid to stricken com urv S3 639 while police court costs rnunities in every part of the nation added another $10,750 to the in- The challenge was met, but emer come gency aid funds were completely Wavnesvilie has an assessed exhausted We must now replen property valuation of $2.918. 969 j5h those funds and prepare for with a tax rate of $1 40 per $100 new epidemics this year " valuation, making a total on the jjr Ledbetter listed two pri curTent tax books of $41,127. mary reasons for full community The auditors report shows that support of the March of Dimes the bonded indebtedness as of campaign They are the ever pres December 31. is $388,000. ,ent threat of a local infantile na- Tfte detailed report is published raiy5is epidemic, such as last year's Counl March Of Dimes. Cam) In Years, Ledbetter Ts 1QJQ f.rh r.f Dim.P , . . tne most .niensive lunu-iaiMiig arive in :a-. 11 years, v. r. ieuueuci, i-uairman A ihe v Dimes committee, announced this rmimn raisins? appeal for the county Chapter ot n,i- UOU HJ1 liuamuc i ai aij Ju o me IlluSI Cl'Uoij! ganization s history, ine campaign will end J Last summer the nation suffered cne of the most devastating pono T?lr.:l. rv m,.7iSu r rienj Rites For I4. Air. and in Sues in North Carolina and . and the high cost of and after-care of those in certain rl"'"1 " .mi . . 7 T 1 11 1 ''''' '''---''Wir---'-' tiiiiiiii I, 1 spent on each student state as in others. 4. The schtxjl property and MORE ABOl'T j-piem is unequal in value 5. Sime teachers are pairl a, much a 3 time- more than others It i obvious frorn lht,. faf.,t that many young people ,,, the Lr,i M Vales have better opportuni ties for education than others i uoiiar a- he can in a hospiial. and twJav the length of a patient s -'ay at the hospital for the average case ha- been cut way down so that r-c- patient pays in total for better '-re the same or less than he paid before If ou -hink the doctor is an as to vour community and want help him I know of no better a ay to help him man to support rt institution that serves him. The care of the sick, by lifting burden and giving hope to the ' ;--.e--1 afirlen t:oiden and of tx-aten and broken l.umar.itv. Too many of u, want 10 Oe the ' (.ood Samaritan" with out paying the innkeejr The annual stockholders meeting of the Haywood Building and Ijiar. Association has been called for Tuesday. January lfl at 7 3iJ p rr, . according to notice- given out b L X Davis, secretar;. . Officers will be elected at the meeting, and a report of the past ;. ear will be given PEACEMAKER FORT WAYNE Ind. 'L'P' Milton Brown, 38. was driving his automobile down the street when he saw a man and a woman fighting on the sidewaik Brown attempt ed to intervene He told police found out it was lack of money and they did something about it They began a collection that Vl-M.- H,.'r' rh.l ,f, I l.li. lortincv encourages and ! later that the woman slapped him furniture, a t.ny stove, a set ol 'he hear! of the down- in the fare and the man iuniDert on vashinu srj imnina a Liin and tore his shirt off. box of donucoes el-sew here in this edition Kindly Police Fill In For Missing Santa FAIRMONT W Va L'Pi When Christmas Day came and went ar.d there was no sign of Santa Claus. eight-year-old Carol Clark wer.t to the police with her w ishes She d like to have some things to Diav with the orohan tolrt the 'own Fairmont officers She couldn't : its chapter funds were drained dry. understand why her aun; didn't 'Then, they fought back at the epi think Santa had time to stop at demies with emergency funds furn- i.er riooie. l ce conce. nowever. epidemics California treatment -triekAn Chairman ledbetter recalled that the North Carolina chapters had had funds for normal polio out oreaks in the state, but far too little for unexpected emergencies. "Such circumstances," Mr. Led better declared, "may be duplicat ed here A severe polio epidemic may strike auy community like our North Carolina soon found Raleigh v., Mrs. lrion,ai c tmei .iuv u a thic u. I, n-. funeral services' d TiiDur .M,K(-e j, conducted at i .,,, dist Church Wr(1nJ air. r-lgf ord and I ciose iriencl- and b ing together in 1S Forces during were separated tvU sent oversea- nr to me outh l'icili( going to India ) ed n a plane cra,h Lt. William Burt, who escorted Lt Waynesville, ua the McKees ished by the National Foundation's national headquarters. "That taught us a lesson here in Waynesville," Mr. Ledbetter said. "We must work with a will and provide ammunition for future battles Your dimes are the bullets on which the shock-troops depend. The shock-troops cians ana the r,urw ment is the iron i.J beds. Your dimes art lists who cam search seeking t0 e tile paralysis The need for fuJ of Dimes campaip Mr. Ledbetter said pono victims read more in some cases age cost is around chapters working ; Foundation M l' $ money needed frJ onlj the annual m Sorority 'Continued from PaEe 1) FRIDAY - SATURDAY JAN. 14-15 DOUBLE FEATURE -.,. ore"" -nit r 'b. n r mmwrmmm .... wcv- . unity- ?UlBi".Ji Of i .SECOND FEATURE Ht'S A Ftf-TOTIH' fOOL...LIlW 6UN-T0TUT BANDITS! JIM. My WHITMAN Personally. 1 arrr definitely for leaerai aid to oui school-. Here tn the southland our schools ate at a post war low ebb. Over crowd ed rooms, underpaid teach, rs and more students caue our schools to need more and more financial aid both federal and state. Especially, in thi area, the needs are drastic No matter where vou happen to go in our state, or the whole south land for rRat matter, you v. ill find these overcrowded condition-. With iedcral aid much of ih,.,. conditions could be relieved With more financial aid. our school will have opportunities to raie the standards with new building, im proved and more textbook, and higher paid teachers. oichestra for the affair "I he merchant- and -ponors for! i.' f grand mar. h are a- follows waynesville Uon-t Rett.- Hannah l.ad-.e lav r Heautv Shoppe. an. : Fiord: H'itt Plumbing Com- p-'.v Juanita Smith; Mar-I.all K o Nation. .Nanc Hoyd. liie-iune More Dot Nonis; Reliable Jewel- e.'s. iJot Calhoun Turner. Howell Motor Company. Polly Dy.-i Tic '"-''"ry. Mary Ann Massie. Smith I'-'o- Store. M.in7aiet Vi. kej lo- Grill ( atheiine Hyatt ' :'"li. ' i'iaci . Aleen Vil;,Jn, loher Orrnaid. ujan Watkm- S.V,.t. L'... t- .,....; rvvirii-i r .-.l iner' r.x. I u.f. Alice Fincher: D.-.vi-Liner Mot, f... r- .1 : . . "-""N""1.1- r. a i i ri tiummenow Ia atlierwood and f rauds E-mj St uon. Janette I-ooard Jam. - Shell S. rwce. June Hundley: Ro"er-. '-'''" if Company. Mozelle I.u.ei mr, I'ure Oil Service Station Mil dred Medford. Town Of Vaynesville AUDITED REPORT ON PROPERTIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1948 y r-v'-,"s::''t' l Also CARTOON and Chapter 4, DICK TRACY RETURN'S SUNDAY - MONDAY JAN 16-17 ROBERT S r wijJkc - 'fe ..Tu s isiii : t i : k ..o .a Fi niinino t Lff'.-X T- AT m nuocni IMONTCOMERY i i m UAVWAU ft. e -A Sr.' W AT HIIIIULT I I I I II II YA HUUIIl l I U I I I. I I m ....... L A L 5 With HARfif VON ZELl HEATHER ANGEL SUNDAY SHOWS 2-4-9 0 ' TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18 - 19 "ROGUES REGIMENT" PARK THEATRE P R PGR A M SATURDAY, January 15 DOUBLE FEATURE The Dead Don't Dream Starring WILLIAM BOYD and ANDY CLYDE Also "Campus Honeymoon" Starring LYNN WILDE and LEE WILDE LATE SHOW Leopard Men Of Africa' A New Jungle Thriller UTILITY SYSTEMS: Water Electric Sever Waynesville-Hazelwood Sewer STREET IMPROVEMENTS: Streets and Sidewalks Concrete Bridges INCINERATOR LAND: Park Land Armory Grounds Cemetery Lots Unsold Parking Lot Other Land BUILDINGS: 556,523.36 210,200.12 95.000.00 154.549.01 S 747,213.10 48,300.00 $1,016,272.49 795,513.10 3,888.26 5,823.46 1.250.00 3,560.20 1.664.60 19,941.87 Town Hall and Garage-Including Land ..... 16,508.58 EQUIPMENT: Fire Department Street Department Water Department Light Department Police Department Posting Machine 32,240.13 26,672.20 General Purpose . . 18,491.32 10,614.38 8,245.42 6,746.53 2,476,78 1:396.41 .38 49,702.22 SUNDAY, January 1 "The Secret Land" (In Technicolor) Starring Robert Montgomery, Robert Taylor and Van Heflin MONDAY - TUESDAY, January 17-18 "The Hills Of Home" (In Technicolor) Starring EDMUND GWENN and JANET LEIGH TOTAL PROPERTIES LIGHT AND WATER COLLECTIONS for year 1948 PRIVILEGE TAX COLLECTED for year 1948 SALE OF CEMETERY LOTS for year 1948 STATE BEER AND WINE TAX N. C, STATE INTANGIBLE TAX PARKING METER COLLECTIONS POLICE COURT COST , Total Tax SJSS8 roR TOWN 0F wiLLE $1,922,288.40 156,697.74 4,352.76 1,215.00 2,497.78 994.31 3,639.10 10,750.50 , 41,127.56'

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