JAXtJ PACE TWO (Secood Stion) THE WAYXEsfaLLC MOUNTAINEER TUESDAY THE MOUNTAINEER The National Guard .Marches On atkia Street PWtt ?M MTarsrfcrSie. na CarIia Tke Cutr Seat f Barrctd Ccvt7 THE WAYNES VILLE PRINTING CO. W. CL'KIS EVSS Out Tts-r Ciie Tear - 1 KuL W !L-IN A -.lit T-ZT - . 14 ( UK 2 5C grmj'tc h Cl -e-jtr ir"-,- fa- v , - V C s .r- r.1 . ifcii. fail. "1-e- id Orr A i". 'A - - :- v -i-- it T!j f-htSS TlOKilCDrrolAL 3CL SSOCf ATiO N urfvr.s yori .Tjt-n to Yo!ir.-r ic the r.ew N:ior.a' Cure and a news story arsourx-ing i-r. A ar. ir.u-r.5ive rfccr-jtir.ji carr.paun ; ;he Na:. cr.il G-ard unit -J "Vayr.ts". Tr.ii ii new, indeed. Ic the first two yars existe-rK-e. the new Natfonai Guard row . ia. :hat last June :'- &ecas;e ncesar' :o :"acfc 5t.-er.gtr- c-e:!ir.2s or. a-' units. The ex ,:ar.at:o.i s simp.e There s:mp!y was r.c-t rnoagh money appropriates ".j support ar.v '.ore rr.er. a: that tjrr.e .r. the f.scaJ year. 7r.es strength ceilirs have now beer, l.r't t , enable- tr;e Nat.onaj Guara to grow a tier.rth of 341.000 men. the Lrr.it which .t r. reatn with fundi appropriated for its sup ',:t -j jri.ia trie f;sc-: year ending Jane -.'0. Tr.-i far the National Guari has beer, s-c-- :r. attaj-tinf. and exceeding, every re : t.r. -O.'frctive "Ahich has been set for it. : . access, we beweve. is a measure of the -'.... confidence in an organization whose - : : . '. t.rr.e cf war arc peace has developed ; :.:. .'. .: service to country. State and ty v.n.ch has been cherished for . . t.'.an tr.ree centuries. TUESDAY. J M'AKY 149 a rr.eas-re of the confidence which is .r. tr.e or.ai Guard is the action of ;s .r. permitting young men who enlist Gard before reaching the ai'e of 13 Looking Back Over The Years Watershed Ha aluable TimUr - hr.z six months to thus aischarge the. .-esponi.bijity for military training am tr.em to continue their education o v.'.rk at nom.e. Fok And Friendship e c.ear .-evi.fe .! a few weeks Haywood housewives their annua; back-oreakin? task of r-' Confronting the average tr.e big o-estio.-:. "'.'.'hat must I . . . .. 1. .,. t n i n s t h a t t ..!.;...- .' i .i.. -I'.r.'r . ' ' " ' .' -..-.. f 'jrr.r: ;. - l-i-'.-j. ;. f .- :' ;.-..." - T'.'A eti.t-f v.'r. ;. -"'' '!.- Tov. r. -,f V;; ' Tfiis. .- ; ;:i-' . " lr. (--. a. -'.-r .. . i: . v n.eth'Ki of cutt.r.r the ..' 'hev r ,o-ni'.f- of the rafe'.v ' ' h-- ti'-rs f v. a1 tioff, t(.e '.-..' .- '.'.'. d:: ' .' ...' ". .'. p ft-.-t a-'r -!: '!.'. ,, '.' .)?. -,ve t: i . tr tfie n''-r. of -.: ' o" .,- t-.vi:(: Tr. ar. '.' i if..'.: Ilaptists Show Gains In Haywood '1 f.f- 4'i J:;-;.': 1 ' r .3.r. i eyac . or.- rr. :j (.';i;.rij , :,:-, '- : ;.i-..'. '"' 41 ; ' r.- !lii?.':.i . ;.' 1 ill, fj. ' St ilr ::''.'; ' o m'v h nh-: 'Ju! . ';;' la-.t ' ::. :jr hip to ' O- .O , "Mil . . ' ,;.rr.(- f. f:uri-hf--. of f.o: i.;.r. i ' rr.Of.thlv emoHrrif-nt o.-oir.;- to & cornp.'ii ison of t;e ;'ii-uf(-- for '.,'.' pa:.'. '?!! :. The financial repo't. hovevf-. . for the ar lack-') some M!!.000 of ooroin;' up to the '. ranrl total of the y-;ir h-fore-. This is not V t.t taken too senou- h . ...,rr,e churches in tf.e county 'lurin;; 1 !4'l-47 pu on hi; huiMmt' f t'A campaigns, which counted into the over all total. From the t'en'-ral report, it. seems that Hav v ood Baptists have every tuhvm to be thank t -I foi the- t-ains made la'-:? ve-.-u. as work is -aiteii in ;, fertile field on another '. ear. -ciec ;r. tr.at ior.k" .:st '.'.lv raise that anr. jal question will be oy.-ks and magazines. It seems that r.ese items just have a habit of accumu lator than almost ar.vthmg else. - '.ear toe ouestion on tnat matter ii .t'.matically an-vered. as there is an urgent r for aii books and magazines for the peo ple of German v and other countries in Eu rope. The campaign is on in Haywood, as it is throughout the state, in an effort to get thousands of pounds of books and current magazines for the people of the war-torn area of Europe. Every type book and maga-z-r.e. except those dealing with sex and crime, and the comic magazines, will be of use. Housewives can get a head start on their housecleamng by sending their books and magazine-: to any school, where civic grouos v.iil see that they are packed and shipped abroad. This is a campaign to build international fi icndship in which every Amei it-an can hav e a part. 15 YEARS AGO 225 men go to Aork on erosion 'orlt m Haywood oount under the U; i. (.., , Valley Authoritv pro ject Youna r.e?ro sir gets married wrh rr.r-r.e -tr.'. r.-re to ue for her rr. other - iunerai expense' Nt-i NurM-i Humt: iormally open cJ -rh a tea Burgers -nur horne of Mr and -Mrs 11 (i. So.r.t- n F.agie, .Wst Hoad. Sheriff L,v.. recovers stolen ir'ic.'ev 10 YFAKS AGO Ha'.uoorJ If,,.,;,. Bui.'ding and f-oao Awxiitior, hold- 20ih annual f.'oni.xort-e adopt. resolution branding the ale on meals a? "detrimental to . Carolina". James Francis -enior. and Arnngton. sophomore, of W ville High Skhrtol leader ir work of the local chap er i f f j Farmers of America .p ak ; ' tary Club meeting Miss Martha lx uieu- ;. ried to James Sam v'at.c 'ending machine lipi ' coca-colas, peanut, cand. cheuing gum are placed ,: Iohh of the Court lioue Harr McCracken is app",i representative- of the Fhoi i i :ual Life Insurance Cornpan; ne .he Mu- C iaiiih : J K 5 YEARS AGO Barr. general manage:- .( VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Mould you likf U the stat nf North ( ari.lnia iakr over build in and maintenance of m hooK In stead of the count v? Lawrence l.e.-ithernood: This! '"iuh! he the p. v..-,s :o (-'pializc-"" f" '-;( :.r;, ,n S,.r't, Can,- i 11 b'Wx , J WASHINGTON LETTER By JANE EADS Newsprint Still Scarce One of fhe greatest problems confronting newspaper publishers today is the scared tv of newsprint. In view of this it is interesting to note that the Government Printing Office has just declined three bids on newsprint. The price ranged from $168.80 to $179.80 per ton. Having just received our 1949 tonnage allotment for newsprint, we can't sav that we are happy over the situation. The price, how ever, is not a factor, as that 'is something that does not now enter the newsprint picture. We are having to hold our use of newsprint within our same 1948 allotment, which means that at times we might not have enough copies to meet all requirements. MIRROR OF YOUR MIND &&2$P families it two a clou while the Korea of those of larger families dropped la proportion. Emotional health wu not con sidered, and might be another story. For the closer a child is to dults, the faster his "brain" de velops, but the more apt he is to suffer from having too much ex- pcciea oz mm. Mrs. Mary Smith: "In rn opinion "'.',!-. I..-. -, , , ,, "'''id the sc,(H! hut ' i. '.e ,,'l i hand wl.., ,,, '' ' " U!.! . -.Mmiil .'le.-.th hi l., fit 'he -late would take ir.i r Ihe huilil :i ' ami ,nuii leI:;,m plot'! am. I.ir hard Taylor: I think n.i ' pl -e,( .., tup . ,, n.ufh ,, i,,,,.. , ' ii Iwi Hie conrifM , hecau i- .,n1e eouMi, s ,. ,.., ;,,.,, heil r .school .;.(. , tiian other-. I !'" 'O this lac I. it ,..,,!d he hdt. i lo: .ill el,.,. ,. , ,., i0 hae II, , ..oi k done i l!i(. stale." Mi,s Nancy Reed; 'n,lS ,IUAf. -.could Kuarantee belter schools for all ( ou.'itiis." f). L. Love: ' Although the pres- cm vierii has several v.caknew. I ' think with non allocaOons tiom Ihe stale, it would work bel li i under Ihe state solelv." Views of Other Editors Answer: There are cases in Which "carrying on the family business" is of fO great practical Importance that tnere does not seem to be much choice about it, but in principle, it's not a good Idea. Too often the younger man will either take advantage of be ing "the boss's son" to do no more work than he has to, and so never really grow up, or else feel that fat's living Jo please his father. Dot himself, and become bitter cd neurotic. The more Indepen dent of your parents your career id, tba mora satisfaction it will usually bring you. Should a boy work for rys father? Do small families mean higher Answer: Yes, report Prof. God frey Thompson, English psychol ogist. In "The Times" of London. Tests of 70,000 Scottish children at eleven years old showed that "only" children made the highest "I Q." scores, with children of (Cwrritf !. Cm tmtnm Tn'stiilV tm An "otceholJcs" and "probUm drinkers" rh same? Amwer: No, though the two types "shade into" each other and the boundary it easy to cross. On the whole, the "problem drinker" feels fat has to drink against hit will so at to get away from prob lems which he cannot solve be cause be doesn't understand them, whilt the alcohdiie has reached Ut point where he enjoys intoil eation for its own sake and pre fere the dream world info which ft take him to the real one. A Ptychlatrltt I knew denned an al coholic i a person to whom "even rfe0 ii fust an interval bttwtea drinks," j DRIVING TO MUSIC Man-, persons will have a great (deal of sympathy with the com merit', of Assistant Corporation 'Counsel Clark F. King about the ' distracting influence of radios in ! automobiles. Il rnusi indeed be dis. concerting to policemen and fire rnen to grind away at their sirens onl to encounter an obstruction in the form of an oblivious motor ic entranced by Ihe strains of 'Slow Boat to China". Mr. King's remedy, to be sure, is a little ex treme, though his logic is impec cable. II is illegal, hu figures, not to give full attention to Ihe opera tion of an, automobile, and this can not be done when listening to a radio. But if drivers are to be de prived of their music, what about I mothers-in-law and back.seat-driv- ing wives, from whom a radin U welcome and sometimes altogether I necessary relief? If Mr. King can ! devise a successful formula for combating this distraction without ruining family harmony, the prob lem of too much radio harmony will pale into insignificance. The Washington Post. First of four article.- on the Truman inaugural WASHINGTON Mol , poi'..i. event of the da -- eon,,, .(..nu , 20th - revokes around a le - .. , j tacled. giajnig man ol ! ur - . lure with a lwang, pie-1 , u . speaking, and an inclination ; . napp apparel. This man. irnpcecabl'. tumid n , .lid undoubtedly wcarrr;' hi. i; n,, ' orififient grin, v ill be v .-- ; 'h,. White House an, mil noon ,o his irusHi- and hi'- h!o,'i.. dauglitc-r and a group (,t v.;., eed gerilh iiien v.ho c-anv lo.irn . rt'.olvers unde r their civilian j.,i k ' Is. Within a lew minute-. Ihe m.,, '.' bo is about to beeoiii,. ii,,. president oi the Lulled Slates v.1,1 fleet a small group of Con.oe ooruil leader;- come lo e eort him lo a Oag-bedec kc d CnpMol. l the Capitol, v. hen. v stand, head bared, with ori-i dignitaries on a rotunda on hast Side of the building. H.., , Irurnan. Democrat of ',!, will be sworn in for hi first full term in olice by Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson. Some 14 000 important people will witness this solemn eerernoiiv. Thousands more will Irar the vvorcls over loud speakers. Out side of Washington the will hear the woids over the radio Addition al thousands will see tin pioceecl- , it i 'Mil lii.'lil- ,11 lop Ihe int'- ov.r television. After Mr Tru- n.aiU'tirftl ad. lie-, he and '' !!! .-.ill June 1; vmh , roiiie f d ; .t.c hi hi.'-vM i tin- capi I ' i i - to t.ne d1'l not ' '! '.' l I.ni.y the av,-mie ' - i toi 'he parade to : t and vice president ' ': !'' ' ' 'be pelade to the bloc k '"i d e,, i, ,1 i i runt ot t),e ' ''. 11 ' I rorn the. h,.y ' 1 lew the t I,, IJ,,,. UUJ. "'-'' 1-at. I the Tr um.nis "i l'i iino'.lvariia Av nue to ll'.U e V he.'.. I I,, v f.ro. Ii,-;.,,. 'e tin- I He ..,-e i jnder v.ii.g it-pa..'-, and where they will then atnie t.,r soi.ielhing 'in n r anl proiei-d lo Ihe recep ti'ii! phiiu ,1 for them at the Na " '...I Art Gallery. Coven oi . bo'l, I'.epuhlican and lic-rncc ran. . .Iet l. s. Supreme ooi t u, . mber-. chinel officials and their wive- win he received h- the I'.t ft. .,'...! partv before '" ''- gioup- inc lude oromment Dimocratic leaders, hi ads of gove rnment agencies members of ihe little cabinet. Dis-' tii'l Cornmi sione i s. members of ihe J'.int Congressional Committee nd the Inaugural Committee In 'ddition the list will include fam-'I"-' and friends of Mr. Truman and Mr. Barkley. Later in the eve 'Continued on Page 6) NOBODY LOVES A FAT MAN ?J BIO S TUU wczc SEFOTE 7VE HOTEL PROVIDES SITTERS CHICAGO (U P.) From now evn, when Dad Roes to a convention in Chicago he will have one less ert cum for not taking his. wife and children along, A lareg Loop hotel, the Sherman, has instituted t 24 hour baby-sitting service for its fuesfs. HieyH Do Ir Every- Time,, . By Timmy Hado Rambling Ty Bits Of Huniari Inlrrct Nc:, S'itl , , ( Of The Mountaineer iaff During tbo-e wonderful days of last wn-k wlicn Su ing had toured on its way to Florid-, we heard bud.- twittering at sun-l and siiigiitS a n anthem at sunria. ii.-i ""' thoufiiit eame tc u. if bud? can iu. then wh can't we'' Of coui-e tiu" high cost of buns dece nt pla a big part in their lives . but then eoiites the nci ami "what will poor robin do then a- tlte old rhyme went. Ar. wa. ev.ii tht.ugli your voice ha-nt the '-aru-o tinge., try hum- ' inrna a tune At lea-t. il can't hurt ou And it - be-.: io try it in pri vate Lejion of Honor crimson rib bons spread across the bieast of : the eastern sky at sunris. The adase of It depends" upor, whose ox i gored" was aptly ex emplified one day wWn two men were walking down the street With 'hen - i.a : dog A fiitndly little ctxker -pai. lei approached where upon the other dog started up a fight T...- cocker was getting much the wore of it while the two men looked on approvingly. Suddenly. matte --en n. of til-,, . lor an. I ,),, It ail ,i. .. . ''ii 1 "-lie.. uri ( "'i II,,., U(j "I o, lir((s i5 iroin Jft Pus, etc Out .,: ; ilitlep,,! Illg Ihe, I the n, oi times n,u s&rr.r v. No an, Mother chaiiue-tion. Take tlii-m as Oay is the TorJ ried dliout VrsieJ -' iUM., faltf lllrfi ' i '.he Haze! wood Cjr.r.ery. announce 'i.: 'a .:k 'tirted on pro)ect tu vioiiUv tr.e capit;t of the tannery C;.: J .- Liner Frad . Jr and I'lv Ja.T.r- Ev.-rett Fradv un of .Mr ar,c Mr L Fradv nieet un - vvpet o . -x Li.-i'It. for rirs lime I'r.aer--. a Nov elt Company is i-u.-'.-.o-ej r-;. Frar.k A Fox and '";' Kt-- .- 'i Ntvt York. I" F ',-"r: ..f tr.e Woman' v.i. .-.. (." rr. ..-i'ir.2 hi-r parent M" rn Mr- Max W ::-.r ir. llazel- ri ird M-- P..-.'j- Siler obne ''' -'ii:.z -r. r..v t-rar Mr- K I. W.-'.her er.t.-rtain-oi. 'ij r. ;:r.2 J.er .-nether. Mr -' r. the K!-i sn- i f.'-i-ii, ..: : b.:':.'Jav Capital Lette Dr Ru'oert F. Nic. Lee. head of the Waki Fort t Law Sc hool, ran into a cioor at hi home a few night ago. l- now at Duke Hospi tal, and may loe the sight of one eye. po--ib!y in both. ay reports . New Congressiiian Erti-1 Car lyle of Lumbe r ion had only been :n hi Wa-liiiigton odiee a few hour He ran uo with Oldtimer Bob Dtiughton. who a-ked him how he wa yetting jlong. Congressman Co Iv.e i- said to have waved his hard about in futih- gesture-, re marKirig -oinething to the e-ITect thai he wa at "loeie ends' and was impatit nt to eel down to business. Now look heie young feller, don't think you can take old Washington in a day " replied Congressman Hob Anyway, that - the story . . . . . One ot the Legislature's most ardent dry- is none other than your new Lt. Gov. Pat Taylor of Waeitsbmo That may be one of the reaon- the wets chose to con-: linue their wiiik in 'he- Hou-e iath- . 3 f,r Ihe er than ,r. :i. nt , lol' is the i.ii'-id. i man oi gn . .. jj i McDON.M.).- aid. uiiu", iC! governor u, an inipoi i .ii tional Kilui : in Ralen h week siii'ir Kerr Scon. . wg of Dime- in i,t. St way f i om he ini m Scott plaii- Id i things Ml lle!:i,:d tempted had he A In his se.'ut Ii lurtl ministralioii. Ihe might look in Hit honorable doctor have a ktt-n inle even to 1 1. 1 - tiav OFF T1IF. CL'FT- ton has lea. ell lii; Barton lioine licit 0 11 1 1 nurd nl MARCH OF EVENTS : Un-American Probt Group Drops Plans for Expansion Congresi Mo Crash of $8; Senator Karl E. Mundt Special to Central Press tV7"ASHrVGTON Influential Renuhlicann hnv m f w ticvuuii iiau m cApanu uic nuuac uti-mwim committee into a joint committee of the Senate andl racier or move was Kep. (now senator) Karl t. jhut uaKoia. acting cnalrman of the House committee m ' - - wiilllluillHi Cl J ' S7. Mundt had hacking from rnnnv Influential enfltc Ri! planned to introduce a bill Droaoia mmee at the nrst regular sesso: Coneress " However, Mundt hat reversed hitl that his plan originally was cm Nov 2 in anticipation that the GOP control of Congress in adauiot Thomas E. Dewev nreaident Now that the Democrats have nil and House control. Mundt feds tna. be out of place. Si AKATm-I PBnnrt Th nfVV look intn th tnvstrivn rrfl.sh of I million-dollar bomber-photo reconrM after Air Force materiel headquw , Field. Ohio. OK'd the craft Thef icklW o a i.. . -w J.h.nt ugurea in Air force ucicin Field crew took on? to Eg:Un Field, FU.. for furthj e s- iue ii men me jt,gnn Meld Stan oeciareu n ouV on the complex craft after a two-hour famiM TVla Ur-inkt rS.U . . . . n ,n..,J ...v ..iigni neiu experts departed, on tne n-u "- M... W.;i.i .. . ... l - -.lev. uciiieu out wnen a tire broke out aboard arm giant was destroyed Charges were heard that the crewmen abandoned maturely, that the danger was not acute and that : have been brought under control. The Air Force said behaved properly. In any event, several air-minded legislators are C Inquiring Into the matter to tee if a more thoMur1 by the Eglin Field personnel might have prevented ti ON THE WAY Th. a... . . ..,1,,,' -i ' military atrpower is well-UrtH Congress voted nearlv thr hillinna in.r nrin fl procurement as the Brat step in the program. Air ft "",u iripiea Dy i50. Employment figures, dug up by the United State Service, are a good indicator of how the expansion Airrrafr i.. . . .ortl ;...Hiujrcr lorecast an addition or their payrolls during the six-month period from lut r erinmrv R,i . u . . r . i in tr j. j UIC ,Bli.er montn. total empioyn.t"' -is expected to near 22R nnn ThU is a far cry from peak aircraft employment " over two mllllonhn i. ..i, from tt' after VJ-Day when the bottom droppedaput of the w Oil. tl-rtB t Icnii . ....n ir. Ii . . a "r "MCE President irui-v in his state of th iima. ....... .-. sirarf parently has failed to doftv ,nr .it in th H r".!Mt. oil-beannj tldeland. Thl v, " w "erat government. tho. C,Urt hM ru,ed t0 th effect, but the co mip-ht , 8 "naeater areas on which on Om? UP WIU mtke mpt In the next rich nrot.e,.Pa8f ,eUlt'o" which would give the rich properties to the state Mr. Tinman . . He win rUi-i """ve,y l opposed to this tmnmnt moreoiL"1 ""V""' the United SUtes Is uslnf TrZ IT " 2h"" V the w effort, that South Am-Jr . p,ac' " Saudi Arabia, the outh America In case of war this supply would u . Tnt meant the ntr. . ...rvji Ianda m . . "" inincin ii v" ,j janas and the president wtn ..i. .- Att bet r1 ""P'-Opeacej -.w