KTAND.A HI) VTi; (.'() C'oinu ---220-230 S First SI ""ISVHI.i: KV - TODAY'S SMILE "If this storm continues," the captain remarked with some apprehension, "III have to heave-to." The seasick passenger look ed np with deep sympathy. The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - - WAYNESVILLE, N. C. TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countl? 64th YEAR No. 1 12 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News IghttT ffhe lappy Man Ned Tucker, kn his yard, and r ntr warm, punc M. The neareoi the Dumper vi So on the rear It went. ht about ms piay- Ecker decided to Jo get the mail. , the jacket was and Ned Junior car was leaving lie highway, Mrs. hick back o ner blowing. ung wolf trying SkL as she drove iup twn- driver of the Jrt. so she felt (up as not being f rne uu A the jacket. ihe truck was not fu't trying to at- ln to the jacket laniels. who works Jked up the jack- Ip number of the started in search It took hfm two hnd out who own lent to a lot of determined that I get back to ins 'uckers are happy Mr. Daniels a re i not part of the fl it down fiat. Ion's jacket, and I fet is all," he said happy for three Ivs there are still :e Mr. Daniels left second, he got the Ind the third point Biat his wife won't hew that all the ree Squab I A Day fcla, a' towtf board ve ordered that t clutter tip the bt, and fed to tha city jll. is not been a pib- de, there is every ie that Rev. L. G the First Baptist ive anyone all the lould catch from the church. The fcbably put thumbs b, but trapping, or their tails would fquab, here's your kirn After nauguration n Capitol John M. Queen, pr, Miss Katherine gh, returned Sun day visit to Wash- the ceremonies at of President Tru- per of social events, Inaugural Ball and Ida. ho was one of the presidential elec- tided the elector's lie evening preced- fation and the re ly the President at ft Gallery the fol- Market pllection 50c-56c 20c-28c 15c 10c 32c-36c f lbs. .. 2.75 fcws 20.00-23 on 21.00-25.00 27.50-28.00 27.00-32.40 22.00-23.00 24.25-23.50 25 partly cloudy rnejVllle t.mnoro- t "y the staff of the Jax. Min. Rainfall (Ml . 61 50 58 64 25 .... 82 23 47 .35 ,49 .04 Top Producers of the This photograph was made during the annual meeting of the Haywood Hundred Bushel Corn Club at the Towne House recently. Will A. Medford had just been declared winner for having produced 135 bushels per acre. Those seated, left to right are John Rogers, president, G. C. Palmer, Jr., vice president, Frank M. Davis, secretary, and Sam Ferguson, secretary. Those standing, left to right, are Mrs. R. C. Long, Mrs. Quay Medford, C. V. Sorrells, George Stamey, Joe Palmer, Tom Rainer Richard Boone, Will A. Medford, winner of the 1948 cup, shown in front of Mr. Rainer, Dave Boyd, Albert J. McCracken, and Oral L. Yates. The group seem mighty happy over the event. This is a Mountaineer photograph, by Ingram's Studio. Two Safecracking Suspects In County Jail For Investigation Waynesville Area Reaches Half-Way Mark In Polio Drive The. Waynesville area has reached the. half-way mark in the, curre-nt March of Dimes campaign, with a total of $3, 763.28 being collected through noon Monday, A. P. Ledbetter, Chairman of the drive here, an nounced yesterday. "The public response to the March of Dimes board has been impressive," Mr. Ledbetter com mented and he urged that all Workers in the campaign to com plete their work as soon as pos sible. Mr. Ledbetter especially laud ed the schools of the county for their efforts in the drive. The schools have raised nearly half of the amount collected thus far, the figures showed. The dime board appeal will continue through Saturday, Jan uary 29, two days before the drive ends on the 31st. The Waynesville area quota is $6, 500 and officials were confident that this amount or more would be raised. The county polio quota has been set at $13,000. Hazelwood Board Publishes Two Statements On Merger The Hazelwood mayor and board of aldermen are today publishing two statements in paid advertise ments in this newspaper, relative to the proposed bill to merge Way nesville and Hazelwood. In a page a'dvertimesent (page 11) the board has a lengthy state ment addressed to Representative Grover C. Davis, and the people of Waynesville. The Hazelwood officials stress the fact they have not been consulted about the bill, and do not want the proposed piece of legislation introduced in the General Assembly. On the opposite page (page 10) the Hazelwood board and mayor, are publishing in another paid ad vertisement, the signatures of 685 Hazelwood voters, who signed pe titions asking that the merger not be effected. . The petitions were put into cir culation at a mass meeting in (See Haelwood Page 6) Mrs. W. H. Luther Dies Sunday At Florida Home Mrs. Lillie Luther, widow of W. H. Luther, died at her home in Oviedo, Fla., Sunday night. Funeral services will be held in Oviedo today. " Mri. Luther lived in Waynesville for over twenty years, having mov ed here from Florida with her hus band when the .latter retired. They returned to Florida in June, 1946 and Mrf Luther died in June, 1948 Mn. i.thr hai been a frequent f visitor to Wayneiville since return Haywood Hundred Two safecracking suspects are being heid in the Haywood jail, while olTirers of two states push thoir investigation, trying to con nect the men with having had a part in robbing a Knoxville whole sale house of $60,000 on December 27th. The two former convicts were a rested near Franklin Saturday, and transferred to the Haywood jail about five o'clock Sunday. The two men were said to have burglary tools in their possesion that match ed those used in the Knoxville rob bery. Detective Chief C. B. Wells, of knoxville is in charge of the investigation, together with Sgt. T. A. Sfcndlin. of the state highway patrol. Members of the Sheriff's office said Monday noon that "we are just holding the men for Macon county officers. We understand their bond is $10,000 each." The two men were identified as Robert Burris Brady and Kenneth Bruce Scheeltz, alias, both of Nor folk. Va. In addition to the two new cars, purchased since January 1, and $1,221 in cash. Detective Wells reported. The two men were arrested by Patrolmen Pritchard Smith dur ing a routine check at Franklin. After being jailed there, they were (See Two Suspects Page 6) Rep. Davis Seeks Pay Boosts For Three County Employees In House Bill Rep. Grover C. Davis of Waynes ville introduced a bill in the House of Representatives last Friday to boost the salaries of three Hay wood County employes. Included in the salary increase proposals were the assistant clerk of the county from $130 to $150 a month and the salary of the coun ty tax supervisor and tax collector from $2,500 to $3,000 a year. Both were referred to the committee on salaries and fees. CPL. JONES IS BETTER Cpl. E. W. Jones, of the state highway patrol, is improving at his home in Clyde, it was learned yesterday. He underwent an ope ration recently. County Farm Bureau At a mass meeting of the Hay wood County Farm Bureau Satur day morning, the group drafted a resolution favoring the passage of the Huskins bill reducing the com mission of burley warehouse ope rators and made plans for the state farm bureau convention set for Asheville February 13 through 16. Nearly 100 county farmers assem bled in the court room and heard affirmative arguments in favor of reducing the warehouse commis sions on burley tobacco from 4 Bushel Corn Club jmrnm,,....! Lodged County Schools Raise $1,763 In First Week Of March Of Dimes Drive The schools of Haywood coun-, ty have raised. $l,763.08-dirMg the first week of the March of Dimes campaign, it was announc ed yesterday by Jack Messefy superintendent of county schools. Several of the county schools already exceeded their quota of $10 per home room and Mr. Mes ser expressed appreciation for the interest being shown by the students and teachers in the polio drive. Waynesville Township high school is leading the schools in Haywood county with a collec tion of $412.96 through Friday, January 21. Bethel high school ranks second with a total of $304.27 and Clyde school is hold ing third place honors with an amount of $266.24 toing raised. The amount donated in the other schools during the initial week of the drive are as follows: East Waynesville, $122; Maggie, $52; Hazelwood, $205.51; Lake Junaluska, $91.90; Central Elem entary, $138.01 ; C r a b t r e e , $111.39; Cecil, $17; and Cruso, $42.57. Davis Introduces Bill To Permit Sale Of Timber Rep. Grover C. Davis of Waynes ville introduced a bill in the House authorizing the mayor and board of aldermen of Waynesville to sell timber from the unused portion of the Waynesville watershed. The bill was introduced to clear up a legal technicality which was imposed by the State Legislature in 1936. It follows on the heels of the announcement that the Waynes ville Board of Aldermen have is sued invitations for bids on selec tively marked trees on the Old Bald drainage area of the water shed. The area containing 600 acres has an estimated 1,614,000 board feet of timber. Bids will be opened February 11th. The bill specifies that sales would be made upon sealed bids, "under strict supervision, and for the improvement and development of said watershed, and for the pro- (See Sale Of Timber Page 6) to 2M. The bill would permit warehousemen to continue charg ing the fee of 25 cents a basket now in effect but would prohibit other fees or commissions. Byers Hits Profit. W. G. Byers pointed out the un fairness of the 4 commission charge by showing the tremen dous profits the warehouses were making, and how they had expand ed their buildings and facilities at the expense of the tobacco farmer. Oral L. Yates gave a very illus trative talk on the angles the ware housemen were using to extract War On Rats Set To Open Here Today The war on rats in Waynesville will be officially declared lues- day and all local persons are urg ed to cooperate in the movement to rid the town of the destructive rodents. Wayne Corpening. county agent, emphasized. The rat poison arrived in Waynesville yesterday afternoon and will be spread throughout the town today and Wednesday by city employes. The rat campaign will be carried out in Canton Thursday afternoon and will close in Hazelwood Friday, January 28. L. C. Whitehead, representative of the U. S. Fish and WHdlite Service, and Mr. Brown from the State Health Department arrived here yesterday to supervise the spreading of the rat poison in Hay wood county. The war on rats in the rural dis (See War On Rats Page 6) Final Plans Pushed For Ball Friday Final preparations are being made for the gala Roosevelt Ball Friday night. January 28, at the Waynesville Armory under the sponsorship of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority to raise funds for the March of Dimes drive here. Miss Elise DeLozier and Ms. Ethel Hayes Fisher, co-chairmen of the dance, announced today that rehearsals fpr girls and their es cort that are participating in the grand march, will be held at the armory Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. The sorority dance officials said this morning that tickets are sell ing fast for the Roosevelt Ball and persons are urged to obtain their tickets before Friday. The follow ing places are selling tickets: Charlie's Place, Waynesville Flor (See Dance Friday Page 6 Mrs. Rogers Turns In Resignation As Hospital Supt. Mrs. Rogers And Mrs. Evelyn Osborne Plan To Open Convalesant Home Soon Mrs. Irene Rogers has resigned as superintendent of the Haywood county hospital, effective February first. It is understood that Mrs. Rogers will be suceeded by Mrs. Ellen Freeman, a native of Hay wood, and the former Miss Ellen Campbell. Mrs. Rogers announced that in a few days she and Mrs. Evelyn Osborne, who is also a former superintendent of the hospital here for three years, would make an an nouncement of the opening ot a convalescent home. The two have leased the residence of the late Mrs. R. L. Allen on Church street, and plan to make some renova tions soon. Mrs. Rogers has been superinten dent for the past four years, having succeeded Mrs. Osborne, who left to assume a similar position at Mission Hospital in Asheville. Mrs. Dicus Named To Tax Position The Board of Commissioners on Monday morning named Mrs. J. P. Dicus as assistant tax col lector for the county. Mrs. Dicus will assume the same position as held by the late Mr. Dicus, who died suddenly about ten days ago. Favors Huskins Bill all the money they could from the tobacco farmer. He criticised the lush profits they were making on their efforts and the very small services they were rendering the burley fanner. Charles C. Francis gave a talk on what the average tobacco ware houseman thinks of the burley to bacco grower here. In a statement of a warehouseman to Mr. Francis, the warehouseman said he wished ho had a waresouse in Haywood county because he could clean up $20,000 in a single year. Annual AcMevment Day Program To Honor 1000 4-H Club Members Polio Victims Relate Many Experiences While Taking Treatments Rotarians featured a program in which former victims of polio told of some of their experiences in hos pitals ,and in taking treatment, and the resuits Peggy Bradshaw, of the Crab-tree-iron Duff school told how she spent 21 weeks in the Hickory hos pital back in 1944, and suffered paralysis in first the right side, then the left, and then again in the right, but never in both sides at the same time. After undergoing treatments, she came home and her mother continued giving her treat ments. She is now completely well, a star player on the basketball team, and a talented musician. She is in the ninth grade, and the daughter of Mr .and Mrs. C. L. Bradshaw. Keith Gibson, of the East Waynesville school, told of his ex-! periences in the Hickory hospital for over six months, and later go ing to the Charlotte hospital. Keith is in the third grade of the East Waynesville school, and will con tinue to take periodic treatment for some time. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gibson, Juanlta Lowe, of Fines Creek, and of the third grade, spent some time in the Hickory hospital, and is also taking treatment every month or so in Asheville. She is (See Polio Victims Patfe W.R.Francis And Others, Pay $40,000 For Building W. R. Francis and associates, bought the Masonic Temple at pub lic auction Monday morning for $40,000. Penny Brothers' conducted the sale, with a large crowd attend ing. The building was bought several years ago by W. H. F. Millar, at torney here. Mr. Francis said that he had no statement to make at this time as to plans for the building. Clyde School Tops Quota In March Of Dimes Drive Rev. Mr. Williamson Has Not Made Decision On Church Call To Fla. Rev. M. R. Williamson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church here, told The Mountaineer yesterday that he had not reached a decision on the call extended him by the Sebring, Fla., Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr. Williamson met with the session of his church Sunday night, and stated that when he reaches a decision, he will tell his congregation immediately. The call was extended last week. Special Farm Program To Be Broadcast Friday H. S. Ward, president of the Rotary Club, announced yesterday that plans were underway to have a special farm program Friday, and the program would be broad cast from 1:30 to 2 over WHCC. Thurman Davis reported on pe titions being circulated at ware houses to tobacco men as they were receiving their checks and without explaining the purpose of the petition, the farmers were told to sign them. After consideration of what they had done the farm ers asked to see the petitions and were refused their requests. Several farm bureau members stated that they were misled into signing certain petitions being circulated by W. B. Murray on the (See Farm Bureau Page 6) Of County Redden Leads Party Whip In House REP. MUJNKOfc KfcOUfcN Rep. Monroe M. Redden of Hen dersonville, was appointed assist ant Democratic whip in thp House of Representatives, -it, w-as made known recently. Redden succeeds Rep. Harold D. Cooley of Nashville, N. C, who gave up the post due to heavy presure of new duties as chairman of the Agriculture Committee. The appointment was made by Rep. Percy Priest of Tennessee, on recommendation of Cooley, who has been assistant whip since he went to Congress in the mid-1930's. Reddens new duties will consist primarily of Mason work between House Democratic leaders and the party Congressmen from North Carolina. Virginia and Maryland. Rep. Redden is also a member of the Public Lands Committee and the District of Columbia Com mittee. He has been asked to ac cept the chairmanship of the Pub lic Lands group's sub-committee on territories and insular posses sions. He is beginning his second term in the House from the twelfth district. Clyde School, with a self-imposed quota of $190 in the current March of Dimes campaign, had raised about $75 more than its goal through Friday afternoon. Reports to Stanly Livingston, principal, showed that each home room had contributed an average of 35 cents per pupil during first week of the drive to over-shoot the quota by a wide margin. Mr. Livingston, who expressed his appreciation to pupils and teachers for their generous giving, estimated total donations for the week at $2G5. The school children went into the drive with hands and heart, working like trojans to meet the goal. Many sixth, seventh, and eighth graders went without lunch on Friday so they could contribute their money to the drive. A few over-zealous pupils in one room went so far as to throw their (See Clyde Schools Page 6) i 2f MARCH I OF If - Jhfi v9 TO County Clubs Set Meeting Thursday Approximately 1,000 members of the 4-H clubs In Haywood coun ty will be honored at the annual 4-H Club Achievement Day pro gram Thursday morning, January 27, starting at 10:30 o'clock in the county courthouse. The guest speaker for the an nual occasion will be judge Allen H. Gwyn of Reidsville, who has been quite active in 4-H club ac tivities during the past few years. Judge Gwyn is a renown authority on youth and their present day problems. His address should prove of paramount importance to the 4-H club members in the county. Miss Mozelle Liner, president of the county council of 4-H Clubs, will preside over the meeting. The speaker will be introduced by Wayne Corpening, county farm agent. The program for the Achieve ment Day will be as follows: In vocation, Rev. L. G. Elliott; wel come, Jimmy McElroy; recogni tion of guests, Pete Noland; dis play of 4-H club equipment, Mor his Broyles and Hiawatha Williams: introduction of Charles Ray, Bir dell Gorrell; expression of appre ciation, Max Rogers; awarding of leadership medals, R. W. Shoffner. district , agent with the extension service; awarding of medals for achievement, Miss Elise DeLozier, (See Achievement. Day Page 6) Ratclif f e Wins Speaking Contest Sponsored By UDC Dale Ratcliffe was awarded the medal for first place in the annual declamation contest sponsored by the Haywood Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy for boys in the Waynesville Junior High School. His address was "The New South". Charles Alley with "The Sword of Robert E. Lee," won second place and a cash prize and honor able mention was given Miles (See Dale Ratcliffe Page 6) Farmers, Home Demonstration Clubs Meet Feb. 5 The annual achievement day meeting of the Demonstration Farmers and Home Demonstration, club will be held Saturday, Feb ruary 5, in the county courthouse starting at 10:30 o'clock. T. B. Hutchinson, dean of agri culture for the state of Virginia, will deliver the feature address before the group. R. W. Shoffner. district farm agent from State Col lege, will introduce the guest speaker. Mrs. W. D. Ketner, is president of the county Home Demonstration Council and J. L, Westmorland is head of the Demonstration Farm ers organization. Others to participate on the pro gram are: R. C. Francis, Mi ;. Odis Cole and George E. Stame.v. Patrolman Wooten And Dayton To Exchange Posts, Effective 26th Patrolman H. Dayton, of Kings Mountain, is due to arrive here the 26th to join the force in Haywood while Patrolman W. R. Wooten. now stationed ahere will go to Kings Mountain. Patrolman Dayton will be sta tioned in Canton for the present. Highway Record For 1949 (To Dite) In Haywood Killed 0 injured.... 1 (This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol). ing td Florida to reside.