TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1949 . THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER. u PAGE ELEVEN "To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Question" to Hon. Grover C. Davis The People Of Waynesville . REPRESENTATIVE FROM HAYWOOD J waynesville became the County seat of Haywood in the x08. Ninety-seven years later, in 1905, Hazelwood was brated. For forty-four years the people of the two Towns fved peaceably together. We, of Hazelwood, by the sweat brow, have built our homes, factories, churches and our children in ways of peace. ow Mr. Davis (backed by a select group, whose names brposes will be made known when they are definitely Red) purposes to disturb the long mutual and peaceful of both Towns by enacting legislation for Waynesville brb Hazelwood. Mr. Davis was a candidate in the Demo- primary and in the general election and was elected as bod Representative. He did not before the primary, be ne election or since the election give any indication to ople of Waynesville and Hazelwood (unless it was to 3ect group) that he intended to attempt such legislation, ifficials of Hazelwood learned the day before Mr. Davis Ir Raleigh, in an indirect way, that he was contemplating action. The Mayor of Hazelwood called Mr. Davis and him to refrain from passing any act that would affect wood in this manner and Mr. Davis said that he had not refrained from discussing it with the officials of Hazel- but that he had not discussed it with the officials of lesville. We appeal to you, Mr. Davis, and-to the people of Waynes- or fair treatment. The method you are pursuing is not ican policy, but a policy exercised by the Europeans and Scs where the bigger takes over the smaller countries with- leir consent. Our sons have fought and some died fight lis principle, and it is now the adopted policy of our State rtment to prevent this practice. Did they die in vain? hought we were electing a Representative, our Rep tative, that would protect our interest in the General As- ly. We still feel that you will re-consider this matter and he the position of a Representative of all the people df County. VVith charity toward all and malice toward none we want arly and definitely state our position. "Governments are uted among men deriving their just powers from the con- pi the governed." If Mr. Davis secures the passage of an SlCOmoratincr Hnvolunnrl !nfn Wnvnpsville. it will be in disregard of the rights of the two Towns and the people ved. It will remove from office the duly elected officers two Towns and a governing body will be established in nanner that Mr. Davis may decide, and the officials would ade by his appointment. The people of Hazelwood feel this is nothing less than legalistic invasion of Hazelwood, taking from our people the rights they posssess. Mr. Davis is a Lawyer of long experience. He served as our District Solicitor for eight years and he knows that in all matters in Courts that no right or property can be taken from any person, except by due process of law. If a citizen of Hazel wood should bring an action to take a $75.00 mule from Mr. Davis, the suit would have to be instituted and tried in Hay wood and Mr. Davis would be allowed thirty days to file an answer with the further provision that this time could be ex tended by the Court. Mr. Davis, you did not give Hazelwood any notice of this action. You went to Raleigh, and if Hazel wood has any hearing, apparently it must be before Repre sentatives of other Counties and not before you, our own Rep resentative. We must go to Wake County; three hundred miles away, for a hearing, instead of in our own County of Haywood, and plead our cause before strangers. If Waynesville and Hazelwood are to be joined in the holy bonds of matrimony, shouldn't you ask, Mr. Davis, if there are any objections; shouldn't you ask Miss Hazel Wood if she ac cepts Mr. Wayne Ville as her lawful husband, before you pro nounce them husband and wife? We know that Miss Hazel Wood has been wronged, but isn't it up to her to ask for a ( redress? If it is to be a "shotgun wedding" are you the proper one to officiate? In all seriousness, are we not entitled to be heard? To have time to study the advantages and disadvantages of the proposition? We hope that we have "government of the people, by the people and for the people." Would it not be the wiser course to let the people of Hazelwood and Waynesville and their duly elected officers sit down as equals at a Council table and study the problems of the two Towns, consider what could be gained and what would be lost, discuss the type and form of government that we would have in case of a consolidation, the question of taxation, utilities and other pertinent matters? And, we think, these discussion's should be free, open and with out duress so that our people would be familiar with what was going" on, and so that they could freely express their views. There are more things to be considered than economic advantages; the corporate life of Hazelwood is threatened. It should have a fair chance for a hearing in Haywood County. Only the execution should take place in Raleigh, if it has to be. The people of Hazelwood, if the Town is to die, will lose much that cannot be counted in dollars and cents. We will be losing our identity and more things that we hold dear. People like to keep a toy or a shoe in remembrance of a child or to retain the old homestead with its original name. These things mean much to us, and if Waynesville was being absorbed by some other Town, it would feel the same way. The worst injuries that humanity suffers are those of the heart and the soul. If this matter is concluded in the way and manner that it has been started, there will be disturbances among kindred, friends and business associates. This should never happen. Near the line between the two Towns is a marker designating that ridge to be the location of the last battle of the Civil War. It should ever be a reminder to all our people that that war was fought because a majority undertook to suppress a minority and that if the men responsible at the time had calmly and patiently considered the issues, they could have been settled without the bloodshed, the destruction of property and the resulting ill will between two great sections of our country. If Hazelwood should become a part of Waynesville, then it should be done in a sane and peaceable manner so that there will be no aftermath that would be injurious to the people of either Town, and should be done upon the basis of equality and justice. We plead with Mr. Davis, and with the people of Way nesville, that no action be taken at this Legislature as contem plated, and that the matter be studied in the light of reason, with all persons represented, so that the matter may be prop erly determined, and whatever the result may be, that it will be for the best interest and happiness of all the citizens of both Towns. The Legislature of 1947, realizing that many mistakes had been made by the enactment of laws enlarging corporate limits, (this act does not apply as to the consolidation of two towns) provided by section 160-445 to 453 for the matter to be handled locally by allowing the people residing in the area to be in cluded in the incorporation to vote upon the question, and un less a majority of the people in such area exercising the right of-vote, vote in favor of the'' proposition, that no annexation,, could be made. In passing this act the Legislature adopted as its policy that questions of this kind should be settled at home and not in Raleigh, and following the policy declared by the last General Assembly the people of Hazelwood, as a matter of right, should determine for themselves as to whether they give up their own Town and be absorbed in Waynesville, or keep that which they have made and earned for their own. The people of Hazelwood as a whole have already ex pressed, in a meeting and in a petition, their opposition to be come a part of Waynesville at this time Hazelwood has spok en. We would be pleased to hear from Mr. Davis and the people in Waynesville. All we ask is that you do unto us as -you would have us do unto you. Respect folly HAZELWOOD R. L. PREVOST ALDERMAN CLYDE L. FISHER MAYOR OF HAZELWOOD G. R. SMITH ALDERMAN CARL SW ANGER ALDERMAN -PAID ADVERTISING