765,409 Cars Inspected During 1948 The Motor Vehicle Department announced today that it.s Mechani cal Inspection Division checked a total of 765.409 vehicles during 1948. A total of 1 2.rif .4 inspections were required to check these ve hicles, since many tiad defects on the first visit to the lanes and had lo return two or more times be fore they were approved. The inspection report showed that 314,294 vehicles, or 41 per cent, were approved on their first visit to the lanes, while the remain- i ing 451 11S, or 59 per cent, were rejected on their initial visit and had to have defects corrected be fore they received their blue seals of approval. A total of 991,042 defects were i found on ail vehicles checked Of , these, 20 per cent were for de fective headlights. 24 per cent for other lighting defects, 22 per cent lor poor brakes, 14 per cent tor steering deficiencies, and the re- maining 20 per cent were for all Help Yourself Wouldn't you like to settle down in a job that really means some thing as far as your future is roncerned'.' Any ambitious young man would. Here's how . . . simply take full advantage of the splendid opportunities now be ing offered in the new V. S. Army and U. S. Air Force. En list now your pay starts at once. You get free food and housing, free clothing and equip ment, free medical and dental care, low-cost insurance. Plus a retirement plan that doesn't cost you a penny. Yet it means retirement with an income after 20 years service Your future, through the years, is important to you. So do not delay in get ting the full story today at vour U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Kecruiting Station. It s at the Post Office Bldg., Asheville N C. Your Recruiter is an able career expert who wijl be glad to guide you in choosing your own career You live better with peace of mind Your sure knowl edge of a secure future gives you that happy feeling Here's opportunity that's reallv monev in 1he bank. T1ADE IIMT41L0RED CLASSIC i mg 49v4'. X's j I The Best Selection Of f COTTONS Are Always In Janu - ; ary and February. FAMOUS PIANIST T "I It? r a PRESIDENT OF THE American Federation of Musicians, James C. Petrillo (right), Is shown after presenting Fresident Truman with a solid gold membership card and a silver plaque signifying honorary life member ship. The tribute to America's best-known pianist was witnessed Id Washington by William Green (left) A FX, head. (nternational) Burning Permits Must Be Obtained By February 1 All persons in the county de- siring to bum fields must obtain a i burning permit by Februars 1 ac- cording to an announcement todav ! by R. E. Caldwell, county forest warden ' ; , ,j .,.,! J, 9naltwen. repor,ed ,,hati been LuX, ir . , V.:Z'l.Foy-c- Pst"' Cruso; T. month ' ; ,.- , , . ; Bu, ning permns may be obtain- ed from the following persons. Mr. Caldwell said: Ben Hill, Chamber Mountain 1 Tower. Phone 5562, R. E. Caldwell, Phone 38-M-4; H. M Allen Smoke , Chaser. Aliens Creek road; Clem ; riuscuiu. naynesvine fire Ue- partment: Canton Fire Depart-, ment; John A. Plott, Plotts Creek road; Tom Alexander. Cataloochee Ranch: M L. McGaha MaPPi.- Brooks Store. Maggie: Del I wood Post Office; Robert Howell, athan Creek; Dave Brown. Hemp - hill: N. L Carver. Hemphill; J. H. other defects, including horn, mir ror, windshield wiper, windshield, tires, and exhaust system. MARK GETS HIS CARD Sv., f-J I McElroy, Jonathan Creek; C. H. Franklin. Covt. Creek; H F. Hog len. Liberty. Je Jenkins, White Oak; Mrs. J. D Duiketl. White Oak; Shorty Arning'ton.Puilher Creek; Grady Walker. Kn.es Creek; Lloyd Sutton, JV'" nv,'k: Gt'orge Best' Clabt''ef; "arlev K:ll'bon Kines Creek; G,'fdv Dav,s- Ilon Duff: J- R Cald" "e Iron Du,T; Max Cochrane, l'ake Junaluska; J. H. Beach, Camp Branch; A. E. Caldwell, Barber's Orchard; Oswald Holcombe, Big s- Howt'u, Bl East Fork. L- A. Tranthani, Thickety; Bur-) nette storc. Liule- East Fork. Mark Thomnsnn Thirhn, ih r I . r ' , 'x- j , uo'iu in-iiu, Heaverdam: Billy Boyd. Silver i Dairy; Miss Dixie Campbell Clerk 1 of ,ouvV, oirk.e; Taft Fe,uson j ir i)uIT bridge; Hardv Phillips,! Mt. S.e. ling; Sutton's Store. ML I stcrlii and Nath Walker, Clyde. J1NXED BY No. 13 ' CHICAGO (UP.) Bus company Jon-t"ofTic;li,s ,lilve decided to skip Na. ;13 'hen the next group of vehicles is ready for public service. Of the 27 shiny new buses recently intro I duced to city streets. No. 13 was the i first lo meet wit!) disaster. It crashed through an iron fence and 1 dug up a garden. . i nii utiL eg r n 1 1? i? ii v ffllH I "ADf SSL u U L rll a TEL ? fflKR? ?S0K,PIR DRESSES ARE HERE PRICED THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER First Grade Rhythm Band Has Program At Crabtree A number by the first grade rhythm band proved to be a high light in the chapel program given by the first grade at the Crabtree Iron Duff weekly chapel program Friday, January 21. Members of the band are as fol lows' leader, Joyce Davis; cymbal, Jerry Hoglen; tambourines, Elbert Presnell, Jimmy Smithy Billy Mc Elroy;! drum, Gene Glance; tri-J angles, Ruth Connard, Henry Long, Rufus Haney, Vaughn McCracken; birds, Nancy Leming and Jane McElroy; bells, Robert Walker, Chjrlstene Heneon(, Tommy Wil liamson; rhythm sticks Eva Stev enson, Junior Presnell, Kenneth Caldwell, Johnny Schibor, Jerry Parks; jingle sticks, Hairl Cochram, Harold Dean Messer, J. E. Hill. The scripture was given by Henry Long, Nancy Leming, Jane McElroy, Jerry Hoglen, Harold Dean Messer, Carlyle Ferguson and Gene. Glance. The prayer was given by the entire grade. The following songs were given also: "The Iney Wincy Spider," "The Wise Man," "Come On, Grey Ponyy' and "Humpty Dumpty." Two playleUs vlere presented, "Chicken Little," and "Goats in Cornfield." The first graders in "Chicken Little" were Boy, Gene Glance; goats, Vaughn McCracken, Tommy Williamson and Carlyle Ferguson; 'rabbit, Jerry Hoglen; fox, Harold Dean Messer; bee Johnny Shribor. Characters in the playlet "Chick en Little" were -Chicken Little. Joyce Davis; Henny Penny, Nancy Leming: Ducky Lucky. Jane Me Elroy; Goosy Loosy, -Billy McElroy; Turky Lurky, Henry Long; Foxy Loxy, Elbert Presnell. . Mr, H..oh i. &m f uiuiiu uii it. ifU Llltr program, and Mrs. Philip Chase was accompanist. rORrFTriri vr FORGETFULNE FORGETFULNESS FORGIVEN FORT WORTH, Tex. (UPi An absent-minded policeman offered to pay a $S parking fine for a woman motorist because he had forgotten to put in the nickel she gave him during the time she was in a doctor's office. Instead, the judge commended him for' his honesty and dismissed the ticket. American antelope are extreme ly swift ' and have been paced by automobiles at 70 miles an hour. Tan Bst love to'"live"ta eottins." Then choose this charm-' iH R0CKINCHAIR casual. Tie buttMown front, pert pocket duet and easy skirt spell "Value" and beauty galore! to Red Trial Judge i . miuju L inn inxm --' JUDGE H. R. MEDINA PRESIDING Judge at the trial of 12 top Red leaders In New York's Fed eral Court is Judge H. R. Medina (above), one of America's top au thorities on law. The Communists are charged with conspiring to form a party advocating overthrow of the government. (nternational) Old Man River Seems To Flow Uphill MINNEAPOLIS (U.P.) Now the scientists have come up with a new one. The Mississippi River flows uphill. Dr. Lorenz G. Straub, head of the University of Minnesota hy draulics laboratory, explains it this way: The earth is thicker at the equa tor than at the north and south poles. The thickness increases roughly one mile for every 480 miles north or south of the poles. That figures out to about 13 miles difference between the polar meas urement and 'the thickness at the equator. Because the Mississippi River is 1,200 miles long, the mouth of the river turns out to be about two I and a half miles further from the center of the earth than the source. Want Ads brine quick results. $aa Home Agent Lists Plentiful Foods Cheese and eggs nave moved to the forefront of the February list of plentiful foods, just released by the U. S. Department of Agricul ture. . Miss Mary Margaret Smith, home demonstration agent for the State College Extension Service, points out the flush production season for eggs has begun, and that fresh eggs will be plentiful in all important producing sections. February egg prices are expected to follow the customary seasonal uownwaiu trend, she said. Unusually large stocks of cheese have accumulated in recent months, leading to sharp price de clines during the season when prices normally rise. Most plentiful fruits of the month will be fresh and Processed citrus fruits and winter pears. Plentitul vegetaDies include Irisb potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, and spinach. Georgia broiler producers, along with growers in Delaware, Mary land, Virginia, and North Carolina, will send abundant supplies of broilers to markets during the months, Miss Smith reported, to provide consumers with a delicious meat for February meals. In addition to the foods listed, the home agent said plentiful sup plies of honey, pecans, peanut but ter, canned corn, peas, and cran berries, dried prunes and raisins, fresh and frozen fish, and corn and oat products will be on the market. Dried beans and peas should be plentiful also, to offer menu plan ners an excellent source of vege table protein and food energy. Junior 4-H Has Monthly Meeting The Waynesville High School Junior 4-H Club held its regular monthly meetig on last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Cline spoke on the new 4-H club camp to be built at the Stale Test Farm and plans were com pleted for 4-H Club Achievement Day. Group singing was led bv Miss Barbara McClure. During the business session Miss Dorothy Muse was elected secre- tary to take the place of Miss Rose Marie Leatherwood, who recently resigned, and new record books were distributed to the members. This fastidiously' tailored R0CKINCHA1R two-piece dress i destined to see yon tail) through many a warm-weather occasion! Even the price was planned tJ eep yourjeaipratttr dowt IN ALL THE PAS keep your Jemperature dowei. Sizes 10 to 44 K i 4-Tx f)if ' Mrs. Holt Is Hostess For Home Club s. H. H. Holt was hostess for the January meeting of the Crab- tree-Hyder Home Demonstration at her home on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Marshall Kirkpatrick presid ed. Miss Mary Margaret Smith, home agent, gave a demonstration on "Know Your Organization" and pro ject leaders reported as follows: foods And food preservation, Mrs. C. O. Newell; gardens, Mrs. Lowery Ferguson; poultry, Mrs. H. H. Holt; home beautification, Mrs. Weaver Haney, and health, Mrs. Marshall Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Newell also reported on sev eral books including "The Citadel," by Cronin; "More Than We Are," by Bro; "Prayer In Common Life," by Harkness; and "Mahatma Gand hi" by Jones. During the social hour the host ess served a salad course.' Dr. and Mrs. R. L. McKittrick spent the week end In Edgefield, S. C, as the guests of relatives. Orchids $3.50 to $) Roses $3.00 to $, Carnations $2.50 to Gardenias $2.50 to $1 WE ARE GIVING 20 TO THE POLIO Fl ALL CORSAGES Many Blooming Potted Plants Sl.OO CLYDE RAY'S FLOWER SHO Phone 89-J k mm www iii J ( Over 200 New Cotton Dr To Select From. All Wi TUESDAY. Memorial ij around The propose in memory 1)f and wnmi.r, ,.u ' " try. wil .. "s instead of SooasSl erronnnOv ... i, HUU Shf. issue. ' A drive t ... cooperation vi ith ganizations )K,r(, unaerw.iv , ,. lreen 1 i 1 Medford i , : '"M Want AdM brin. til kidnI Ka " l that him ou t If "' AatiMBtic Tabl, Ik" mlnol Amir. kiJ treuM.1. tn ,' hS CORSAGES I Colors and Materia' SEE THEM TODAi

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