T, JANUARY 25, 1949 SHE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIYE V NT AD Ktes 2 cents per word, re, frge 40 cents. 3 cents per charge 60 ze type 50c jinn inch. L will be published a desired scneouie ra charge. Irtisements should be I jioioiv Th Moun- ll nnt be responsible Kan one Incorrect ln- BTISEMENTS ARE DVANCE. Cash must orders sent by mail. st be in office before on day before publi tarantee to be in want Lh to insert a want ad lone 700. LOST Ladies' Benrus wrist watch, lost Saturday afternoon in Win ners', Belks' or between the two stores. Reward. Contact Mrs. Carl Hooper, Grimball Drive, phone 283-J. J 25 type, mum L Famous NOKUb QUEEN WASHERS. of service guaran- immediate delivery. Rogers Electric co. tt WENTS se Haywood Co.. next to Farmers on Asheville Road. H Manager, phone 277-M. tf S installed by experi Large stock of glass fcarts. Prompt service. Glass Service, Deiow Ltd. Phone 69. it rOP PRICES for Irish fclack walnuts, onions, nd shoats. Junaluska one 88. tf 1-150 gallon Jud White t-ic water heater. Cost Iv, will sell for $150.00 ndition. Skyland Cot- bm Road, Phone 54-M- J25-tf 611 RENT $7.00 per Vio.jO and $&M peiM person for two in one lew available. LeFaine tf Alert Police At Trial Of Reds FOR SALE One electric refrig erator, 2 electric ironers, one Thor washer, phone 198-R. J 25-28 WANTED Experienced salesman to sell Polly Rich flour on a full time commission basis. Must own automobile for which we will make allowance. It will not be necessary to be away from home at night. This is a good opportunity for the right man. Write Colonial Milling Company, Box 356, Nashville, Tennessee. J 25 FOR SALE '48 model Jeep. Also have extra top. See Henry Mil ler, Howell St. Phone No. 132-X-M. J18-21-25-28 YOUR INCOME TAX RETURNS Meet me at the court house Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week with all data in hand. W. C. MEDFORD ' 3 " ' " A REAL BARGAIN RCA Radio Phonograph. Slightly used. Spe cial price. Call 461, Waynesville. tf WELLS DRILLED Water Weill a Specialty Farm Home Darlat 10 Yeara' Experience GREEN BROS. WELL-DRILLING CO. Rt. X Canlon, N. C Ph. Canton 2920 DAYTON "V" BELTS All sizes in stock. MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. tf AMANA Walk-In-Refrigerators FARMERS FEDERATION Crabtree Fifth Grade Captures PTA Banner The fifth grade won the "Faith ful Parents" banner Friday even ing at the January meeting of the Crabtree-Iron Duff P. T. A. with the first grade running a close second. The first grade rhythm band en tertained the large group of par ents with one number, and the fifth grade gave the devotional. Plans were made for the Found er's Day program to be held in February with Mrs. C. O. Newell in charge of the program. A comaiittee composed of Mrs. Lawson McElroy, Mrs. Marshall Kirkpatriok, Mrs. Philip Chase and Mrs. O. L. Yates, was appointed to make definite plans for the re citation-declamation contest to be held this spring. The P.-T. A. group again voted to sponsor the Boy Scout troop for the coming year. THE OLD HOME TOWN A CORDON OF POLICEMEN, Including mounted police, surround the Federal Building in New York at the opening of the trial of 12 top Communists on conspiracy charges. More than 400 city police and Fed eral agents were assigned to prevent demonstrations. (International) Navy Is Offering Varied Enlistment Program, Chief Says The U. S. Navy is offering a var ied enlistment program, according to an announcement made by Chief Ryan of the Asheville Navy Re cruiting Station. v Enlistments in the regular Navy, enlistment in the organized and the inactive naval reserve, enlistment of 18-year-olds for a period of one year, the aviation cadet program and re-enlistment of previous serv ice men. All persons interested may ob tain full information and descrip tive books about the Navy from the Navy Recruiting Station located at Asheville. HURRY! HURRY! Electric Vacuum Clean- fclarly $64.95, Special S. Rogers Electric Co., I. Main Street. tf BLOCKS & CEMENT l-E Delivered, or at k Plant, Franklin, N. C Franklin, or 903, High- tf N ELECTRIC CO. Main Street I Have all the modern pees of the city by hav install you a Robbins s or Peerless deep or fen pump. Easy terms, FURNITURE CO. C. tf u DUROCO SOWS bred pigs. Also fine f These hogs are from best stock farms in ienn. and should h.. 4-II Boys or someone P in better stork Pan at H. L. Liner Farm Bazelwood on Balsam J21-25 NE DAY IR SERVICE and Auto Radios pTEED SERVICE Up and Delivery I also - iiPt Serviro - - on "gerators M1 Appliances f trie Ranges pIIONE 772 & Appliance Service nt Bojd rarnltiir JAMES W. REED. JR. INSTITUTIONAL FURNITURE Contract suppliers to hotel, motor oourtt, hotpitali, rMtaurantt, apartment houses and offices. Bedroom furniturt box springs and mattresses, lobby and lounne furniture, restaurant eguipmert. Layouts and designing service. PHONES 637 OB 33-W Showroom Lobby Hotel Waynesville Charge Set For Forest Picnic Areas Responding to the prodding of Congress to make its properties pay their own way, the Forest Service has started making a small charge for use of its improved pic nic grounds. It experimented last summer in California and will extend the practice into other areas, includ ing camp grounds and winter sports areas, at the beginning of the 1949 vacation season. The situation was brought about, the Forest Service says, by its in ahilitv with available funds, to keep earetaking services. The basic charge decided on is 25 to 50 cents a day per car party of not more than six on picnic grounds; 50 cents a day or $3 a week for a party of similar size on camp grounds. There is no chaiw for children under 12 years. SPORTSMEN The finest sporting goods in Waynesville are sold at Rogers Electric Co. Phone 461. If Latest Records. Radios Radio and Phonograph. Electric Irons and Toasters. Musical Instruments. Sheet Music. Radio Renair Service. Jones Radio and Music Co. 76 Main St. Waynesville Around the turn of the century, a milling executive named Addi son Igleheart, started working to develop a finer, softer flour simply because he likes cake and wasn't satisfied with cake made with or dinary flour. As a result he devel oped a special cake flour and a new American food specialty was born. STANLEY ZHBS A STP?ANGEr5,MAW 71j)))l''amlMJL,4 fWtt ( THAT- - NOW YOU LI STEM - SEE" ) I .-jS BACK ROAD POLKS MAW TUNES M OH A. NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY HAYWOOD COUNTY VS. THOMAS STRING FIELD and wife, MAMIE M. STRINGFIELD, J. L. STRINGFIELD and wife, EMMA STRINGFIELD, MARGARET STRINGFIELD, Single, CARSTEN WULBERN, Single. ADD IE STRINGFIELD, Widow, WILLIAM S. SLOAN, GUARDIAN OF JAMES ANDREW SLOAN, IN COMPETENT, THOMAS STRING FIELD II and wife. HARRIET STRINGFIELD, S. L. STRING FIELD, JR., and wife, MARIAM STRINGFIELD, WILLIAM W. STRINGFIELD, Single, JAMES K. STRINGFIELD, Single, MARTHA STRINGFIELD, Single, HUGH J. SLOAN. BEN J. SLOAN and wife. ELEANOR SLOAN, WILLIAM S. SLOAN and wife, I S A B E L L SLOAN, ROBERT SLOAN and wife, FOREST SLOAN, JOE SLOAN and wife, LOUISE SLOAN, HUGH J. SLOAN, JR., and wife, DOROTHY SLOAN, SOLE HEIRS AT LAW OF W..W. STRINGFIELD AND WIFE, M. M. STRINGFIELD. The defendants. Carsten Wul- bern, single, William S. Sloan, Guardian of James Andrew Sloan, Incompetent, S. L. Stringfield, Jr. and wife, Mariam Stringfield, James K. Stringfield, Single, Wil liam S. Sloan and wife, Isabell Sloan, Joe Sloan and wife. LoulaC Sloan, and Robert Sloan and wife, Forest Sloan, will take notice that an action entitled as above hag been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina for the purpose of fore dosing tax liens levied and as sessed against real estate in Hay wood County and due and owing to Haywood County; and said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to be and appear at the Oflice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, N. C, at the courthouse In Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 10th day of February, 1949, or within 20 days thereafter, and answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff filed herein or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In its complaint. This the 7th day of January, 1949. C. H. LEATHER WOOD Clerk Superior Court 1818 J11-18-25-F1 INCOME TAX This is the BIG YEAR TO SAVE TAX MONEY! You'll need expert guidance to take full advantage of every NEW savin? now allowed, and THIS YEAR a Tax Re turn MUST ACCOMPANY your W-2 Form. COME IN AND SEE US THE CLOSMAN CO. 114 Main St. Upstaiin Across From Court House Fourth Year in Waynesville rMUGGS AND SKEETER BY WALLY BISHOP CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreci ation to our friends for their kind expressions of sympathy shown us during the recent illness and death of Fred Henry. We are also grate ful for the beautiful floral offer ings. Mrs. Fred Henry- and Children. Caii G. Krueger, supervisor of Pisgah-Croatan National Forests, said last night that his office had received only a preliminary an-nounci-nient as to the application of the basic charge plan in the two national forests. As to how it will affect the lo cal areas has not yet been determ ined, Krueger said. He said the charges probably will he made at Mine of the major areas but not at the smaller and more widely scattered recreation areas in the forests. WANTED Good clean soft rags with buttons removed. No wool. 5c lb. The Mountaineer. FOR SALE: Shucks, oat straw anu Timothy Hay. Farmers bxenange. f Phone 130-M, Asheville Road, tf MALE HELP WANTED Reliable man w,ilh car wanted to call on farmers hi Haywood County. Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $28 in a day. No experience or Capital required. Permanent Write today. McNess Company nont a Candler Bldg., Balti more 2, Md. When war cut off tapioca sup plies from Java, new supply sources were opened up in South America. J21-25 A FOR SALE New 4-room house and lot. Good location. Robert Mehaffey, Aliens Creek. J21-25-28-F 1 FOR SALE Twenty-four acres land. One-third cultivation, re mainder timber. $1800.00. See Walter Dillard or Bob Bryson. Balsam. J25"28 FOR RENT First floor bedroom and bath. Steam heat. Also first floor apartment. 114 Church St. Phone 67. J25"28 SPARE TIME PROFITS! Join the Heavy Tank Co. NCNG now! Earn extra pay for training only one night a week. Openings now available for young men 17 to 35. Excellent opportunity for veterans! Phone 168 for further details. ' J 25 FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING Phone 770-M M. V. BRAMLETT, JR. Dell wood Road NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY SUE WRIGHT HENDR1X, Plaintiff, vs. HARROLD HENDRIX, Defendant. The defendant above named, Harrold Hendrix, will take notice thni ;.n nrtion entitled as above has been commenced in the Supe rior Court of Haywood County. North Carolina, to obtain an abso- Hivorre nDon the grounds 01 two years separation of wife and husband: and the said defendant nil! further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of at the Courthouse in Wavnesville North Carolina with in 20 days after the 28th day of .Tanuarv 1949 and answer or ae- mur to the complaint in said ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanaea in said complaint. This December 28, 1948. DIXIE CAMPBELL Asst. Clerk, Superior Court 1815 J7-1 1-18-25 UNTIL FEBRUARY 26 I can sell 10 Starks apple trees at regular Drice and give 5 trees free. Z. L. Massey, phone 554-M. LOST SUNDAY Black Cocker female. Reward. Call 293-M. For SANDING - FINISHING - TILEl HAYWOOD FLOOR SURFACING CO. Phone 849-W LOST 1949 Automobile License plate No. 522561. N. J. Tucker. DhAnA flf2-R. -J25-28 Hit r-r v l i 7 i . .' :i . . - . . i THE FLOP FAMILY -:- -: -: -:- -:- -:- -:- By SWA I I I liilllHl" J 6oT f RMM2tfT fof? WILLIE- I IfNUO T hLL COST f TvE 16 rTa TO'WS & IZCTTTT T K-foft OTTo-( HfsT For 20 6 THE. 016 MW&fSv - jyiv WHAT A CSp -C 6flETf WO ft 60WU Foft ME To ME 15 HOk) TKEV TAM Wl 0AHELcrt Ctof '' jl MYRTLE nUGHT.-AROliririOMij By DUDLEY FltiHEX I - WELL DON'T YJ ITBlTY YOURSELF , ) II II IKmvPTLeKFOPGET IT BUY II I (. GEE WHfTH MYPTLE , ) Tr7lE7 IT GET ' AN ICE-CREAM A AND I HAD ) YOUPSELF AN ) V WE OUGHT TO FIGHT ( J akJttJto SVOU CX)WNV CONE, AND ONE ' ANCffi-lEP (lCE-CPEAM CONE,y MORE OFTEN ' " PART. P ANflBRWlA UCilMKl . . WT - ... ,t. .... i i . . i "' iyr- 11 ' 1 " 'I i -. y ' xl Copr. 199. K.Yi fclurc, Syic.lf, Inc. Wo,h tihts wmd. Igmin -A. AA UV J Sj? If W w ANPgrj3QM l DONALD DUCK ZZZZZIIIITZIZZZZ Blf WALT mtte s if f.; quit ba.wl.in; y 'Zy V ' I AD TH'OZS:. -v tfMJcM AND ANSWER ji '3 I JXlA ' -V ' llil DTCVi J25 .V UV w . .