?PAGE SIX THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNT AIXZXX TUESDAY, JA.TA2j MOM ABOUT jVqrOnRats (Cob tinned from fist 1) 1 MORE ABOUT Two Suspects (Cofitiseed tmm Fue 1) tricts of the county will et under-1 transfcn-d to the Haywood jail for av k f F.hr,rv ' keeping Highway Patrolmen i of Haywood met the car late Sun day, and assisted with the transfer. Highway patrolmen said that Brad served 18 months of a three vear sentence in Virginia State Prison on a forgery charge, and Scheeiti served seven years of a 20-year burglary hitch in the same prison in Richmond. The burglary tools were identi cal with the gandy-colored ones left at the scene of the Walker jot. Well said Patrolman Smith booked the mtn on suspicion when he noticed the tools. Chief Well', said one suspect registered at the Hotel Andrew S. Fish and Wildlife Sen -' Johnson m Knoxville the day af Mr. Corpening said. The county agent reported that several hun dred farmers of the county have placed orders for the rat poison Jurtng the past week. - The rat poison, which is Forti fjed Red Squill, will not kill do mestic animals or humans, Mr. Corpcnins said. The poison will be placed in three-pound packages for distribution to the farmers. In structions on how to apply the poison appears on the packages. " The campaign in Haywood coun ty is being sponsored bv the coun ty extension service and the health department, in cooperation with the V Ice. MORE ABOUT Farm Bureau (Cob tin aed from fage 1) MORE ABOUT Hazelwood (Continued from Paje li Hazelwood on January 4th. Td f orkers got 685 signatures to the petitions during the next few days Clyde L. Fisher, mayor of the town of Hazelwood, said yesterda. We are publishing these state ments and the petition, because a draft of the merger bill has been prepared, and we are opposed to It being introduced in the lif;i lature." The board of aldermen of Haz elwood is composed of R L Pro vost, Grady R. Smith and Carl Swanger. Sam M. Robinson, attorney of Canton, is representing the board. nd advising them in their pro gram to block the merger. UL t YOUR BATHROOM - r& IT MODERN OR A RELIC OF THE DWS OF TORE f ter the robbery. He told officers he was in Knoxville Jan 14 and 15, he continued Schf!" h?s a long hst of aliases iwludin; K A Howl?. K. E. Riley,; G T Fem. K E Ryan, according) o We!!- 1 Well, teamed the arrest of the! pair thn nr:-t real break" in the ca r l)zh ofticers have been as isred 'he ca'e and have traced hunurt-d ui clues and suspects, entounterina a blank wall until (no latent arrests. Hundreds of cir- culators hae been mailed over the country HuiV-r , tii- red the office sec tion of the warehouse through an opening under the floor, where two concrete blocks had been removed to permit telephone workers to in--ta!! wiring. Holes were bored through the ofTice floor and a sec tion knocked out with a pick. Opening of the safe, itself, was a "spindle job'. The knob was smashed off and the spindle through the door driven out with a punch Tools left at the scene includr-d a punch with part of the safe stili around it. other punches, brace and bit, sledge hammer, and pick. The loot included more than $40,000 in cash. r v , MORE ABOUT Dance Friday (Continued from Page 1) ist. Lady Fayre Beauty ShoDDe. and j Gibson's Dress Shop. The tickets are also on sale by members of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority. AdfIition.il girls to take part in the grand march and their sponsors ate as follows: Heavy Tank, 120th Infantry of North Carolina Nation al Guard, Judy Lee Knight; and Order of Eastern Star, Patricia Jean McElroy. Around 50 other girls will participate in the grand march. Jimmy Deaton of Canton will serve as master of ceremonies. The grand march will take place at 10 o'clock. morning of the meeting, on the pretext that they were signing to keep the tobacco warehouses In Asheville and to establish two sets of buyers. On the other hand, they were actually signing, a petition to retain the four per cent ware house commission and to oppose the Husklns resolution. Affidavits were obtained from three persons signing these petitions and this will be presented to the committee hearing the bill in Raleigh Thurs day afternoon. Resolution Adopted W. G. Byers presented the fol lowing resolution which was unanimously adopted by the group: "Be it resolved that the Hay wood County Farm Bureau in con vention duly assembled in the Haywood County Courthouse, Sat urday, January 22, go on record favoring the Huskins resolution before the committee for consider ation of reduction of warehouse charges on burlcy tobacco from 4 to 24. Be it further re solved that we urge our Repre sentative in the Legislature, Hon. Grover C. Davis, to use his best efforts in securing the passage of said Huskins resolution. This resolution was seconded by Joe Palmer, and by unanimous vote of the 41 members present the motion carried" G. C. Palmer and W. G. Byers j wm serve as special representa tives of the Haywood County Farm Bureau at a committee meeting in regards to the Huskins bill in Raleigh Thursday. Mr. Byers left Monday afternoon for Raleigh. Committees and delegates were appointed to represent the Hay wood County Farm Bureau at the state convention to be held in Asheville next month: beef cattle, David Underwood; dairy cattle, William Osborne; orchards and apples, Richard Barber; poultry, Elmer Hendrix; row crops and to bacco, Charlie Francis, Dave Bovd and Thurman Davis; voting dele gate, W. G. Byers. UNCLE ABE SEZ:- Nex' time Miz Abe puts me in a line o' snufl-dippin' winunen to do Christmas shoppin', I'm a-goin' to soo for a divorce 'count of ex treem crooelty. er sump'm. atop that argy-fym bout thei Scripters, caze don't any of you know who swallerd the whale. When some fokes en to the dawgs they git so low down they imbarass the dawgs. MORE ABOUT Polio Victims (Continued from Page It the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Bill Lowe. Mrs. Howard Brvson. district health nurse, was present, and told of several recent raut anH th- urgent need for funds with which to combat polio. Jonathan Woody ui me polio fund, reviewed the mam-iai guts of the county, and lie neavj investments made by the National foundation on rases from Haywood. He pointed out that the Foundation spends on an average u. , per case. Haywood has re ceived from national funds fi. more than ever donated bv its citi zens, hp said. Ch.nl,-; V. n.,y anH W Curtis Kuss interviewed two of the stu dents, who were guests of the club. a. vard is president and program was broadcast WHCC MORE ABOUT Achievement Day (Continued from Page 1) assistant home agent, and Joe Cline, assistant farm agent; and special music by the Pennsylvania Avenue club. Awards will be presented to the winners of the various 4-H club projects in the county during the past year. Certificates of merit will be presented to local 4-H club leaders for their service rendered during last year. The state 4-H club officials ex pected here for the program Thrus day include: L. R. Harrell, state MORE ABOUT Dale Ratcliffe (Continued from Page 1 Stamey. Carl Mun-.v. and Charles Messer. The content was he'd at the high j school auditorium last Friday mor.iing in observance of Lee- j Jackson Day. Mrs. Roy campDeu nrsiried during the program and ,' awards were presented by Mrs. ! Sam Queen, president of the U.D.C ( chapter. Musical number; were given by a qt.artet from the high school chorus under the direction of Charles Isley. Contestants in addition to those I hination sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. A film on the topic of Infantile paralysis wjll be shown at the school this week on a date to be announced later. Last night a ba .ketball game was and MethoH,,, marked for event was the With under the Clvd iu ...... M tee, headed chairman. bv Mrs A if 1 i n , , w t-n kiub ieaaer: a. w. snonner. . it . . j mentioned eie uanj! v-agic. Z 7 um . ; T , colra Clark, Jimmy Davis. James ine Hotchkiss, state home demon-: pprton N Ho,Vf flm1 stanley stratum agent from State College, i williamEon Each wa, pre,en.ed a 6 r us ,i, fmDlin!elllan. (lrket frol!! t,P presemea at the annual event are: outstanding junior and senior 4-H club member ip county, medals for corn production, tobacco, dairy calf, meat animal, poultry, forestry, leadership, soil conservation, gar- rlon anrl tini I "! I .... 1 1 i. a state director 7. J- "" wl" meKe .uv presenianon oi inese awards. The awards to be made to the girl 4-H club members include: canning, clothing, foot preparation, home improvement and better methods. The above list of awards are to be presented by Miss Elise DeLozier. j Strand and Park theatres Judges for the contest were Miss i Betsy Lane Quinlan, John Harrod. and Charles McDaris. MORE ABOUT Clyde Schools (Continued from Page 1) the over The earliest roads about which anything is known were those of ancient Rome. MORE ABOUT Sale Of Timber (Continued from Page 1 fection of the water supply, under restrictions approved by the State Board of Health." It provides that any acts and preparations made by the Town of Waynesville or contracts for the lunches in th'1 waste baskets so that they wouldn't tempt the chil dren who h id pv'-n Dipii- last p-n-j ny to the .March of Dimes. I One teacher discovered the snrri i fice around lunch tune and offered I to give hack tlie lunch money to any child ulio-e stomach had got ten the best of him. None raised j his hand. Largest amounts for homerooms! were reported hy Mr. Carroll Mor- ; row and Miss Lucille Cat hey, corn- sale of timber iiurl. ratification of the act fied and approved. prior to the :ire to be rat i- CORSAGES Orchids $3.50 to $7.; Roses $3.00 to $7, Carnations $2.50 to $6 Gardenias $2.50 to $y ARE GIVING 20 VI TO THE P()l,!() jw ALL CORSAGES Many Blooming Potted Plants Ji.ijij CLYDE RAY'S FLOWER SHO Phone 89-J POLICE GIVE SERVICE TACOMA, Wash. (U.P.) Mrs. Steve Pease returned to her home and found her purse waiting for her there. She hadn't forgotten it. It had been returned by the police even before she had made a report of its loss three hours earlier. SLEEP TONIGHT! aicUi . nrmiac . . . nil to an. Tmka i MBrtimny approuM kmvhmta. Qianatml mtotmaian or moorr ntmit4. NO PRE SCRIPTION NEErtDTathh lJ TABLETS oa wk Mday (t . , . SMITH'S DRUG STORE 5? "e.oroi. NORM AX IN on nop wing caiai, i V " "" !l I n nn r i 1 n i j pi q III 151 I wm PAY YOUR 1948 TAXES mm p AND AVOID PAYING PENALTY THERE WILL BE A I- PENALTY ON FEBRUARY 1st AND 2 ON MARCH 1st. AND i OF 1 FOR EACH MONTH THEREAFTER UNTIL PAID - PAY YOUR BACK TAXES BEFORE THERE IS A FORECLOSURE SUIT BROUGHT AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY wM of wMfimsji . G. C. FERGUSON, Tax Collector . MOO The Music Of TEDDY MARTIN And His Orchestra At The Proceeds To Polio Fund o y 9 TTTl u) (uLlLlio BALf At The aiymesvill e Armorj 9 Till 1 SPONSORED BY BETA SIGMA PHI fiM-m-ru. . . - . Adnssional Door $1.50 Per Pen - 1UC rana march And Their Sponsors Haywood County Town of Waynesville Waynesville Florist ' Uadye Fayre Beauty Shoppe "yaw riumbins Company Margaret Green Marguerite Way Bette Hannah Nancy Floyd "ellco Shoe Plant iim c Firestone Store ""'j? SaWyer Reliable Jeweler. . DrH Hnw.ii u i 004 Calnon Turner Howell Motor Company Polly Massie Furniture Company The Toggery Belk-Hudion Co. Smith's Drug Store Gibson' The First National Banfe ionr Grill Barber's Orchard Haywood Builders Supply Co. Auxiliary To V. F. W. Barging Mary Jean Wm! . Marry Ann Massie - Kathleen Calhoun - Margaret Vlckery Betty Gibson . Thelma Ann Jones Katherine Hyatt Vivian Watklns Clara Sue Shuler . Katherine Noland Waynesville Laundry Mar. , Garrett's ' Mane S,nn The First State Banh C N. Allen & Co. Frin Rirhr'n CampbeU's Shop na Summerrow The It. N. Davi, Co. Mi)ry Ray', Super Market " P?H Waynesville Candy Company .11U Ann S Winifers. Inc. , ?nn StoVi"' American Legion ; nlT' V. F. W. Haywood Memorial Post, 6767 " Watkin, Chevrolet Co. . Joan Mnrrl. Kotarjr Club , , Hallet Ward', Gulf Service , J"'0 WiW. Beant, Salon " .S? r , . .line inedford Graceland Farms viuiCk R. E. A. Office Thom "rvice Cleaners Carol. in. fi Willi' Waynesville Lumber Co. Haywood County Hospital VI &. n . . - ... r neior Lines . Alice Mariq Bur gin Champion Shoo Shop i Lake Junaluska Shell Station Woman's Club . Bornette's Cafo - - a j u,t rm Rotters Electric Co. Mow"'' l'" onon, Ketner's Farmers Exchange Alien rii" Uavis-Liner Motor r m K.unmfrf ltherwood & Francis Esso Service Janetf I" James SheU Service June llano? ure Oil Service Station Mildred MfdW Beta Sigma Phi M MrKiltri Haywood Cnnn ' . ' i i 1'iL-racnen Ri fc. 'J "ure urpi. jwarga"' Joan Morris "d Snpplj cPnr Margsrrt V I Q 1 IvIIm . n ..ud or WaynesvUle Hi Mary Ja--ftoco Gap Square Dance Team Mary Jan' Jefferwn SUnd Life Insurance Co.- M Lin MT Sue Crocker Phyl,, Caldwell -- Peggy Sue Burgin Jean Docket . Bennie Lou Mediord Knox Cobb rsn . "Z isnic Co. 120th Inf.nW w f unard . " . i- - ,i inn v it. " W T Twin City Bug Service Jwialuska Supply Co. . County Health Dept. Doris Mary " Betty June McCrx . . . . hmV.WW Polio 1 St fro C :lu IlltS ed ty ich. eir Ull' id i in Sir-. W, in !ii; ;cr - tveiya Bnrnette er eastern Star . ratneu jean

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