FRIDAY, JAM-, AU l-Ulfc (Aita Shccuimj TIIE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Grants Of Federal Money To Slates Grows Larger WASHINGTON Grants of fed-7 -eral money to the states are be-1 is that ,ne fek'"al government coming larger each vear. And many should Pay Parl r lb'-' bl" lo c,u leaders in the state and federal able the s,aleS t0 toruluH "'r,;"n Eovernmenu don't lik it Thp ! Programs in the interest of the na- grants-in-ald gradually subtract i from the independence of the Heads Up, Jimmy among , states, they say. weakening the whole federal system. Last. August the Joint Confer ence of State Governors and mem bers of Congress at a meeting in Chicago resolved that the granu should be reduced at least 20 per cent in the fiscal year 19S0. But President Truman has proposed in his- 19S0 budget substantia! raises. ! rather than reductions, in the to tal ot grants. The largest increases I he suggested were $290 000 000 fori federal aid to education and S65,-1 000.000 for increased geneiai as-, distance Even without these new pro-! grams, however, the 19,0 total of grants was bound to be higher rather than lower. This was point ed out in a speech in December by James E Webb, director of the budget. The federal government aneauy committed to supply " iact, say me critics, grants increased funds in grant-:, in ac-' discriminate against the poor cordanre with past acts of Con- states. To get the big hunks of gress. federal money they obligate them- The practice of giving the states ! selves to pul UP matching funds grants-in-aid is as old as the repub- i whien leave holes in their small lie but it has taken on major im- tre,as"ries. To engage in the fed portance only in recent wars. The eral m'Sram they have to neglect big boom cam.- in the 1930s, when ome local Programs which might the stale and cities Were unable be more important to them, to cope with tlie needs for work T,lt federal government, more projects and other relief for the ' 0VtT- must necessarily establish unemploed The ptak came in certain minimum standards for the 1939. when S2 908.999.000 was Prorams it helps to finance, and spent in federal gi ants I ! tnis means a measure of control Since W46 they have been rising over ,ocal administration. Repre again. S1.622.0C8.338 in 1948: $1.- senatives of the Council of State 941,784.566 estimated for 1949: and , Governments feel that the whole S2.458.202.454 in 1950 if the Presi-, Pram tends to violate the well dent s proposed new legislation is acPted political principle that approved. This would not include lhe unit of government which S100.0O0.000 in contract authoriza- sPends money should be respons li jus for the new housing proeram ible for collecting it. which the President recommended ' Neither the Council nor the Gov- tion as a whole. The states them selves administer the grants. Tnc programs chiefly concern health, education and social welfare Grants are supposed to do two things: ! 1. Stimulate the states to con duct programs they might not un- dertake if they had to depend en- tirely on their own funds. The : federal government dangles large I sums of money in front of them. , It Is theirs to use if they match it. i usually putting up from about 25 , I to 50 percent of the total sum to be spent. 1 2 Equalize the burden the rich and poor states. Bui that's where the critics be gin to differ with the advocates of grants. There is very little equaliz ation of the burden, they claim, and some experts in the Federal Bureau of the Budget agree with them. In fact, say the critics. p,,y,.,..... -mii' www if 1 v, g a " i v i:J Two-year-old Jimmy Biesele of Brooklyn. N. v., is learning to walk for the first time after being stricken with polio. The football helmet is for protection against falls. Jimmy's treatment is made possible hy the March of Dimes. TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate Flying Boxcar' Wreckage Where Three Died Prodigy Cuts CO Seconds To 45 In Piano Piece M II. Beaverdam Township J. R. Presley and wife to T. Pressley and wife. Lee Rathbone and wife to W Robinson and wife. W. II. Robinson and wife to Lee rtnfhhMn iiwl ii ifn PORTAGE, Pa. f U P. ) J -Chopin I v .., .... .... i i . . i ., ... 1"- 1 usr") "u wiie io joe Intended it to be the "Minute Gold and wife Waltz but Roy Oleynik, a 12-year- q presslev and wif , old pianist has cut the time to 45 Ralph Fradv and wife seconds. It may not be a record, David C. McFarlan and wife to ' ' , , lasV ; Gordon Miller and wife. C.Uted with a phenomenal mem- , Qrville Rathhone and wife me sc-M-mii Kiaac student nas U'aynesville Township C. N. AUen and wife to Buddie Green. Carl Calvin Griffin and wife to Azor Griffin and wife. Rebecca R. Carver and husband to John K. Reeves. Gould deNeergaard, trustee, to C. I). Russell. Town of Waynesville to Mrs. J. P. Ditus. Frank R. MacFaclyen, Jr.. and wife to Amelia F. Mac-Fad i-n. James A. (iwyn and wife to Wil liam S. Ray and wife. Ed Mathis and wife to Henrv Price and wife. Charlie Sawyer and wife to G. C Clark and wife. H. L. Prevost, Jr and wife and others to Davis Brookshire and wife. R. N. Johnson, commissioner, to WilJard L. Moody and wife. M. G. Stamey, commissioner, to Lake Junaluska Assembly, Inc. Leon Russell and wife to Ralph H. Taylor and wife. James I.eathei wood and wife to O. Winchester and wife. Joseph Slielton and wife t6 Paul Davis. Albert L. Phillips and wife to C. B. Medford and others. Mack Mercer and wife to Ralph Mercer. I I i - .. :- .-"''' CaPital J This is the wreckage of C-82 "Flying Boxcar" which crashed near Fayetteville, Friday, killing three air force personnel and injuring three. Jump Master Robert Lee Hodfikiss of Ml. Pleasant, Ohio, rode the plane down after ordering 36 others to parachute to safely. (AP Wiitpholo). another grant measure. shown musical maturity. He can plav M'lci-tions by iny composer suggested by his listeners. Once Roy has had a lesson on a certain the general idea behind grants program fbandoned. They want it minimized. And the ; ernors. however, want the grants selection, he never needs the score How To Relieve Bronchitis Creonmlsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes.Tell vourdruKgist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion wuh the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or vou are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs.Chest Colds, Bronchitis only v;in! the federal government to with draw from tax Collections in cer tain fields where states can step in and raise money t() conduct their own social welfare programs. But federal experts, and even Council representatives, admit that this probably would not be the answer. iitiain. Roy climates he knows from 1.500 to 2.000 selections from mem wry. Often he isn't content with the written score, so he improvises. Roy's mother recalls that he tried playing lhe piano at three. When Jean, an older sister, would play a piece of music, Roy would follow hor to the piano and repeat ' thei Localities hate to tax their own 'be selection from memory j PPle, and states try to keep their ! taxes down because of interstate j competition the effort to provide I tax havens for wealthy corpora tions and individuals. The programs now financed by , grants-in-aid might lag or be aban doned. And even if states and lo Icalities impose taxes as heavy as people can afford, the poor states will end up with revenue which is inadequate for such pro grams as those now in effect. None of the critics seem seriously to ex pect any development except a gradually expanded program of grants-in-aid. Mora Rathbone. J. C. Roberts and Joe Roberts to Joseph B. Pressley. Will Whilmirc and wife to Janie W. Powell and wife. Ruth Fowler Pressley and hus band to Trustees of Piney Grove Methodist Church. Samantha Rogers and others to Herman J. Rogers and wife. Gome McCrarken and wife to Nora Hall. Haywood County Bank and S. M. Robinson, trustee, to James R. Pressley and wife. J. G. Burgess and wife to James M. Smith and wife. Jesse V. Johnson to Annie John son. Jennings B. Smathers and wife to Lloyd M. Clontz and wife. PAY YOUR 1948 TAXES NOW! Penalty Begins February 1, 1949 A penalty will be imposed on all unpaid taxes February 1st. Pay up today, while the matter is still fresh on your mind and save this penalty. SPORYSOIJ Tax Collector, Haywood County Clyde Township W. R. Medford and wife to Willie Carver and wife. J. H. Banks and wife to Marvin Jones and wife. Bon-A-Venturo. Inc. to M. C. Sprinkle and wife. Bon-A-Venture, Inc., to R. Frank Smathers and wife. Bon-A-Venture, Inc., to F. G. Cabe and wife. G. G. Robinson and wife to L. Marvin Rhiiiehart and wife. R. F. Jones and wife to W. V. Haynes and wife. Robert F. Jones to Frances Haynes Jones. Pigeon Township J. N. Powell and wife to Rose Rigdon. S. C. Pinkerton and wife to E. W. Surrett and wife. Mary Cathey to James R. Greg ory and wife. Inez Thompson and husband to Mary Mauney. Mary Mauney to Inez Thompson and husband. F. A. Gibson and wife to Hillery S. Gibson and wife. Fines Creek Township Ruben Justice and wife and oth ers to R. A. Justice and wife Homer Xrantham and wife to Mary Beasley and Roy Trantham j and wite. Mary Beasley and Roy Trantham and wife to Homer Tjanlham and wife. East Fork Township Woodrow Heatherly and wife to Adeline Pardue and husband. Woodrow Heatherly and wife to Bryan Heatherly and wife. Robert Burress and wife to Rose Kigdon. Laura Lenoir to Larry L. Bum garner and wife. Crabtree Township Shadrick B. Smith and wifo nnri others to Dennis Crawford and wife. Leonard Smith, commissioner and guardian, to Dennis Crawford LAFF-AjDAY. "Well, I'm rll yon think I look' and wife. Frank Medford and wife to John T. .florrow and wife. White Oak Township T. L. Creen. commissioner, G. C. Clark and J. M. Tate. to Jonathan Township John W. Boyd and wife to Glenn Ewart and wife. Ivy Hill Township J. E. Ferguson and wife to Lee Clark and wife. Mrs. Lou Palmer to Carroll Meadows and wife. Tobacco Meeting Set In County February 16 Tar Heel tobacco growers are re ceiving the latest information on plant production, disease control, fertilization, varieties and curing in a series of county-wide meetings I shirts or socks they wanted. Shoplifting To Order Lands Man In Jail SPOKANE, Wash. (UP) A new Iwist lo slioplifhting was discovered here. Detectives reported they found a man "shoplifting to ortier". The man would stand outside a men's clothing store and ask pros pective customers what size gloves, ture- 11 's a (in Daoe.- ....... ."n'l Johnson. ,,1,1,1: ment wi. . "usl i trainin,, '' . . " "I a... Ashuvill,. . Agriculh,,. ', " hlir , " ,,,,. ' l,,JU'l""'sniiJ NEXT Mn7,7 Who m,.s w,,,,, ! sun shines ri thc , "" v" -'v prt' l:n k .: close of day ,sl '"'"'"i-.MOBi. mill r,,,,. I. 1 ' i"11 nag an( move back i0 practice win, DlJ wouniy. He can 1 ...., knowledge ilai amount oi woikdorj uuna roacis is am- best highway chaij uuiy 01 me .state Washingto ACCIDENTS COST MONEY CLEVELAND (U.P.) The aver age cost to employers for lacera tions, punctures and burns suffered by workers in industrial accidents is $39.04 a case, the national safety magazine Occupational Hazards reported. being held in the State this month and next. The meetings are sponsored by the State College Extension Serv- I ice and conducted by Tobacco j Specialists Roy R. Bennett and S. I N. Hawks in cooperation with lo j cal county agents. ; The meeting for Haywood coun j ty is scheduled for February 16. Because of the growing preval I ence of black shank and other dis eases in many parts of the State, j special demonstrations in disease Then he would disappear into the crowded store and come out control will be conducted this year, Bennett said. Some 1500 samples of seed from 45 tobacco varieties have been sent to county agents for distribution to farmers who will cooperate in conducting the dem onstrations. Some of the varieties are resist ant either to Granville wilt, fusa rium wilt, root knot, black root rot, or black shank. (Continued (rot John C. Davics, 28, ward Breen, 33. oi Coffey, Jr.. 30. Pm, btms, 27, and jame; South Carolina' 1 Bentsen, Jr.. 27. Trf with a cut-rate bar; This ingenious 1 worked fine for tfc asked the two deltJ could use somp wi them a dozen pair (3 he found out whofe He is now serving, sentence. TAX LISTIl if DM Voiioir Fir! ww l?fll n All nrnnprtv r r-., in i lay wood County are required to return toil lakers for Taxation for the vear 1040 nil ih pni v . i yedr 1JU an the Keal Estate, Personal Property, etc, each shall own on the First day of January. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 a the same time. are required to list their polls and f! r0nS Ih 7 PrPCrty t0 U 3nd a B-Me and fail to themselves in will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. $2.D0 Penalty Will Be Charged For Failure To List. TAX LISTERS Beaverdam V. H. Byers Cataloochee, Boyd Hannah Pecil Ken Browning Crabtree - Fred Noland Clyde Carter Osborne East Fork.. WesPIess White Oak Fines Creek ...... Cauley IW Iron Duff .... J. Manson MecM Ivv Hill j. e. Fergusj J onathan Creek .... N. W. Cam Pigeon WayMe . 4 v JL( n,ixv- i Robert Williams young enough to b hr aUUr t . Mm U ; ih : -

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