,..... I iNVABY 28, 1949 ; JlIE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER r FACE FIVE (Secd&a Seelics? it I F w r I FOR SALE One electric refrie- : IJ, l U erator, 2 electric ironcrs, one Thor washer, phone 198-R. JtiD J 25-28 2 cents per word, 40 cents. 3 cents per charge 60 bm type, 50c n inch. 'will be published desired schedule charge. Lements should be f lately. The Moun ,t be responsible cue incorrect in "1SEMENTS ABE IaNCE. Cash must Jers sent by mail. e in office before day before publl- Intee to be in want io insert a want ad 700. Famous NORGE BEEN WASHERS. hf service guaran- fcimediate delivery. ers Electric Co. tf INTS see Haywood , next to Farmers Asheville Road. H. lager, nhone 277-M, tf Installed by experi- arge stock ot glass Its. Prompt service. ass Service, below 1 Phone 69. tl b PRICES for Irish k walnuts, onions. shoats. Junaluska ip 88. tf iO gallon Jud White water heater. Cost kill sell for $150.00. ition. Skyland Cot- Road, Phone 54-M- J25-tf RENT $7.00 per $5.00 and $6.00 per son for two in one available. LeFaine tf FOR SALE '48 model Jeep. Also have extra top. See Henry Mil ler, Howell St. Phone No. i:t2-X-M. J 18-2 1-25-28 f Letter Uncle Abe's YOUR INCOME TAX RETURNS IVteet me at the court house Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week with all data in hand. $ W. C. MEDFORD A REAL BARGAIN RCA Radio Phonograph. Slightly used. Spe cial price. Call 461, Waynesville. tf WELLS DRILLED Water Wells a Spectaltj Farm Home Darie 10 Years' Kxpcrienc GREEN BROS. WELL-DRILLING CO. Rt. 3, Canton, N. C Ph. Canton 2520 DAYTON "V" BELTS All sizes in stock. MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. tf HOT WATER HEATERS Table Top Models FARMERS fE9ERAI!0N SPORTSMEN The finest sporting goods in Waynesville are sold at Rogers Electric Co. Phone 4C1. tf Latest Records. Radios Radio and Phonograph. Electric Irons and Toaster's. Musical Instruments. Sheet Music. Radio Repair Service. Jones Radio and Music Co. 76 Main St. Waynesville WANTED Good clean soft raffs with buttons removed. No wool. 5c lb. The Mountaineer. m FOR SALE Have all the modern conveniences of the city by hav ing us to install you a Hobbins and Myers or Peerless deep or shallow well pump. Easy terms. CAGLE FURNITURE CO. Clyde, N. C. tf lUliY! HURRY! iric Vacuum Clean v $64.05, Special H(il, i s Electric Co., Main Street. tf r.iw 4-ioom house tul location. Robert lli'ii-. Creek. J21-25-28-F 1 XLECTRIC CO. Main Street I- Twenty-four acres (tliixl cultivation re- Itilnr. $1800.00. See ai'il or Bob Brvson. J25-28 y il l Moor bedroom ''"in heat. Also first 'nl. 114 Church St. J25-28 Pl'AKY 26 I can sell Pl'le trees at regular ive s trees free. Z. pmme 554-M. tf Shucks, oat straw and farmers Exchange AsllPVillo Rrvarl 5 F. nnv R SERVICE "d Auto Radios 'TEED SERVICE p and Delivery also Pt Service Curators P Appliances F'c Ranges For SANDING - FINISHING - TILE Call HAYWOOD FLOOR SURFACING CO. Phone 349-W . Dear readurs. Did you see 'whar that woman up in Danville, Vir ginny pot so all lard absorbed in a lnovin' pittur that a feller set lin' beliine her cut off Vfc of her hk-yirt an' the didn't know enny Hiing about it not till she riz up to (jo out an' saw she jist had on bout i- a dress? You see, the gal wauled to see more an' more of t lie pittur an' jist kep on lookin'; an' the man he wanted to see mure an' more of the gal an' kep on c ult in' away an' that's what happened! Now, you all knew I'm a modis' man, modis' as the ol'-tiine gal in linsey diess; howsumever, I want to tell you that that is jist how in terestin' I've promist the Editer I'de make this kolyum. So that when you fokes git good started in a-readin' it. why ennybody could ji:t slip up behine an' cut yore pants or k-yii t off an' you'de nev er know it--ye-ah! But y'all will haff to help me keep up a Hood head o' steam, in-spra-shun, cr sump'n you know what 1 mean, if I reach the above mark- yes sii-ee! Like Major Howl, Frank Rogers an' Larnce Walker done last wk. Larnce sez, "Now go to it, tinkle Abe!" An' Frank, well he told me how the fam'ly g-yath-ered aroun' to hear him put the 'spreshun to it as he red along jist like a skool-teacher can y'- know. Smile! Why, some o' you fokes out thar in radio-Ian' haint smiled since Heck vvuz a pup, no sir; an' I'm hir'd to work on jist silch long faces as thcze. Faces all, kivvered with gloom an' down-in-the mouth like yore mother-law had come to stay! Like the pictur that J. W. Morgan use to tack up of the man what didn't trade with him. Oh, you, out thar in radio-Ian' lissen to me: You're a-goin' to haff to give an' accountin' for all them sour looks ye-ah! You orter be a lookin' like the man what DID trade with Morgan. An' you don't need no Docter. nor a hole remp shun o' pills, pads an' shin-plas ters; salts, sa'vs an' seltzers; teas, lurpentime an trusses; greases girdles an' gadgets no sir-ee! An' you donr need to go to TTorldy caze you'de jist be a-frownin' down thar. All you need is a good doast ol Uncle Abe and you'll chuckle like a baby tickled under the chin, FOR SALE: 1939 Packard Eight, 4-door sedan with 1947 motor, which hua 12,00,0 miles on it. Car is in good mechanical condition. See Taylor Sutton, Ruute 2, Clyde, N. C. Jan. 27 Feb. 1 Eggs have been added to the list of foods to be plentiful on Janu ary markets, according to the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The nation's hens are expected to lay even more eggs this month than they did a year ago. THE OLD HOME tOWN by STANLEy Local Woman Proud Of Kentucky Despite Ribbings Of Friends Mrs. Cecil Elliott, now a resi dent of Waynesville, is proud of her native state of Kentucky, de spite the fact that she receiyes rib bings from her friends. "I take quite a ribbing from many of my friends about being from Kentucky. They kid me about hillbillies, child brides, moonshin ers and the like," Mrs. Elliott said. She brought ap article appear ing in the Louisville Courier-journal to the Mountaineer office re cently in an effort to convince her friends that Kentucky still has a lot for which to be proud. Mrs. EUlptt is from Cadiz, Ky., in Trigg county, and has resided in Waynesville for the past seven years. ye-ah! Oh, I hear some of you say, "Why don't you take yore own medicin, Uncle Abe?" Well, did you ever h-year of a Docter takin' hiz own medicin? Or a dentis' a pullin hiz own teeth? Or a shurf a-lockin hiz self up? Or a c-yar-penter a-buildin' hiz self a house? Did you ever, no you never For they jist won't do it, don't you see? Nex' week, the good Lord willin', I'll tell about Billy LittlebWtehes, and so foarth. Yores trooly, Uncle Abe. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincerest appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their kindnesses shown and the floral offerings sent during the Illness and death of my mother and our grandmother, Sal lie Greene. Hiram Greene and family. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of R. L. Whitener, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 4th day of January, 1950 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 4th day of January, 1949. FRANK BRYSON, Administrator of the Estate of R. L. WHITENER, deceased. 1816 J7-14-21-28-F4-11 THE FLOI" FAMILY NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. James Edward Clark, Plaintiff, vs. Cora Lee (Stephens) Clark, De fendant. The above named Defendant will take notice that an action as en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Hay wood County, North Carolina, by the Plaintiff to secure the annul ment of the attempted marriage be tween the Plaintiff and the Defend ant on the grounds' that said De fendant had a living husband at the time of said attempted marriage; that the Defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Court of Haywood County, in Waynesville, North Carolina, within 20 .days after the 5th day of February, 1949, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action, or the Plaintiff will apDly to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This the 10th day of January, 1949. C. H. LEATHERWOOD, Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina. 1819 Jan. 14-21-28 Feb. 4. (GC OD SE1EF ! JOHN, I vicgTo2yi j V TCL-O TOU TO ALWAYS ?i5!OZ'WWp f LOCK AND BOLT THE wSrMPr I FeoAfr doob BHFoee J TUfcMA ON "THE SET--J Wl7Vt 'vy A WET EVENING AT HOME WITH THB S I NeWTEL.EVISIO4 SET The Uruted State Hockey League is playing its fourth season this campaign. NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER Sealed bids will be received by Town of Waynesville, N. C. Mr. G. C. Ferguson, Waynesville, N. C. up to, but not later than 2 P. M. February 11, 1949, for all trees designated for cutting located on an area embracing about 600 acres on the west slope of Old Bald Ridge, Waynesville Municipal Watershed, Haywood County, North Carolina. The timber will be sold as is and where is on a lump sum basis, for all marked trees and all chestnut. Merchantable trees other than chestnut, are marked with two yet low paint spots on the trunk, one approximately 5 feet above the ground, and the other approxim ately 6 inches above the ground. Cull trees are marked with one yellow paint spot below stump height and may be removed at the purchaser's discretion. All chestnut is included in the sale whether marked or not. It is estimated that the said des ignated trees will produce approx imately 1,349,000 bd. feet of hard wood lumber, 14,000 bd. feet of hemlock lumber. 2,r)l,UO0 bd. feet of chestnut lumbei-, and several hundred cords of acid wood, and many waste trees for fuel wood. Detailed estimates of the timber to be cut are on file in the Town Hall, Waynesville, N. C. Timber to be cut is from an area of the watershed from which water is not being used, but it is to be cut and logged under the strict supervision and restrictions as re quired by the State Health Le Bail ment for the protection of the watershed. :V The accuracy of the estimates ' (on file) are not guaranteed by the . Town of Waynesville, and each prospective purchaser is urged to examine the timber and must as-) sume complete responsibility for . his bid. ' The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. '' The " successful bidder will be require to aign a written timber sale agreement whltfh includes ' terms of sale, road and skid trail ' locations, and specifications, and other requirements regarding the f logging operation. A sample sale ':, agreement, bid forms and related information are available from the Town of Waynesville. All interest-' ed persona are invited to contact.. Mr. G. C. Ferguson, -Town Hall, Waynesvilfe; N. C. in regard to' additional information and permis sion to inspect the timber. . This 6th day of January 1949. TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE By Hedwig A. Love, ' Town Clerk. 1820 Jan. 14-21-28 Feb. 4 INCOME TAX This is the BIG YEAR TO SAVE TAX MONEY! You'll need expert guidance to take full advantage of every NEW saving1 now allowed, and THIS YEAR a Tax Re turn MUST ACCOMPANY your W-2 Form. COME IN AND SEE US THE CLOSMAN CO. 114 Main St. Upstalra , Across From Court House Fmrth Year in Waynesville V REG'LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrne TIMB I TBll YA CAN'T. V v ltN YA MY HOCKEY STICK - TMA' A , T BUSTED , SO S. THAT SITUATION VSfiT RlSHT NOW -IT'S GETTIN' JUS& V. E-MBARBASSIN' jS SAY POP ICMOW WHATA4ACAN srr PUD FOR CHRIS 71US SOMETHIN" HC NEEDS AWFUL BAD j N&W HOCKEY STICK.' 3k. PL Bv SWAH COMPLETE HOME API'LL n- CHARD COLLECTION consist ing of 6 Trees furnishing Apples from early to late as follows: 1 Early Ked Bird-New Red. June. 1 Summer Delicious-Large Yel low. Summer. 1 Maiden Blush -Golden with red cheek. Late Summer. 1 Grimes Golden-Late Fall. 1 Virginia Winesap-Popu-lar Red. Winter. 1 Delicious -Favorite Red. Winter. AH six trees 3 to 4 ft. Size Special Offer No. 30-8 $6.85, Postpaid. Write for Free Copy 43-page Planting Guide in full color. Salesmen Wanted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, WAYNESBORO. VIRGINIA. J 28 FOR RENT FEB. 1 One .i-room and bath apartment. Very com fortable and very reasonable. Phone 163-J. J2a WILL DO FURNITURE UPHOLS TERING or refinishing job for some lumber, new or used. Saunders Furniture Shop. Phone 11..T J28 FOR SALE OR RENT Business fciiilHina nnnnsile E. O. EnsleV S Store. See Warren Mills, Camp Branch Road. J 28 F 1 jllONE 772 Appliance ervice FOR RENT Three room apart ment, opposite Shuler s Store on the Dellwood Road. See Mrs. Raymond Swaynginr J28 CINDER BLOCKS Superock blocks and Concret Block, 4", 8", and 12" sizes. The W. A. Hays Block Plant, Phone 102. Franklin or 903 Highlands. tf YOUNG MEN between ages 17 18V6 take your military training at home in the Heavy Tank Co., N.C.N.G. Earn extra pay, learn new skills. Phone 168 for furth er details. . J 28 FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING Phone 770-M M. V. B RAM LETT, JB. Dellwood Road N. Carolina Man Back At Work, Thanks Scalf's For New Life 'Often I couldn't eat anything without suffering from gassy stom ach c o u 1 dn't sleep was too weak to work. Scalf's Indian R i v e r Medicine made me feel like a new man anrl I'm Ahlp to M. J. Hudgins work now ,, de. clares Mr. M. J. Hudgins, Route 1, Horse Shoe, N. C. Get your bottle of Scalf's today on a money-oacK guarantee ui sm- ihfaction. Remember, Nothing Re places Scalf's Years Of Use. On sale at all good drug stores. "Hear Scalf's Indian River Boys, over YV WNC, Dial 570, at 12:15 p.m. Monday through Friday." adv. LENNOX At f-i I V;. . MEAN QUALIJY HOME HEATING FHA TERMS NO DOW PAYMEN SEE US TODAY lllfli compfiNf Phone 1S57 " Brwl AsfaTtU, K. C ' . j v , c:..;':.:-!-..: n U' C l . - cAfylfW 6 those m? won ' i.-n Tufm ' I VXI I I I X v WX I . V AO rvtfcr IrlWt ror t?c i MYRTLE RIGHT AROUND HOME By DUDLEY FtfiHEf J ootrr look " ' V 7zF T 7Xwmm, mvptle fNOw, 8tjT i think Yvou'o BtTTrep 'J , I we ye car to BINCO S FOLLOWING TAKE HIM I Ci , iJ - I X I h4Traw' ' HENRY ' CARL C. ANDERSON si DONALD DUCK BY WALT DISNKI TZ ---v-iLTH - ' NN '-- - &Lc ( STAND SACK.. SHORTy .. ; nC3 JsL DOWN-Boy.' , ( let 'eaa fight &tV bHj TTP VOU OUGHTA ITHE.IR OWN 3ATTLS.IT- JL V ( BE ASHAMED, -j-i-f-n" Vr TTrW P P ' 1, J' :t i i ; ' , f r- (r . PtBoy FurnUnr

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