IdAV, FEBRUARY 1, 1949 PAGE THREE THE WVYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER EST TO WOMEN ElETY aijd CLUB ACTIVITIES 700 Home Phone 462-J MRS. BEN SLOAN, Society Editor Roosevelt Ball Friday Night At Armory Draws 1,500 It Circles Today V iho Woman's So- m Service ot me Church will meet f l(in it the nome 01 3:3U p.m. t the home of Mrs. 30 p.m. Lt i iw. home of Mrs. S..,i, Mrs William ,,, . ..- , 10sless at 7:JU p.m. t the home of Mrs. i Mrs. Herbert Bra s at 7:30 p.m. r .. ft. MIDI OtOt momdlnf Uo- pl sabsH Jf (ot U dart, jpt ftel ; f pepplsr to Color LU;I f Itsrs 11, t. Stephen Woody IJqs. Party On nthirthday Stephen Woody was host of a supper party at his home on the Country Club Road, Saturday eve ning in observance of his eleventh birthday anniversary. He was as sisted in entertaining by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Woody. The dining table was centered with a decorated birthday cake and other appointments were also in the birthday motif. Comic hooks were presented to. the guests as favors and during the evening they were entertained at a movie. The guest list included Hilly Prevost, Ralph Prevost, Jr., Tyker Miller, Gerald Swanger, Jackie Farmer, Johnny Smiley. Stuart Roberson, Ted Rogers, and Bobby Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sloan and daughters, Sara Ann and Mary Jo. of Columbia, S. C, spent the week end with relatives here. ' J, CAMELS THE MORE .fL I School Library Assistants Meet The Library Assistants Club of the Waynesville Township High School met last week at the home of Mrs. Wayne Edwards, school li brarian and adviser for the club. Braxton Crocker had charge of the program which included a talk by Hetty Jean Norris, ,kA Library Assistant Looks at Her Job," and a review of Nevil Shute's book, "Pastoral," by Eleanor White. Following the business meeting a social hour was held and refresh ments were served. Members of the club are Char lene Adkins, Louise Bryson, Brax ton Crocker, Marietta Dillard, Vir ginia Mosaflook, Tulon Knight, Dixie Mehaffey, Betty Jean Nor ris, Sue Owen, Geneva Palmer, Elizabeth Patton, and Eleanor White. Mrs. McElrath Is Hostess For Home Club The West Canton Home Dem onstration Club met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. S. McEl rath with Mrs. Theodore Clarke presiding. The demonstration, "Know Your Organization," was given by Miss Mary Margaret Smith and leader reports were given as follows: foods and food preservation, Mrs, McLean Smathers; gardens, Mrs. W. S. McElrath; home beautifica- tion, Mrs. Maud Medford; crafts Mrs. James Hyde; clothing, Mrs Malcolm Crisp and Mrs. Theodore Clark; and health, Mrs. Hugh Ear ly. nt test of hundreds of people i only Camels for 30 days, noted specialists, making weekly Xiiminations, reported SINGLE CASE Cdf THROAT IN due to smoking CAMELS A STOM A Don't let eouRhlng, wheezing-, 'recurring at-1 tfceks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy without trying MBNDAOO. which works thru the blood to reaoh bronchia) tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviates coughing and aids freer breathing and better sleep. Get MENDACO from drugiiit. satis faction or money Dacg guaranteeov Approximately 1500 persons at -1 tended the Roosevelt Ball which j was held at the Waynesville Arm-1 ory Friday night under the spon sorship of the Beta Sigma Phi sor ority for the benfit of the March "i Dimes Campaign. Decorations were red, white and blue with paper streamers forming , a U A a nuge American nag uvemrou. Music was by Teddy Martin and his orchestra and Bill Prevost was master of ceremonies. The main feature of the dance was a grand march in which around ninety girls and their escorts par ticipated. The girls were present ed from a revolving platform which was placed in front of the stage. As each girl stepped down from the platform, she was met by hei escort and introduced by Mr. Pre vost. The March was led by Miss Mar garet Green, who represented Hay wood County, with her escort, Gene Carpenter. They were followed by Miss Marguerite Way, representing tiie town of Waynesville, with Bob by Colkitt. Other sponsors from Waynesville were Bette Hannah. Nancy Floyd, Juanita Smith, Nan cy Jane Boyd, Elaine Francis, Lil lian Sawyer, Dot Norris, Dot Cal houn Turner, Polly Dyer, Mary Jean West, Mary Ann Massie, Kath leen Calhoun, Margaret Vickery, Betty Gibson, Thelma Ann Jones, Katherine Hyatt, Vivian Watkins. Clara Sue Shuler, Katherine Nol and. Alice Marie Burgin. Marie Strange, Mary Frances Os borne, Dot Richeson, Edna Sum merrow, Evelyn Siler, Mary Abel Osborne, Peggy Noland, Julia Ann Stovall, Ila Jean Yount, Betty Brad ley, Emily McCrackcn, Joan Mor ris, Lane Prevost. Joyce Carter. Nancy Jane Medford, Betty Feline t, Mary Sue Crocker, Phyllis Cald well, Peggy Sue Burgin, Jean Duckett, Bcnnie Lou Medford. Knox Cobb, Evelyn Burnett. Thoin asine Fisher, Carolyn Clayton. Aleen Williams, Mozelle Liner. Alice Fincher, Edith Summeriow, Janette Leopard, June Hundley Mildred Medford. Ruth McKittrick, Margaret Palm er, Margaret Reece, Mary Jane Roeers. Marv Jane Edwards. Shir ley Mae Connatser, Judy Lee Knight. Doris Boland, Mary Ann Liner. Betty June McCracken. Pat ricia Jean McElroy, Brent Chap man, Edna Callahan, Nancy rur tado. Velma Crawford, Mary Mas sie, Peggy McCracken, Betty Nol ttemtion Ladies' at The TOGGERY This Week E ARE FEATURING OUR TWICE YEARLY 1 DRESS SALE AIL Fall and Winter Dresses On Sqle BUY ONE DRESS AT REGULAR PRICE AND GET AN OTHER DRESS THE SAME PRICE F-R-E-E ! WORK SWIT5 m m Price See Them Today 'Sweater Girl' j , r . t u- V v. - FROM A FIELD of 26 contestants, Martha Mitchell (above) was chosen Florida's "Sweater Girl for 1949" at Winter Haven, Fla. Al though the judges found it hot work under the beaming sun rays, the winner manages to look cool, col lected and shapely. (.International) and. Lillian Knox Medford. and Peggy Moody. Sponsors from Canton were Carolyn McElrath. Patricia Beall, Palsy Smathers. Pat Greeley. Mrs. Claude McClure, Anita Brooks, Vir ginia Cline. Eleanor Parker. Mary Ann Dudley. Cora Mae Phillips, Adrienne Smathers, Betty Robin son. Barbara Haos. Jackie Sue Sny der. Patsy Sue Hemphill and June .loslin. Mrs. Sebo Bryson and Mrs. Vir il Smith were in charge of the grand march and Mrs. Porter Fra ly was in charge of decorations. Publicity for the dance was han dled by Mrs. R. L. McKittrick and Miss Bernice Harrell. Schedule Of Home Clubs Is Announced "Citizenship" will be the subject of tudy for the eighteen home demonstration clubs of the county I during February, according to an j announcement by Miss Mary Mar- garet Smith, home demonstration a Rent. The schedule of meetings for the first two weeks in the month is as lollows- Tuesday, Feb. 1, Beaverdam club at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. George Wright. Wednesday, Feb. 2, Allen's Creek club at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. Luth-' er Gilliland. Thursday. Feb. 3. Dellwood club at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. Hugh Al lison. Friday. Feb. 4. Jonathan club at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. Medford Leatherwood. Tuesday, Feb. 8. Lakeside club at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. Charles Reed. Wednesday, Feb. 9, Francis Cove club at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. W. K. Boone. Thursday. Feb. 10. Fines Creek club at 10:30 o'clock with Mrs. M. M. Noland. Friday, Feb. 11. Iron Duff club at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. Fannie Davis. Monday. Feb. 14. Rogers Cove club at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. Guy Fullbright. Tuesday, Feb. 15, Waynesville Homeniakers club at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. Ben Phillips. Brownie Troup Has Doll Show A doll show was featured at the regular meeting of the Central Elementary Brownie Scout Troop last week. Each Brownie entered a doll and prizes were awarded. First prizes went to Donna Jo Blanton and Aulby Pless, second prize to Geor gia Mae Smith, and third prizes to Sandra Sue Caldwell and Roma Rose Brown. Valentine baskets of candy were presented to the group after the meeting. Mrs. Rome Bicwn and Mrs. Charles Parker are leaders of the troop. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tingen of Fuquay Springs announce the birth of a son, Daniel Harold, on Mon day .January 31, in Raleigh. Mrs. Tingen is the former Miss Elfien Louise Killian of Waynesville. Library Notes MARGARET JOHNSTON County Librarian Requirements For Home Demons tration Reading A Book Review Certificate will be awarded to a member of any Hpme Demonstration Club when she has read and reviewed before her club or a similar group three books from the suggested book list compiled by the North Carolina Library Commission. At least one of the three books must he non fiction. When a woman has earned one or more Book Review Certificate, she may receive recognition for advanced reading. In order to re ceive this recognition she must read and report on five books, which must include one fiction and four non-fiction. A list of women eligible must be sent to Miss Marjorie Beat,. State Library Commission not later than October 15th. Separate lists for Certificates and advanced reading must include name of woman, books she has read, and authors of the books. Copies of the lists may be se cured from Education Chairman of each club, or at the County Library. Capital Letters (Continued from Page Two) ton. Episcopal Group Will Meet Wed. The Margaret L. Marshall chap ter of the Woman's Auxiliary of Grace Episcopal Church will meet Wednesday night, February 2, at 8 o'clock a the home of Mrs. J. W. Reed, Jr. RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tel I your druggist fo sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding ynu must likt tht (way it quickly allays the cough of you are to have vour money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Che$tColds, Bronchitis SUCCESSOR Gov. Kerr Scott likes to pull surprises, and he may come up with one when he names a man to succeed Graham. Milkefr George Coble is still in the tun ning, but not so much so as a few weeks ago. Capus Waynick may be drafted for the position. When he became Scott's campaign manager, he said he was not interested in a State job and would not accept one. That's why the word "draft ed" is used here. If Scott has not been able to decide on a man by this weekend, Dr. Henry Jordan of Saxapahaw will be called in. A hint was thrown out last Saturday that a man who hasn't been con sidered at all by outsiders is defin itely being considered by the governor. COME TO CURTIS' FOR YOUR SICK-ROOM SUPPLIES Reliable quality . . . moderate prices prevail at CURTIS' with a complete stock to fill your order. You can havp confidence in everything you select from Curtis Drug Store. SHOP WITH US OFTEN Home Owned and Operated CURTIS DRUG STORE Your Walgreen Agency t We Get Nearer Our Goal "DEPARTMENTjtTOBES "A MODERN SJORE OF 3 BIG FLOORS .WITH QUAL ITY MERCHANDISE AT ECONOMICAL PRICES" KEEP WATCHING pi 'Home of Belter Values' it r: ' I i .1 If i jt ' V 1 1 1 1 i; f! ! r H : 5 r" f i r r:r p. . s. r