J . n BRl'ARY i, 1949 PAGE SEVEN (Secon . Seaiob? 1 HIE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ANT AD RATE ( J eellH !' size lyP' 0 uirm inch. II,. ,lllil,Tlfrt im-m- , 1 1 ,1,-ii.d ti lining (MiJ , h..i"' . M In. ill I"- l -I'""- lh.1,1 on 1 '"" 1UH IMI Al! ' ,,,- -,1 l.v ,., 1,C U M..M ' , , , ,ii , it .i v.aiu .in , Tiiil. M:ci-: . i -, v, v nu:s . : , i i in. I .ill- . ,i. J, it- ir.' i '. I i i 1 1 M ' Co. , tl IMMKV A !ii lll( Itnad II. i.ian.'il'i r. "linrie : ' '-i" . .1 I,. e'en I,,, k ol via hi' - i IA ice n I.. i1 i,:r if i I ; i or Ii e ll nil , onion-.. .Iiiu.iIii k;i .In. I Willie- ;.4-l- ! .I2.)-II i tt W2 195 yiao s in t ii;k co. M in Street fin ' I. .0, ' ,-e, 1..I i . Co II i '1.1:1, lll-l '..I;- hi-' I 11 I'.e-. and I I li "II i,i" NE DAY IR SERVICF u,,l Auln P f fVll" si uvK i: P Delimry "alsiK- PPt Service -in f1. APPliaii.es '' Ranges P"OXK77, CI N !) K It KLOCKS Stipeioi I; hln' -ks iiiul Conn i I li!,,.-!: 4", ;;', :,n. VI" ;:ize:. 'I'll.- V. A H.ivs Block l'l:inl, I'hnnc 10:'., I- ranklin in' !0.1 Ihj'lil.iiiil . v heal bakc;ain kca itadio- Vs. I'lioimtfrapli. Sliehtly us, -.1. Kpr- rr.i I..-.- . Stephens i Clark, I)e--i-iiil price. Call 4lil, W.ij in - . ilh- , i,,t.,ut ! " j The :.hne named Defendant will ' i.ii'o 1.1,1111 tluii an action as en- WELLS DRILLED nl'i Wells a i-.laliy K-inie Hi f..r Dar; 111 Nphi-i' Ks iii.-nei.re GHEEN BllQS. WKIX-0R1LL1NG CO. HI. 3. Car.tun, ti. C Ph. Cantun DAYTON "V" BELTS All si.es in st.uk. MARTIN ELKCTlilC CO VACUUM CLEANERS fARMtRS'lEDlRAUON mi iIj-. '"i"11' si'DHTSMEN- The finest s:inrtii!;, u.j i .i 1 1 1 ' " 1,1 '"' u uuods in Waynesville are Mild i Holers Electric Co. I'liono 4(il. Latest Records. Rudios Radio and Phonograph. Electric Irons and Toasters. IMusicul Instruments. Haywood! Sheet Music. "! Jones Radio and Music Co. 7(i Main St. Waynesville conveiin-iTes ol Hie cn i; n.u - inn us to install you a Kobbins and Myers or l'eerless dee,, or shallow well liuiiip. Easy l,-ni,s, CAGLE FL! UN1TL! il E CO. Clyde, N. C. If !" 1 ('""' Hilt SALE Ol! KENT Sion- 1 building', inleiseeiion ol l)(ll - 'h ' 1,1,1 '"', w-ood Koad and Chest mil Dnve. Excelh-nl location for .small I'm- rcrv busines--. Teh-nhoiii- 24. I 1-4 ';i i;,A1 '' 110 ""I X. no per J,.-,,,, SAI.K- 1!-1 Ford 1'ickiip. I'""'1"1 111 ",1-- Good .ondilioil. SK'.IKMH) Ccih. fiw i : I -! i -. Li'Fatne . , ,,, ., ,,,,i, i , i, , Mrs. Wav iie llrowniu ;. lioad, I'hoiie 20-H-l. I 'll; SALE l'r:iHi.-.-,iy ik f.:i'i (i'l. Ho,"i r Mi.i-.-.-ni. ::ri:s. i;. !-. Hal- .-'in i I'l- I 1 I'l; I 1-4 I oli HI A'T TJu.e room hoii i I'ri !er coiiplo '. it lend clnbii,. Mi V.'.i' in Hr. iv. inn:' It. ' :.. bo,.d 1'1,'ine 2'i-li-4. Ml, i I I ),( ;;. ! .1'. ,'i".v lour room Lout ! built iii chim is. Id;-; b,l, loo-I 0.11, .,u-e. chicken iual-e and lot ' will -ell ihii-p. !:ee F.dil Middle- j Ion on ."i liens !':-,!;. I I -I i nl!N 'Mil. I. and 1 1 A "' I'M 1 : now in opt-! atinil al Hie I'l, ill (nek Coin Mill at i be t.id W.il M . C Im e place on I'l. ill ( re k 1 1 I (lit SALE: One new -l-ioon li ii I - e in Ha7el ..cod on ' no, II. i t I'lione -I!;, C. AM. 'I M llukorv Wood lor! I'll! s-Al.l look s()e or In :ii;; w. r I i b 4- I I! WEI) from nr. hoiue, fem.d.- I'.lue Tii k and I'loil ro- ed hound do.;. Black spot on Im k To have whelped .Ian I'fllli . (Ml reward. E. Hub, ; . Ill 2. Clvrle. E.I). 4-.1 A t the New Helk-FIudson Birdseyc 27 x 27 DIAFEES Soft Finish - Non-Irritating Regular S2.98 SPECIAL $2.25 Doz. Belk -1111(18011 "Home Of T.etter Values" NOTICK I"-' 'I ill: SH'EHIOU OOUItT: I '!' VI I. HI NORTH CAROLINA, o I . , 1 , OK HAYWOOD. j l.uii.-- Edv.ai d ( 'l.u-k I'Liiiitiir ! i H It. t abne lias bull commenc- ii. ihi- :-.iin i ioi Court of Hay--""1 .iui.i., North Carolina, by il. I'l.,ii;i,:l to i in t the aiinul iiit:i. i.t the attempted nianiage be l ... tii the i'laiiiliri and the Defend ant the .rounds that said De ! i. 'I. ...I had a li tug husband at the nine 1-1 au) attempted marriage; lull the Defendant will further ,.)... i.l;,.. il. l . I,,. I 1 4 j- ' ii-.. " : i 1 1. 1 1 ne i.s 1 rquil eu IO j :i..i .ti at the utlice of the Clerk il the Coin t of llavwood County, TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate V:iMii".villp Towns.liip 1 i and wife and ol liel I'- :i V,'. IM minims and wife Mi I .'.ii I'almt r to .1. S. Hal 1 1 .1:.'. it. I i ' ' I .l.ii ii- on and wife to Gallic '" 11 W'lo. .". 1 . 1 1 1 1 :-ii,mI. i- Sims and bus - .:.. .iiid i.ll.ei-i to Tinman J, .K, r ,ind wiU . . T Waul, ti ll , lee. to li. V. li i,i i .mil v. ile. (' : Elo;,i and wife to John Cn.ii ;e. Klojip. .1, Co, In . hi and wife to James I'lillbi i-'bl and wife. . I). Arriiii'tou and wile lo Mil- toil Ml" ' IT, i I Inn W. .lones and wife to Woionll E. Lav. lie a v. i da m low nshi) Walter I' Xacliaiy and wife. ,. j.),,,,,.,, -,,.,- ;im ujl'e to j u, j(i ,.. wj,i.,nls .,,, wi(, alu, i (m 1 1 . ,, knis and wile. I j f'lvih. 'rnuimhin , l iniii M. (ilosser and F. Eliza- belli Gloss, r lo Lawrence Ellen Sinilh and husband. I llon-A eiilure. Inc. lo Haywood Mack.'N and wife. j liiione c,-,'..e and wife to Larry ' ( ,,,!.'. ' I'iMcoii Township John W. I'h-.s and wife to John I , , on ; i.-ii' .iikI w ile. :,,,, ,- ' :o,, I In i s and others lo -. I'l, i , i .Old V. de. i, 1 1 1 -.a,- ( i. Ill 1 1' i iii and wife li t' Itemnii and Wlte. Ivj Hill i'owutliip i lliiu I.-wis and wife to Eu i co .! Levi-,. I .nu i lit havio and husband to i.,e 1 A. Ilo-., i II. Cecil Towiinhip (.' i. hi, -,n '-;,i,iih lianies and other ! o .. i.. i i to -I I i-oo.-ii ami .ie ,o a I o ' II and wile. White Oak luHiisliip I I, (neeii commissioner, to T. T Ge. t ,! I , i)i s-M.K: One brown plaid suit, t V,- I and two pairs of pants; one "1:"' VM :lnd pantS; i 1 1 ,oai. See these ai lenirai I ( l( :,!i, , , 4 j I Ol 1.1".: 1 1 .' acres of land, all 1, in ed. New four-room hoie e. v..ilcr. lights and out lnnl, line-, I or quick sale $3,50(1. loi i a b li.d.ini e on easy terms; ( - II b'17 M Feb. 4 (in Wa i' -svillo, N 1 1 III (.'arolliKi. I within :0 days aflci' t In- fih day ol l-Vbi nary, I'M, and aicwer or de 1 nun lo the ('Oiiii)lainl in said actinli. or 'lie I'laintjll' will .ipply to the Co'ul for the relief (leinanded In said comphiint. This the Kith day of January. 194!. C. II I.EATHEK WOOD, Ckik of the .Superior Court of llajwood County, North Caiolina. 181!) Jan, 14-21-28 Feb. 4. ADMINISTHATOH'S NOTICK Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of R. 1.. Whiterier, deceased, late of Haywood County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Caiolina. on or before the 4th day of January, 1950 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 4th day of January, 1949. FRANK RRYSON. Administrator of the Estate ot H. I.. WHITEN EH, deceased. HUG J7-14-21-28-K4-1 I ; NOTICE OF SALE OF TI.MKKR j Sealed bids will be rereiurd bv I'l'own ot Wa nesville, N. ('. 'I Ml (' Ferguson, Waynesville, N K . up to, but not later than 1 V. 1.1. ' February 1 1, 1949, for all trees : desitiialed for cutting located on j ! an area embracing about (iUO acres Ion the west slope of Old llald I K i il i! c, Waynesville Municipal THE FLOI' FAMILY TO 6fH0 ( WeeK WVTH MYRTLE HENRY ii WSr W&mm- POOAAINOUP i,- :; SURPRISED WHEN "T' FOR SALE H FIRST QUALmr 1948 JEEP A Vii hJ XIRE , TIRE and BATTERY CO. RFf&PPIMfi 1938 Ford Coupe ,,,on,: .0,1,1:0 iiLbarriWb (henrT) W., , ) '-- 1 i.- DONALD DUCK WAl-T'Nl!r Tl I fvES SIR! V WHAT KIND Of) 1 ( 'T 'S VOUR OWn'I I 1 1 CAPE S?rTl ' CJI L- ' ZfA JOINT IS THIS? U ) FAULT, SIR) (iy VrTrv 1,MTr X THERE'S A I " J SOU INSISTED (HEX WAITER1; V JS FEATHER IN AAV H ON A RINGSIDE ' . ' THE OLD HOME TOWN .... - WKU. .lW.kHA.kl.l A time to Quit tm hawd stupfr. T v f WHEN TH'TE-LfviSiON lvs; ' ' I i SHOWS STAtrr rollCAVm I L. F V I S IQ IS TAK'M 'Al TOO MuCf. TEgglTOtav "fZjjf ' Waters-Led, Haywood County, North Carolina. The timber will be sold as Is and where is on a lump sum ba-ds, for all mai Led trees and all chestnut. .Merchantable trees other than REG'LAR FELLERS J 6UY AIN1 S.--p-l f SO TOU6H-- 6Sr ' " J MV UNCLE SLAPS f rrnXft i maundv i0gm DW 1 RUf F M'STUFF 'N fRM By STANLEY -,- V- V 'O '. -.I 1 chest nut, are marked wiih two low paint spots on the trunk, one approximately f feel above the ground, and the other U,,ioii,i alely 6 inches abuse ibe ciound Cull tree's are marked with RIGHT ARO UNO IlOMh -n ( i Dion knowS YOUR. UNCLE S" WAS A J I HE ISN'T P H-r ( PRIZE. ) V I ' i fJ. 1 o I , n, ibiw ..,ini s...t below In i bt .mil n .' be renim ed m, in, ! i , i i : . discretion. All , i, in i nii liid-'d iii the side .i..h, ii,, uk, -.! or not. Ii i . -inn,-,,,-, tl II, m ..-,01 ili- i.'ii ,i,-, 1 1 uii pi oiluce approx- im,il, r, :t i:. nun D.I. feet of hard wood lumber. I I. Ill III lid. feel of hi !, il,. , 1. lumber. 2!il UOU bd. feet ;,l ( In : n'll liimhel , mid several ln.nili '! .,.1 d of acid wood, and n. or. '. .i t. 1 1 . . loi liu I wood Detailed e-. I una! e-i of the timber in In cut .in- on tile in the Town II. ill. Wa II. Mile. N C. 'I iiiiIk i to lie cut I tin iii all area el llu w..t.i-lied t rum which water i- nui I,, ot;-! u: . d. but it is to be ii .uid liifi-'t-.l, under the r 1 1 ict i i.-iuo and i ecti iction; a.-- ie ,iih.d b- the Slate Health Depart ut I,. i the iHuleelion of the ..:! l;hr.l I be ai iuiarv ef the t'timaie ,n l, U 1 aie n,;l guai ant. ed by the Id, M, ol ...Mu sMlle. and each 1 , 1 1 1 -1 1. 1 ! i . e piiiihatr i- ui;ied to :-.,i,.iue tht tliuhei and must as in, i, (omplete re-porisiblllty foi hi bid The iisjht is reserved to reject ,11,' and all bids I'M mi,,c--IiiI bidder wMl be itipiired in -it'll a written Umbel ..,),- -,-., .t which im hides i,,,,,. i ;.i,.. i,,ad nd skid trail i,,,,, ,) spei ifical ion-, and I "hpih i n i lv im in r i iii i i i ii t--- V . fa other requirements regarding the 1 lojjin? operation A ample sale I ireemenl . bid forms and related j information are available from Hie j Town of Waynesville. All interest- ' u persons are invueu in i iiinaei Mr G C Ferguson Town Hall, Waynesville, N C in lizard to additional information and peruui doii to in.speet the timber. This lith day of January, 1949. TOWN OK WAYNESVILLE Ity lledwifi A. Love, T'-vMi Clerk. 11120 Jan 14-21-2(1 Feb 4 INCOME TAX This is the ihg YEA 11- TO HAVE TAX MONEVJ- You'll netd expert guidance; to take lull advantage of ever;! NEW saving1 now allowed, and THIS YEAH a Tax He turn MUST ACCOMPANY your VV-2 Form. ' ; COME IN AND SEE US THE CLOSMAN CO. 114 Main St. Upstair Across From Court House Fourth Year in Waynesville By Gene Byrne Uv SWA By OLhi.iiY i r.r;jiJ:iI CARL C ANDKUSOft Ht 6IV6 v, . v TH' CHAMP I C f J 9 7 I HIS OAILY , --J 1 ,' i ur

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