THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 191! GO TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY SUM H (The (Solden (Text FIRST BAPTIST I III K( II Rev. L. G. El lion. Pastor SUNDAY Sunday School at 9:4"). There N a place and a welcome fur those ot every age. Last Sunday wen present. Morning Worship .it ', I UP Tin pastor's subject lor the moriuii" is "Counting the Cost.". Scripture leading Luke 14:2H-HU Spvcia! music by the ilium und. i tin di itelion of Charles l-r: M 1 -Douglas Moore, organist. Training L'nion at (l an. LvelliiiM Worship at 7 ISO. Scr niun by the pastor: "Tin I ntinisli Jesus Teaches and Heals ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. Buescher Scripture Murk 1:11-15. 21-45: Luke. 4:1-S0. l(1 Tasks." Scripture I.u h"2. Special nuis l l!:, Yout h PAGE TWO ( lion ,iu.M)AY -Intel mediate H. A - nu I 3.30. Ssunday School officer ei ? meeting at tiArt n hall This will be a i ami lo.u h Ihe -octal i cred-di-h ml m-tail- suppci meeting. Tlu- -i-cond i nielli of the ii ct ii il I piiluie Thousand Years Ago i I'wo he ,-noSMi at this lime. This i i -1 . I! . : i 1- "The Day Work". Kvciy of it r and teacher is uitiid lo be pri t lit Tliese films are dcsitfiu d kive a background for a better n del standing of how tile people Palestine lived during the t In lsl and a belter under-! mi : i I the language ot the Ce-peK ai Hie leacbings of the parables. Ttie Business Women's Cm v. iff meet with Mi-s Hat-u Km man at 7:30. 'IT LSD AY C dries of the Woman -hi y Society "ill meet a- Mr ioi . lollows lleel will, 1 .utile Moon Circle w in Ml-. Boyd Owen at 7 3d. Kannit i.. S. Heck Circle ulll meet w:ll Mrs. K. L York at 7.30 I It m let 1. Hall Shuck Circle will meet Mill Wis Henry Davis at 7:30. Kit; Yates Circle will meet with Mr L L. Perry at 7:30. Ann lla-s. Itir, .Judsun Circle will meet ir. tin -ueial liull at 7:00 for a covered, di-h supper meeting Mr- Lines Duvall and Mrs. Fred Marcu- wd be hostesses. WKD.NKSDAY- Youth choir meet- for r at 0:4.). Hegulur Midweek I'rayi ing at 7:30. Senior choir rehear-al a h i ar- Me, 8 THL'KSDAY The T. K. 1. will meet with Mrs Dave .Meadow Street, a' 7 30 Mi bell Hogleil will he a ociat ess KHIDAY ei..--: Cabe '.' . Hi;- , h..-t- ; Intermediate C. M will et TAKE OFF UP TC fAjy TO HA VS A moob ffcuu MO MUOSI NO LAX ATI W no ixnasii MO MiSST LIQUID I NO TIIN IOUTINII f Thome Aahby hulifiw trtjt pil Tour aporarancf. iI-of iavi-r Of urly lat tlit weicli i ntinicsfiT and mental! w can nm 1 r- 1 mareaby ryc-catcfMngcurvi fjuicklv -asmy. alilT, pleaaantly. hoilthfuiiy The 'irrrrv-t: Tablei Way. Must women need never a-a in ujfei fiorn nctm fat! TREMETT SWEET TABLETS RIN MIMAC0LOUS RESULTS I OdMMIM. notntivlM TmMlt tlfit ' - ao r ri- Wut YwH eury Uii m IB yniir parM mrt4 t&Ka Ciuan wtimrwrm Two ar with no fOM. mom or !' 1. Bl Urn m Tun woall emmij N BliTing uk hBlrla fgqmiwf lmjly qoot i.xtnm JV wft required vitaBiinf and miuenls tnd efw-nE? you iMsduMrtly k4 from fattanmr facwla t n taio DO drvara. ajwolutdy bannlaaa k n-p frm Wisa nufttii-y whiM hio p tn It osrly pnndf a a Jual tuiivw nniM drcromi ac noctl trniw ?tMr fruuMfei. Ccaapere rcaiiltF of Oils n j Clk. Ii altar, aVaT way ta aiawlrMaa It-DAY NO-RISK TRIAL TaaK iflaV aat ataaw yua faava kjat wetgtit. toaa u iKayrwiai ftjrura. ya muat ionk. far! tMTtr ar 6X (at YOCk MONK) BACK WITHOUT eSSTlON. Tka nil r yra start tha auncar f(7J IBay ba th loaa u4 wySt ynu yrra for i a.. Jit ja aaab aiiajw m m aUa. f ot m f ur henw ve. 0a i . iiliniui TlLtHETT TAJtUCXl SMITH'S DRUG STORE n ii 1 I J At the New I elk-Hudson NYLON HOSE 51 Gauge 51 Denier Regular S1.98 SPECIAL : . . $1 -FIRST Belk - Hudson "Home Of Hotter Values ' .lohn the Baptist was put in Jesus began His ministry, going l.thleo and pleaching repentance and bilief in the gospels. pnson, into ( i : '.phi II. Short St reel. I li .'III Slil.hi i- meet ill i he social hall ..I T! it hei '-daughter Cirls' Au.vili- n.u tor Hi tv.niiie m the social ( lllilx I I The -t:l'ei s ii Nt i: for the SERVICE lesson-ser- an Sen. nee Serv- l Sundav nauning will he (e Wh I Ml. . i, Ti 1 Corinthians. 2:11. oweth the things of -nil it ot man w Inch - the things of no man. hut the will he held in the II I he -i I olid floor of eaiple Hi I I : n -a e t In t lorn . ' know el I. ! ,.'. Cod -el A ll e M.e Hill II l TWOOH FRESBY I KKI AN (111 11(11 Pan! I' Thrower. Ministi'r Sundav School. 10:00 a in. Law- i-n S.muuei row . -uperintendent. Morning Win -hip. 11:00 a. Ill, i: tnud and lourth Sundays. l. i mug Worship. 7.30 p. in., sec- id Mi litth Sundays. k -er'vice-. Wednesday at Choir rehearsal after- - n 1 1 it-it for Sunday he. "Living Epistles" hour, lor those il to he held Sunday aller n k. Erom libs group r in tig i hilili w i u i I .it 3 nl a Junior Choir will d lo sing at Sunday School ot In r occasion-. Jl NAEl SKA BAPTIST ( III R( II ') .1 Beck. Pastor y school. 10.00 a in. D R 1 1 1 i i t n' end' nt . M. Service- as lollows: Sum!. iv . 7 30 p in Third LAKE IV ...i Fir-' Si;nV, lhl- i ii i in iv i i -ci v ice. Wed- (.1! I f III R( II IN THE MOI MAINS f ie Ri v Edgar Could. Rector aty tl. h Siii'd.i'. .liter Epiphany a ,n Church School Fi! !l 4a a ti Holy Communion ii nd Sermon, tin- -ei ice t here will be a : all Mimnunion nl the 'es- HI!ST METHODIST f IICRCII ifil .ell I) Hing. P; tor Francis ' hoid. 10 a m. i' : lllteiidepl V.or-hip 11 a ls lo deliver The ser- the :tli iav ing been on account confined to of illness. Mr-. Fm d Martin will lead the (Vol, p- special music. TV Mcthodi-l Youth Fellowship ui!.i meet m the evening at 6:45. All oui.g people of the church are inM'ed to attend. Evening Service. 7:30 p. in. The ! . -to '. ill again bring the mes- U'edi:. ill leh -dav ii r-e '. e.'iing ii-ual the the choirs Youth FLOUR - Jesus riist turned an a man. then a leper Chiist's feet, saying " canst make me Choir meeting; at 7 o'clock in the Youth Chapel and the Senior Choir meeting at 8 o'clock in the Ladies' Parlor. WAYNESVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CIUTRCH Itev. Malcolm R. Williamson. Pastor Whitener Provost, Superi nlend ent of Sunday School. Sunday School at 10:00 o'clock. Morning Worship al 1 1:00 o'clock. ! Sermon Subject: "Becoming t What We Ought To Be." This sermon will be a special 'message commeinoral ing the be j ginning of Boy Scout Anniversary Week. Troop No. 2. of which Mr. J Paul McKlroy is Scoutmaster, will i be honor guests at the service. Parents and all interested friends ... are invited to attend. j I Thi' service will be broadcast i 'over Station WHCC. as will also the I Sunday School lesson at 10:1a I taught by K L Prevost. Sunday evening at 7:00 o'clock Hie Young People will present a Foreign Mission program which was postponed from last Sunday on account of the weather. CRABTKEE Mp;TIIOI)IST CIRCUIT C, O. Newell. Pastor Crabfrcc Sunday School at 10:30. Tom Kirkpatrick, Supl. Andy Ferguson. Assistant Supl. Church services each second and fourth Sunday al 11:30 o'clock. Methodist Yof'1 Fellowship at tv.30 p. ... Davis Chapel Sunday School at 10 o'cokk, Frank Uaj is Supt, Jar- j vis Caldwell, Assistant Supt. Church Services each first and third Sundays at 11 o'clock. Methodist Youth Fellowship al ; 7 o'clock. Joe Caldwell, president Eiiicher's Chapel Sunday School at 10 o'clock, Fred Noland Supt., W. J McCrary, Assistant. Church Services each first and third Sundays al 11 o'clock. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Lucilc Hancy Tabor, president. ML Zion Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Herschel Rogers. Supt. Church services every second and fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock. ST. JOHN'S CnURCH Rev. A. F. Rohruacher, Pastor Canton. Y.M.C.A. Build ing every 3rd Sunday 8:00 A.M. Andrews, Terrace Hotel Every 5th Sunday 8:00 A.M. Bryson City, St. Joseph's Church every 1st Sun day 8:00 A.M. Cherokee, Qualla Hall Every 2nd Sunday :00 A.M. Cullowhee, Student Union Building every tion Bids, every Sun day 11:00 1st Wednesday .. 7:00 Fontana Dam, Recrea Franklin, John Wasilik Home Every Sunday 8:00 A.M. A.M. A.M. Highlands, School Audi torium every Sunday 11:00 AM. Murphy, John Manthey Home every 1st Sun day 8:00 A.M. 6ylva, William Wise Home every 4th Sun day 8:00 A.M. Waynesville, St. John's Church, every Sunday 11:00 A.M. I LONG'S CHAPEL METHODIST : CHURCH I Paul H. Duckwall, Pastor Sunday. February 6: 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Mr. R. H. Terrell, General Superintendent, j 11:00 a.m. Morning worship with ! the sermon by the i pastor. Sermon theme: ; "The Saint And The Sinner." j 7:00 p. in. Methodist Youth Fel i lowship. j The evening's theme is: "Thun derbolt in the lloman Catholic Church", the first in a new scrtes of studies on The Meaning of Protestantism. Miss Mary Ann Liner will be the leader of this j program. j Monday, February 7: I 7:30 p. m. Methodist Youth Fel lowship Suhdistrict meets at The First Methodist' Church, Waynes vijle. All young people of the church are Invited to this youth meeting, and are asked to meet at the church at 7 p. m. for rides to Waynesville. Thursday, February 10: evil spirit out of threw himself at If Thou wilt Thou clean." A mi el ii'g 1. 1 t he aid- will he held ii of Hie church a' 7v lalward-. Jr.. Chan side at t he meet i ng . Wednesday . I i h: u.u Boy Scout Tm,oi t he ba-emi nt ol tic p in. li (.' Lane ; KdwanN. Jr., an Si Assistant Scout !n;e i lio.'.nl Klevv- M!l III i". W. pre- ( 'ha: I els III it (i-4.") nm h i.d ( net '! i:,ile- W i Ii i and a ot i vol v . FREE METHODIST ( HAPEL Depot St. Waynesville Rev. Charlotte Hi-hip Rev. Ruth Crubor - Co-Pa.-tors ' Filler into Hi- rati ' w lib 1 hanks giving, and into Hi- mint- with praise; be thankful unlo Him. and hie His Name." SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School - - 10:00 A. .Al. Morning Worship - I 1.00 Evening Worship - 7:30 P. M. Mid-week pray er meet ing Wednesday niglil 7:30 Conducted by lle . Mary Gladys Tubh. You are cordially invited to these gospel services al the Free Meth odist Chapel. I Jesus Begins His Work CHRIST TEACHES THE Scripture Mark 1:14-15, By NEWMAN CAMPBELL JOHN THE BAPTIST was im prisoned at the very beginning of Jesus' ministry, and the Lord never saw him again. The two men were related, as their moth ers wire cousins, according to the Gospel of St. Luke (Luke 1:361. The first words recorded of the Master when He began to preach were strangely like those of John "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of Go 1 is at hand: re pent ye, and believe the gospel." This said He in Galilee, where He began His tiar'ning and heal ing, and w here He spent a good deal of His bi n f life on earth. Jesus was about 32 years old at this time. He had spent His boy hood in Nazareth "f Galilee; the larger number of His miracles were later performed there. Jesus loved solitude, but He also liked people, and this crowd ed part of the country was where He chose to linger, as there was work to he done, both in teaching them His gosp.'l and in healing their earthly ills. We are next told that Jesns went to Capernaum, north of the Sea of Galilee, in the hills, and on the Sabbath He went into the synagogue and taught. The people who heard Him were amazed, for He spoke to them "as one that had authority," not as an outsidi r or as one of the scribes. In that synagogue in Caper- MEMORY "Jrxim ol Xqznrrtli . . . u-eiif u-ax u-ith Unn.' Arts 10:3$. naum was a man who was af flicted with an unclean spirit, and the spirit cried out, "Let us alone; what have we to do with Thee, Thou Jesus of Nazareth ? art Thou come to destroy us ? I know Thee who Thou art, the Holy One of God." Jesus reproved the evil spirit, saying, "Hold thy peace, and come out of him." and the un clean spirit came out, having torn the man. All witnesses were amazed at this manifestation of power, and they spread His fame abroad, asking one another, "What thing is this? What new doctrine is thic? For with author ity commandeth He even the un clean spirits, and they do obey Him." Jesus had, ' just before this, called Simon Peter and his brother Andrew to follow Him, and when they left the syna gogue, they went to the home of the brothers. Now Simon's mother-tn-law was ill with a fever, and 'hen they told Jesus, He went to her, took her by the hand and raised her Sued on copyrlitMM! outllnti productd by Th lntrrniitlonal Council of HWmi Education n ud ly prmUIOB. PutrlfcMtr bjr King Future Byndlcat. put loiiii His liand to the leper. .'. lie tlnKi clean." anil tie man .'.ded J. vies lold him to tell no .I., and .sent Hie man away. told to that He it tir' MKMOKV HAZELWOOD .METHODIST Clll'RCH Mis M. Js. Lee. Pastor Sunday School, 10 a. in. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. The subject for t lie morning meage will be: "The Ever PreM iit Cod". Evening Worship, 7 p. m. A -ong service will be held, follow i d by meditation on the sixth com mandment. Mid-week services: Wednesday , 7 p. in . Pray er Serv ice. Children s Hour, Thursday- at 3 o'clock. Youth Fellowship al 7 p. Thursdav. m. DELLWOOD METHODIST CIRCl IT J. E. B Houser. Pastor Sunday School will meet at each of the four churches at 10 o'clock. The pastor will preach at Elizabeth Chapel at 11 o'clock. Theme: "The Certainty of a Man's Religious Ex perience.'' Laymen will be in charge of the service at Dellwood at 11 o'clock. A cordial invitation is cxieiKieo in mo ptimic to vvor shii with us. GOSPEL, HEALS THE SICK 21-45; Luke 4:16-30. up and at once the fever left her and she waited upon them all. That evening, "when the sun did set," the people brought all their sick relatives and friends, and those that were suffering from evil spirits, and He healed many, but in the morning, Jesus rose up early and went to a soli tary place and prayed. However, He was not long alone, for Simon and the others went after Him, and W hen they found Him they said "All men seek Thee." But Jesus said, "Let ns go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, for therefore came I forth." So Jesus preached in the synagogues throughout Galilee. A leper came to Jesus, prob ably hearing of His healing pow ers, and "kneeling down to Him, and saying unto Him, If Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean," he moved the Master with com passion and doubtless touched Him by his faith, so the Lord put out His hand, and touched the poor man, and said, 'T will; fie thou clean." The leper immediately became clean, and Jesus told him not to say anything to anyone about the cure, but to go to the priest for lawful cleansing. The man, how ever, told everyone, so that the crowds were so great that Jesus could not enter the city, so He went into the desert. St. Mark tells ns that Jesus then returned to His home city,- VERSE about doimj tjoml for God Nazareth, and preached in the temple, and. as we were told in a recent lesson, the townspeople who heard Him were amazed that this carpenter's son, whom they had known as a boy in the home of His father, Joseph, spoke with such authority, and they grew angry with Him vvhnn He told them that "No prophet is accept able in his own country," and some truths of the scripture, and they took Him into the hills out side the city with the intention of casting Him down from the height, but Jesus passed through the midst of them and "went His way." These home town people had expected Him to perform mir acles for them as He had in Ca pernaum, and when He quoted from the Scriptures that Elijah healed not a widow of Israel when a famine came, hut a wo man of Sldom, and that while there were lepers in Israel at the time of Elisha, it was the Syrian, Naaman, whom the prophet healed, they were "filled with wrath." deed - which the leper Jesus' fame was I to the ifesel t to play. VKKSK Acts 1U M. Rev. Elliott Conducts Morning Devotions Over Station WHCC Rev. I. C. Elliott, pa-lor of the Eii'l liapli I Church, will conduct looming devotion- over Station U IICC m .--a week. Monday through SalLird,,;.. at icHO. The local sta tion is cooperating with the Hay wood Count'. Mini -ferial Associa tion in brini'iiig this period of pi: meditation lo Hie listeners of thi, area. Hazel wood Church Holds Missions School The aduits and children of the Pi eshy lei iaii Church have met on Wednesday evening for the past live week- in a School of Missions sponsored by the women of the Church. The last session of the school was a group meeting on W'cdn, old T. i d mi- sday ev emiig w ith Mrs. Har I5iidgnian. recently return- lonary from China, as the -pcaker. Mr-. Ilridgman concerning Hie situation in r Ea-I today. I guest . spoki Officers, Teachers Of First Baptist Church Meet Monday The officers and teachers of the Eh si Laplist Church Sunday School will have their regular monthly meeting Monday night at 7 o'clock in the social hall of the Welch Memorial Building. This will he a covered dish supper meeting. The f a! lire of the program w ill be the showing of the current series :!' films "Day's Work" illustrating the occupations of people I wo hoii-aiid years ago. This is the si coik; in ilie series of sound mo tion pictures giving the background ol the current Sundav School les lien Phillips, ::(h n! . urge- i iff- lo be pre General Siiperin II teachers and ol -cut. First Baptist Church To Consider Building Plans Sunday Morning Th. r ! Ilapli-t Church will i ! important (onleienee morning at the 11:00 m -hi;) hour to com ider ( o.'ici rtiiiig plans for a ii'g. A rnmmillee from Sundav .'III! ' 'omlered :!(, mi., ol deacons, iti 'i ce and biiildin:' committee- i- vii i li '1 to make ion ' fhe churi li Every member of 'he church i- urged lo be pre-cnt 'or the- coipi'-i once, Ministers Of County Will Meet Monday The ll.i , v. iiod County Ministerial s-ocialioii will meet Monday al 11 .'ill o'clock for the monthly lunch eon -I Mn at Long's Chapel near Lake Junalii-ka. All ministers of '.he count', are expected to attend Ihi.s meet ing to hear reports from the Civic and Moral Welfare com mittee. Hi v . I!. E. Young is ex peclcd to preside. Longs Chapel Society To Meet Tuesday At 2 The Woman's Society nf Chris tian Service of Long's Chapel Church will moel with Mrs. W. E. Carter. Tuesday. February 8 at 2:00 I'clock. , The speaker for' I he afternoon will he Miss Margaret Johnston, using ns her subject "Religious Books". Some students of Robin Hood stories believe he was a Saxon holding out against the Norman conquerors in the 12th Century. Listen To Read Your Bible Campaign Every Friday :45 t. M. WHCC, 1400-K. a of this everyone Christ teaching in the synagogue at CapetnJ "Jesut of Nazareth . . ." wenl about doing good God was with Him. "-Acts 10 38. rn -. .itl. HERBERT SPAUGH. t). D. Ynu will never ilp happy nursing trouble and cultivating bad think ing: H will grow into jealousy and bitterness. Learn to forgive and forgel. Vou can't even get through li e Lords Prayer if you don't. Il is almost impossible to keep had thoughts from coming into the mind, hut you don't need to shel Icr and house them. Hemember the old s.sying. "You cmi't keep Hie spiii "iiv, s lion flying over hi ad. but ynu can kei p them from budding nrsls in your hah-." When had thoughts eonie. pir h them out i ol the way with good thoughts, lie iditermined about it. There are al- w good things to think about. ( 'mini y our bli s ing-. II v mi can't j do h"l i cr. think about nine of t he ; had too- y i h;,v cut ; ol ; then he I li.'u kit,'. I a I ! : Si i men on the Mount. I r im d a oh mil v aiming. " ;', i e v ;l h v niu adversary I un I ; d . el unlo, " ing I hoiijdits. had i ai 1 ipin ! Iv v bile v on ;u o in t he v : 1 ' hi in , Li I the adversary tii ! i : line 1 1 1 the judge and I he '!' eh In i i Hue to t he oil ieei .is I boll ,i c e ! i I o a i on H'lil liille.. ! Id. i ham ol habit I . . Tli'ii it ah In :w, iiieaic come out their i till r 1 1 ' . 1 1 ha I paid the nlter- I!."1 ' i iiil i." ci eal. s a p.oi- on in ' oui l hich .I. I roy happi m . .ho e: hi l!h. .' ' i lc' .lore 1 1 . i a line book on t'n nl,), .1, ' s (he Kingdom of 1 ' i i'' il' ni." in v. Inch he show, ho . : t a -ciil and bale prndui c '' ' . ; e in, .- a it 'et ie .' ud ' oi rv hi . ( .1 1 1 lii. . how a '. n e of guilt illdll a ill III altil. Si ll-eentei od people are unhappy people. H vou wanl lo en1., hap P'ik " . put Cod in the rcnler of y our file and put sell out. Cod planned for you to ho a im inber of the Divine Eamilv. but you have lo accept membership by At the New Belk-IIudson Children's All-Wool SWEATERS Assorted Colors SPECIAL . 85 Belk - Hudson "Home Of Better VhIi"' i n e Everyday Counselor -by accept God a- y our Fj . as your Sav linn , the i as your guide, v inlo Hie Diviiic Kami ; what the Bible calls ' ; Jesus said, "Except a anevv ifrom above I he Kingdom ol M t John wrote. "A- imit:)' 1 1 im, to ( hem g ' become t he sums nl G Keep the rye- nl uj 1 heart on Coil, I good and ne. li rl -rift leading, and y mi uii nf happinc-v pi ;-.n 1 mcnt. - REV. J. L. '! HOT 'iHCAR'ni.YK.V SCALF'S MED W , ii .i lit J. L. A II IT ! 1 have gaiiml liiWf needed' wi e hl I and I eat ,o, : I oar ol alii I lia .'I M ! M'Cl . 1 V'.. ,1.1 ! i" need nl a .....I 'M Irv Seal!'' I N I k....ii , ,.i -..Ie 1 drug i Ioi a u ; place- It Yi a i Hear Seall hiili over WW'.C ImI 1 p. m MoiHl.a 'I'1"1 i I Mi:: -SECOND FLOOK-

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