STANDARD PTG t, Comp 220-230 S First LOUISVILLE KY D- - - The Waynes ville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Scat of Haywood County At The Kastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE "I was so cold last night I couldn't sleep. I just lay there and shivered." "Did your teeth chatter?" "I don't know we don't sleep together.' Mights The ews - Noland (lets In Errors , , i.Hu.ay rinn-'-. , all the bad III.' -.I.'ltt" ., . his V, (.i;ii ' hi people "l . , '.ciiini: a l;,;., nds ''' Tn , ."' I"'r -'id wi,s vvr .nr ll, Hi'- error (,,,!, (I i" II"' Ka' el. r.u-:. and ln' .,,,, .nun? i ,,. ii -,n(i ii. L,. ,,,st Mr Nelantl ;, telegrams ,,,-hl again L Has Been li" Years T , Davis. "I , ,mll,c. hill high- . . i. .. ,..,1 , men i , li.illll'lllilllf 'I) , v.ik made by ll,.fr:irkrll. SIHIh Ill Jisll. mi; some ie nl constant Mill in.iiiilain il In 1 1 t J ) 1 J m (in Hie incluilinsi the new and Wonders CHS .UT as,,. .1 I. West- lilcd a ( lien in aii- s,ih a man slide nip,' mi his heart. Il-rll II special clip ilr t i-oii i burning his periec! balanced pi'iifiiuiid impression Innri'liiiin hven In 'I- In unlllllTlllg ll(l tin- man could at a fcil. I any lake about it. mess I uould have lilil have hern done. m (In il, and have III il nil and (in ever pners "Borrow Hold Meeting 'nninii ..iiincrs vcre N a in t U- table in ifllrr Ylnlirl.iv ,,,,,, i 'gllbi rnnm .wis be- j 1' Siai'd jury j iiuiliiie iivil- ! I" Hn'ir atli iiiion. i I" SISMnli ahliul t,. ' ill (SI1,,.( I I,,,!.. fli'i'day Iiiimiicss, ts Being 5y Police If I , n i,r; "pt I'd tinS in. Wav -do pi.iI lave their I " ' ',,. rdio,. ! Mr l. I I'milav. vi;! lay. i"d I he ( in , ,.,,) -ll'.V.s II,,,,. V''lll('l HI,!,, ,l" '"" nave (heir '"' Cl'"d In ,..., rllaMd said F" Ai.i;i(,n Hk to, 1,1 Kalcigli Market tolled i, "ii 5fi,...-,r. 20c-28c !'.( inc! 32c-36c I 2.75 - 20.00-23.00 21 00-2.,.0(l 27.(in.; j 2 00-2:1 (ill Kin ihs cows ... 225-2.-,.50 krm,' "'l of the -f - 'Rainfall ? W 42 56 2e "3 64th YEAR No. 11 Farmers Award Four Achievements Plaques (17 I M I L i i . 1 The Haywood Demonstration farmers on Saturday Rave four firms 1948 AL'iicuMural Achieveir.enls Plaques for their contribution to the promotion of better farming in the counly. Shown here, left In right, J. L. Westmoreland, president of the farm group last year; W. furl is Kuss. editor 'I'lie Moun taineer: Jonathan Woody, president, First National Bank; J. Hurley Wright, pulili du r The Knlerprise. Canton: R. C. Francis, who presented the awards in behalf ol the farmers, and .I.Walter 1 amtofl, of Champion Paper and Fibre Company. This photo by Ingram's Studio. Farm Groups Accomplish Many Projects In Many Attended An- j nual Achievement Day, Meeting Here Satur day; Officers Named Many of Haywood's leading farmers and farm women met here Saturday for the annual achieve ment day program. They elected officers, heard a practical farm talk liv Dr. T. 11. llutcheson, ol V P I , Illacksbuig, Va.. and award id plaques to four funis for their interest and assistance in carrying 'in the farm program in the coun- , l.v. Reports of the activities and achievements of the past year for i both groups were encouraging, and showed much progress in the agri cultural and home making field In the county during the past year. Mrs. Oti? Cole, made the report tor the women's work, and George j K Stamey for the men's division, j The farmers elected George E j Stamey, as president, to succeed j ' Westmoreland; R. O. Francis . u.i . named vice president, surreed 1 iiu: T W Catliey; William Osborne "I Clyde, was named secretary, succeeding Mr. Stamey, and T. C. (See Achievement Day Page R Officers Still Working On High School Robbery Police and detectives are follow ing through on some clues and fingerprints gathered from the high school robbery. A cash box 'with $70 was taken from the high school office sometime last Wed nesday night .or Thursday morn ing. "Wc got some excellent finger prints," Chief Orville Noland said. Car Leaves Road, Lands Into Pigeon River A car went off Highway No. 276 uear the steel bridge within Pisgah forest Sunday, and went down the sleep embankment into the river. Highway Patrolman Jeff May said no one was injured, and the driver just failed to make the curve. The car did not turn over More Funds Sought For Needed Health Program "We are only meeting Hie needs of five per cent of the school chil dren in Haywood," Dr. Marv Mirh al. distrirt health officer said this w'eek. "The only way we can increase services is to have a larger staff, and that means more funds," she continued. r. Michal pointed out that the state health department has ask d the budget commission for $1. 50.000 per year for the next two ears, and the commission had rec ommended $175,000. If the requested amount is grant 8 PAGES Associated Farmers Told To Prepare For Lower Prices; Virginia Pro fessor, Is Speaker Haywood farmers were warned here Saturday that inflated farm prices were due for a tumble, and that lands should he built up now for the time when there would not be high prices for farm products. Dr. T. Ii. llutcheson, dean ol agriculture, of V.P.I., in a practical address, told the Achievement Day midienee, "the best help you can have is self-help" Work within your own fence line, he stressed, as he called for farmers to "keep up with the times" as this is a crilieal period for the farmers. Dr. llutcheson told his audience I hat farmers must learn to main lain a good standard of living with lower prices. Now is the time to get your farm in condition, cull undesirable cattle, and prepare for (See Speaker Warns Page tl) Military Order Sets Meeting Wednesday Night A dinner meeting of the Military Order of World Wars will be held Wednesday evening. February I), at 7 o'clock in the pine room of Patrick's Cafeteria. The meeting has been called by Col. J. 11. How ell, Waynesville post commander. All former officers of the army, navy, coast guard, and marines are asked to attend as important mat ters will be discussed. Truck And Taxi Crash On Fines Creek Road A taxi and pick-up truck collid ed near James' Store on Fines Creek Sunday. A woman passeng er in the taxi was taken to a doctor for a routine check-up. ac cording to Patrolman Jeff May. The accident was ruled as un avoidable, and no arrests made, and no injuries reported. The taxi was badly damaged, the patrolman said. ed, it will mean from $11,000 to $15,000 more per year for Hay wood, which would give us severa) additional staff members. "For an estimated population of 40.000, we have only 2 nurses and 1 sanitarian. Wc should have eight nurses and four sanitarians to do a thorough job," Dr. Michal said. The national recommendation is one nurse for every 5,000 people and one sanitarian for each 10,000. "Right now we are working on a budget of $17,750," Dr. Michal (See Health Work Page 8) Press and 1'nitcd Press News 8 Reports Show Much Activity On Farm In P.olh Men and , . WomcjuV (itoutjvs I la ;. m m'i'I'', lain, ni'-ii and ''o nicn aiipar-'iilly l)iol;e ail achieve incut i c olds fliii iiii.; Hit;:, arend- l i ng l,i the report s mad,' at I h'-i r annual meet i r " here Sal urday . There are 1115 women in the Home Demon'. Iral ion work, and ' H',1 (lemnir 1 1 a ' inn fame, in fi e ! water. died at cis. t be reporl i c- veiled. ' Mrs. (111. ( nle. I -epor' HIV, tor t lie j women's v., nk. .ii, there were III 'clubs, with l''ei nieniber .. who have ' assisted "bUO laniilii". in improv ing food production and conserva tion, health, home grounds, equip mi-Hi and clothing Soon I "0(1 111 ill -1,1 1 III families ere al- o leach. elk The l"ii (e,noi I, alien a:;eot have made con' ail wj'Ii i:','.-i() people through nie lines, home i .its and I he olflee In meet ing; III'' ill, : ,l.,li' e 'VI 5.".:'.. .'Hid :0( llieiuliel . ,, . led Willi I lie pin i'lllll : Chill ! 1 1 1 -1 , 1 1 -1 . ( -opt l-l I I' ed -Vi.I'i low aid I he purchase of I he Hay wood l.ibi.iM r.'iokinolul'-, in a(l Sce 1 arm Kepurt Pace Hi MISS ( ai;i: Ki l l KNS i ito.M i ciioim; Mi.s .lo.ephine ('.die returned on Saturday from an e;,elv.ive tour of F.urop" She as I he ;uest ol her niece. Ii-s Virginia Roberts jn Frankfort. Germany .and with Miss Uoberls spent a week in Paris and visited in Geneva. Rome. Milan. Munich, and several eilies in Austria. ln Geneva Mis- ('al)c and Miss Roberts visited liishop and Mrs. Paul N. Gather, who have a sum mer home at Lake .lunaluska. En route home from Europe Miss Cabe spent four days sightseeing in London. ( PL. .IOM S ON Dl'TV Cpl. K. W. Jones, of the stale highway patrol, was back in uni form Monday, lie recently under went an operation, and was eon lined to his home in Clyde for several weeks. 194 Charter Granted Business And Professional Women's Club The WflvpcsviRp Rusmess and charter presentation. Other club? Professional Women's Club receiv- from Brevard. AsheviHe, Sf ates die eri their charter Friday night, in and Shelby were also represented, an impressive dinner meeting at Powell, of Canton. Miss Lois the Towne House. Mrs. Kathryn j Griffith. AsheviHe. Shipman, state president of High , Mr shipman. in her presenta Polnt. presented the charter to j (ion address, discussed the growth Mrs. M. G. Stamey, president ofanfj accomplishments of the orga the local organization. nization for the past thirty years. The Waynesville unit was orga-, Miss Dorothy Johnson of the nized last July, and was sponsored j Brevard Club, and state nicmber by the Canton Club, which had-ship chairman, presented the books fifteen representatives here for the (See R & P Club Paee 8) M A VNESVIELE, N. C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1949 Dairy Meets Underway In County A larr.e :'.i 'ui of ri'iiryiiien I rum the llv.ill Creek .-crtion of Hay wood Counly attended the meeting held sesteiil.'H al'tc'iioon al the I'aii.i of Mrs. W. F. Swift on con nil ol iii.lst Kjs, Wayne Coi pening. ouniy agent, reported today. Various subjects on dairying voi o discussed during the two lour session and the main topic for (ininieiil was the ways of eontroll ng maslisis. This disease has been ausii;; considerable trouble to the 'tile of Hie county, it was under stood, F. It. Farnham, dairy specialist i'liiii Stale College, and Dr. Hus nan, veterinarian working with the ederal government on liangs dis ase, led I he discussion with around (Sec Dairy Meetings Page Hi Sunday School Mass Meeting Set February 10 The Haywood ional-w ide Sun-Jay School mass meeting will oe staged al the Clyde Baptist lunch Thursday. February 10. wilh conferences set lo start at i:30 o'clock. Miss Daphne Roone, Bap list field worker, said this moili ng. A mass meeting of the Sunday M'hool departments throughout the counly will be held at 7:30 o'clock svilh a large crowd expected lo al lend Fred Fore, Sunday School super intendent, will preside over the neeling. Miss Ksllier Mae Gibson is pianist and Jarvis Brock will crve as chorister. The separate conferences start ing Thursday nigbl tit (i:30 o'clock ar. as follows: pastors and super (Sce Sunday School Page K) Many From Here Going To Farm Bureau Meeting A large delegation of Haywood counts Farm Bureau members are expected lo allend I he Kith annual meeting of the North Carolina Fat in Bureau Federation in Ashe eille. February l.'i through Hi. National and Slale leaders in I he lelds of government, industry and agriculture will participate in the program. Among those officials lo allend are Governor W. Kerr Scott. Senator .1. Melville Broughloii. Coinnii .i snner of Agriculture L. Y llallenliiie. Superintendent of Public Instruction Clydu Krwin and II. Harold Cooley. The counly Farm Bureau will be in charge ol enlerlaimnent during (See Farm Bureau Page H) Timber Bill Passes In Legislature A bill introduced in the general assembly by Rep. Grovrr C. Davis, authorizing the Town of Waynes ville lo sell surplus limber from the watershed has been passed and rat died The Town will open bids on the I lib for some 1.(10(1.000 reel of limber from a fiOO-acre tract of an unused portion of the watershed. The bill was just a technical mailer in order to clear up some pol l ions of a law not quite clear. it wa said bv .1. R Morgan, at- lonn . for Way nesville. 0. L. Yates To Attend Democratic Meeting In Raleigh On Wednesday o I. Vales, a member of the State Democratic Executive Com mittee, plans to attend the special meeting in Raleigh next week, at which lime a national committee man will be named to fill the va cancy of the late Senator Joe Blvlhe, of Charlotte. Mr. Yates said he plans to en dorse Jonathan Daniels, who has been recommended by Governor Scott. Judge Moore Raps Drunken Drivers As Court Opens Solicitor THAI) RRYSON. JR.. solicitor of this district, who is preparing to clear many cases from I be j current docket. Photo by In gram's Studio. Park Theatre Is Being Repainted, More Lights Added An extensive renovation and re decorating program is underway al the Park Theatre here. The entire lobby is being repainted, and three rows of fluorescent lights, the width of the lobby is being added. A modernized box office will be part of the program, according lo J. K. Massie. owner of the t heal re. The lounge of the theatre, to gether with the ladies' room has been completely relinished, with brighter color painls. Mr. Massie said plans Included renovation of the carpet. Other extensive impi ovcnienl s are planned in the near future Local Painter Found Dead In Bed On Monday Sutherland, well known painter, was found dead in bed Monday morning. A coroner's inquest, called bv Dr. J F Pate, said the man died of natural cans- es. Funeral services will be held this morning at Garrett funeral J homo al II o'clock, with Rev. ,1. M Woodward in charge. Burial will lie al Green Hill cemetery The deceased was a native of Cherokee counly, and had lived here for several years lie is survived by his mother. ; Mrs. Tiny Campbell, of sheille; lone sister. Mrs. .losie Gibson, of 'Franklin; two half sisters. Mrs Fred Fnslcy, of Pelzer. S. C . and j Mrs. Arthur Walls, of Newport I New. Va.. and a half brother, Woodrow Campbell, Waynoville. Baptists Postpone Church Conference i A discussion of building plans jwas postponed at the Firt Baptist church Sunday until a later date. I J. R. Morgan, chairman of the I board of deacons, announced, "due j In our inability to get a final state ment from parties concerned makes I il impossible to make a report at this time." The church officers are working on plans for an expansion program. NOLAND IN RALEIGH I) Reeves Noland left last night for Raleigh, where he will allend a road hearing. Mr. Noland is highway commissioner of the 10th district Two Civic Groups Favor Auto Inspection Laws Two civic groups voted in favor of the annual motor vehicle in ! spectifu) law at their meetings last I week The Rotary and Lions Clubs j were unanimous in their action, in asking the General Assembly to j maintain the once-a-year law. i The Rotarians also went on rec ord as favoriug the $500,000 budget for the North Carolina Library Commission. The civic groups heard Patrol man O. R. Roberts give some figures of highway accidents, both before and since Hie inspection and driv S.5.00 In Advance In New Grand Jury j Named For 194 J); Told To Carefully Check Public Buildings Mark Ferguson, of Fines Creek. I was named foreman of the 1949 grand jury of Haywood county, shortly afler the February term of criminal court convened here Mon day morning. Judge Dan K Moore, of Sylva, is presiding, and alter the charge to the new grand jury, Solicitor Thad Hryson, sent a large number of bills lo the jury Judge Moore explained in detail the duties of the grand jury, and then rapped drunken and reck less driving on the highways. "Both type ol drivers are dan gerous lo themselves, as well as all otiieis on the highways," he said. "The highway patrolmen are doini an excellent job of protect ing everyone on the highway, and unless our traffic laws are enforc ed there will be countess deaths on our roads. Traffic is getting ; heavier, and more conjested, and all of us need lo support these (See Court Pasc 81 Rotarians Favor Larger Funds For State Library Ifotai ians asked for an increase in lb" slale library fund from the General Avsombh hero Friday. J. II Howell, a nieiiiliir of the Haywood library hoard, said the , $f)()().(MI0 budget requested for the Ninth Carolina Library Commis- 1 sion would help the slate reach the goal ol ball a book per capita. The average now is about a quarter of a book "Hole in Haywood Hie average is less I ban a quarter of a book per per son," he eont inued. The club oled unanimously in , favor of the $5110.0(10 going lo the Library ComniKsion, instead of the $:iTi(l.()0( as recommended by the i budget eoiiimis.siou. Safecracker Out On $7,000 Bond Robert Bradv. Jr.. who has been lodged in the Haywood coun ly jail tor the pasl two weeks, was released on .ST.noO bond Friday afternoon, lio.v T Francis, attorney, announced yesterday. Brady. along with Kenneth Scheet., confessed lo the $58,000 I robbery of Cass Walker Grocery ,. Warehouse sale on December 2li j II was understood that Sehaelz ; would be relumed lo Virginia to complete a I lu ce and one-half ; years on his piobalional sentence. ! Brady will be tried at the April term of Macon county superior court on charges of possession of burglary tools and lirearms. Mr. Francis said The attorneys for Brady are Mr. Francis and Homer Stockton of Franklin. KNOXVII.LF, ' L P 1 -City po lice reported that a suspect in the $(iO,00(l ('as Walker safecracking (Sec Safecracker Page 8) Boosters Club Will Discuss Fourth Of July Celebration Member-, ol the Boosters Club will discuss plans for the annual Fourth of July program as they meet next Thursday night at the Haclwond Presby terian Church for the regular monthly meeting. M. II. Bowles is president of the organization els license law became effective, i'd the clubs voted that both laws tie kept as now on the books. Patrolman Roberts pointed out that In 1940 Hie death toll on North Carolina highways was 1,028, and for 1948 had been reduced to 734, a drop of 21) per cent in the faeo f n increase in registration of mo 'tor vehicles of about 250,000. "More accidents are he i net r, . ' ported today than ever, because we have some 220 additional patrol men, and they can get the facts on accidents, where it was impos sible hefore." he said. Haywood and Jackson Counties Grand Jury Foreman MARK FERGUSON was nataed foreman of the Haywood grand jury, when the February term of court convened Monday morning. Mr. Ferguson Is a farmer of Fines Creek. Merchants To Discuss Problems At 7:30 Tonight The Merchants Association will gather Tuesday night at the -court bouse to discuss several impoi'1 id matters, Dave Felmel. president m" the association, staled,rdav. The group will meet 'it 7 30 o'clock tonight and l he three m-"-lers of business lo be dis u s,ed -itc the following: First, a discussion ' iliiiui lion of closing on Wednesday aflei- noons. Second, a further di ens-ion of the proposed credit report agency lor the area Third, the annual election ol of ficers. During the meeting, a report of the activities of the organisation of the pasl year will be made All business linns are urged to have a represenlal ive attend the meeting. County Farmers Order :J50 Pounds Of In Campaign On Kal.s A total of "50 pom el- of r ,( poison has been ordered liv l.jie, ers ol Hay w ood county in ao effoit lo combat rats on their Firms The counly ral campaign rmc. on I he heels of a similar ilui r held in Waynesville, Canton. ClTdr aod lla.elwood last week. The Waynesville town official:, termed the local rat campaign n success and il was estimated th-d several thousand dollars wort!) of properly will be saved a? result.; of I he campaign. President Truman Urged To Reappoint Ferguson On Trade Commission President Truman has been ?!. ed to reappoint Garland S. Fergu son of Waynesville to the Fedenl Trade Commission. The request in behalf of Fergu son, who has been on the iniiinn.. sion for 21 years, was made t,, North Carolina's two Democrat"" Senators Clyde R. Hoey and .1. Mel ville Broughton. Highway Record For 1949 (To Pete) In Haywood Killed 0 Injured .... 1 (This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol). I

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