....... v IdAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1949 iHE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE aEy-El. TES ) ,., nis per word, I 411 cents. ; ,i ciMits per , charge 60 iype, 50c in inch. L III bp published lir-ired schedule ilulKe. is should be flijlrly. The Moun- Ipl lie responsible one incorrect IslMFNTS ARE ,. r. Cash must l. is M iit by mail. he in ofTire oeiore day bi'f'ore publi- iilcc lo be in want L in ert a want ad Oil. fc'TS s Haywood next to Farmer lAsheville Road. H. L-er, "hone 277-M. tf ti-tailed by experi ! c slock of glass Prompt service. Service, below , Phone (if). tf I'liier.S for Irish walnuts, onions, slwaK Junaluska !i!l. tf tiallnn .lud White water healer. Cost ill m II lor $150.00. inn Skyland Cot load, Phone 54-M-J25-tf I!KNT-$7.00 per 5.(10 and $6.00 per ion for two in one available. LeFaine tf 3.1 ( TK1C CO. Main Street Hi' I . oat fit raw and i mi i Exchange. I.' ' die Hoad. tf V ' in Mill raes- l i 1 1 " ' i-d. No wool. join. I .iiif er. Hiikoi'. Wood for I liraler. Phone Feb. 4-25 " Iimne, female iinl Hnii crossed ' i-nt.- on back "d Jan. 28th l Roberts, Kt. Feb. 4-8 il ' -I'd Mi MILL ' :d llio Plott flnl ..I I he old Will n Hnll Creek. tl fff AUTOMATIC Electric Co. Main Street i 1 1 V U FURNACI IC0N0MICU ww c6n oi iieoi I mam I I- n CINDER BLOCKS Supenu k I IT. lLs blocks and Concrel ltloi k 4" CINDER BLOCKS Superock blocks and Concret lilmk, 4", H", and 12" sizes. The W. A Hays Block Hani, I'lnme 1U2. Franklin or !)():) Highlands, u A RKAl BARGAIN RCA Kadio Phonograpli. Slightly used. Spe cial price. Cull 401, Waynesville. II WELLS DRILLED Wafer Wells & Siiecialr Farm Hume Darns. 10 Years' Expi-rlenre GREEN BROS. WELL-DRILLING CO. Rt. 3. Canton, N. C. Ph. Canton 2920 DAYTON "V" BELTS All sizes in stock. MARTIN ELECTRIC CO tf WESilNCHOUSE VACUUM CLEANERS FARMERS FEDERrUION SPORTSMEN The finest spoiling goods in Waynesvllle are sold at Rogers Electric Co. Phone 4iil, Latest Records. Radios Radio and Phonograph. Electric Irons and Toasters. Musical Instruments. Sheet Music. Radio Repair Service. Jones Radio and Music Co. 76 Main St. Waynesville FOR SALE: One new 4-room house in !Ia7elwood on Rood street. Phone 48. C. N. Allen tf. WHITHER, N. C Jackson County property for sale. 22 acres, more or less on Highway 107, going up to Cherokee, N. C, opposite Qualla High School and close lo churches. Estate of Mildred Hes ter Owen, deceased. Has some timber. Write: Mrs. Eva B. Boat right, Administratrix, fi Hunt Park Place. Asheville, N. C. Fl-4-8-11 FOR SALE Oil range. Half price. See Mrs. Fred Phillips caretak er's house, Camp Junaluska.'JM-H COMPLETE HOME APPLE OR CHARD COLLECTION ('oust ing of C Tries fund-. him' Apples from early to late as follows; 1 Early Red Bird New Red. June; 1 Sumiiiir Dclieioie Large Yel low. Slimmer: 1 Maiden Blush - Golden with red cheek. l.ahe Summer: 1 Grimes Golden - Late Fall; 1 Virginia Winesap Popular Red. Winter; I De licious - Favorite Red Winter. All MX Trees 2 yr. :t to 4 ft. Size Special Otter No. 30-8 -Sii.85. Postpaid. Write for Flee Coir, 48-Page Planting Guide in full color. Salespeople wauled Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynes boro, Vu. FH FOR RENT Thn-e room bouse Prefer couple without chihheii Mrs. Wayne Bi owning. Hal-am Road. Phone 20-11-4. I 3 11 FOR SALE MHO Foul Pit l.ut. Good condition. $12U(1.00 t a b Also young work horse. Cash. Mrs. Wayne Browning, Balsam Road. Phone 20-R-4. 18-11 LOST-Smalt shopping bag oi Boyd Avenue Saturday aflernooi' containing knitting. ioclieliiii needles, yarn, and knitting book Call 6G2-K. Ft EXPERIENCED PERSON wanl. job as companion - housekeeper, typist or general office work Write A. B.. Box 511, Waynes ville, N. C. FP fOUNG LADY For position as typist, stencil and mimeograph operator. 5 day week. See Mr Tichcnor, Wellco Shoe Corp Plant No. 2, Hazelwood. Ft 'OR SALS: 1940 Pontiac Sedan J. D. Kellev at Dixie Store. T-8-1 1 "OR SALE New 4-room house, located on Aliens Creek, with built-in cabinets, lights and wat er. Good size lot. Cheap. Jimmy Daniels. F8-11 UJG YARN FOR SALE All wool 3r part wool, dyed or undyed. Let us know what you want. Blue Ridge Weavers, Box 358, Hendersonville, N. C. F. 8-11-15 NYONE interested in 1947 six sleeper Zimnier house trailer at great reduction telephone 72(i-M-4. F8-11 FOR SALE OR TRADE Organ $35.00. What have you? Want Radio Shop Equipment. Saund ers Furniture Shop. Phone lfil-.I. F8 FOR SALE Locust timber and fence stakes in any lengths. Paul Shelton. Rt. 2., Waynesvllle. F3-to-25 FOR SALE OR RENT 5 room bouse located on Sulphur Springs road. Has automatic water dealer, oil beat, and wired for electric range. Also complete ly weather stripped. See J. J. Atkins, (all 12 H or riril-J. Ktl-tf In Ibe District Court of the United Stales of Aineiiea for the Western IVisiiiil of North Carolina, Ashe ville Division, Civil No. 855. Unt ied States of America v 93.23 ' - n of land in Haywood County, North Carolina, J. N. Sutton, et al. Notice of Action by Publication of Summons. To: Margaret J. Camp bell, a widow, and Howard H. Bil liard, tingle, and Mrs. R. P. (Love) Fester, a widow, all formerly of -!2i North Liberty St., Asheville, N. C , Samuel H. Hilliard and wife, Mamie J. Hilliard. formerly of 227 TLiid Ave, West, Hendersonville, N. (.'., Samuel L. Stringfield form uls of Waynesville, N. C, John A, lieohltl and wile, Sarah C. G. Iie liiel formerly of Asheville, N. C Leonard Phillips and wife Ota Phillips. 1005 Bertha Ave., Akron 0. Ohio, Charles Craig Hilliard and wile Doiothy Luke Hilliard, 3601 Connecticut Ave., N. W., Washing ioji I). C, Roy D. Engle, single, m-phew and sole heir at law of William 1). Hilliard, 3722 Weazey St.. Washington 16, D. C, Unknown lieir ; at law of Lizzie Willis Ford, deci a ;ed daughter of Isaac Willis, addresses unknown, Violet Willis Caldwell, wile of O. S. Caldwell, address unknown and may be de ceased, heirs at law of A. W. Hop kins, deceased, to wit, Lewis A. Hopkins. R. 3, Sevierville, Tennes see, and Alice Thompson, Cather ine Leatherwood, Litha Clark and 1. II. Hopkins of unknown addreses, and Suncrest Lumber Company, formerly of Haywood County, N. C. andor its successors, if any, and all persons whomsoever who have or claim to own any estates or in terests in the fee or otherwise in and to the premises described in the petition filed in this cause and described in this notice, and any and all heirs and devisees of the several parties above named, whose names and addresses are unknown, and all and singular their heirs husbands, wives, devisees, execu tors, administrators, ,.representa- lives, alienees, successors and as signs of each and every of them; and all unknown owners, lienors or claimants having or claiming to have any right, title, estate, equity, interest or lien; and all occupants, lessees, users, holders and owners of and' claimants lo any rights of casement or prescription in, oyer, across, or through said lands or any part thereof; you will please take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the District Court of the United Stales for the Western District of North Carolina, at Asheville, that summons has been duly issued out of said Court, and petition filed therein asking for the condemna tion of the lands described in the aid petition and hereinafter de scribed; that you and each of you are necessary and proper parties' to Hie just and final disposition ot iliis action; that said action has been instituted by the United States Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina for the purpose of the appropriation and condemnation by judicial process for the public use and benefit of he United States of America of i he lands described in said petition -.lid herein below described accord ng to the method and procedure ire' cribed in and under and by vir ile of the provisions of the Act of 'onuriss approved August 1, 1888 Stat. 357) 1 40 USCA, Sections ?57. 2:18 and 258ai; said lands be ng acquired in connection with he completion of and to eliminate iiivalely-owned lands from within be Great Smoky Mountains Na ional Park pursuant to the Act of May 22, 1926, (44 Stat. 616, 16 tiSC. sec. 403, et seq and acts sup ilementary and amendatory there if particularly section 4 of thp Act if June 11. 1940, (54 Stat. 300); 'hat the lands proposed to be con lemned and appropriated by the United States are described sub stantially as follows: Leonard Phil ips Tract No. 265, containing 18.50 acres, more or less, in Cata oochee Township of Haywood County, N. C, on the north side of emporary NC Highway 284 and on he waters of Ml. Sterling Creek: 1. N. Sutton Tract No. 266, con laining 37.7 acres, more or less, in Cataloochee Township of Haywood County. NC, on the road leading from Mt. Sterling postoffice to Cataloochee; George H. Ward Tract No. 270, containing 11.12 acres, more or less, in Cataloochee Town ship of Haywood County, NC, at or near the "double gap" on the road from Mt. Sterling to Cataloochee; John A. Bechtel Tract No. 1395, containing 1.25 acres, more or less, in Cataloochee Township of Hay wood County, North Carolina, and on the east side of NC Highway 284 just south of the "double gap"; and William Arthur Phillips Tract N. 1389, containing 14.6 acres, more or less, in Cataloochee Township of Haywood County, NC, adjoining the lands of J. N. Sut ton, Leonard Phillips, Jason and Wade White and Pisgah National Forest; all said tracts more particu larly described by metes and bounds in exhibits attached to and in descriptions incorporated In the petition in this proceediiuj and filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, N. C. You and each of you are hereby notified lo be and appear al the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the West ern District of North Carolina, in the United States Courthouse Building at Asheville, Buncombe County, N. C, not later than ten 10) days from and after the com pletion of service of this summons by publication for four (4) succes sive weeks, and answer or demur to the petition herein filed by the above named petitioner in the of fice of the said Clerk, and you are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer or' demur to the said petition within the time specified the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said petition Witness the Honorable E. Y. Webb, Judge of the District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, This the 25th day of January, 1949. O. L. McLurd, Clerk, by Wm. A. Ly tle, Chief Deputy Clerk. 1822 F 1-8-15-22 NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE IN SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY HAYWOOD COUNTY VS. W. M. ULMER, if alive, and wife. ! if any, and if dead, his heirs at i Law, if any, by whatever name and j names they may be known Under, by virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, dated January 14th. 1949, and the power and authority there in contained, the undersigned Commisioner will, on the 28th day of February, 1949, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., at the courthouse door of Haywood County, N. C, in Waynes ville, sell to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirmation of the Court, the following de scribed lands and premises, lying and being in Waynesville Town-1 ship, Haywood County, North Car-i olina, and fully described as fol-i lows: I BEING Units or Lots Nos. 1. 2, 3 and 4 in Block 22 of the South ern Assembly lands or grounds as per map recorded in Map Book THE FLOP FAMILY 0A6MN ToOrq . Phi Linnet? - kJaPP I I t -B I W afW'-.A I MYRTLE Copf. !94, Krnt; Feaiurfs Syodicitf. 1-, 'orlJ rights DONALD DUCK IT'S A VECV NICE POEM BUT EVERY WO&D OP IT IS IN A BOOK I MAVE J AJNT BESSIE S I j J , ( WAMTGTDTALK J J : ) irrja;iiira:icwiyr-v. n. ,t-. HENRY ,. -1 V-.1 THE OLD HOMb TOWN r SINCE I LET HIM WATCH V.-TCOME ON.SLUSGEfiTl TH' TELEVISION OVER. AT eg ad FLATTEAt CAT V MIKES PLACff I DONT HAVE HImV T f TO TAKE HIM OUT.ON A J ( QLD TWO-v J Us ' NOW gem FtATVUM irp.Ci.T. ir i0KamM ( Z"il "A", pages 1 to 4, inclusive. BEING the same lots conveyed to W. M. Ulmer by Southern As sembly by deed dated July 5, 1913, recorded in Book 37, page 23, and December 30th, 1921, recorded in Book 61, page 58, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, North Caro lina. Subject to all the restrictions and covenants contained in the above deeds to W. M. Ulmer. Pro vided that the boundaries of Lot No. 1 shall be modified as shown on map on margin of Deed Book No. 37, page 23, where the first deed above named is recorded, This, the 15th day of January 1949. M. G. STAMEY, Commisisoner. -F 1-8-15-22 1821- MUGGS AND r HrXT-weLL.TOVT' SKEETER j i THE TbE.lHE4 POT 0? ft I6t4 " HLL. HfYl fVI TELL HEP I CAN'T TALK TO HEP NOW.,. T II ICT CTADTPn TO MIX. UP A S Ct-DCOLATE CAKE SnM" VHrf 1 J. " rtf I I K- rwrvcJ. Vi ic;tinj TOOTS. T THAT POEAA AAVSE.L.P.' YOU COULDN T HAVE A BOOK. WITH EVE.R.V WORD OC AAY POEM IN IT ) oh vis r I i s . i ...- wr. mi i) V Cm 1949 Will Oiintt (Voducooiu By STANLfcf j Rfht4 u. I. rM o ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of J. P. Dicus, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims again t the estate of said deceased to e hibit them to the undersigned al Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 28th day of January, 1950 or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the lsl day of February. 1949. META J. DICUS, Administratrix of the Estate of J. P. DICUS. deceased. 1824 F1-8-15-22-M1-3 GOOO-O A-? GoT To ?6.H0 HfXLF 2 RIGHT AROUND HOMh WI50TE YEAH? PROVE. IX AND I'LL EAT AAV POEM.' . . i f PDFM' ; administratrix's notice Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Ben Sutton, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 1st day of February, 1950, or Ibis notice will be r'ead- I ed in bar of their recovt ry. All persons indebted to said estate i will piece make immediate pay menl. Tiiis the 1st day of February, 1949. . EVELYN P. SUTTON, Admiiiisiraii ix of the Estate of RF.N SUTTON Deceased. : 1825 F1-8-15-22-M1-8 NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY ' NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH A. DAVIS. THE HLIRS AT LAW OF ; ELIZABETH A. DAVIS, BY WHATEVER NAME OR NAMES j THEY MAY BE KNOWN, MRS. IW. L. MATNEV et vir. W. L. MAT i NEY. MRS. J E R E DAVIS. ISA- BELLE D HESS et vir, R. P. HESS, MRS. TOM J. DAVIS, 1 HOMAS C. DAVIS et ux. REBEC CA W. DAVIS, J. ADELAIDE DA VIS RUD1SON et vir, EARL.HUD1 : SON. WILL C. DAVIS (Individu ally ' el ux. MARY M., DAVIS WILL C. DAVIS. General guardian of ELM MA 1). HENDERSON, In competent, and EMMA D. HEN DERSON Incompetent, Defendants. The detendaiits. Airs. Jere Davis, 1 abellc D. Hess, el vir. R. P. Hess, Adelaide I), liudison, et vir, Earl liuuison. Will C. Davis, et ux, Mary M. Davis, and Will C. Davis, gen oO OiLH HAD To TrAF MODES' WOO INlErAOEP j 1 W f vrtil ,o TO BE VANILLA f ( THAT'S ) C WELL , WHAT DO YOU WANT y j HAVEN'T ANV f, OK .; !J eral guardian of Emiru. L. Honuei son, incompetent, and Emma D.' Henderson, Incompetent, will take ' notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing tax liens levied and assessed against real estate in Hay wood County and due and owinj to Haywood County; and said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to be and appear at the Office nf the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, at the courthouse in Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 28th day of February, 1949, or within 20 days thereafter, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed herein or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in its complaint. This the 28th day cf January, 1949. C. H. LEATHERWOOD, Clerk of Superior Court 1823 F 1-43-15-22 INCOME TAX This is the BIG YEAR TO SAVE TAX MONEY! You'll need expert guidance to take full advantage of every NEW savimr now allowed, and THIS YEAR a Tax Re turn MUST ACCOMPANY your VV-2 Form. COME IN AND SEE US THE CLOSMAN CO. 114 Main St. Upstairu Across From Court House Fmirth Year in Waynesville BYWALLY BISHOP By SWAI By DUDLEY FlHEil CARL C. ANDERSO BY WALT DISNE ' II TvajO HfVT$ INTCAQ I kr-x , OF ONE 1 l I i ;. tl, . :. :- s , i 4 1 f.. ft 1