STANDARD 1TG t. . Comp 220-230 S Tir: : LOUISVILLE KV Reporter: (Looking into thft depths of Grand Canyon) Do you know that it took millions of years for this great abyss to be carved out? Man: Well, well'. I never The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twite-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park jhts ' knew this was a government job. - - YV AY N E S VI 1 A A', N. ("TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1949 $5.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties C4th YEAR No. Li 8 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News jative of Bal a responsible s hospital In red friends Ulorful official 11 Tournamem held January 'colors, and so almost smell Lis of rcses, led in making The booklet , and creating all members I Jceivcd an en Lrked "news" paper, mat However, the felope was not SI letter some her parents. jirents got the fcr of the letter wonders why topear in print. If she will licate copy of tell a soul jn Agree? I season is not iry is said to a local store, is sold, salesmen met. Waiting for the they began to ie drew forth a Jtted and res- the colors of fellow-salesman it dubious- feny of those? bass would go I contraption." the line," said irin."You see I 1 . . pass just to It The Sale If fines Creek, kwspaper which tears ago. He fiich his father, Green, had in 1900. The long Magistrate he had a spec- Ing it, but what 3ws today. aiso De mier- miber of letters s grandfather 100 years ago. Gives Way some peculiar Last week a Ind jury found fing the routine fet Waynesville 'oiind suddenly Idfr the feet of t least one of Pipe had npr. fash out a hole of the ground, ight was put on In No damaee id afford some pry, and others use. a subject ic story. as Call n Austria ISO tnarlroH 5 U I 111. fversary of Dor- I Sunday. She &e call from her Rhymer, who U- S. Army Jn f talked to his Mrs. Oscar Rhy- nis other five pred the army p overseas dur- re-enlisted and for the third -Partly cloudy fsville tempera f the staff of the Min. 40 18 28 1 47" Rainfall 1.16 . I HER Community Development Program Thursday Night To Draw ill Large Crowd The court room is expected to be filled here Thursday nisht.i when the rural community develop-: ment program is explained. i Indications yesterday thai rep-' resentatives from every seel inn of i the county would be present for the meeting which begins at 7:30. Not only will the citizens from he rural areas be present, hut business and civic leaders of Waynesville will be there in large numbers. The Rotary and Lions i Clubs are having a joint meeting 30-minutes before the program, and will attend in a body. A large number of business men from Can ton are also expected to attend. The program will be under the direction of Wayne Corpening. who is bringing five people from Ten nessee, where a similar program was inaugurated sometime ago. The program in Washington county, Tennessee, has been so successful that last summer, the 9!) Haywood people on the out-of-state farm tour visited the area, and were so impressed that they have urged a similar program be started here. The TVA is interested in such a program, and recently W. M. Landess, well known here, and head of information and education al unit of TVA, wrote: "Washing ton county, (Tenn.) communities are drawing the eyes of the entire nation to a new concept in I he progress of a land and a people a concept that is developing a teamwork of people to meet the challenge of today's complex civil ization." That was the opening paragraph, and the remainder of a solid newspaper page went on to (See Community Pace 8) Exchange Club Is Sponsoring 'Crime Prevention Week' Howard Wells, of the ("anion F.x change club will give an address over WHCC Wednesday al 7:30 p.m., on "Crime Prevention Week" which the club is sponsoring, in cooperation with 1.200 oilier clubs of the nation this week. The Exchange Club has arranged a full week's program, and has ask ed the ministers of the county to talk about the importance of Hie subject from their pulpils Sunday morning. Underwood Sinalhers is presi dent of the club, and has announc ed that Ernest Anderson. Charles Worley and Mr. Wells are in charge of publicity. Pigeon River Group Raise $1,200 For Polio A total of 5I.20H for polio was raised in the Pigeon river valley, according to a report made hy Hugh K. Terrell, of the Pigeon Riv er Civic club. Schools, churches, individuals, stores, and lodges made contributions. Mr. Terrell said that practically everyone co operated and made a contribution. Corn Growers Attend Dinner In Ashcville Some 16 members of 1hc Hay wood 100-bushel per acre corn club, attended the special dinner given in honor of outstanding corn grow ers of Western North Carolina in Asheville Saturday. W. A. Medford was the high pro ducer in Haywood, with 135 bush els per acre. HEALTH OFFICIA VISIT WAYNES VILLI'', , S Visitors to the District Health Department last Wednesday to dis cuss the public health program were Miss Emma Carr Vivins, Ra leigh, Editor of the Br'tcr Health Magazine; Miss Helen Martikainen. Raleigh, Director of Health Educa tion in N. C; Miss Jennie Stout. Asheville, Western District Health Educator: and Miss Maxiue Schaef fer, Health Educator of Buncombe County. National Guard Unit Here Gets High Rating A surprise inspection of the Na tional Guard here Thursday night brought high compliments from the Inspection officer, Col. Boos. 30th Division Army instructor. The local unit, the Heavy Tank Company of the 120th Infantry, was complimented on the excel lence appearance of the Armory, vehicle, weapons, and particularly Re-Elected ft, ;;.r feawtJaiMatiai iinmni mmi m mi JOE PALMER, of Crabtree, was re-elected, along with other of ficers, of the Haywood Coopera tive Breeding Association, at the annual meeting here Saturday. County Breeders Set High Goal For Their 1949 Program ,loe Palmer was re-elected presi- dent of the Haywood Cooperative Breeding Association at the annual meeting held here Saturday. A report by John Carver, in seminator for the association, showed that 408 cows were bred in 1049. The association set 1,000 as the goal for 1949, in order to make the organization a success. Dr. F. I. Elliott, in charge of the Artificial Breeding Program at N. ('. State College, was the principal speaker. He discussed different diseases among dairy cattle, con ception rates, etc.; also told how the Haywood Cooperative Breed inu Association could be improved and how they could get more mem bers. Other officers re-elected were: T. C. Davis, of route 2, vice presi dent; Jack McCracken, Canton, route 3. secretary-treasurer. The following directors will serve for a 3-year term: M. H. Ferguson, Glenn James and Frank M. Davis. Robert Caldwell Instantly Killed When Hit By Train Robert Lee Caldwell. 23-year-old employee of Dayton Rubber Com pany, met instant death a few min utes afler leaving his work, when si ruc k by a diesel freight engine on the Southern Railway tracks Friday afternoon near the Day Ion plant. A coroner's jury summoned by Dr. J. F. Pate, termed his death, an unavoidable accident. The engineer said he blew the whistle, but Caldwell failed to get off the tracks. Officers investigat ing the accident, said that the wind was blowing hard at the time, and apparently Caldwell failed to hear the approaching train, or the warning. The body was dragged a long distance, and badly mangled. He lived on Hyatt Creek, and was enroute home when killed. He was e veteran, and served in the Pacific under heavy fire with I he Marines. Funeral services were held Sun day at the Barbersville Baptist church, with Rev. Avery Peek, pas tor, and Rev. Jarvis Underwood, in charge. Pallbearers included: Allen Hy atl. Alney Hyatt. Jack Cabe. Jack Reagan. Elmer Gillett and Jack Evans, Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Harriet Bryson Caldwell, and his mother. Mrs. Annie Caldwell. Interment was in Crawford Mem orial Park. Crawford Funeral Home was in charge of the services. the supplies. The inspections of ficer termed the supply room in the best condition of any he had visited in the state. Before leaving he told Captain James Davis and the local guards men, that the Waynesville unit would join others of the 30th Divi sion for the annual two-week sum mer encampment at Fort Jackson, August 14-28. Grand Jury Report Not Critical The grand jury made only one specific recommendation in tneir report to the court late Thursday afternoon. The group specified in their re port that, "We strongly request that something be done about sew erage of Aliens Creek school enter ing the creek." All but three ot the schools oi the county were reported in good condition. The three not getting a good report only listed recommend ations for minor repairs. The Canton jail was praised lor being so well constructed. The only critcism about the court nouse was the condition of the women's rest room. Mark Ferguson is foreman of the grand jury. Burley Men To Meet On Wednesday A large group of Haywood bur ley growers are expected to attend the special meeting at the court house Wednesday night at 7:30. Wayne Corpening, county agent, has arranged the meeting, and will present two tobacco specialists from State College who will dis cuss the latest developments in burley. R. R. Bennett and S. N. Hawks, who have appeared on many tobacco programs here he fore, will be present, and lead the discussions. The two specialists will discuss the best types of burley for Hay wood soil, and will show pictures on the latest methods of combat ing tobacco diseases. Thos. M. SeawelL Former Editor Of This Paper, Dead Thomas M. Seawell. former edi tor and co-publisher of The Moun taineer, died in an Athens, da., hospital Friday morning, following a long illness. Funeral services were held Sal urday morning at Winder, Ga., and interment at Leesburg, S. C. He was a native of Carthage and a graduate of Wake Forest College. Mr. Seawell bought The Moun taineer in 1928 from W. A. Band, and shortly afterwards formed a partnership with W. T. Beds. They sold the business to the present (See Seawell Page 8) Chamber Of Commerce Board Meets Tonight The board of directors of tin Chamber of Commerce will meet tonight at 7:30. James Kilpatrick. president, has announced thai a number of matters pertaining to the 1949 program of the organiza tion will be discussed. Clyde Man Finds Raising Cattle Is Very Profitable Rov S. Hayncs is shown with Jennifer. 27th, and was grand champion female and highest selling female at the Western North Carolina Hereford Breeders Association show and sale in Asheville last October. Mr. Hayncs is recognized as among the leading clattlemen of the state. i -1.4 t Bv LUCILE CATHEY It can be done here. Roy S. Haynes, who was reared in an average home on an average Hay wood County farm, has proven the cattle industry can be profitable in North Carolina as well as in the broad spaces of the Middle West. Funeral 16th Pfc. W. O. HUDSON, who va.-, killed in action on June 21. I!t4.", will be buried Wednesday at Green Hill cemetery. Services Set Wednesday For Pfc. W.O.Hudson Funeral services will bo held in Memorial Plot in Green Ceme tery at 2 p.m. Wednesday for Pfc. i William Owen Hudson, who was killed in action on Okinawa. June 21. 1945. The Rev. K. L. Young, paslor of the First Methodist Church and chaplain of the local post of Un American Legion will oll'iciale. Members of the Veterans of For eign Wars and the American Lc (See Hudson Pane 8) Galloway Is High Bidder For Timber M. O. Galloway, owner of Way nesville Lumber Company, was the high bidder for 1,(100,000 feet of timber on tin: (iOO-acre unused tract of the Waynesville water shed. The bids were opened here Fri day by the town officials, and Mr. Galloway's was the highest bid for Ihe limber. His bid was $17,000. The contract calls for editing roads through the tract, which will be- used as (ire roads later. The matured timber was marked in a survey made Ibis past fall by stale foresters. TVA foresters and W. W. Davis, local limber man rep resenting the Town of Waynes ville. The state and federal agency were interested in the project as il affords I hem an excellent experi ment in modern forest rat ion work. I'KAXCIS l. KALIIGII W. Hoy Francis left Monday morning for Italeigh where he will spend several days on business, including appearance on cases he fore the Supreme court. sired by Plato Domino He has confirmed the old Ameri can belief that every man even a native of the mountains can get what he wants if he wants it badly enough. This mountaineer went about his cattle breeding with a goal. He worked hard to raise the best cat tle possible and now he has one Davis BqDB Would Stop amivalsxircuses m G ambling In the Smith Pays $2,150 Into Court, Plus Costs; Gets 3-5 Year Suspended Term Burley Men Meet 3:30 In Asheville Charles H McCrary, president of the Haywood Farm Bureau, yes terday urged every member to at tend the stale meeting at 3:31) in Asheville today, and participate in Ihe conference on the proposed hurley warehouse commission reso lution. Mr. McC rary said that a pro posed resolution calling for a com mission of 3 per cent, and 25 cents a basket, would be presented, and (is adoption urged. The original plan sought u com mission of 21 j per cent instead of the present 4 per cent. "Kastcrn Carolina tobacco farm ers only pay 2' per cent commis sion, so we burley growers feel that we are having to pay too much when we are charged 4 per cent," 'he Haywood president said. "There are about 2,500 hurley growers in Haywood, and Ihe sav ings in commission alone would run about $15,000 per season," he said. Mr. McCrary plans to attend the hearing in Italeigh on the 22nd. when Ihe matter will be brought again before the House of the Gen eral Assembly. Health Dept. Staff To Attend Two Conferences The district health office will be open Thursday afternoon as usual for the regular clinic, but will be closed" during the morning, due to a stall conference in Sylva. The olfice will be closed all day Friday, in order that the staff can attend the Public Health Associa tion meeting in Asheville. i Dr. Mary Michal. district health officer, made these office hour an ' no'.incements yesterday. WSsj-ss. of the finest herds in the state. ' Last week we visited Mr. Haynes' farm on the banks of the Pigeon River near Clyyde. There we got a sight of the cat tle big things with backs straight as boards and short fat legs. They Have red and white hair which (Sec R"' Haynes Pnse 8) received a from Judge Dan K. Moore here Monday morn ing, when he bronchi $2,150 into court for Mrs. F.llen N'oland of Clyde. The defendant, a 23-year-old silverware salesman of Ashe ville. was found guilty of larceny by a jury last Saturday afternoon, lie was charged with taking a pocket book from Mrs. Noland's home on New Year's day, contain ing al least $2,150 in cash, and a quantity of notes. The pocketbook was found later : .. i. : ..I. - i c . I. .. in a niowa.v cuiveit. noine oc ine papers had floated away, and no cash was found in the bag. Judge Moore, on Saturday, tcvld the defendant to bring $2,150 in court Monday, and he would take that into consideration before pass ing sentence. Smith was triven a suspended sentence of 3 to 5 years, and plac ed under live year's probation, hav ing to report to the probation officer n l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 for live years. He was also ordered to pay an addi tional S200 during the July term of cpurt, which will also be paid Mrs. Noland. lie is to pay the court costs. Smith's lawvers. Don Young of Asheville, and W. Hoy Francis, asked for the mercy of the court. John Queen, representing Ihe state in the absence of Solicitor Thad Bryson, and George If. Ward, other attorney for the stale, told the court that Mrs Noland had no desire to push for anything more than jusliee in the case, and re cover her losses. Mrs. Noland, in court, nodded her head in agree ment. Jude Moore told the court. (Sec Court I'age 51 Funeral Set At 2 Today In Clyde For Hasque T. Haynes T. Hascue Haynes, farmer and j retired banker, died at his home in Clyde Sunday afternoon after i an illness of two weeks I Funeral services will be conduct ed at the Clyde Baptist church this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. ' D. G. Gross, pastor, and Rev. R. P. McCracken. former paslor of the church, will officiate. Active pallbearers will be mem bers of the Masonic Lodge No. 453 and flower hearers will tie members of tin- Truth Seekers Class of the Clyde Baptist church. Honorary pallbearers will be Coleman Francis. Homer West, Dr. J. L Reeves. M C Sprinkle. Ed win Havnes, Kdvvin Fincher, W. G. Smathers. Sam Robinson. V. H. (Sep Hasque T. Haynes Page 8) 250 Haywood Hold Meeting Apprnxima'elv 250 attended the Sunday school ma.-s meeting of Ihe Haywood ll.ipti,! Association in Clyde Thursday nighl. The meet ing was featured by a series of conferences, and inspiring mes sages. The program was arranged by Miss Daphne Koone, liaptist field worker for the county. The sermon Multitudes Await Our Messages" was brought by Rev. Ben Lee Ray. pastor of the Calvary church in Canton. Fred Fore presided at the meeting. Miss Ester Mae Gibson was pianist and Jarvis Brock song leader. After Ihe opening devotional, led by Jack Medford. superintend ent of the Clyde Baptist Sunday school, the group divided into 13 conferences, for study and discus sion of the work of various phases of Sunday school work. The leaders of these conferences included: Rev. M. L. Lewis, Mrs. C. T. Francis. Rev. C. L. Bissett. Mrs. Sam Knight. Mrs. Raymond F. Wells, Mrs. L. L. Shaver. Mrs. Bur.en Metcalf, Mrs. Hugh Gossett, Mrs. W. H. Burgiri, Mr,. Claudei George Smith. -Ir suspended sentence County Second Bill Would Enable Town And County To Contribute To Memorial Plot Immoral and indecent she"-, gambling and fortune telling in Haywood will be prohibited under a bill introduced Saturday by '.r. Grover C. Davis in the llouc of the General Assembly. A second measure introduced b v Rep. Davis would allow the town of Waynesville and Ha.vuood County to contribute monev fur the establishment of a Memorial Plot in Green Hill cemetery in memory of men and women win) died in the service of their counir.. A limit of $3,200 was set as the maximum the town and county could give jointly. The first bill places a ban on cir cuses, carnivals, and vaudeville, with a fine of $500 for period 'me them to show within Haywood the text ol the bill read; 3? follows: Section 1. It shall be unlavfo! for any person, firm or corporation lo aid, abet, take part in. or in any oHmt manner assist, or par ticipate (li In any immoral or indecat exhibition or performance, or any any immoral or lewd dances; or (2 1 In any gambling or game of chance of any kind whatsoever, whether such gambling or game of chance is conducted by mean-, of machines or wheels or any oth r type or kind of gambling de . i-o, or otherwise: or 3 In any business, cnioi pri ., plan or scheme in which prie . or awarded on the ba.'is of s!:ill or for participating in any trial of skill, or throwing at large). ., or otherwise: or i4i In telling or prctondir : to tell fortunes or practice ,t he ai l of palmistry or clairvoyjiice or otle r crafts of a similar kind in v. boh it is pretended lo foretell the fu ture. Any person who violates anv of the provisions of this Section ; nd any employee of any per-oii vi-bo assists his employer or any oU't employee of his employer in done; any of the acts described in Mn; Section is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine ol Cue .hun dred dollars i $5110.00 1. or Ie lm. (See 2 Bills Pace .".i Two County BUb In Legislature Are Given Approval Rep. Grover C. Davi., ha, j o more local bills which have i.i:.rd both the House and Senate . e) are on the threshold of hcim- rati fied. One measure calls for iiv r' .i iv : the salary of Ihe assistant rl-,i ,, court from $135 to $150 a muni'-, and the other would inrna. "i tax collector's salary from .";', '.Oil to $3,000 per year. Another of Rep Davis bill, h -. alizing the sale of timber on n-. Waynesville watershed was rahfe-d a week or so ago. Baptists At Clyde Brown. Neil Wells. Rev. 1. L. Shaver. Rev. H. L. Smith, of C.oi'.n. discussed "Sunday School Growth (See Baptists Page Hi I Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 0 Injured .... 1 (This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).