STANDARD , l-oinsvn i ,. r - - The Waynesville Mountaineer TODAY'S SMILE Mother: "Charlie, sit down and tell your sister a story." Charlie: "I can't sit down mother; I just told father a story." Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - hts P D Years fv Owner i pw believes fan happea fcgo that Mr. yatch. ne of, and one time. The wording to ikI, who this nd delivery ry of the nged hands he 15 years, back in the bs, and from I good time eferred, be had bought ; it had ever From See It lerous tning, 64th YEAR No. 14 l(i PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1949 $15.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties FTxhitioaJ Fil U...A i A Master At Portraits Or Landscapes uauy wuuu vulsella nave Over 6 Million Dollars In U. S. Savings Bonds Heads Legion Post A i j ive inea 4 mirrors Jsplay in the , g Store. The play is made n the revolv fwith numer jjsplayed. stant chang- Iie distortion s, and their it impossible s while the n. jthe revolving I to make a re interested, irrors in all, jhtain items in, and good Jscs Pet Dairy Jcuriosity is a Inc people. ing Out On Road fcberts is trav ick Ford these silver Bulck ly patrol has and in order car will do, convert them "test cars." Olive the cars, check on the ind oil con- of necessary nil days, Pa- been using a jrs, but every now has his fir, except Cpl. d Peach loom Haywood are (II as peach flple trees are I willow trees because the at pear trees ather better rocs. One of conversation winter get .. rl jiiih' "S 0 ' f ROY RUFF was elected comman der of the newly organized Haz elwood Memorial Post of the American Legion. The charter is expected to be received at an early date from the state organ ization. Roy Ruff Heads Hazelwood Post Of A. Legion Roy Ruff was named commander of the Hazelwood Memorial Post of the American Legion, which was formally organized Tuesday night. John Woodward was named vice commander. There were fifty charter mem bers, with four 'other applications. Officers of the post said there are 100 potential members for the or ganization. v Several district officials, togeth er with officers of nearby posts, were present for the meeting. The charier from the state organiza tion is expected at an early date. The place and time of meeting will be announced later. Thurman Smith was named adju tant, and William S. Prevost, ser vice officer. The meeting was held at the school. 1 e Been Pid Queer i. When you (The Ocean to Onslow fc North Caro- the edge of Iwamps. One ft warden of d state head flre raging in rd time con ilhat he wasn't o swamps are ?cpt. of Public t sale. Wanta I t . ussion t Boy Scout Adult Membership Drive Is Being Pushed Contributions to the $1,300 adult membership drive are near the half-way mark, according to John ny Johnson, general campaign chairman here. Numerous committees are yet to make a report on the drive, and others have just partially com pleted their work, Mr. Johnson said. The Canton area is also staging a similar drive, with a quota of $1,750. The Exchange Club of Can ton is in charge of the work there, and the Rotary Club in Waynesville. The people of Haywood county today are holding a backlog of fin ancial security in U. S. Savings Bonds amounting to $6,163,167.50, J. E. Massie, county chairman of the Savings Bonds Committee an nounced yesterday, "This sum represents the net holdings of Series E, F and G War Bonds and peacetime Savings Bonds, i after all redemptions or 'cash-ins', have been deducted) since May I. 1941 and through De cember 31, 1948," Mr. Massie said. This information was received by the county chairman from Allison James. State Director of, the U. S. Savings Bonds Division in Greens boro, in the annual Savings Bonds Report for 1948. Savings Bonds sales for this county for the year 1948 (January 1 through December 31 1 were as follows, according to the annual report: Series E Bonds, $545, 003.00; Series F Bonds. $592.00; Series G Bonds. $14,000.00; county total for 1948, $560,195.00. j "These splendid U. S. Savings Bonds holdings and sales are com munity assets of the highest type," Mr. Massie continued. "They will stand the many in dividual owners in good stead in time of financial need; they will help stimulate local community business when and if times get bard; they bring in to our county in interest and accruals about 2,i'.'. a year on the total holdings. "The primary and patriotic rea sons lor liie havings Bonds pro gram, of course, are to help stabil ize the nation's economy by fight ing inflation, and to properly man age the $252 billion national War debt by spreading it widely among our people, but the by-product of 'community reserves' and future buying power of our county's citi zens is a mighty important reason also. The aim of the Savings Bonds Committees of volunteer workers in every county in the nation is to help increase Savings Bonds sales, through payroll savings where you work, Bond-a-Month savings where you bank, and over the counter sales. "Every citizen should be a vol unteer in helping this program to succeed." the county chairman said. "We need volunteer workers in every town in the county, and in farm communities to keep the urgent need for the Savings Bonds program before the people." In conclusion Mr. Massie said that net holdings of Series E. F and G Bonds for the state of North Car olina as of December 31, 1948 were $641,439,784.25. Nationally, 80. 000.000 individuals hold $47 bil lion in E, F and G Bonds a great er amount than during the War time peak of 1945. i I y j -few intospitlal Bound! Electa TemnipoirarflDy Postponed MRS. IRENE WILLIAMS MrCAI.I.l'M. an artist of note, is shown at her easel, putting some finishing touches on a mountain spring scene, which is one of six paintings she is doing on special order for art lovers in Chicago. The portrait on the wall is ol a retired act res. This portrait has won many awards in ail exhibits Mountaineer photograph by Ingram's Studio. Artist Finds Demand For Mountain Scenes 378 Civil Cases Taken Off Docket ! Court officials, together with ! Haywood lawyers, worked hard and fast Monday, as they cleared the civic docket of 378 cases. Judge Dan K." Moore, of Sylva. had announced last week that every effort would he made to bring the docket up to date, and clear off many out-of-date suits that have cluttered up the dock et. Hugh Leatherwood. clerk of court, and Miss Dixie Campbell, assistant, estimate it will take sev eral months of typing to gel all the records brought up to date. Each case has to be typed in full, and carried into two books, plus the indexing process. "We are so happy to ge( the cases off I lie docket we are not com plaining about the extra work that faces us this spring." they said. Banks And Post Offices Will Be Closed Tuesday As far as is known, Washington's Birthday, next Tuesday, will be ob served by the banks and post of fiices of the county. Other business will not observe the occasion. Announcement is made today that The First National Bank, and The First State Bank will be clos ed all day. Large Crowd At Community Meet Is Indicated As The Mountaineer went to press Thursday afternoon, indi cations were that a record-attendance would be present at the community development meeting at the court house at 7:.10. Wayne Corpening, county agent, said that every section of the county, toRoihor with busi ness and civic leaders of the county, would be in attendance. This morniiiK the eight leaders from Tennessee will consult with Haywood rural leaders in setting up a suggestive program to In put into force here. Hereford Group Plan A Big Year On1- W,i nc, ; 1 1 c icidenl is mak ing monci. on what inn I of us lake for gr:: nl ed. Mis, Irene Williams McC.'al lum. an artist ol note, is far behind with orders of oil painted landscapes of this cniumunil v. Her paintings have found a ready market among art lovers in Chicago, and right now she is six paintings behind j schedule i In addition to her commercial i paintings, Mrs. McCallum is teach-j ing art. and making plans to build a modern art studio and increase her art (lass. In her other time, she works at. her canvas painting scenes ol the mountains jikI si reams of this area. 300 Burley Growers At Meeting ', About 300 Haywood burley grow I ers met here Wednesday night and I discussed many phases of tobacco. with R. R. Bennett and S. N. Hawks, specialists of State Col j lege, in charge. t The discussions, with the aid of I colored slides, started with plant ing the bed and followed through Due To Legal Tech nicalities, Scheduled Election Will Not Be Held 26th The special bond election for an expansion of the Haywood County Hospital has been temporarily postponed, it was announced yes terday by Jerry Rogers, chairman of the board of elections. The election had been set for February 26, and had been called, after petitions of over 1,100 names had been submitted to the county commissioners. Mr. Rogers explained that "due to legal technicalities, the election would not he held February 26, but at a later date," The election would call for the county to issue bonds up to $200, 000 for an expansion program, in which the state and federal gov ernment would provide 79 per cent of all needed, funds. For every 21 cents the county spends, the state and federal government would put up 79 cents. Mr. Rogers would not say when he expected the election would be held. He said, "it all depends when the legal matters are straight ened out nothing serious." Crabtree Group Plans Construction Of New Church Back In Haywood '.'hen interviewed she was co.'iiolet ing a which was a special firm in Chicago. The tile piel lire was in full this weak, spring scene, order for a dogwood in bloom, and The members ol the Crabtree Chapel Methodist church have or ganized to perfect plans for a new church which they hope to have , I . t u f .. step by step until the crop is sold. I u,,ul'1 m,...., ... .u- Special emphasis was placed on tui"e- ,. control of blue mold and wild fire! The t"''ng committees have u -.-.i., o.,r, ho 1 been named: tintiif wi i. u lift niiiiuui't m. i Large Truck Leaves Highway East Of Canton Traffic was halted near the Haywood-Buncombe line Tuesday night, when a large Silver Fleet truck left the road and hit the guard rail. Charlie Smith, driver, told Pa trolman JelT May, that a passing truck forced him from the road. Traffic was stopped for a while, in order to get the truck righted. Good Iload Changes Misery To Comfort On NC 41 is the village of Com fort. Once the place was so remote, and had such a wretched road lead ing to it. that it was called Misery. Then came a highway, and people could ride to Misery in comfort. Whereupon the name was changed. Of N. C. Park Commission To ) Millions For Parkway L Mill Partly cloudy fie tempera lie staff of the Min. Rainfall 52 52 .20 5 1.04 An additional appropriation of at least five millions per year for the next two years, for construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway, will be sought by a special committee of the N. C. Park Commission, if the recommendations of Charles E. Ray, chairman, are carried out. The special committeiywill meet here Wednesday. FebruaVy 23 to analyze and discuss appropriation as made in the presidential budget. The president set out $7,500,000, of which five millions are obligated under prior contracts for the Park way. "Under the present appropria tions, there will be no funds avail able for any Parkway construction west of Oteen. That means no work on the section from Soco Gap to Black Camp Gap, which was sched uled to get underway this spring. It also means there are no funds for r 11'., ...... ..,r.fb nn the sec ion irom ryogun Road Gao to Beech Gap, gah," Mr. Ray pointed Pis- m out. The records show that the Park- nhi i9v, mil- way commission s"6111 . lions, and got 7. The Park Commission is now engaged in advising Chambers of Commerce of this area of the situa tion. Mr. Ray said. A report is also being made to Percey Ferebee. president of the Western North Carolina Advisory Committee. Final plans for seeking the increas ed appropriations will be contin gent upon a conference with Sena tors Hoey and Broughton, togeth er with Representative Redden, Mr. Ray said. All tmtC ? close touch with the situation, and will advise and lead the fight in (See Parkway Page 8) The Haywood County Hereford I Breeders Association had their i first, meeting for l!)4!) in a supper gathering at the Town House Mon- ! day evening. M. O. Gallowav was j host to the group, and Dr. A. P.! Cline. president, presided Dr. Cline called the meeting to order, and proceeded to take nominations for the election of officers for the coining year. M.O. Galloway was elected president of the group. Glenn Noland, vice president, Claude Planets, secre tary, and I he lour directors were, Roy Haynes, Dwight Williams, David Underwood and Dr. .1. I, Reeves. Mr. Galloway was called on to make a few remarks concerning the meeting of the riircriors nf the Stale organization, of which he is a member, telling the group about the plans for a sale of Here ford cattle, which was set for the 12th of March Dr. .1, L. Reeves told about the meeting of the Western North Carolina Hereford Breeders Asso ciation. This croup plans a sale lo h held in Ashcville in Septem ber. Dr. Reeves told the group that the expense of selling cattle at these special sales would have to he decreased or the growers would lose the profit on I heir animals. Wayne Cnrponing. county agent, introduced the principal speaker of the evening. Paul Swaffer. con nected with the Extension Service nf State College, who said that there was no place that he knew ot tn Ihese United States more suited to growing beef caltie than right here in Haywood county. Mr. Swaffer stressed grass as one of Haywood's principal cash crops. "Without grass there would be no beef cattle nor dairy cattle for that matter, and where can you find a more profitable crop than a herd of good beef cattle fattened on the grass from the pastures on the side of the hills," he stated. The extension specialist also pointed out to the group that the selection of cattle played an im portant part in whether the grow er showed a profit at the end of the year. Here in Haywood, he stated, the cattle that he had ob served seemed to be of very high type, and he was expecting great (See Hereford Men Page 8) the grass just beginning lo I urn spring green. "This scene was memorized last spring, on on a creek on the road lo Brevard, 1 memorize the colors, the proportions, and can remember Hum until it is put on canvas." she explained Klsewhere in the studio was a colorful autumn scene painted from a high point in the cemetery. This painting was re cently completed, although the oli n l ii I 1'iliage had disappeared from Hie trees months ago. "I am alnioil overcome al limes with the color in these moun tains," she said, as she explained her reasons for choosing this community lo make her home Mr. MeCillum is a retired architect and also an artist. They had formerly lived in California and Florida. "There is a no more beautiful place in Hie world, than right here. This is ideal for artists, as there is always something beautiful to paint. The mountains are ever changing, and always alTnrcl a love ly picture to paint. " she continued. Mr. and Mrs. McC-iIlum lived in ealiiornia tor a iniinner ol years, but she was disappointed at the lack of coloring of the western mountains, as compared with the Smokies. Mrs. McCallum started drawing when just a small child. "I always liked to draw, and once my teacher in Philadelphia lold me I would he a portrait painter someday. he (See Artist Page 8) i was mailing each burley grower complete details for combatting both dreaded tobacco diseases. j ! The specialists also discussed the j new varieties of burley, which will supplement Kentucky 16, w hich has 1 proven satisfactory in this area. I In some places this special type is I 1 beginning to show signs of break- ! ing down, and for that reason sup piemen! varieties are being devel oped. Bodies Of Two Haywood Men Enroute To U. S. The bodies of Lt. Hugh I,. Davis and Pvt. Samuel H. Sherrill are en route to the United States for final burial. LI. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil R. Davis of the Iron Duff section, was killed in action on Okinawa on April 25, 1945. Pvt. Sherrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sherrill nf East Waynesville, was killed in Italy on October 10. 1943. Heads Cattlemen Blanks For Clyde Carrier Available Civil service application blanks for the position of rural carrier at Clyde can be had at the Clyde post office, it was announced yesterday. The examination will be held in Waynesville. and receipt of applica tions will close on March 3rd. The date of the examination will be given all applicants. M. Ferguson, B. F. Nesbit, Joe Palmer. Tom Kirk patrick and L O Ferguson. Finance. ('. T. Ferguson, J. Handy Kirkpatriek. G. C. Palmer. Marshall Kirkpatriek and M. H. Ferguson. Building, Glenn C. Palmer. James Kirkpatriek, Clinton Kins land. John Kirkpatriek and Carl Ferguson. WAYNF. FRANKLIN, former as sistant county agent here, assum ed his new duties this week, a: assistant agent again, and will work in Cecil. East Fork. Pigeon, and parts of Beaverdam town ships, under a special pro; i on made possible by The Champion Paper and Fibre Company, in operation with the I'.xlen .'on Service and Haywood ('ouni. Photo by Ingram's Studio. Farm Bureau Does Not Take Action On Burley Matter The resolution committee of the State Farm Bureau refused to act on Ihe lliiskins bill to lower ware house commissions on burley. The State meeting was held in Ashc ville the first of this week, and the mailer was carried before the com mittee for action. The commillee. voting unani mously, said "lho differing views j expressed by hurley growers from j various Farm Bureau county units j in North Carolina do not provide; the Stale Farm Bureau with satis-' factory evidence lo lake action up- , on such resolutions.'' A large group from Haywood at tended the convention, and took an active part in asking that Ihe Bureau members agree lo sponsor the lliiskins hill. Most of the fav orable comment was from Haywood and Madison counties. Among the speakers were Sen ator J. M. Broughton. Governor Kerr Scott. Rep. Monroe M. Red den, and leaders in agriculture in the stale. Davis' Two Bills Given Approval By House The House has acted l ''. m on the carnival and memoiial eel bill, as introduced by Rep. Gio - r C. Davis last Saturday, The two bills are now in Mir Senate committees, according an Associated Press dispatch ipu Raleigh. One bill would ban caine , circuses, immoral shows, g.-inbbi-. and fortune telling in llayv. '.! The other measure would pn rt the county commissioner . "v! Waynesville aldermen lo ci--n-bute to Ihe Memorial Plot m (..'" . Hill cemetery, as a nien.'ii'.l i men and women who died n, vice $620 Raised Hero For Fight Against Tuberculosis Final reports on Hie lfM;; it" of Tuberculosis Seals in the W.-e ' -villc District show a '.ii (.f $620.35, according lo an amvioiv -men! by Mrs. Frank Forgo n -o served as chairman of lh- f );! raising sale The quota for tin cir trict was $500.00. Three fourths of the total a nv will be retained in the .rhooi m which it was collected. In ,n n..,--i for the fight against tuhcrro!., i . The remaining one-fourth ;(,, , Raleigh for the stale fund. The sale was carried on t'o- o..'. the schools and Hazelwood. .!. ,t total of $205.00 led the coi n.. un ities in collections. Mrs. Ferguson expressed ape. . ciation to the teacher.; and piny pals of all schools dor thro -ancc in making the drive a !-cess. Accidents On Monday And Tuesday Here Result In Two Men Hurt In Auto Wrecks M O. GALLOWAY was elected president of the Hereford Breed ers Association here Monday night. He was formerly president of the State Association. Sutton Hurt When Car Hits Tree On Jonathans Creek Charlie Sutton. 25. suffered sev ere, and painful injuries late Mon day afternoon, when his 1936 Ply mouth coupe left the Jonathan Creek road, hit a tree and turned over. Sutton was thrown out of the car. and he hit face downward on the pavement, an officer said. Patrolman Jeff May said two women witnessed the accident, which happened near the intersec tion of the Jonathan Creek and Hemphill roads. Sutton, a navy veteran, of three years, was taken to Moore General hospital for treatment. Sutton was reported to have rest (See Sutton Paee 8) Hartsell Injured When Car Turns Over In Creek Only through heroic and quick I work of several men. was Charles ; Hartsell. 25. Enka employee, kept i from drowning early Tuesday night, i The 1940 Chevrolet, driven by 'Hartsell, turned oxer on the Sul phur Springs and Eagles Nest Road into a swollen creek. The driver was pinned under the wreckage in the water. The sheriff's depart ment, together with police, investi gated, said that two men by the name of McElroy and White, and possibly others, kept Hartsell from drowning by their quick work of extracting him from the creek. Hartsell was lushed to the hos pital, and later to Asheville. He (See Hartsell Page 8) Highway Record For 1949 (To De) In Haywood Killed 0 Injured . . . 3 (This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).