FRIDAY. I.. ,L I' " f ft, i i'i; J ' IT .41. 4l f i1 1 h 1 t v, PAGE TWO THE WAYXESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Radio Forum Students Discuss Intelligence Of Men Against Women Otto Fears Torture For Cardinal "Arc rm-n more inte'list-nt th.m vutiieti"" Thi- (ih v'.cn h;i- mer 1,(1, unr-Ut-l-fd to llle -l.tliliin of r'ione The MtudfiiU on the vt-ekl radio forum, uwr Hl'C niM-usM-d tlu- question. Mi- 'ni:i Jjik-.on i fiic-iilt p"'iMI1 The -indents ;trt.'iiiiieiit u.te .i- tul- ALLEN II KT Men through tin- .me- in--,i.i1 and .-till "i-i-l ili- .':'' -iiijitt-i Hun uoineii Hut to il.itr 1.0 i.i i lias t-M-i -iKti---tu'i n td 1,1- eonteiition There .in ni.un pruul to tlu- tuiiti'ai' hor-r r ,n M-n-r.litir him--' i.'i: civt d to di-pruM- t !u -tat i ii.t-i.! i.'..-.t uoiiieii art- the t-akt i' -t' ii; Jnl 1947. Tin- Ki-.h!, i - I1-'-; printed an art It It l!i fm-f : a tl de( IMe ! to tlil CjUertioii was tthi-n. I: -tated that a itiriit experiment at Jnhi; Hcpkin: l'uversit show e! tht '. on, tn could "do more mental v.c;j-k than men in a k!Hen tune ;.rni du it more accurate !t l..cie proot is needed in-' turn te r;,t subject of intuition. Tin- i J.reierbial in womer. but i: - a i n e tinie vim dear ot" a mar. hav- II IlllU-n lUtUI Ji! -ee.'i', tl ?t t -r things I hat a mar lai.t -e. i: it - right under hi- i .-e I i io A ou'e ot'el. heali; mi;;:, n -j' that If thc ran the ,aal l.'itli- Uduld he 111) Ual i HJ ; : 1 -i'aii;l aeree that men have i i.'i.bled their jol) ot :o en-mc'!' . )i u still don't !r!i.'e nie ju-t :'- h. "in- all th. .irumnrh i nd "et- th-- !a-t . o. ;! I he ma'i i t In- u oman. , , , i . ! r. . e t . .i 'he i hi Idreii l!ie tail I- that a woman one hui.i': i .1 ears .mc was considered h a 1 .tan ui.-t a inert- Inina rrea ii:, le cook, clean the house. . e ; e ler t he children, work, and 'e also thouitht she not be allowed to uet a:i education. Then the women not smart to all the: ::nn- vie wanted voice in the j o crnnifH! having a riiht to vote, hold elliee and main others. I I. e vtoiv ot Philosophy ' h ; Will D.iaiit tells the real mean-' ot .: man He sa s a man is i ole.i in: ahilitv. "Hot Temper." .mle;. ei. del i e of character, and. el Illicit;. "Tile cliaractt r ol will." sa s Sih":ii!'i i- irheiited from no lathe: and the intellect from ; Mi'iKi 1-Aen todav -he is in Congress ! 'A e .lumni scieiitisis. and Miner l,ik!i:i; an active part in the voice of the people, the same .,- ., man I mmmmmmmmMmmmmtM n-'rtilir lit 'nif-ff If iH f f Tiifi'Mi til ' IT . m mit ii ki i. 1 1. m v vi av nt t h i nk 1 1 1 w oiih n i.t'.er exceed men in Itiiir la-k-tvei. in their dome-tie aim. te- This. 1 think, iv mamlv rlne to 'heir ph -ical tr.-nt!h and alnlii' io adapt theme!i-- tn all kind- ol tasks. No matter how lijhl a ioh mav lie nun can handle il w.ih meat vkrh but a woman placed on a heavv job due to her phv-ieal makeim liiuld never hop. ;,, a i ( mi . i . ! -1. the ta-k There lias mver lie. n a vvonia" PKvident. then ha, lie.m iir. lew minor poll' a a! po-H ion- In ,) Ia women. 1'olltlcs i- but ,,i;r ;-,..i: ,1,1) which a woman imild no' hold down with an niea-iirc o mic- evv fiive i-i r iin n cook -. mil -n i i.niv. and ot her- which w omi, r, n.iild perform but rloev not p(rleit at anv time. OK ACE BENTON Without a dmiht '. in nr. niin-i w omen ai e I he :r,oi . mil I'ilii i:i n the vex. It would take ail ot mil thutv minute to exprt-s m pmnt ot a Woman'v ititelligence. bill a our time is limited I shall onlv iiieiition a few . Some ol tin -e are: A woman's abilitv to clean house. BOB IIAKRY S .-ue creation men have been hi -troi tier sex. not onlv in bodv . i-.d a'.-o in mind. Kve started ih:n- roMinu in the garden of I den when she picked and tasted the forbidden fruit Curiosity unklcd her and curiosity gets more w mm :, into trouble today than anvihim; el-e I.. .-I v, :,i there were 49H.OOO ni".'i wo. nen than men. but in -''i'i tdi- plurality, nicn still I' o'. ennui i t . hiisiiiesv and the m.'i it : it v .t ot her i ontrihut ive l;:;" - in lite A woman's inten tion I-' -aid to he vtionger than ' :i - but man reasoning power i- lar greaU-r developed. Thus, tin on,. elT-el- the other. It. m. -I ln;h -choolv. the ma oiriiv nt hieioi student- are girls: t h,- n a-oii bein- piohahlv because :oi- are more concerned with their " oi !. A hov dev elops hal don t rare ' attitude and the re--t'll I- an average student, but when the bov oev to college and know- that he ha- to work, his lunge- and he becomes pre-i rv inu. .,i urate tabulation of (he ol evorv mail and woman 1 t iled State- would he the e ibi. way the quc-tmn I'i - t'h d . and I hen there ':h he -onie doubt. Archduke Otto of Austria, claimant to thai counti throne, visits Charlotte, and predicts a fate wor-e tha Josef Cardinal Mindszenty. He believes the Catholic trial for treason at Budapest. Hungary, will not be i will be sentenced to slow death in a labor is on a lecture tour. AP Wirephotoi. camp. Th. v "s I'elunct ii death lor Pi elate, on banted but i t .'id ukc factories, and many other 'M'lld. All W - '. ouh! JOYCE. CARTER (H loiu-e women are smarter I haii mi n The only t hing is, men ;;ci mote publicity lor their so : lh ,1 "wonderful deed-" than 'Vomei! do Ev i Vina knows tint without the v -'iinn on the home-front, wars won:;! probably end in total dis-;i-t r. In, women did almost alino-t all ot man's work while he v.,- gone to war. They drove tractor-, made ammunition, work- FARMERS! We Have, While They Last 10 DISC HORSE DRAWN DISC HARROWS 18 INCH DISCS ONLY $9750 -SPECIAL OFFER. One 87.5(1 IliKh Pressure C RE ASF GL'X and 1-LB. CiltKASK Absolutely FKFE With Fach Disc Harrow. We Have In Stock For ... IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HORSE DRAWN SECTION HARROWS CORN PLANTERS CULTIVATORS Mountain Supply Co Dealers In Ford Tractors and Farm Machinery . i:u. Phone 461 Main Street ed in things. There are just as many famous actresses as actors, authoresses as authors, and now. there are even famous women doctors. Some of our Presidents have ad milled that they would have given up their jobs if it had not been for (heir understanding wives Dolly Madison and Martha Wash ington aie examples. And in China. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek is recognized as an influential (inure. Think of Madame Curie's dis covery of radium. Without her discovery, where would medical re-earch be today? And no man has ever surpassed. Helen Keller's feat. Deal' and blind, she has become educated and has even gone so far as to write her autobiography. Where would men be without women'' In my opinion, they would he absolutely lost without the intu ition of women. WOODEN EGGS LIFTED FOHT WOKTH. Tex. l tJi - Farm Questions and Answers (Compiled by Extension Service at State College! Question: Is lime harmful to po tatoes'.' Answer: Agronomy specialists 'at State College sa that the pre 1 nee of lime in the -oil favors the ! disease organism which caiee- po ; tato scab. In general the heavier ! the liming, the more scab will t!e- clop. Question: It it a good practice use sawdust as a mulch.' Answer: The main ai:l ate in using sawdust is that it tends to tie up the nilioi'tn in the soil. Sawdust does not caue any rctual loss of this plant food ele ment nor does it cau-e the -oil to become acid or alkaline. It men I . requires extra nitrogen dui.i.ii t!n lime in which it is "nitting '. Question: Which tvpe ef niill- ' burr, hammer or ruilii - i- bei ! suited to grinding grain !m dairv ; cattle? Answer: Agricultural eiiaineers J think that hammer null- have a slight advantage. Power needed to grind a bushel of feed is -mall for the hammer type mill. Thin too. the hammer mill ha- the decided Huge Sum Willed To Baptist Orphanage By Associated Pressi The Baptist Orphanage at Thom-i-ville i- principal beneficiary of .he will of Hubert M. Idol, retired K J Kevnolds Tobacco Company i iiiplov e. . Ilie will tiled for probate listed 5fi-t3.93if.73 in personal and $15, 00(1 real property. Ii nrovides that at 'least $50,000 !. ii-od hv the orphanage trustees o build an infirmary in honor of Idol- sister, Lelia M. Idol, and !iai other portions of the funds o into a new church to be named iii honor of Idol's mother. Mrs. Sarah M. Idol. i, haulage thai no damage is done :i the feed to the mill is shut oil'. Mo-t Inn t mills are built in such i w iv that I he burr- are seriously j I, .. .1 ill I.- 1,-Ml 1 .1 .1 111. 11 II Wlieil Ilie nun i.-) i,v 1"- i iii, nine Willi no e.raiii pas.-ing iliioii.Mi. Few roller mills are now ill ire. Question: Can sodium fluoride In led to hugs to control parasites? An-wer: The answer to that one i , ve- Swine specialists at State College -ay they know of no more .llective material lor combating niii;:-ile- They recommend that i ho material be thoroughly and carefully mixed with dry feed and led in the proportion of one per cent ol the dry feed that hogs will i at ii' one day. TOBIN AT LABOR BILL J ws-j' -iW iMIMWWStwmrar'-'v L7v -f I :i I FIRST WITNESS AT PUBLIC HEARINGS In Washington! tha Tuff-HarftAV tahnr net SpitiI , , t r , T ui ..j . v, i i.aoorw. c in.n.. i, ... . is siiown wiiu oco. tuiwiK Aiioiucia iij-i iai,) i. Labor committee now nniaing nearings. on ttit measure, resembling the old Wagner Act, -' W 4 i Say, "1 Saw It In The Mow Th TOMMY Cl'HTIS has been a question handed lown tn us through the age- When eciding which is the smaller sex. 1 ou must consider thai man us 'lally has the greatest reasoning ibilily, while women are usually iuided by intuition and emotions For instance in debales, remark made by women are laughed olf by SCOH'S SCRAP BOOK hen house thief who raided the CI. S. Thompson barmaid jirobably got a surprise after In- i.-it when he found the livf eg- lie took were wooden. EXPERT WITH ONE ARM I'OKT UOiiTII. Ttx. IT'. - A one-armed pickpocket w !- charged with theft here in I di-;iipear-iiiice ut a im.h '- lulllohl with S21I0 . in il. men. where ,- the remarks made h men are taken personally by the woman and an argument aris es. Hut when considering scho lastic abilitv women make the best students. Why'. Hecau-e they are more iittcrc sled and will study, while the men u-ual'v have more outside activ nie- to 'Hi their minds oil their ,-ludie-. It i- inde. d dul n uli to definite ly -ay which i- the -mailer sex. Men and women cannot he com pare! I with en Ii other, because I hey inn paralli I .,:.-! - uppU n'.cnl each ether. CARD Ol THANKS Vc would likt to i hank our Iriioill- for lliele ei io .j. 1 r.l' Hurt- ness and lor the bcuitilul floral nll't'i ings (iui i'u tbe recent illness ' and death of our wis and mother. W. K. Fraier ;:nd Family. By R. J. SCOTT; r f sf MM I Mm rtWm 5k: itj u'-.r , . 1 CLIMB -Trees i corn n oT oLP USED -to 0R.IMK W.ER. IM WHICH A. SW0S.0 HA.D RUSED, HOP1H15 f S. A nr 4HEIR. COMBX-fi. fev - Tan a Copperhiad Snake onlv 6 Hours OLD INFLIC-T A DANtRCUSLV Poisonous bKe. 7 tfl -1HL p RcckeTi is jus-f 22 YEARS ; OLD. , -' LAFF-A-DAY . tan. W u mtvlu iTHVKATt; Im, woilo uuti itstn tD. B ell Cotton and Rayon ff s res Great ef 3 i&iljj 2500 DRESSES GO ON Si Teens . . . Juniors . . . Misses . . . Womens . . . Half Sizes . . . Stouts . ., Women s Dresses Half sizes . . . Whole sizes to 52 1 tfroup of Women's Dresses ... 38 to 44 .. . REDUCED TO $1.00 1 Croup . . . Retf. to Prints and Spuns . . . sizes to 52 REDUCED TO $1.98 1 (iroup . . . Cottons and Ray ons . . . Reu to ,lf REDUCED TO $2.98 1 Group . . . Cottons and Ray ons . . Res. to 87.98 REDUCED TO- $3.98 jj Chenille : j Robes i Keg. to n.m ' UQR I Li s 1 100 ).!)S 1 Maternity Dresses 1 i; Greatly j i Reduced Juniors -If cti 1 Group Cotton Dnjy Uvx. to S3jU jeirn KKDUCKDlfc ?1.9 1 Group Drf-sair Rev. loSlSik; REf)(rCFI)! J2.9 1 (Jnjiip Dfcssto,,, Ri:y. Io.m), REDl ( ID Dn lorn $3.9' jrest 1 Group . . . Cottons and Ray ons .. . Reg. to Jj59.98 REDUCED TO $4.98 1 Group Gabardine Dresses Reff. to $12.98 REDUCED TO- $5.98 100 House Coats Reduced $2-98 1 Group Drc REDI'('KI)1 5.9 1 Krniip Hr1 Kck-.Iii, KKi)i'(i:i One Group of Fall and Winter Dres $4.9f Reduced to Regular to $14.98 .00 $3. NOvS1?IH.lS "EJES TO SHOW . NO STORK o7Si ni,uw vi jn 1 little LET YOTTI? ci o a xt t,,,,, tiii BK DRESSES . . . REGARDLESS OP SIZE ... ua "r uu r r Y fan'f Rpat 'WffiM "'"' "I'"V iniiii i' lg8oby,JeLlaJ.,) 1 VT""'