STANDARD Via v - The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park hts UNCLE ABE SEZ Folkes what have an ax to grind youxly find somebody i to turn the grindstone for 'em. - - I Table f down to a is usually fas not the when the ji met. jn, and Mrs. i, had pre jmber of re members of jad them at pn the two f commission r jrial to wade t Bay quick jIs, and the quick order. hen? fees have ; faces of the gent's office. 0o, they had a week, and alght, typing . A job that 18 hours, is f f.e any extra ige the three re worK on "What's the jradise )on some 50 ijckpot in the i Lake Juna Jr in the lake ipd the pools a alive with ( bg like forty, 11 ages were lust about as ft their hooks, tngster forgot $ waded out parted pulling fish. Several caught dur- aidness Balsam road, ly quotation en by Henry rir la ftmA wo info, practice,? I repeated Mr.; tint: "I wonder ...II , l.I an nut fuituci we are. How it! How easy ay Unique I attractive dis ;w is at Ray's, lie window has jjpbacco canvas, of a tobacco f n in the back- the beginning 'op-the canvas growing crop. thing lacking, like a million mown in order ps Through department of lends out little subscribers to I- Also a self for the return, fcr in the county ton the coin en P it back. It 4pe. Glass f motor vehicle fiy unusual ex I ago they con cause the glass low was shatter- I f same car was I with the glass ts place was a Sboard. is shatter-proof, ogh proof. Mostly cloudy .Mr.. crs, I JSViUe tpmnor. y the staff of the Mm. Mln 65 36 66 43 62 32 64th YEAR No. lfi 14 WoaEEtBtiiw! Bill To Extend Waynesville City Limits Is Introduced RALEIGH A hill to extend the town limits of Waynes ville, but excluding Hazelwood and Allen's Creek sections, was introduced in the House torltty by Rep. Grover C. Davis of Haywood County. Davis had originally planned to offer a measure to an nex both the Hazelwood and Allen's Creek areas, but he said today no such bill will be presented by him this session. The bill introduced today would increase the incorpor ated area of Waynesville by approximately 25 per cent and would boost the population from 3,500 to more than 5,000, Davis said. Jt would extend the town limits north and south of the Hazelwood corporate limits and include Belle Meade devel opment, the Waynesville Country Club building and annex, the Ninevah section. Shingle Cove, Farmer development, At kinson subdivision and property on Dellwood Road. A full description of the bill as introduced by Mr. Davis, Will be published in the next edition of the Mountaineer. Haywood's Annual Membership Red Cross Drive Starts Tuesday . The annual Red Cross membership drive will get underway in Hayywod Tuesday morning, with a large number of workers all set to launoh the work. The Waynesville area has a quota of $2.S0G, with Noble W. Oarrett as fund chairman, and Norman Freel, is fund chair man of the Canton area with a quota of $4,200. The Waynesville quota is less than last year, while the Canton quota .Is slightly more, due to surpluses of previous years iHeadsDrive NOBLE W. GARRETT is fund chairman for the Waynesville area for the annual membership drive of the Red Cross. The drive Starts Tuesday morning. Bobby Harry Wins Annual D.A.R. Contest Bobby Harry, son of Mrs. Frank Kinsey, and member of the senior class of the Waynesville High School, won the medal for first place in the 41st annual declama tion contest, sponsored by the Dorcas Bell Chapter of the Daught ers of the American Revolution at the high school auditorium Tues day morning. His subject was "The Capture of Major Andre " Jimmy Swanger with Omar Bradley's Memorial Day Address,'' won second place and a cash prize. Honorable mention went to Donald Matney who gave "Jefferson. The Patriot," and to Danny McClure. who gave Patrick Henry's "Call to Arms." Other contestants and their sub jects were: J. D. Staneley was (See Bobby Harry Page 6) Handy Soda Shop Has Opening The Handy Soda Shop had a successful opening Tuesday, it was learned from Joe Massie, manager. The new place of business is next to the Park Theatre, and has a service window opening into the lobby of the theatre. '.Modern equipment has been in Stalled, and the automatic drink mixer, which dispenses two flavors of drinks. Is among the modern pieces of equipment in the shop. A large stock of confections are carried, and a complete fountain service Is featured. PAGES Associated Press Mr. Garrett announced that the drive will be officially opened here at 9:30 a. m. Tuesday morning when all committee members will hold a kick-off meeting at Tony's Grill on Main Street. . M Assisting in the drive will be the following committees.- Advance Gifts and Movie Trailer, J. E. Mas sie and Felix Stovall; Industries, Ben Colkilt. chairman, Joe Stenel li, Ned Tucker, Ralph Prevost, L. K. Barber, Johnny Edwards; Waynesville Business District, Tom Lee; Hazelwood Business District, John B. Smith. Dick Bradley, Dr. Robert Turner. Mrs. Freida Knopf and Mrs. Jonathan Woody will serve as co chairmen for the residential dis trict and will be assisted by Mrs. Nora Swift Atkins, Mrs. Harry Lee Liner, Jr., Mrs. Herbert Buchanan, Miss Sue Willard Lindsley, Mrs. Carl Mundy. Mrs. Felix Stovall, Mrs. Robert Breese, Mrs. Roy Park man. Mrs. Milliard Atkins, Miss Helen Ray. Mrs. N. F. Lancaster, Miss Lou Elva Eller, Mrs. L. N. Davis. Mrs. Stuart Roberson. Mrs. Kermit Chapman, Mrs. A. H. Du Breuil. Mrs. Malcolm Williamson, Mrs. Robert Turner. Mrs. M. H. Bowles, Mrs. Jack Messer, Mrs. Dave Felmet, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. Howard Hyatt, Mrs. Tom Lee, Mrs. Ben Colkitt, Mrs. George Bisehoff, Mrs. L. K. Barber, Mrs. Hugh Massie. Mrs. Francis Massie, Mrs. Roger Walker, Mrs. Aaron Prevost, Mrs. William Medford, Mrs. Everett Camp, and Mrs. Lily Duclouse. Oral Yates Is chairman of the rural area and his workers include: Lake Junaluska, Miss Pearl John son, Mrs. Hallett Ward, and Shir ley Connatser; Crabtree, Mrs. G. C. Palmer. Mrs. Frank Medford, Mrs. Mary Hawkins; Hyder Moun tain, Marshall Kirkpatrick; Iron Duff. Thurman Davis, Mrs. Ray mond Caldwell. Mrs. H. R. Cald well; Panther Creek Section, Mrs. Floyd Fulbright; Fines Creek. Mrs. F. C. Green, Charlie McCrary, and Mrs. Frank Rathbone; Fairview Road. Mrs. W. A. Hyatt; Francis Cove, Mrs. Frank Kinsey and Mrs. B. L. York; Ratcliffe Cove, Mrs. Reeves Noland: and Rogers Cove. Miss Ray Ballard. Jack Messer is chairman for the (See Red Cross Pa?e 6) Classroom Teachers Meet The Haywood County Classroom Teachers met Wednesday night at the East Waynesville School with Mrs. Claude Rogers, president, presiding. Speakers for the evening were M. H. Bowles, superintendent of the Waynesville Schools, and Jack Messer, county superintendent. Mr. Bowles discussed the prob lems and responsibilities of the classroom teacher and Mr. Messer spoke on the school legislative program. and United Press News WAYNLSVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, Observes 94th Birthday gtitouuugmm MRS. ROBERT II. PLOTT, a life-long resident of Haywood county, recently observed her 94lh birthday at her home on the Soeo Gap road. She is the former Miss Matlle Moody, and married Mr. I'lolt in January 1873. She is the mother ol eleven children, live are dead. Mrs. Plott has lived through five wars. Detailed story of Mrs. Plott on page two, I his issue. Proposed Education Measure Would Save Haywood $100,000 Parkway Section In Pisgah Will Be Opened Again Present plans are to open the five-mile section of the Blue Ridpe Parkway from Wagon Road Gap to Bennett's Gap during the flowering season this spring, ac cording to Sam P. Weems, super intendent of the Parkway, who rwas here Wednesday. . Mr. Weems said that the pub lic. had seemed to enjoy that sec tion of the Parkway, which over- looks Pisgah Forest. For the past several years tlie section ha been opened during the. flower ing season in the spring, and during the fail while the foliage was in color. Inspection Lane Here Until Noon Saturday, Feb. 26 The inspection lane will remain here until noon Saturday, it was announced by C. P. Sawyer, director in charge. All cars of I'JES models and older have until the 26th of this month to get an inspection sticker. All 1939 and 1940 models have to be inspected on or before March 31. it was pointed out. The inspection outfit leaves here Monday and begins operation in Sylva. Mr. and Mrs James Luckadoo have returned to their home in Parris Island after a visit to the latter's mother. Mrs. G. C. Plott. Clyde Groups Organizing Recreation Association Need for broadening recreational opportunities for the youth of Clyde has lead to the formation recentlyy of a recreational and cultural association. This project, which was instigat ed by local ministers and church officials, has gotten off to a suc cessful beginning with many in dividuals and organizations pledg ing their support. Grover Haynes, Clyde post master, was ejected temporary chairman of the association. Of ficers are to be chosen at a mass meeting of Clyde township citizens in July. Purpose of the association, as outlined in the constitution which has been adopted by a number of (Photo by Ingram s Studio) "jlayjvood rounty stands to save $100,000 on school costs if the proposed education bill is enacted into law. Jack Messer, county superinten dent of education, was in Raleigh this week, together with George Brown, chairman of (he hoard of commissioners, and talked to edu cational leaders about the proposed legislation. Under the present plan. Hay wood would have lo put. up $119, 377 for capitol outlay and current expenses. At present the same two items are costing Haywood $219,651. Mr. Messer pointed out. The stale would allot to the county schools $()7".3i:5 under the plan, and an additional sum for Ihe Canton school system, which is operated as a separate unit from the county schools The bill would also give Hay wood an increase of 18 teachers. At present the county system has 180, and under the bill there would be 198. Canton would tiave 87 under the proposed plan The salaries of instructors of the county would be increased from $342.98r) to $559,152 The bill would give Canton $245,688 for instructors The suggested law would allot to Haywood ? 19 875 for capitol outlay, with $31 find to the county and $13. 225 to Canton. This would be in addition lo the county's share from the proposed fifty mil lion bond i-siif for school build ings and improvements. Under the fifty million plan, it is figured that Haywood would get about $500,000. All of these proposed allotments are in addition to the cost of transportation. Mr. Messer said. The ratio of Hie proportions of the 81 millions In be paid by the (See Education Page 61 church and civic groups, is; "To promote wholesome, adequate, and educational recreation; to provide and develop cultural influences; to instill a keener sense of co-operation and civic pride; to foster public spirit and to encourage a close knit citizenry with forward looking, noble ideals". The association will be governed by a body known as the Recrea tional and Cultural Commission. Organizations, which will each be represented on the commission, include: Parent-Teacher Associa tion, Baptist Church, Methodist Church, Wesleyan Methodist Church, Woman's Club, Home Demonstration Ciub, Town of (See Clyde rage 6) FEBRUARY 25, 1919 Construction if Camnip IHIeire Weirray Corpening Is Named 'Man Of The Year' Wayne Corpening was officially named the "Man of the Year" at the Lions Club Thursday night. The modest, and efficient county agent accepted the honors amid a round of applause. lie was presented with a gold pen and pencil set in recognition of his leadership in civic and busi ness enterprises during 1948. The naming of Mr. Corpening as the "man of the year" in the first event of its kind held here, did not come as a surprise to those who have been closely connected with civic programs in Haywood during the past year or for the past several, as far as that goes. The 30-minute program was broadcast over WHCC, with Joe Davjs, chairman of the program committee, in charge. The pres entation address was made by Rev. H. L. Young, pastor of the First Methodist church. Representatives of the other clubs in the com munity were present as special guests. Last year Mr. Corpening was president of the Chamber of Com merce. He headed the work of staging the second annual Tobacco Harvest Festival, promoted Apple Week, as well as the annual Fat Calf show in Ashcville. The Junior Dairy show was held in June, as well as the dairy pro gram at the Armory. The annual achievement day, the 4-11 Club program, including a summer en campment, were part of the year's successful program. Perhaps one of the most im pressive pieces of work was the staging of the field day on the .lack McCracken farm at Bethel. There special stress was made of pasture improvement, which is (See Corpening Page 6) John Penny Going To Emory School Of Dentistry Next Fall John E. Penny has been accept ed by the Emory University School of Dentistry, Penny will be one of a class of 80 beginning next Sep tember. The group is made up entirely of students from the South- j eastern area. At present Mr. Penny is a stu dent at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Rep. Davis Puts In Special Police Bill I Rep. Grover C. Davis this week introduced a bill in the House which would authorize the govern or to appoint special police for in corporated religious assemblies. A copy of the bill has not been received by officers here. No one seemed to know the purpose of the bill. The special police at Lake Juna luska have been named by Lake officials, and deputized by Sheriff R. V. Welch. How Long Will It Take To Complete Park - Parkway? This timely question is dis cussed In the editorial columns of today's Issue. Turn to the edit orial page page 2, second sec tion and you no doubt will be amazed at the length of time it is estimated it will take to com plete these two projects, which are of such Interest to people of this county. Park Commission Will Ask For Parkway Funds The, Ni C. Park Commission have turned their attention to taking before Congress a request for fivc millions for Parkway construction in the next two years. The commission adopted the sug gestion of their chairman, Charles Ray. at a meeting here Wednesday. Mr. Ray is now engaged in making a comprehensl report, which will be accompaned by charts and maps, to present to- the Tar Heel Congressmen at an early date. The plan will be put before the North Carolina delegation by the entire commission, and then plans for $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Honored WAYNE CORPEN ING was name d "Man Of The Year" Thursday night at the Lions Club. This is the first time any one has been so honored in this community. He was given a pen and pencil set. t Photo by Sher rill's Studioi. Two Wreck Victims Are Improving Two Havuood men who were re cently injured in two separate auto mobile wrecks, were reported Thursday as improving in Ashe- jville hospitals. Charlie Sutton. 25, is still con sidered critically ill, according to information given out at Moore General Hospital. The statement said further, "his condition is show ing some improvement, and he is resting well." Sutton was injured about the face and head as he was thrown from his car as it turned over on the Jonalhan Creek highway. Charles HatiseM. of Haelwood. is in the Mission Hospital, and the hospital report Thursday noon was "He had a better night Wednesday than usual. He is cheerful this Thursdayi morning, and improv ina steadily." Hartsell suffered injuries when his car left the Sulphur Springs road and turned over in a swollen creek. 'Kiss And Tell' To Be Presented At Auditorium ' Kiss a'd Tell. a three-act comedy, "'hu h a; presented here in December, will be repeated to night at (tie High School auditor ium at R o'clock The production, directed by Mrs. Fred Campbell, i- being sponsored jointly in- the local American Le git.n J'o-i and the Beta Sigma Phi soror'ty Proceeds will go to charitable projects of the two or ganizations The cast includes. J T. Russell. Jr.. Mrs William Norris. Miss Bette Hannah. Charles Alley, Mrs. Harrv l ee Liner. Jr.. Hallett Ward. Jr.. linger Walker. Mrs. William Cobb. Pick Bradley, Paul McElroy, Jr.. Johnny Johnson. Miss Dorothy tticheson. Mrs Porter Frady and Paul Davis presenting the matter to the proper committees for the increased ap propriation will be made. Mr Kav 'aid yesterday that work on this program would be pushed as raDidly as possible. The commission will not seek any increase for Park funds, as it was felt the $498,378 appropriated for the Park was sufficient at this time, except for needed funds for roads. The present appropriation of $789,000 was found to be totally inadequate, Mr. Ray pointed out to S Prkwy Pag 6) ' WW,. - y. y :-. ... Jf Camp Will Be Ready For Group Near State Test Farm By June First Construction got underway tbi; week on five cabins of the 4-H Club Summer Camp, near the State Test Farm here. Plans are to have the carnD ready by June first for about 120 camp ers, according to the county agent's office. The undertaking is a project of the 4-H Clubs of 19 counties of Western North Carolina. The highway department is push ing work on a road to the property. and plans are to have the road ready by the time the camp is com pleted. Each 4-H Club unit in tl e 19 counties have agreed to pay for one cabin each, which will cost about $800 each. The cabins are of wood construction, and are designed to accommodate 12 people each. Plans for development of tb 37-acre tract include a large swim ming pool, back in the shaded area of the plot. A contract is to be awarded soon tor completion by June first, for a recreation hall, and a mess hall and kitchen. Both buildings will be of sufficient size to take care of about 200 people. The construction of the camp is designed so as to enable large groups of adults lo use the facili ties. Many times during the years, it is planned to have adult meet ings of the western district at the State Test Farm, and to use the camp. The 37-acre tract was bought by public subscription raised locally several years ago, and the land do nated to the state of North Caro lina. The old western summer camp at Swannanoa is not available for fur ther iise, it was pointed out. since the property was acquired fur part of Moore General Hospital dunng the war. Other 4-H Club camps m the state are at Camp Millstone and Bladen County camp at White Lake, Manteo 4-H Club camp The contract was let to David Underwood. Services Are Held Thursday For J. T. Russell Funeral services were held yes terday afternoon at the First Bap tist church for Joseph Turner sell. 74, retired carpenter who died early Tuesday morning at his home on East Street following a long illness. The Rev. L G Elliott, pastor assisted by the Rev M R. Wil liamson, pastor of the First Pres byterian church, officiated. In terment was in Green Hill ceme tery. Active pallbearers were Her.ry Gaddy, David Underwood. Spadlon Underwood, Henry Miller, Jack Edwards and John Norris. Honorary pallbearers, veterans of the Spanish-American War and members of the Men's Bible Clas of the First Baptist church, were: Ed McClure. M. O. Galloway. Al bert Abel. Hugh Campbell. John L. Davis, Zack Massie, J. R Mor gan, Frank Leatherwood. Zirr mery Messer, Harley Francis. H. C. Wilburn. Hubert Hoglen Joe Stamey, Hurst Burgin. Joe Wright Jule Hoyle, John Wright. Jim Boyd. Jr., Joe Schenk. Dr. Tom Strir.s field, John E. Barr. Decatur Jus tice, Zeb Price and J I Green Mr. Russell was a native of Hay wood county and a veteran of the Spanish American War Surviving are the widow Mr Helena Stalcup Russell, six daugh ters. Mrs. R. L. Wilson. Sr of Way nesville. Mrs. Henry Garner and (See Russell Page 6' Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 0 Injured .... 3 (This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).

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