PAGE SnvBJ uprH .1. 194, THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Mil W i 1.V- JT'. I ..f .MJ X. V ft r I J J 'J- M.ittr .-j" AD ES lents per word, tents. 3 cents per charge 60 ype, 50c i inch. l i,f published isired scneauie large. imts should be t,.y. Tlie Moun be responsible ie ini'orrect Jo fcMF.NTS ARE K( E. C ash must k M-nt by mall. 'in office before iy before publi e to be in want nsert a want ad loo. si Haywooa bext to Farmers heville Road. H. It, "hone 277-M. ilUCES for Irish Ivalnuts, onions, 10ats. Junaluska I tf OF SEWING fend alterations. see Mrs. Jua- Iwood Road. F 25 tf KNT 5 room on Sulphur is automatic i ;,l . and wired l- u complete- See .1. J. oi CGl-.l. F8-tf f Hues! sporting villc are sold at Co. Phone. 461, tf r M'wing ma lent condition, i 'lone jars, pi ii. Mrs. G. R. litem, near Beth- E-25-M-1 four-ioom house k. Reasonably do Dills on pre- F 25 M 1 l CTR1C CO. Main Street GLASS CUT. and installed in cars by "experienced .men. We have felt channels, metal channels, grills for any kind of cars, lock sets, etc. 'Glass cut to fit any kind of Refrigerator, coffee table or glass shelfVlitiles drilled In glass to suit ybul LeFaine Service Sta tion or Five Points Garage in Hazelwood, ownd and operated by Tom Lee. F15 tf CINDER BLOCKS Superoek blocks and Concret Block, 4", 8", and 12" sizes. The W. A. Hays Block Plant, Phone 102, Franklin for 803 Highlands, tf . WELtS DRILLED Watr 'Wll SpectalO ! Farm Horn Dari i 10- EiperiK i GREEN BROS. ! WELL-DRItLlNt CO. pt. 3, Calrtonl W. Ph.' Cinton 2S20 r DAYTON "V" BELTS All sizes in stock; MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. ' tf FOR SALE OR RENT to respon sible party Large semi-buriga-low type home with forced hot water heat. 429 Love Lane. Ex cellent investment. Ideal far conversion to apartments. Call 281-W. tf FOR SALE Three bedroom home. Close in Good condition. Priced reasonable. Phone 644-J after 6 p.m. F-18-22-25-Mch-l WANTED - Good clean soft , rags with buttons re mqyecj. No wool. 5c lb; .-The. Maun-tcrine,er. FOR SALE Outboard motor, trail er and boat. See Spaldon Un derwood at' Sinclair Service Sta tion, phone 9170. F 25 M 4-11-18 FOR SALE Eight tons of mowed oat hay. Sack Felmet Farm, Fran cis Cove Road. F25-M-1-4 SeedlingsFrorxi, 2 State Nurseries. Are Exhausted ForeM tree seedlings at the N. C. Forest Service's two nurseries have been completely exhausted and no more orders are being accepted, Sistrict Forester C'has. C. Pettit, '., announced. Pettit said orders for one half million trees cannot be filled and the money is being returned to the applicant.;. The Forest Service's Clayton and Htndei sonvilie Nurseries produced more than 6 million seedlings this year and the entire stock has been sent out to more than 1500 cooper- ators. Because of the tremendous demand for the forest seedlings Pettit urges all landowners plan ning to plant next year to get their orders in to this district forester's office early in the Fall. Sportsmen To Meet In Canton Tuesday The regular meeting of the Hay wood County Hunting and Fishing association will be held at the Champion YMCA Tuesday eveniiu' at 7:30. Charlie A. Smith, the presi dent, will be in charge, and ques tions of interest to the group will be discussed. WANTED A couple, house fur nished, to do general hdflse and garden work. . G'lve references and write to ' Dr. L B. Funke. Route 1. M 1-4 JU)F.S HEAVY CHICKS sir.uo M Save Money E CHICKS ftlh Ave. 1, Md ,LE-$1.00 each. Sim. Kt 1, Way- J754-M or 754-R. 18-22-25 M 1 houses 1 four In Bath in both" garage, spring house, rock can es grape vine condition. See F-22-25-M-1-4 FT $7.00 to for one. $6.00 rson for two in few available. F25-tf luliful five-room Jngalow with all Jicnccs. Good irace with twn J.ocatod in Ben 5' below Lake F. M. Stinnett. F 25 M 1-4-8 Ed Youm? InHv would like job general office F 25 M I onogrspk and Toasters, uments. , Service. dio and FOR SALE Large and small new, used and rebuilt woodworking machinery. W. F. Slack, 71 Thompson ' St., Box 1232, Ashe ville. Phone Asheville 3-4752. M 1-4-8-11-15-18 FOR SALE Two thoroughbred Plott hound pups, 7 months old, Both $50.00. See Paul Mull, Al len's Creek or Call 1G8. M 1-4 FOR SALE Field rock, 2!c per yard. Excellent for building. In pile ready to be hauled. Johnson Orchard, Pigeon Road. M 1-4 FOR SALE 1949 Philco Refriger ators 7.2 cu. ft. $49.43 down pay ment. Payments as low as $4.36 weekly. Has large freezer locker. Phone 3379, Cagle Furniture Co.. Clyde, N. q. Eri-lf FOR SALE 1949 Crosley Refrig erators, 7.0 ou. ft. Only Crosley has the Shelvador. Pay as little as $4.36 a week. Phone 3379. Cagle Furniture Company, Clyde. Fri-tf FOR RENT Pasture near Pigeon Gap. Apply to Mrs. H. L. New son, Rt. 1, Box 511, Waynesville, N. C. M 1-4 FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth Club Coupe, clean, only $700. See at James & Holt Pure Oil Station. Waynesville, M 1-4 FOR SALE Young mans suit, brown doublebreasted, two pair pants and vest; also grey suit, and brown coat. See these at Central Cleaners. M 1-4 PLANTS IN SEASON Strawber ries, raspberries, red and black varieties. Boysamberries. Good healthy stock. Perennial and pan sy flower plants. Baltimore Min nows. All at York's Plant Farm, Rt. 1, Waynesville. Phone Can ton 5133. ' M 1-4-8-11 FISHERMEN You will find Balti more Minnows at York's Plant Farm. Also strawberry, Raspber ry, Boysamberry, perennial and pansy flower plants. York's Plant Farm, Rt. 1, Waynesville, Phone Canton 5133. M 1-4-8-11 Everypne Boin,ts To.HOTPblNT RANGES IRONERS REFRIGERATORS . WATER HEATERS : HOME FREEZERS ! ' Other Guaranteed Makes PHILCO CROSLEY You Build The . Home ' 1 'WVfl'Ftiinlsh It ' Sales-Service Easy Payment ' Qqgle, Furniture, Co. Clyde N. C. ' Phone S379 FOR SALE Used General Electric Refrigerator. Perfect condition. Real bargain. Rogers Electric Co Phone 461. M 1-4 RIPPER MAKES GOOD DETROIT (lil'i - Lorenzo Bush bought a policeman's unifoim, but not for himself Rush, a lavicab driver ripped Patrolman John Ritchie's uniform doling a scuttle when he was arrested for speeding. The judge placed Rush on pioha- tion for assault and battery, as sessed 1 ii in $100 court costs and ordered him to buy Ritchie a new uniform. THE OLD HOME TOWN by STANLEY 1 Sensational Hewj Radio Quiz ShowJ I Ll. SO WITH YOU ,CH I EF-A , ((WO DOLLAI5S ' BUT WAIT I TWINIC THIS J SAY5 HE WOAiY! MUGS WILUTAKE HIM . , , , w't eoBBefev: it couldt ve Stani z HAPPESNEP AT A NiCE'B TIME' ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of J. P. Dieus, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 28th day of January, 191)0 or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 1st day of February, 1949. ' META J. DlCUS, Administratrix of the Estate of J. P. DlCUS, deceased. 1824 F1-3-15-22-M1-8 ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE r - Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Ben Suttbn, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this" Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to "ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, fon or before the 1st day of February, 1950, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recover. ATI persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the lt day of February, PH9 EVELYN P. SUTTON, Administratrix of the Estate of I! F.N SUTTON, Deceased. 1825 r 1-8 15 22-M1 8 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE, Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of W. P. Mehal fey. decea td. late of Haywood County. North Carolina, this is to noiily all persons having claims I against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Canton, Rt. 3, North Carolina, on or before the 12th day of Feb' ruary, 1950 or this notice will be pleaded In bar oi meir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay-' ment. This the 12th day of February, 1949. ' ' N ELSIE MAE MEHAFFEY, Administratrix of the Estate of W. P. Menaffey, deceade. 1829 F 15-22-Mch 1-8-15-22 . f income tax; This is the BIG YEAR TO SAVE TAX MONEY! You'll need expert guidance to take full advantage of every NEW saving- now allowed, and THIS YEAR a Tax Re turn MUST ACCOMPANY our W-2 Form. ; COME IN AND SEE US THE CLOSMAN CO. 114 Main St. Upstairs ' Across From Court House Fourth Year in Waynesville MUGGS AND SKEETER BY WALLY BISHOP FOR RENT Six room duplex apt furnished. Gas kitchen, two baths. Adults preferred. 106 Haz el St. M 1-4 FOR SALE 14 acres, few miles from town, on all-weather road Pasture, farm land, wood land stream and electricity. $2500. The L. N. Davis, Co., Phone 77- I 78. Mch 1 -tf RADIO OWNERS Franklin's Ra dio Service is now open and equipped to render expert radio repairs on all makes of home and ( auto radios Located on lialsalm Road ut Junction of Allen's Creek. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ml-4 EVERY TUESDAY 9::$0 to 10:30 p. m. Over WWNC IT'S FUN! IT'S EXCITING! IT'S ENTERTAINING! Brought To You Bv Howell Motor Co. Haywood St. Waynesville De Soto-Plymouth Dealer FOR SALE Reasonable. Three room house with bath, garage and Harden on Short Street It Marcus. Phone 9171. Mch 1-4-8-11 MOUSE TRAILER - Completely furnished. Oil heater, gas stove, lights, water with a CI) gal. water! tank. Sleeps four. A real buy. S4!i(M)0. See it at Jeff liril ton's. Hi .'lott SI. Canton. N. C. Ml-4 pnn -Out- 7-room house. 21 Newfound Street, Canton. Newly painted. toker heat, 2 baths. On terms Also Standard Hendix W.i-hi'i- i;ii It. Westiiiphousc Refrigerator, one blond 4 piece bedroom suite, 2 single maple (can he made into double ikeri. wiih intei spring mat ss"es. 2 brown wool rugs, size: x 12 and i) x IX one greer wool rug. 9 x 12. 1 hoy's bicycle everything in excclleni condi tion Phone Canton 2.047 or sec bed- de lis 9 Street Addle.-s. FOR RENT -- Nice sunny apart ment. Sleeping porch, living room, dinin.l room, kitchenette, private hath, gas stove and re- frii-erator. No children. Phone 43.VJ. MJ FOR SALE New and used , Furniture. Bargain Day is every day at JUSTICfc FI'RNITURE STORE. De- nnl Street. Phone 5C7 tf r- ' with this AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNAC? NDItVKITIll U01ATOUil,INC 1 f ... ' w .. W w...j I ' . ' ' 2 . . . -. ... ' THE FLOP FAMILY -:- -:- -:- -: -: -:- -:- Bv SWA 7 I" I I I'll II i:' i I vooumt oiec?.,, ithcm-ue fttReAoq 6Tfkteo- I T onl f . -T"' 1 t-UJ 1 in.T(ve. feopue u)ll therms p mpim wthe ooof?, A CHCCK : J i npoe eftafHT weecu, ?ejefz6 ne eo fw j who wwt voo mxqg XlV -t '-wr'i . i s- -t s t i i i in tm - r . T-. ( I n ut ll . ! i i- tSA"M -- (,. , ,Ar V- A I .V C5 i wmm iwM m$m . m fels s vmm m mm mm x&m w. watt J. I mr I 1 VA - X l , lk:4 A Vi J .-W I .J W i fnLVW 7 i- fS i " ' " " "" - - - - '' w vri w-ti r ' i-iiiIADr MYKTLK KIGHT AuO TJNIl HOMh ny uuuir tisum TA v!1' I F TITS'0) GIVE ME A BITE OF ) I IMUPPOWE ILL V j j tuIIf ) U LTWING YCXJft' COaKltr -0 have: iu .'- flff h 3 V LIP- , J 1938 Ford 2-Door With 41 ' , V W , omnM - . i KftnTHD rr i i V Motor Ulean iwiwn PHONE 486 MAIN STREET SOCS'OO 0' I VERY TIRE WF. RECAP IS GUARANTEED SV f tfVstf T() oivf, NEW TIRE MILEAGE ' r --v carlc'andersojT" ZlZZ L DONALD PUCK : h- ii i I Jv II -GOOD MANNING, GOOD y GOOD 7 ' aaamkiiisig I (JPtfetf 'uA- , TT-v fflkiMORNlNG AND MANNING AWJNlNG ; OUPFDS 'aid, As3 wwrtn good aaor n i ngN qz&l cpus and morning, morning bood ff0 ; ( MANNING, OUFFUS A ( S osTSrvOUPi SERVICE AND BOOD, flSgHOOL LlOMlW ' ANDBOOO . rtvSs Vs&3Vlce r - AND BOOO AND SERVICE ,!l.OM , Latvour service ly 5L at your atvour S DICTION Muwt3 t V" V DUFPUS.' y- DUFFUS! j V'-. Yl ,i r ' f . t - i ' ' it t V if - t t 5 . St Jt t r j 1 1 I i h : :'! ;!''' t; ) Si' 3 Rogers Electric Co. Phone 461 Main Street S Co. I