1 I. ST AND A RI J M(; c Comp 220-2.10 S Firil M I-OUISVILIE KY - The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A Week la The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park UNCLE ABE SEZ Some wirnmen air like jay birds they're rally purty, but they make tharselves re-diek-lus a-showing off. (Salary problem iimed a lot wine them a i as highway r .. -u ,. r-i fentn t"Bi'-- I letter irom Lditor, which th North Ly a0d Pub- for in matter, Mr. am going to I to the state Pay Pay the end of he members General As- rs are u"u in,, wmcii y. Saturday ki the 60-day crs last No i a constitu Increase the , each legis- astent he most con- p to this com H'. Grimball ago thai nis inn Grimball is now Grim xt year they summer and son, William ,en, that son, Si, has spent in this com- a summer er record, we fthe facts. can look out famous Char- li into the At limmer home let unobstruct- Nest, Balsam Ithe high Plott has the ex- Pes to views -the sea amd is - - 64th YEAR NO. 18 14 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties BfiM m MMMEETC SMJES TO IE 50 More Grade A Dairies Are Wanted Pushing Dairying Dairy Commission Sets Goal To Increase Dairying In Haywood During 1949 hs admitted to practiced law years. or a served as soli- tidicial Circuit s alderman of h and corpora city. he Democratic tary, 1926, was Ninth Circuit le has traveled miles in his bent birthday, s and Courier ball has been r of bar aaso- fauired a repu jg each case on feting the court ispatch. Judge ferved as spec- Slate supreme fibers Get eedlings & members are pine seedlings plications were and the seed- itributed to the fc by the Cham re Company. s office assist seedlings. FRANK M. DAVIS, chairman of the dairying commission of Hay wood, are seeking 50 more grade A dairies. Iron Duff Organizes Development Program An enthusiastic group of Iron Duff citizens elected Jarvis Cald well as chaff man of the commun ity development program on Wed nesday night, as the organization was set up to proceed immediately with a well-balanced program. About 50 persons wore present and this was the first communuy wide meeting to be held since the county meeting here recently, when the community development pro gram . was adopted. The other members of the gen eral committee, besides Mr. cam- well, are Mrs. Oral L. Yates, vice chairman; Mrs. H. K. waiawen, secretary; Lawson McEIroy, treas urer and Mrs. Roy Medford, reporter. The group voted to meet twice a month the second Monday nigtu at the Methodist church and the fourth Monday night at the An tiock Baptist church. A special meeting of all com (Sce Iron Duff Page 8) Dries Vandenberg Is Honored At College Dries Vandenberg, a junior and pre-medical student at Belmont Abbey College, has been nominat ed by the faculty committee for membership into the national honor fraternity, Phi Theta Kappa. Vandenberg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Vandenberg of Waynesville, and was formerly a student at St. John's Fifty more grade A dairies in Haywood, was the goal adopted by the dairy commission meeting here Tuesday night, as part of the com munity development program. The group named Frrnk M. Davis, of Iron Duff, chairman, and scheduled a series of meetings for next week, as the first step to wards getting the new dairies started. "There are about 250 farms in Haywood producing manufacture type milk," Wayne Corpening, county agent said. "The price of manufacture milk is now $3.10 per hundred pounds, as compared with $6.40 for grajde A," he pointed out. Two farmers who sell manufac ture grade milk had a net loss of $2,100 and $1,600, as based on Grade A sales, it was explained at the meeting, which was attended by representatives of grade A dairies, feed men, distributors, wholesalers and the health depart ment. F. R. Farnham, dairy spec ialist of State College, was also present. Mr. Corpening said that at the community meetings next week there will be distributors to dis cuss the market; financial men to discuss providing the money; con tractors to discuss building costs; feed men to tell of feed costs; to gether with Mr. Farnham. "With these men present, we can answer any dairy question," Mr. Corpening said. "Grade A dairies will not re quire more cows, but just modern and approved barns," Mr. Corpen ing said. The meetings will be held as follows: Monday, at the Bethel school, at 7:30. Tuesday, at the court house, at 7:30. Wednesday, at the Crabtree-Iron Duff school, at 7:30. Thursday, at the Fines Creek school, at 7:30. Plans are being completed where by Mr. Farnham, together with Mr. Corpening, will visit any farm and make a blue print of the needs for construction of a grade A dairy. it was expajjned. Dairying is one of the six pro jects which will be carried out in this same manner under the gen eral community development pro gram. Other projects include for estry, poultry, beef cattle, fruits vegetables and hurley tobacco. Livingston Heads Clyde Recreation Commission Stanley Livingston, principal of Clyde School, was elected chair man of the Clyde Recreation and Qultural Commission Tuesday night at a meeting in the school offices. The commission is the govern ing boiy of the town's recently organized recreation association, of which Grover Haynes is tempor ary head. Other commission officers are Mrs. Levi Morgan, vice-chairman; Mrs. Howard Shook, treasurer; and Mrs. Weaver Chapman, secretary. This was the first meeting of ttie group at which representatives from at least two-thirds of its members were present. Plans were made for sponsoring a basketball game between the Clyde Baptists and Methodists on Saturday at 7:30 p. m. The game to be held in the school gymnas ium will be a double header with both men and women participat ing. Proceeds from the game will go toward the recreation fund. A similar ball game was played by the church groups in January for benefit of the March of Dimes cam paign. This event drew a large crowd, prompting the staging of this second game. The next Commission meeting will be March 14. Pvt. Sherrill Rites To Be Held Sunday Good News For Trout Fishermen Trout fishermen tell of their catch in glowing terms of fives and sixes, while 'Hie Hatchery at Bal aam count trout by the thousands. The North Carolina Wildlife Re sources Commission, of which Clyde P. Patton. is executive di rector, has announced that 193,924 brook trout eggs, have been hatch ed at the Balsam natchery. In addi tion to the eggs received from the Fish and Wildlife Service there were 300,000 brown trout eggs and 200,000 rainbow trout eggs pur chased from commercial hatch eries. The trout are about an inch long, and under normal conditions, should be 5 to 6 inches long with in a year. The hatchery will in the near future start distributing trout that are 6 to 8 inches long to public streams. This work usually begins in March and continues through the spring. Longs Buy Clevewill Apartment House Final rites for Pvt. Samuel H Shrrrill. who was killed in action in Nnrihern Italy on October 10 1943 will be held Sunday alter noon at 2:30 o'clock at the Kith- land Baptist Church The body will arrive in Waynesville this after noon. Officiating will be the Rev. H C Green, pastor of the West Can ton Baptist Church and Rev, Mar shall Raby. pastor of the Fines Creek Baptist Church. Graveside rites in the Memorial Plot at Green Hill Cemetery will be conducted by members of the National Guard, 120th anti-tank unit and pall bear ers will be members of the Ameri can Legion Post No. 47. Pvt. Sherrill. son f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sherrill of Waynes ville, attended the Waynesville Schools and received his basic training at Camp Wallers. Texas. He sailed for the European Theater in September 1943 and was killed in October while serving with the 5th Army. He was 19 years old. Surviving in addition to (he par (See Pvt. Sherrill Pase 8) Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Long have purchased the 10-apartment. brick Clevewill Apartment from Mr. and Mrs. Thad Howell. The new owners have taken pos session of the property on Walnut street. The purchase price was not given. Mrs. Long said yesterday that the building would be redecorated during the spring, but did not plan any other major improvements. Mr. and Mrs. Howell bought the property about two years ago from the late Dr. W. L. Kirkpatrick and C. F. Kirkpatrick, who built the apartment house In the late twen ties. Mr. and Mrs. Long are also building two cottages overlooking the golf course. One is about fin ished and the other will be com pleted at an early date. Wins State Award Interest Growing In Memorial Plot At Green Hill Much interest is being shown in the Memorial Plot at Green Hill cemetery. Bids for grading, and building walls are being received at the Town Hall, where the blue prints for the project are available to contractors.' The Waynesville post of the American Legion, and Veterans of Foreign Wars are sponsors of the project, in cooperation with the Town of Waynesville, and Haywood County. Mrs. Will A. Medford heads a committee to get funds for erect ing a large granite marker on the plot. The bids for grading and build ing the walls will be opened tit noon on March 11th, according to C. C. Walker, general chairman. MISS MAKY ANN MASSiE has just won a Stale I). A. It. Award, in a citizenship contest. Details in story on page three. Stovall Modernizing American Fruit Stand Felix Stovall is remodeling the back third of the American Fruit Stand. The area, which is several steps above the main floor, is be ing modernized for more booths and tables, it was explained. I er To Stage Two ay Pack Trips Into Park Jto the Park are inmer by Tom Jloochee Ranch. first such trips the 10-day June 15 and ccornmodations 8 guests by the Association. Park guide and six cooks and drivers. The second trip will be made from September 6 to the lb, Mr. Alexander said. No one will be allowed on the trip who has not had camping and riding exper ience, he said. A number of 4 and 5 day trips into the Park are also scheduled for the season, Mr. Alexander said. He pointed out that a number of 4 warmer. fville ; tempera PV Uhs staff of Max. Min. i 27 - . - in new trails had been built, and much interest was being shown in the proposed trips. "Alt indications point to an ex cellent season, and we are glad . i, uptiinB back to our Park n.-ifk trios which have been cur tailed since 1940. Although one mnriP in 1943. it was under a wartime ed. program," he explain- Red Gross Campaign Is Being Pushed In County Around sixty-five volunteer workers met at Tony's Grill on Main Street Tuesday morning to launch the 1949 Red Cross Fund Campaign. The Rev. Malcolm R. William son, chairman of the Haywood Chapter Red Cross, greeted the workers and expressed apprecia tion for their assistance in solicit ing funds. He also explained the purpose of the meeting and the serviecs of ennke briefly on the Red Cross. MohtP W Garrett, fund chair ,0r, introduced his committee chairmen as follows: J. E. Massie, Ben Colkitt, Tom Lee, Joni. o.!4i, Mr Freida Knopf, Oral ' lark Messer. Joe Stenelli Ned Tucker, Ralph Prevost, L. K Barber and Johnny JMiwara. These chairmen in turn present (See HeI Cross Patre 8) Ferguson In Raleigh Protesting Utilities Bill Before Assembly G. C. Ferguson, town manager, left Thursday afternoon to attend a hearing in Raleigh this morning, concerning a hill which would put municipal owned electric utilities under control ol the state Utilities Commission. All North Carolina towns that own their electric utilities such as Waynesville pl.'ii I" protest the measure. Mr. Ferguson said. Official Reports Show Haywood Weather Extremely Mild Mars Hill Glee Club To Give 3 Concerts In County The Mars Hill Glee club will give three concerts in Haywood, together with a radio broadcast on Sunday March 13th. The talented musicians will make their first appearance of the day at the It o'clock hour at the First Baptist church in Canton. At three o'clock, another concert will be given at the Clyde Baptist church. At 7:30 their third concert of the day will be given at the First Bap tist church here. This last program will be broadcast over WHCC. Gov. Scott Urges 'Day Of Prayer' Be Observed Friday Governor Scott called ob North Carolinian's today to observe Fri day as a "world day of prayer." The observance is being spon sored by the Council of Church Women. Governor Scott said. "I commend this observance to all citizens 01 North Carolina as an occasion for offering pravers . and petitions to their heavenly father: ami I urge them, wherever possible, to attend some religious service and beseech God to aid us in establishing last ing peace. Cood will, and brother hood everywhere in the world." GKOl'I GOKS TO RAI.F.IGH Mr. and Mrs Claude Rogers, Lawrence Leatherwood. Bill Cobb, Charlie Woodard and Paul Davis made up a party which motored to Raleigh Wednesday to hear the report of the legislative committee of the Suite Board of Education. They expect to return today. Ministers Ready With . Petitions For Election The Haywood Ministerial Asso ciation will ask for an election pro hibiting the sale of wine and beer in Haywood just as soon as they are definitely assured there will not be a state-wide referendum on liquor. This fact was announred yester day by Rev. M. Ft, Williamson, chairman of the moral and civil welfare committee of the Associa tion. The Haywood ministers, together with laymen, started this project last fall, and secured naine on petitions asking for the election. The formal request was held up pending action of the General As sembly on the proposed slate-wide referendum. The petitions were signed by several hundred more qualified voters than are needed under the law which requires 15 per cent of those voting last No vember, Rev. Mr. Williamson explained. The Ministerial association, which is headed by Rev. Russell L. Young, pastor of the First Metho dist church here, had the petitions in every protestant church in the county last December. The peti tions contain names from every section of the county, Rev. Mr. Wil liamson explained. Rev. Mr, Williamson explained that the reason the petitions had not been presented to the Hoard of Elections sooner for an election, was the Ministerial Association was waiting on the outcome of the pro posed state referendum bill, and did not want the county to go to the expense of two elections on the same matter. "We. have been gratilied al the outcome oE the many counties that have voted ort' ousting wine and (See Election Pase 81 Fertilizer Will Be Discussed On Tuesday Dr. E. R. Collins, agronomist of State College, will be the speaker at the court house here Tuesday night at 7:30, when he will dis cuss. "What is a Bag of Fertilizer'1'' Dr. Collins is being brouuh! here by the county agent's office to discuss the different types of fertilizer for use on the many dif ferent crops in Haywood. Baptist Training Group To Meet In Canton Sunday Unless you are in the fuel busi ness you can't very well complain about the weather for January and February. Using the official weather re port of the State Test Farm for the basis of study, it was found that the average minimum for both January and February was 35. The average maximum for January was 59, and only two degrees lower for February. During January the mercury hit freezing on 22 days, and during February only 1 1 days. Then most of the lime i was just a degree or two below 32. At no lime in l!)t0 has the mer cury failed to climb above freezing every day. Thai perhaps is a rec ord that will stand up for a long time to come. The coldest day of the year was the first day, when the mercury hit 12. But 10 days later the same mer (See Weather Pace 8) David Felmet, Paper Carrier, Starts Savings Account With Part Of Earnings Fox Hunters Of 2 Counties To Meet The Haywood-Jackson Fox Hunt ers Association will hold their an nual meeting at the court house at 3:30 Saturday, March 5. The annual election of officers will be held, it was announced by Gay Bradshaw, secretary and treas urer of the organization. All interested in fox hunting are invited to attend. A large at tendance is expected at the council nieeliim of Haywood Baptist Training Lnion and Lead ers at the High Street Baptist church in Canton Sunday. Mrs. Sam Ktiight. training union director, will be in charge of the meeting, which will begin at 1:50 with quiet music. Miss Grace Erwin is pianist and P If Gentry, chor ister. The 20-ir.inuli- devotional period will stres; 'Characteristics of the Faithful ". A 40-niinute demonstration of tournaments will be given, featur ing junior memory work: Inter mediate sword drill; better speak er's contest and adult Bible drill. At 3 o'clock, the separate con ferences will be held, with the fol lowing in charge: Rev. H. L. Smith. paslor-advUor. leading pastors, training union di rectors and associates. Sam Saunders leading the aduU presidents, vice president and group captains. Mrs. Albert Messer leading the young people's counselors, piesi dents, vice president and group captains. Miss Daphne Boone, leading the Bible reader leaders. seci-etne, missionary and social leader-. (See Baptist Pae 8 Three Newspapers, Lions Club Raising David Felmet, Jr., has a savings account in the bank which he adds to regularly from his earnings as a carrier boy for The Mountaineer. David started on his route in Sep tember, and has added 22 hew customers, with more in prospect. David is 12 years old, the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Felmet. of Cherry Stret. He is in the seventh grade at Junior high, and plays the trombone in the school band. David's ambitioii is to be a news paper reporter. He plans to attend college and major in journalism. He takes his duties as a carrier seriously, and said: "I think a paper route is a good thing for any boy to have who wants to make some money. I enjoy my route because of the independent feeling I have from earning my own spend ing money, and putting some of it in a savings account in the bank.' He is a member of the Grace Episcopal church, and attends Sun day school regularly. He is a Boy (See Dave Felmet Page 8) DAVID FELMET, JR., tosses a copy of The Mountaineer to a customer on his route. 'Photo by Ingram's Studio.) Money For Needy Blind Couple Go ahead and throw the red j tabs from your cigarette packages j away. They won't get a Seeing j Eye dog for a blind couple as you , perhaps have already heard. Oh yes, the blind couple at Whit- ' tier is deserving, ana couia wen use a Seeing Eye dog, but cigarette i tabs won't help them get the dog. Hundreds of tabs have been sav ed in Haywood for the project, but now it is just another rumor that got started. The Mountaineer, together with The Syiva Herald and The Times, in Br.son City, are cooperating with the Bryson City Lions Club to raise money to get the disap- Scout Quotas Raised In Haywood Membership Call pointed blind couple the rz ' dreamed of, before they leaver:! that it was all just a rumor The couple is Mr. and Mr McLean. They live at Wluf'tr. He is 54, and has been blind since (See Blind Couple Page I Quotas in Haywood have been met in the annual adult Boy Scout membership drive. Johnny Johnson, chairman of the Waynesville area, reported that the quota of $1,350 was in hand, and a similar report from Under wood Smathers, chairman of the Canton area showed that $2,171.50 had been raised for Scout work of the district. Johnson headed the work for with W. M. "Bill" Cobb chairman of finance, and Mr. Smathers is president of the Canton Exchange Club, sponsoring agency in Can ton. Much interest is being shown in Scouting in Haywood this year, as plans are being pushed for the enlargement and improvement of camping facilities at the 700-acre camp on Pigeon River. Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 0 Injured .... 3 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol".