4 S l FRIDAY THE WAYNESVILLE MOttli AINEER PAGE TWO (Second Section) MA iii i ; THE MOUNTAINEER Main Street n , ,0 Waynesville, North Carollr. i The County Seat of Haywood tountj Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. W CURTIS RUSS - "n.,E!il0r W. Curtis .luss and Mariui.klaePublhers "nmLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FMpAY HAYWOOD COUNTY One Year Six Months - NORTH CAROLINA One Year Six Muni lis ,,, ,, . OUTSIDE NORTH CAROLINA One Year ..- Six Months ... tnw.d at the post ortice at Wayn.-sv.il.. SC. as Sr. -cict ourt Mail Maiter. as pioviried under the Ail ol hUnI, 1B79. Novcu. ber 20. 1914 Ut,iu.,iy notices, resolutions of rispeC -art! of thanks. mid ill ii'HTf of tntcitulia: enl for pi out. lil be clialgta ioi -t the rale of two eenls pe- word MEmVehIToF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND THE UNITED PRESS 4,.e Associated Press and United I'rer.-. aie en'itled -cli.slvelv lo Ihe tin- for ,-..blie:itio,i of all the o.;?. ruv.s p.iniea in mis newspaper, as well as all Al ai.d .r news dispones $3 00 1.75 $4.00 2.25 $4 50 2 50 Isn't it Jumping The Gr.n? This newspaper tails to see the point in House Hill No. 491 as introduced by Repre sentative CJ rover C. Davis, in trying to cut the salaries oi the Waynesville mayor and board of aldermen effective in May, 1951. In the first place, there will be another session of the Legislature in January, 19;il, t!,;:t can change the salary set-up before the one proposed in Mr. Davis' bill becomes ef fective. So why bother with such a matter this early ? hi he second place, the business of run ning the affairs of a town the size of Way nesville is a bit; job. In fact, the business : ..f the Town of Way nesvi-lle is about $250, (iiHi. Where could you find men to run a corporation of that size for $30 a month? , This newspaper is a firm believer in economy j in government, but never to the point where ; it affects efficiency. ! We would be Klad to have an explanation on the -alary phase of House Bill No. 491. i TWIl Do It Every Time . ABL vVJrT fKSAaTj ."THE J rtl1i-Ln.v . t-THOSENO-WINNCK M "Xe,',r, rr', rfciwrwr.'VtfZDS yj.r " r. : w-liiw r . ir A i 1 1 r A Rambling 'Rom -Bits Of Human Inlerest News Pick-.,! i ,!v M fe Tl.n Mount. iiwjr Vl.'T Cyp IS ALWAyS SELL HIM HE TOSSED FRIDAY. MARCH 4. 1910 .-"ilil e pe app illll) ip'e I'utt ir ' pi iseii He wan hi want, hat I'.ovenn K pe i 'n.md- t"i' l oads. The trouper auainst any i,ei e nt ar the loth 1 atlier hail time tor Better Half Than Nothing Cov.M-nor Scott resents the Chr.ei al Assem bly trying to cut Ins 1 load bond issue :n hall. U the state to ay wh.,'. t Ceneral opinion is ' would be luckv to get tl the sale of Sltlti.OIID.IilMI ;: sentiment is growing s form of taxes. Ami i.-J nt Marrli svi-ir.s t" be a Governor Sent: to ;rv to ,n ma !: iv.tc taxes. This newspaper teils t'r.at tl.t. "!ers ol North Carolina will come much nearer ap proving a SlOO.OdH.DOO icui bond issue than one twice that v.'x Taking Preachers At Their Word Many preachers use catchy their sermons, ami .met: ir.es ' h reaction to them. Last wek (iiiiss of P'niladelnb.ia. learnei. The Clyde Methodist Church Sunday mornint; the congregation of the Clvde Methodist church will worship in their new and modern $50,000 brick building. In a snirit of cooperation, and brotherly ve. the Baptists of Clyde will join with the j Methodists as the fust service is held in the new building. The completion of a new and modern; church in any community denotes progress. It shows that the citizens of the community are interested in the better things of life. It shows that the church is still an important factor in the life of any community, regard less of what some people try to have us believe. The erection and completion of m 3-4- HUMAN SLOT AAACHIME5 IN" EVERV CfFlCZ "ThAaJ)C AWD A TilT OF "TrtS. HAT1P PIWBALL faWio w AL r'RAF, SCRAAJTON.PA.. a Looking Back Over The Years 15 YEARS AOO a modern church is a bu; undertaking. It takes a lot of careful planning, coordination as well as co operation among a large group of people. Not only is Clyde proud of this fine build-in-;, but all of Haywood as well, because it is (.red the entire county, More "Talk" Relief agency (list i ilntlcs J0.U00 Hounds uf meal tn needy Haywood county families during Ihe weeks ; since December 2. 901) dozen ckks ( and filXI pounds of butler are also distributed. Cm few ordinance is passed by ' Hoard of Aldermen of Ya ncsville. No child under sixleen is allowed . on si reels alone one Hour after sondown. ! Exploding coal oil heater in the hoine of S. 11. Keller causes two hour lire, damaging home to the I extent ol about SH.000. i VOICE OF THE ' PEOPLE ka 10 YEARS A CO County commissioner.- vote eonlHhiile S200 to the -lonaii Summer School. Tro Wvche points mil the a- sls of a modern Chamber el C.m' merce in talk lo Vane-ilie !to larians. .lames Erancis. Va iie- Hie High School student, his mil '1 and i ng record in farm iiroiecl- Eagle Five and Ten Slotv i have formal opening I his week. Waxnesville C-irls' ha-kel le.l! leant is defeated l)y Ihe Sha gi' I-in-the finals of Ihe Hiuc hicl-'i Conference tournament I 5 YEARS AGO i Cilli.it llemhree. high school .,:!. cl. win- third place in Hie i.,! ,., V:eloi Contest in which ; I'.ciin ei ih Carolina Future Farm- j i i . participated. ! j Mr. ;. II Rlackwel! joins her ! , t ; --. t 1 . Mr- James Michaels, for ;, i-n in 4'learwater. Florida. Saliiala Dicus has sixth birthday I pai'ty i (,'. C. Swangim of Lake .luna : hi t.i lias live son- in the service :il he L'nited Stales. I inii Milner of Ihe Marine Corps. '-oeiid- furlough wilh his parents. She had give" -tilIK. and attention Mini (o nieiitl, n ,i nm,ccs. lo la r truck and coilTmv as Mie was ... be IP'- speaker at a very speer.l .ill.... , Hours spenl a. the beauty parlor :were well repa.d by the glory ol !her hair-do, and she felt well-sal is Jied with he. self as she s.a( al tl. j speaker's table and waited. Second before she was to speak, she ae icidentallv dropped her little nolo :book and benl hastily to retrieve it Alas and alack! In assuming an erect posture, she humped her head .lost the table and overturn! l the pitcher of ice water thereon. deluge reduced the,-, waves to a soggv washout and h it the cor ag. on her shoulder the only happV re cipient of the Hood. When you ask anyone how they feel and thev replv: "Oh, just sorter," you have to w.iteh the expression on their face to see if that means sorter GOOD or sorter BAD. It has taken us years to adjust ourselves to the wonder of radio, and before we master it s mystery, along comes television. The pos sibilities of television seem like 'olliethn ct rtainh .'llioli. know !i a iilnll !e Ihe mlii and i. ac(liii i n The ,,, ler anil lln , ways si ml tlllOUl'll oio snn-ll M il, . jasmine in , 1 prow in" .il.,i lo the i it . i lap of I'll te.iku.ui i . dream .ai.i . ous 1 1 a;-, i , i, ed rose .n . . of a inn. I with the n Heard e Uhal boll'. and their ... A nd i since . . . All the to. rli! closer a'li r Hi,- down the in '""""sd ' .. ii.h ,0 i.-iti. . - i.iuir ,a ' hi , ia.i l-Jt .lo a In ' 'ii.!,-lf iiii..nn;ii. 'I Mil J, Illll! - "1 iiiitl Capital Letters Bv FAILA NIXON GKEF.NWOOI) subjects for re is adverse Ia.v. Karl C. a lesson on this. He put the sermon suhier church bulletin board or. the street. -ty soon he had a feck of visitors pi, one calls. The title of l is -en "House for Retit." on t he ad prct m.t lvv nii was Members of the town board of aldermen are now paid a salary of $10 a month. Do you feel that any eliaiise should be made in this amount? Pastures And Prosperity Our county agent, and all specialists that have been here during the past few weeks, has put special emphasises on pasture im provement. We have heard about the nee of better pastures lor many vears. ami thought Haywood ranked amoi; the best in the state with pastures. Now that new and better ways of main .aimm: good pastures have been found, it is the purpose of the agricultural leaders to keep stressing this to the farmers. It has often been said, that the economic welfare of the farmer is in keeping with the quality of his pastures. A Far Better Record So far this year, the highway record for llaywood is far ahead ; last vear. according to the record. Last vear this 'ime the report showed 1 killed and fi injured. The record of March 1. this vear. shows only '' injured and none killed. A pood showing half as many inpuries. : and 100 per cent record on 'he number killed. pp body else and aldermen.'' cutting down It looks like the people in Crahtree and Iron Hull' areas can soon "talk up a bree.e" as the installation of telephones arc going in a', a rapid rate in that area. Some la" homes will have telephone ser- Viei. before another .SO days, it is said. i -ricmi(ire McCracken: "Not Tins is just one of several rural telephone ; downward. I don't see the consis- i i .... o.....u , rii Tl ti'iicv in raising salaries lor every - 1;o0..s so 1 1 I'll Ll lev i .i nhone Company for Haywood. Some have been completed, others are partially com pleted, and vet others are in the"Tblue print st arte. Covernor Scott has emphasized time and time a 'gain the importance of electricity and telephones for every farm. It looks as if Ilaw.'ood is going right ahead on these two iects for the rural areas. UNCLE ABE'S LETTER Ree-suU. of a-Nornuts Appytitc I. Howdy, good tokos! I e h eleanin' nut my cook ,-.o all - noon. Hit got all cloggis. u t n riurin' the time I wti a-i e'.ki n so knnfounded mulch. Iryiu" I" -.a;s-fy 3 appylites. sec'.' 1 car'i:l "t". -or :t )k loads of see' an' ..-If -fad is. the naybers I haw t 1 a ' ' w goin' to git dnne Say, thar. Cncle le. hainl-. -an never cleaned out thai '' e "Not sence then, .t ;'!' i ' seeed inc." se 1. 'never had lime." harl iiulclt tached lo Ihe lillle m - sir-iiv 'I think he had a i: im big as a foot-ball'. So i 'marine I hat we had a purty n o- e-w cil-Bro. that mornin' o.n'l dawn: we had the ,,' Hie P'odiga.l Sun heal I Yo e!: ban's for a lonv on. darin' to turn Dr. Thomas Strinsficld. Jr.: "Al though mosl aldermen art1 not I working for the salary, I ihink they certainly should i .;(..; li.-J much. The Memorial Plot The Wavnesville posts ot the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars are working with others, in pushing to an early completion the Memorial Plot in Green Hill cemetery, as the last resting place for men and women who fought in wars of this great nation. The plans of this plot are a thing of beauty am.! rightfully so. because these fallen heroes deserve a resting place of beauty and quiet. Those in charge are anxious to get the Liadmg done and the walls built in order tn o,et shrubbery set out before too late this spring. We trust that nothing interferes with their plans, and that their goal of an early com pletion will soon become a reality. Mrs. Robert Osborne: 1 don't think the aldermen should give their time gratis but I don't think their salary should be an induce ment In serve on 1 he hoard " John E. Hair: tha; ally change I Ihink S40.ll') remuiU'i ation fin by the aldermen.' 'o. I don't let should be mad Mrs. C.orga Green, of S:i! in. V .1. sent in some suugescluuis. nut they gol in little too late -a'ler Hermil .lue had (lone tixt me up. Mrs. Green soz she gits -onie inr.ey good chuckles out o' here tl"'" goes bout her work until -he !' el like thar mout he 2 or :i mo 'c chuckles lei" in her, reads it over "An', bless yore ol" sole." -c she. "1 nearly dye a-lalVi'i :'.i".-,e She also th'ows a bo-kav to.'i' von. Mr. Editur. scz sb-'de ruth- time. J looce. ! j...,, eon ol .lue started to weep :;i' en my shoulder- - Oh. cut i h;it out. you senty-, iieni,:! ol' rooslers." sez Mr. Wat- j ..on. "mind- me o' 2 ol' winimen a- . ,in' '(lod bv " I lookl "round an' h ' lie!; So . II A! -lall'ai' : we'l at us. "Come on. hall' I" be goin' " Cnde Abe. SH I)ES OF ll):t" There is now talk in Raleigh thai Governor Kerr Scott is looking to his Urol hegis i:,i,,ie Ihe thinking being that he had not honed for loo much final Ihe pro-Charles Johnson men who compose the present body. All oilier North Carolina Gov ernors hav e had I heir be(st day -during their first four months in oll'iee. with the Legislature, right along with them on Ihe honeymoon and everything bright and cheerful. Some of Scott's hrain-l rusters are trying to sell him on Ihe idea of carrying his (r;hl to the people. 11 this thought jells, he will make a tour of I he cou.il ies next year and work for the do!. 'a! ol Hie sen ators and representatives who are refusing to add new lax-s wilh which to carrv the Stale on wan I and upward. Thus, em Gov. rror. who las' week liki n. d hi- plight lo that of President Truman's, may liud himself following in the slens of Franklin D Roosevelt whi r, in 1037 he worked for the defeat of Senator GeniL'e -"God bless you, Walt- . ' i and other -cnainr who would nnl go along wilh him on his Dlaii to enlarge ihe member-hip of the I . S. S,pri'!i;e Court. them (lev i II ha- in i ! again thai ! which N e : ; i the past ds diiccl -.-it tlniue-di lis dirict o'i m N Vi' V. ; lal lire o,i' ; work, it is i apparel:1 t r i nacted. ' .,, ! sill be lev I I l'lllil' Soi't i I i priihji1' j i- limine:' i I i"at ion ' j Tin . ci I tied ai i :h:i i: !: I "W e d: !, 1 ' ' he will lo i Views Of Other Editors I r.Mi i - ' : dm o tin- I bag lei I'.e re()iii! e rein t -e n . !.!.. little iO 1! I I ni l e 1 . I l:ia l.e i ill. ill eo j i. pi 1 1 loll I Well- i-' j I'll I in. i ..ss j he c i ' ' ! ri".l v.. - REVIVE AND I'ltOT I'CT little enough !cr have the Mt.m-er than aii ' other icadin stun pin 1 fcii.-i the work done Mrs. Ronner Ray: "I don"! Ihink it should be lowered. If men are asked to look afte r the all'airs of the town, they should be paid enough lo ju-tily :;i ing their lane to the work." i Paul Martin: "No. If anything $40.00 is too little. 1 think the aldermen should be paid in keep ing with l lit lime involved in car ry ing out 1 heir (lut ies." MIRROR OF YOUR MIND hi n - to"rv Pint $4' B7LAWRENCE GOULD Consulting Psychologist inability to make up your mind about one of life's major issues, such as whether you will follow the dictates of instinct or of con science. The things which you can't be sure of having done may symbolize suppressing a forbid den impulse which you know you must not satisfy but cannot quite relinquish. Can a man b "stolen" from a woman fie lov? Answer: Not if his love is real and has brought him physical and mental satisfaction you cannot "tempt" anyone to eat who is, not hungry. No matter what skillful wiles a woman, employs, there are only two conditions under which he can steal. a man from his wife: (1) that he is not really happy in his-marriages even though he may have been" Trying not to admit it; and 12) that he is emotionally i .-1 j : .. u .rA -a iroorv: on honiniZ III 1111. Ill auu bv t .- be may find the woman of his the gas stove, or fixed the babys daydreams and refusing to accept blankets so that he won't smoth- lh4 imperfections of a real-life er. Such doubts grow out ot an mimagi- Inner nd entirely unconscious Does "not trusting yourself" reveal a divided mind? Answer: Yes, if what you mean is never being quite sure that you locked the front door, turned oft Do "truth drugs" help euro neurosis? Answer: Yes, say two Atlanta, Ga, psychiatrists in the Southern Medical Journal. The use of these drugs, known medically a "nsr-co-synthesis," proved as effective with 850 patients in a general hospital as in treating sufferers from war neuroses. By breaking down inhibitions so as to allow the patient to "remember? thing which he has found too ierrifying to face, the treatment hae been particular! helpful in states Ol acute "anxiety" or panic, but It' also provide useful short-cuts with "the entire gamut of psycho-neuroces.'' Letters To Editor A S F.I.I. .JOB F.ditor The Mountaineer: Just a word of thanks for a swell job your paper is doing in Hay wood county--my county. Without a doubt, you have one of Ihe best semi-weekly newspapers in t,he country. I enjoy Ihe paper very much, then pas- it on lo some peo ple thai love? Western Norlh Caro lina and the news of that area. Here is hoping that section has i booming business tnis season. With the help of every orgaiii.a- lion there it will be. We are glad to have Uncle Abe hack in the pap r again. Thanks again to you and your staff. Yours sincerely C.F.O. HENRY GIBSON 216" S. 24th .Ave. Hollywood, Fla. WANTS EAGLE INFORMATION Editor The Mountaineer: Please send me information on where 1 might obtain facts con cerning the possible location of a Golden Eagle nest dn Plott Balsam or surrounding territory. This information is needed in connection, with a state museum survey to establish a record of these birds next month. Thanking you, I am QUJENCY SCARBOROUGH 110 Whitehead Chapel Hill, N. C. Git 'im Out o' My Bed: Did ye see. Mr. F.di'.tir. whar that man uu in Sficcago went b Mishegun, slip! oil' ye mout ay. an' never wood rite back home to tell his fokes whir he vu?'.' 'We'll call the man Mr. Pouter. ca.e 1 g look one o' his big potilin' spei1 Well. a'ler about !) months, a v. an dide in She-cago, an' nobody coo.l pernounce who hi' wuz: so the- ii-1 desided to pernounce him Mr. Pouter, an' horrid him in the Pouter plot. But. no sir-e. ! VN ;i Pouter red bout it he w rit in Im 'em to git that Sun-iiv-a-emi mil o' biz bed "I'm not ded yit." se he; "an when I do i?il reddv t' dye. I'm a-goin' t" come home to my own funeril so gil that ol' mill out o my bed!" 'Fore I cloe I mus' ti t! l out the mornin' I tole Ilermi! -he gone by. Y'see. l.tkes. I na.l come t' n' ih C.irolnia' ill t.i . i ;. l n C, n. ral A- automobile in at an end. Act eihlv has killed :l . The oi npie in general were burn ed iri o'.i : the program. It was not e i. men the in peel ion in itself Ihey obi' ( I' d lo. What got them ". a - tile unnecessary delay and Hi, uiii'i ' ' -at'v ('uibhling and in- j -i-tenc. on minor points. j We Week that the action of the (oiii.: Assembly was in keeping; with the wishes of the people back i home. Seldom have wc seen the lolks -e di-turbed and wroughtup o i r ore State program. Vet. tl'.o insoeclion program was '.nedueiii-' L'eod results Already il had !( n credited with plav ing a pa'! in the reduction of aulo inohih accidents in the State. Hut the people just couldn't pul up with wasting many hours Irving to ei t In an inspection lane, wast ing ollnr hours wailing for the in--prctions and tlnn oilier hours i ('or.'m.ued on page three) SCHOOLS AND l!OAI)S - Kveil in Ihe Governor's inner circle of advisors. Ihere has N- n di-.e'ree-nu nl about the mad hoi. (Is. Al leasl oae of Ins 1 1 li re working with the 1 .egislal lire v. Impend lo members la-,1 week tied he would h, alls- 1 lied with sjiou ((i) (H)() j,,' lead of NO '' ' ' Ihe original -3)0 OuO rui.'i 'l ln- Cev- on' I ernor naiVil liiis 'in'' ''em i ly, b- Scot I I sing iiilo he Hume om "yr'oil.- tu -A o la 000 (KiH tot I'o-'ld' . Sr.'t Oit'l OIMI I'm 1 . ' l! :' . I.oo. '. ' v '' :: The pi ople will ) iobably he civ- ' e: i !,: en an oppoi I unity in vote oi; lliesc 'II"' two bond i u. If the l.e 'i Unuro om' o' ; does (!, these proldei'i.' along lor be; n i c ' a final deei-ion by lln vole: s. you -emb;.- will find Governor Scot; hitting the Id'!, bp! I trail lor llu'r adoption. He may I .t-on''1 adopt the -an'.e tyne of campaign in '"' 1 ' ' ht used lo I." come Governor. If v aided. he doe-n'! do a grea! deai ol plug- Tie- h - : ging lor ih .-,, the n;n le will Ul.'li like!' v CROSSWORD PUZZU MERCY KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES mm Editor's note Any reader hav ing the information requested above is asked to get it to Mr. Scarborough. 4 hr."..,- V.' i'-i. Wi -;'t.-fr,2 I : i ACROSS 1 Novice (archaic) 5 Applaud 9 Goods 10 Filaments 12 Incite l.'l Keg 14 Male descendant !5 Member ot a crew fnaut.) 16 Father 17 Forestall 19 Obese 20 Conclude ?1 Wfarv 22 Wound marks 25 Importunes (slang) 26 Rabbit 27 Kind of roll 28 Covered with ice 29 Plunder 33 Bird (Hawaiian) 34 Firm 35 Hawaiian food 36 Observation 38 Young bears 39 Net 40 Banian trees 41 Hastened 42 Region DOWN 1 Small drum 2 Goddess of peace 3 Soak flax 4 Bone (anat.) 5 Intone 6 A fat 7 Breeze 8 Fix, as food Solution In Nrvt I''"e' Jz W No. 12 9 Insect 11 Writing tablets 13 Company 15 Female fowl (pi.) 18 Extremely 19 Organ of motion of fish 21 Weights 22 Detached shoots (hurt.) 23 Envelopes of larvae 24 Some 23 Dike (Anglo-L .. ) 27 Mere , 29 Moved v.;t.i speed 30 River 1 31 Snake 32 Tourrh 34 Employ 37 Spig' t 38 MonjU' 1 40 Barium tsym.) Ijik hi 'Oip.rl ' ' US- 1 1 due ! l.iliilll ut'i: pjOil !';,iis(f SeC -!(. ,'H'jlii -,ntl

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