rAGZ (Second Section THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER till) tlS Here Speaking Of HOMEMAKING i ii.i.i v(; Tiir. ( ookii: jaii The t ,t-k ut keeping tilt' cookie jar tilled i a weekly event in many homes, - i --! .- 11 - vln-ie there are children wlui clamor fur aftcr- c,.iiinl Miaik- or lunch boxe Likr mhii hakim, day i tr in- uiit mine iu- i ei 'Pc ai e -unit' y mi II enjoy Nut ( iiiniht's 1 1 . cup- -llle-lt Mulli l. -i I I l-)i. Mill i i up l.m li i. i j i up lii ' n in .n' 1 , i np i:i .uui'alt it ut'.tr 1 i-i'i: i .. I- p .iiulla 1 Hip l hopped nuts 1 clip c hopped I a i-1 i is Silt tut'tlii r flour, oda. anil - alt. Cream iom-Uici I mi 1 nni a ml sug ars until lii'lit and Holly. Ailil eyg and anilla. Beat u.ll Add flour mixture to creamed mixture. Mix well. Fold in nut - and lai-niv Drop by teaspooi.l ul- mi u in' i ea-ed bak ing sheets Hake in moderate oven Dog Barked Alarm State College Hints To Farm Honiemakers Hy Ruth t'uirent State Home Demonstration Agent li 375 1 I'- lor cup cup tsp. t-P ten minute . Raisin Bars i ai in- 1 ci 1 t- -P silted hakin:' -alt nmir puv. lift' THANKS to the barking of "Trixie," who seems quite pleased with him self, two-year-old Gene Stanch field is safe in the arms of his moth er in their Elizabeth, N. J. home. The UtUe boy had fallen into a fish pond while playing with his pet and the dog's frantic barking attracted Mrs. Stanchfield. The tot barely es caped drowning. International) Itet'oie discarding that purse or indha'-', which looks shabby, try uivenutiii-: it witli a little home cleanim-1. Home economists suggest cleaning soiled spots or worn-off color that may give a dingy or i wui ii liiuk to a purse which other wir.e is in aoud condition. To hide water spots or other tains on a .smooth leather purse, nili with colored shoe cream or wax n.ilisli. either colored or cle:r. -, i 1 1 1 1 :.puls on a suede bag often ma- he H iiiou d just b light rub bing Willi veiy tine sandpaper. Sci aphid place-, or worn corners on u.lwt'd leather may be touched up with matching .shoe- dye. India ink ii, a be u.ed to touch up black leatlyr. Avoid the n-:e of dry cleaning ll ii i ii on' leather because it removes the natural oils and may make it crack. Rut on fabric purses, clean ing lluid may be used successfully not 1 1 ii 1 to take out spots hut also to remove the dimiiiicss that comes l rum '.'.ciieral soil. Budget Fish .Meals For Lent .us! ;, ; ten S .. ; : .i. i !.ci Hour and -all. Beat ept;- urailuallv. Add hot ilia extract. Mix well. mixture to cc.g mixture. 'er over raisins ut, Drain, bakn.''. powder. adding sugar water and van- Add flour Mix well. Kohl in raisins and nuts. Spread in paper-lined pan. Bake in moderate . im ii. :!7." lor thirty minutes Cut in bar Monkey Faces 1 ; i ( up- sif t ed flour 1 j tsp. soda i i tsp. salt 1 4 I - p. ginger ' i t-p. cinnamon 1 i cup slim tening ! j cup brow n -.ugar 1 tsp. vinegar : i (up bu! 1 1 rmilk : 1 cup UHlla- -e- Sitt together (lour, ginger and cinnamon, gether -hoiieniin; and light and (Sully. Add soda, salt Cream to sutiar until vinegar and Uncle Sam Is Keeping Eye On Tax Returns WASHINGTON -- Al Don't try to cheat on your income lax. If L'ncle Sam doesn't lind you out by examining your return, there are many informers. Last year the government fixed a hawk eye on some 3.0(111.000 tax re turns. It recovered about $2,000. 000.000 in additional revenues and penalties from person- who-e faul tv or crooked returns were found in the batch. It's going to be tougher this year for taxpayers who trv to eheal. Tin Internal IVveniie Bu. is reniOh ening it- for-es and -t ream I in i ng its enforcement measures II hope to do "more and better work". blend well. Combine buttermilk and nulla- -c Add Hour mixture to en amed mixture alternately with milk Drop by teaspoonluls on un-giea-ed baking sheet. Make faces with currants or raisins. Hake in mociei ate oven 350 for ten to fif teen minutes. Pattern Cookies l'-t Clip .siltill flour alt hoi tening ui'ar kec! for bu nun l ti clip cup gg 1 j tsp. vanilla Sift together Cream together sugar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h hi eggs and vanilla flour mix' in.- lu mixing on:;, ingredient . floured hoai d flour and shortening and flutlv. Beat well. el eameil salt, and Add Add mixture, enough to combine ('lull. Roll out on Cut w ith fancy shap ed cookie cutler-. Bake in moder ate oven Ii7.'i lor leu minutes. l'i esidi nt Truman has , Congress to appropriate fund adding 7.000 persons to tin leau's "front-line' forces of 2 investigator:;, funds for p.ivmcnt ol rewards for information leading to conviction in court, or recovery ol delinquent taxes, have been lipped to SaOO.OOO from $100,000. Lots of j private citiens report tax evasions now. and the buieaii hope- mure Will ill the Inline. I III addition, the govornnn n i pliltin ! into ell' i ' ' for the lie I liui. an auditing lonlrnl. or amplne1 Astern, wliirh colisiderahh in creases he chance I hat v our re tin n ma be checked up. ev :: though Hie l et urn mi tiled i . : plan- lhle. The government feel- that tin, 1 returns will he collect. Ihvonue , oRicer- ..a that f.n I jii ove that an enoi niouslv high perci lila ;e of t:i- payers are cuiiipb-tel linncl ami I act ill good l.utll But people make a lot ot mistakes, mirlly mistake, ' Here are suggestions for tasty, : iiou: i-liing, sandw iches which- are easy to prepare and are econo mical: (liound ham and carrots .ill- -ntir cream dressing on whole w hea! bread. Chopped beef or olh- i nval and cabbage with salad hi --in:; on buttered white or whole wheal bread. Chopped car ;nts raisins or prunes and nuts with -aiad dressing on buttered white bread, whole wheat or oat meal bread. Take care of your household lin en for it nays its dividends in long er wear. Try reversing your sheets on the bed to give them equal ".ear: rotate your sheets and tow els in use. in the laundry, in the closet. Mattress pads prolong the wear of your sheets and your mat tress. Watch for springs, splinters, nails, anything that will snag or tear your sheets and towels. Don't yank your sheets off the bed; don't crumple your linen carelessly or use pillowcases as laundry bags for it's all needless strain on your things. in arithmetic or errors caused by ignorance. Of course there -ore al va s some chiselers. some crooks. They must be clumped down. Ordinarily the checking of re iiirus is done when experienced in vestigators think a return looks un usual and worth investigating. Un der the new audit control program, returns to he checked will be pull ed at random whether they look suspicious or not. This is so the bureau will be able to gel some over-all ideas of over ill problems. For instance the Bu reau hopes eventually to rind what ivpis of returns need specific in vi -t i.'at ion. whether they fall into certain prolossions, certain areas, i t i tain income brackets. Officials make it clear the audit ing is keved to the fact that the investigator or agent is only check-in.- up to get a cross section of in loimalioii . . . not to try to trap individuals. "Alter all, we may find the tax payer has gypped himself," an offi cial told me. "We make millions of n funds every year . . . over $40,- 000,000 this year for instance." ! SPAGHETTI 'N CODFISH CAKES . . . For meatless days. WiWrj 'MUM ' MZfiSP&. fetf' 4Utt& 1 WW: !,f lie M M-tM.: . . tailf!iiiimii-ifcmiiiiiMiittiiiiiiiMMiiimiiTO Serve it in scallop shells. i SCALLOPED OYSTERS By CECILY BROWNSTONE i mm SHOWDBIFT 3 lb. Can 3c SUFEH SUDS Large Box 2Sc Associated Press food Kditor Here are two inviting ways to fix fish for Lenten meal- one rec ipe uses that old Inexpensive standby, codfish; the other caters to seafood lovers and calls for oys ters. SPAGHETTI W CODMSII CAKES Ingredients: 2 cups salt codfish, 3 cups niashi'l potatoes. 2 eggs, dash of freshly ground pepper, 1 eight-ounce package spai'llelli, ' 2 eight-ounce cans tomato sauce, grated Parmesan cheese. Method: Soak the codfi ,b in cold water about 2 hour-. Drain and add fresh water, lirini; to boil and simmer 10 to l.i minutes. Drain and press dry l-'lake and mix well Willi luasheil potaloe. . beaten egg and dash of freshly ground pep per. Shape into sniall halls or drop by heaping It-a .pnonl ills -into hot deep 1 at OoTi-li.'iu I'. I and fry until goldi n In own. about '. to 4 minutes, if thei nioiiieler i not available, fat i hoi enough when a (ine-ini h. cube of bread "Vision" While Praying Reveals Car Smash PHOCTOR VILLI-:. O. ( CP) Raymond Hoggs told Sheriff Peter A. Burke that he bad a vision while praying that his son Charles, 22, and Krnest D. Swindler, 10, had been in a car which plunged off the highway one mile north of here. A searching party went to the pot to discover the car contain ing the two bodies under 20 feet of water in Bent Creek. The sheriff said the auto apparently left the road and went into the creek dur ing a heavy fog. WESSON OIL Ouari Sic BLUE PLATE MAYONNAISE PINT hmn JEMIMA PKf 20-oz. 3Sp Boxes 2)2)1' QUAKER OATS 20-oz. BOXES 2c SfflLOlU STEAK SSSk l. S)c Fresh J)1 Bacon 5)M PORK LIVER LB. & fl C SQUARES LB. S)C FRESH EGG ISLAND STANDARDS Jf SELECTS ETTI TZSt OYSTERS pint (gC pint ffiQC . i j. "Cinderella" Burglar Trapped By Shoes CHICAGO (UP) A new-type Cinderella developed when police chased a man and a woman who were trying to rob a house in Oak Park. Officers found a pair of loafer shoes in the snow where the wo man valuted a four-foot fence. Overtaken and still in her stock ing feet, the womait denied the shoes were hers. But police tried them on and said they fit her perfectly. browns in 40 to SO seconds. In the meantime cook spaghetti accord ing to directions on package and heat tomato sauce. Arrange spa ghetti in large serving disti; place fish balls in center and pour hot tomato sauce over. Sprinkle gen erously with Parmesan cheese. Makes (i servings. Note: If desired the spaghetti, to mato sauce and cheese may he served together, and the codfish cakes separately. SCALLOPED OYSTERS Ingredients: 1 quart oysters, 13 cup cream, lt'j cups cracker crumbs, 'a cup butler or marga rine ( melted I. cup chopped green pepper, 1 .i cup chopped cel ery, sal and paprika ito laslei. Method: Drain oysters; reserve liquid and combine Willi cream. Mix cracker crumbs and melted butler or margarine. Crease scal lop shells or ramekins. Mix ovs- lis. buttered crumbs, green pep per, celery, salt and paprika and the cream mixture. Spoon into shells and bake in a but i400- F.i oven for minutes. Pfe Robinson On Cruise In The Mediterranean PI'c. Edgar Wiley Robinson. USMC, soli of Mrs. James D. Wyalt of Way nesville, is touring the Med iterranean while serving aboard the light cruiser USS Manchester with tne Sixtn t ask Fleet. The Manchester is participating in a goodwill tour which will afford the crew the opportunity to make visits in Italy; Greece;' France, Turkey, and Gibraltar. WOMEN'S WORK UtOZI N I OOI lir.CIPKS savi: cook s inn: Hy F.I.IZAISF.'I 11 ToOMFY n.,ii.,.l Press Staff Correspondent NKW YOltK it'Pi A veritable ,....,..i..i.rti ol frozen food recipes and menus just published starts off ..an, the ar-re-ling statement that frozen foods could save the aver age hoineinaker an extra monins time each year. It i.-; our conservative observa tion that the regular use of frozen foods save the homeinaker two and .i in rli-.i'c a a halt tlavs a iiiooui, " year," states the Frozen Food i..i.i..ii,,ii inc. in the foreword t Thi. Frozen Food Cookbook. The Foundation doesn't claim to be in the recip? business, but the two authors of the cookbook called on the officials to look over and approve the 461 pages oi reci pes, menus and general food freez ing information. Dr. Jean I. Simpson and Miss Demetria M. Taylor, the authors, include everything from a discus sion of whether meats should be thawed before cooking to a chapter on "When Men Cook" and suggest ed menus for women who want to diet. rozen Meat Meats can be cooked successfully from the hard frozen state in most cases, the authors decided, if you remember to allow from half to almost twice again as long a cook ing period as you would for cor responding cuts of fresh or de frosted meat. The best method of defrosting is in the refrigerator to prevent excess shrinkage and loss of juice-. The recipes are simply presented and easy to follow, like this one dish meal for cold weather dinners: Corn Chowder ' i cup finely cubed salt pork 1 medium onion, sliced 1 cup finely diced potatoes 2 cups boiling water 1 teasp. salt 1 pkg, frozen cut corn 2 cups milk 1 s teasp. pepper Cook pork in large kettle until crisp, add onion and cook until golden. Then add potatoes, water and salt and boil until potatoes are almost tender. Add frozen corn and cook until tender. Finally, add milk and pepper and cook until thoroughly healed. Serves four or five. One Dish Artisls The authors felt men who cooked had a tendency to develop a single specialty and stick with it through thick and thin; so they collected recipes from amateur "one-dish specialists" to encourage the fel lows lo branch out. "Men are more enthralled by work savers than wo men.'' according to the cook book, sii frozen food dishes are a natural for the olf-and-on-agaii! male cook. I he male recipes all be Electric Eye Grades Lemons DAVIS, CAL. (U.P.) A machine that can size find shape 240 lemons s minute was demonstrated here i,y John H. Powers, agricultural engineer In the University of Cali fornia. The machine uses an elec tric eye that opens one of five doors, depending on the size of shadow cast by the lemon as it passes by. en names of the mysterious donors. Arthur's Veal Cutlet Rosemary 2 lbs. frozen veal cutlet Vi cup seasoned flour 3 onions, sliced 2 tbsp. fat 1 teasp. salt 2 tbsp. paprika 1 cup sour cream Defrost veal and cut in serving size pieces, then dredge pieces in seasoned flour. Saute onions in fat until golden brown and add floured veal. Brown thoroughly on both sides, then sprinkle with salt, paprika and powdered rosemary. Add sour cream, cover and simmer one hour. Serves six. FRIDAY Osjrii i. r- ; r H .,n:;,T;i , Wil li, I ..I " ,"",',-.;,1.1 "HI II,,, "aik -1 II Men,- ( , "nr. ii.- i-.k "I'l'iii ii-H -'l-iu t st ui pow ali,iu -,, ........ V,"1"'" iii-it W hi" , hoi e (h : VM. ,,I('U Hi., til. Farming Smoother! Tire-Chansing: Made Easier WEIRTON, W. Va. ( VP i Tire changing is not the arduous task BB'nce presented by detachable wheel rims, but a local inventor. Walter F. Schultz, wants to trim still more of the hard work con nected with the job. He has in vented a hub-engaging whetd shoe mounted on a spring tube to sup port the weight pf a wheel and tire and simultaneously adjust it on the hub bolts. iLAFF-A-DAX YourOld-Ti ir the giv-l s 1 ff . "I CAN TRUST A&P. ii imUul wl J'i4 " ,rurt ,hi' prices rtuou9houHl" i I (((jfi Y"l Plllllllll rt Dn know I wouldn't save by ihopfi 1 mNAAV&F' Om' 0 ' ilil! OT 'un' th lown. I don't mei xXLjfeaSfc Tfdf' fl something somt time ol a lowif sJi ZjV- f Jl. ,'m ' mon wt,e" ' 1,1 1,1 s5i2? JrteM V 'hopping lkr, week in ond wii IlA ,ov mony oni h"" ,hl M :$k fTlK fr ' fonty con buy. Yes, I tan trust All. issgi - VJ I j,-, B aianry comfortoble ft KlREAL'-mOES; Ifi EVERY DAY V me Favorite of Tomorrow iit's-Feature Flavor of TM. in- ' ii old-ti"1 toasty, flavoriome cocoanut in )us( Yes, Pet Caramel Bisque is youi made even more delicious! A T.t- hnmo a oint or t01 enjoy the flavor treat of the Andwhen you entertain ...highlight the occasion with a royal treat. ..Ptiactst Pet.. .the richer, creamier, de luxe Ice Cream in the Orchid Carton, stamped with the Crest of Quality! That's Princess Pet - the Ite Cream for those who want the finest! Hert they eomjX