HE WAYNE SVTLLE MOUNTAINEER PAGEFTVl THE AMERICAN LOOK FOR SPRING rinlivn.i;iii.i-jiiiim;i im mmorn l ,awycr i Itory vi I J ovies 601 Ml PCR HOUR. ffBRUARV 8 1919 I lTi-Prosccutor F-80jft in- seven n, J A NUA BY Si IQK 1 : . ...iiini; his B-29 V&M. PfRHOUQ DfCfMBlRIIW! 4& Ul . ,...,,M PC- KR HOUR I t r ' 30.19JS ""' i rnoua .,,"). i... the APRIL that can , he said. ,, can and must l the "der- 41943 ! .1' HI' dMricl aiiomcj. h prosecuieu - ,,.", in a"u ion nf seven, m- L,lMTiiniH"' l?u" f liv llT. (U'M'" - u,s, criminal in urt, .. - ---- al Warners uimr. ler. I"'- k ,i will !' "hat Lifi- picture," Tur' :At(,r goes a im X toughest, most evl1 Tjon iliis country has j reached from coast C ramifications oi o Apunilion. jllir t-tnn market! uit J . leaders oi oi- ,eii(i(l "ecu sent iu it'' I he underlings Tiirkus said. "If ri they're usually iomi-lliini: disassocl- jr real crimes, HKc MI'II. .Aliens "I viuiucp, yhi,,-! iiit lor law !.- the activities a it ,i,.,-n:il vigilance is ,1 11 1 I) 111 11 I.,,., vl. viirk since hi; lelt 4,iii'phv office in pp." oik as technical ad fcidure when it goes Big Money es Tricky CD U Ii A movie tan make $!i(0,000 or In a single picture money, no matter spent, says Niven beer pi-mincer spends on and autlienlie de 'ans the difference il picture and a so-eo-l llieves. leer nr movie execu tally made expensive wasted money," he 't make more than lovic-iiKiking is such y expensive opera- extra, unnecessary he a disaster. ruin Hollywood, he keep on thinking id is a world where fortunes away ears ! are tuned to noth- H.OOO.OOO and execu plated ignoramuses. feme cartoonists and that idea,'' Busch fie executives are most level -headed loss-like administra- linlrv Competition Ice dollar is a tricky wsincss of getting it fPeiiiive 'author of "Duel in Tile Furies." is Jute a movip from "tories. "Daybreak spring. There'll be let's, he assure": no trs. eost engineers, llll' llllllf.'t 1 font of "Davbreak Wlllll Of the horrlor i-H' Uusch feds like money." llp t,inteH Ping to build sets." uttier producers, is as handsome a pic c o" as little money iu... rl0" vv,wow lfow pols or h con ,0,; 0 , CAPE JACKETS . . . These arc top news in all New York collections. One version is the costume at left a tie silk dress topped by a brief cape-sleeved wool jacket lined in the print, by Paul Parnes. At rii'ht, is a dress and matchine, hip-length cape in navy wool, slated for top honors in the Easter parade. f 9.. J. ' 5 . ; I ' i . -M? il.i'ltW5iip I . V BOLERO COSTUME . . . Another top '49 fashion in navy alpaca. Dress has a pink, short-sleeved top. North Carolina Nevs From The Wires of Associated Fre and Vnited Press A Big Haul Revenooers raided 16 stills in North Carolina last week, confis cating: Seven cars, three trucks and two mules. T. Ed Patton, agent in cbarg" of Federal Alcohol Tax Unit office explained mules generally are used to do the heavy work around stills. New Fungus Disease A curious malady which proved fatal to a rhilH has led tn the dis covery of a new fungus disease by uuKe university doctors, it is called "Pure granulomatous noca rdiosis." Fighting Reds Sil P 1 rl il II t .- nnrl 4' ...... 1 1 . ninmhm "MLMVfl 1 llll JillUli; 111 ltl'V . nf tViA it..: : ..f N" . ,.-f S Carolina would be required to take iion-uommunist oath under a res olution offered to the university's board of trustees. SHIRTWAIST LOOK . . . The indispensable casual one-piece dress in pincheck cd wool, white pique. Tin- tni-tees voted to turn the i . flut ion eer t" i's executive ((niinittec for arti'm. Killed In Scuflle , si upfte between police and four Nrcrocs they sought to ar rc t in-oiinht He;tli to Negro Frank Mrxander Uiiiii- in Kings Moun tain Con -t?blr Warren G. Klbson hred ;it Burns alter the officer was thrown to the ground in the fishl. The Negro died instantly. rober -;id 'he group, sitting In 3 jrited car, resisted arrest for pussebsing illegal liquor. Construction Is Up Permits for $r..:j7.!).V worth of eonsh ne t inn we e issued in North C.'ii olin.i during J.-nuary, I he state Inhor department has reporled. The permits covered 1,227 pro jects in 74 municipalities, the re port said. Total cost of the con struction was two million dollars higher than the total for Decem ber pnrt "lightly ahovc last Janu ' -- '" I TIE SILK SUIT . . . New and rij;ht for springjacket ar.ci .'ress in navy dotted surah, fi"in New York. ary's figure. Of tl,e tet.il. b:fl permits were for new hu p'nd apartments to house (i''ti ''!'"'- Thicvcs (ict Cash Thieve drilled the lock off a filling st.'fon safe near the east end (,f We-t Asheville bridge and made awav with $350 in rash and the sale door. Tliev broke the glass ,,i of the front door to get into I he building. Homes Given Orphans Seven children orphaned by shot--ain bla t:- laM week, received of f ri- of homes. Deputy Coroner Caiv W. Ien hoiir "-aid C baric-- Teeter iot bis wife and (ben killed himself Monkey Business lo a barrel of monkeys hut five Inns of I've ones are on a ship ex pected in Wilmington soon. Nobody seemed to know exactly how many monkeys arc in five Ions. The freighter Steel Architect, from India, will unload cargo be fore proceeding northward. Cargo j destined for Wilmington docs not include the monkeys. But around 1930, citizens recall, one got off a 'hip in Wilmington fill i VI-1 ijf ls. f -4 , .:.''". . . i -i. knsi;mi?li; . s m i' 1 V clion-'i.- Im hi 1 1 1 :;. 1 points above the pncM't red dotU'il mi H'l ; uf all, W5i DRESSMAKER E ! S I M- BLE . . . Jacket and ch ess in black and vh:io r!x- l.i d wool. All-pui '' '"llht accidentally. The "ay ' ' il, the monk did a Santa I.hi. Act. He camp' noun a ilmno ' covered with mioI anil diaiipli'l a dinner paitv in a home. Killed In Fall A es-yer-oid ra lali'm "pri tor was in .laiiHv I ilh ! ".b- n ii,,nl-il.-a 10 feel over i oi I; v in A'-hexille. John M. Wi hbt died of a bri! -en neck. He landed on hi:, head on a sidewalk alter the -hurt tall Teen-Age Jobs Sauce A continuing detrea r h , n - Hiucrl el-lttnTlVOt Ot IfP tl a ' ' in the state to about oni -ihnd of j its 1(4 peak cm S I.alior i Commissioner 1 oi rr: H Sbufford reported, it still is Hill ii '' higher than it v."- !(l var He said the nui"brr muho!' under 18 years ol age eeried lor industrial enip)o anei'l has riii'Pprd every year suite tint more i than two and a half limes as many minors entered industrial .l"1':- last year as were certified in iy;!). In added. Corn Movie Ready The North Carolina AjrienMur.il Extension service previewed its first ediictionnl movie. The tolui ;i 1 1. i .1 ,C'v'MN.rtil .'ipc of j'rav flannel is a timc- lilted jacket is "petaled" in I he :;k n t . Cape is lined in to match Mouse. AEL-OCCASION SUIT . . . Sn 1 1 y tai lored suit in royal i t I i ' wool with pt'inf sban tni)'; ascot and linin;;. i "moi'e corn per acre," will he id', lor general showing Ihrough- p " f urn ' fix i i.nl Hie stale uilliin In 'lays, ac ' ! i -ii -ling to Dr lv H. Collin,., exlen ! .'en .i:.i iiiionusl . Th'' lilin shows Hie ' vrial .t!-i. required to grow ;iiorl i in n I)i T'ollm... along with p ! I iii'ii !'' nup'tt ami Dr U. A. " l.i . int. ilul nio -l of Hie woi k on II I lie' movie. 'th.' ' ilcb-b.izel dee bursts into bloom when other tries are shcil liii4 their loliage and when its own leaves are yellow anil tailing LAFF-A-DAV ; "I understand he picks up somo nic side rnoppy cu'ting hair.'y Peace Comes to Bobtown And Jail Closes Down HOHTOWN. Pa. i UP The old tiniei's are saving this southwest ern .Pennsylvania town is going soft. Time was when rough-tough brawls were a regular Saturday night f i', dure in Bobtown, then a sprawling oil boom town. The jail was the most densely populated building in town after these set- Ins. But the millennium has arrived. The jail has been closed for lack of busiue ;. ,iinl converted into a 1 o.l olViec, "Now we ilon't even have a po liieni.in in I a night watchman," line of tin- veleran residents ob 1 served. Want Ads Bring Quick Results EM S FOR QUILTING SUPPLIES CHOICE COTTON BATTS V eckend Special 2-Lh. fi-Oz. Batt 89c Value 'J7C Mountain Mist $1.09 While Cottons 3 LB. PART WOOL BATTS $1 .19 QUILT LINING MATERIALS Fast Color Prints Fast Color Solids 20c yd. -up 29cYd-uP Dark Outing 39" Red Plaid 3Qc Yard OQc Yard (ford? LL LANGTRY "Our Brand" DOMESTIC SHEETING c Yard J 0c Yard i i i TOBACCO CANVAS 2- And 3-Yard Widths ritlt'ED TO MEET ALL COMPETITION GET YOURS AT RAY'S WEEKEND 55c OIL CLOTH j I AY'S Dept. Store USAf XB-U7JBT More Romance Forecast Ifl Ballroom Dancing CHICAGO (UPi When skirts were short, dancing meant lots of leg action, but for longer women's skirts, one expert predicts more romantic dancing. Since ballroom dancing has al ways conformed to skirt length, contends Donald Sawyer, New York dance master, the 1949 dance steps will be slower, smoother, bet ter for romance. Sawyer told mid-west members of the National Danciny Masters Association lure that the jilterbua wenl out with the short skirt. The sliding C'n..tle Walk for long kirts. and the Charleston for knee lenglli he.,:.es, go with the new look. Sawyer said. ' A Cheap Way To Sell Want Ads YOUB .'-Lb. Batt 97c Value gc Manchu $1,19 for Fancy Quilts You Will Find Bay Values Outstanding SPECIM, 48c Yd-