FRIDAY, r ' THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER GO TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERYSUNDA' .,r:. ; if 1 : (The (Soliatn (Test Parables Dramatize Jesus' Teaching ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. Bueher 112k' "'-I & At The Churches i.oNf;'s riMPrx methodist cwkch Paul II Ihnkw.iil Pastor Friday. March -I' 2::t'l p. in. in lil lav i.f Prayer Service at I Ik- chinch. Ml mem bers i)t Hit- lunch a. i- im iled 7 aid p la J .iiml.v. ' Im"! Wi.i k prs Conoid meeting in the base ment of l In' rliunh Sunday . Mal i li fi: 9 45 a m. Sunday -' h"l I'm' all age group. Hers, hi I .lefferies W ill b- tin- I'll.-1 L a. her nt llir Men's Bible Cla--. All men of the church and i 1 1 1 . i. it jir in vited to ath inl 11 a in ('..iiiieilim-nt Das :er V ice u it h the eiiii'.n lv the pa-tor Mrs. W K. ( -art. r v i!l give llio special lav alleli c at t hi scrv ice 7:30 p in Metlimli t Yi'iitli fel lowship. Snhl'i! li . lie evoiiil'S' worship ",'vhit Ku.'lil This is tin I'u t hi the l'i la 1..I III)!' ' t Know What 1 l.'i 'hi Ann i i i In I service. All . i u 1 1 j , .', -el le- oil I i . tan 1 1, Mars ,li i l.i thi niil, ..t the c-4 j i tin u 1 1 1 1 v an- n.iiii ill- in . ili'il Menu'. e . M.u !i 7 Methodi I 1 ii i: I I, I'. M.i-A hip Siihi! Metis p. Ill T" :it meei .it ; Central -t i him h. ('.;: leii. at 7 30 a . Man li !h 7 - is. ' i ' 1 1 1 ti'U I'Viici-hip ln.'ii . it - reui lar monthly ovcred di li -upper iiiee'.in-; at the church. A ! t 't- lat meeting the following nllicer-. were (leclitl. President, iVi-s I'eail Jiihii-ini. s lec-preidcnt, Huell Nolaial. -ccrctaiy and lieas ii i i r. Mrs. Craig Hi eves: program cl.. orn, an. Mrs Charles Edwards. All a. lulu of tlie cl.ui'i h are invit ed tu 1 he li-llnY, ship meeting. Mr and V.i- Kill 1! Noland. together i ith Mr. and Mr--. Floyd How man, -a ill he iii-hu-t and hostesses till' Ma. Illll ( -hakim v mi THODIST ( lltl I I I C i Newell. I'.elor Crahl'ce Sunday School at 10 30 l oin kukpatrick. Supt. And I . i L'li-on. Assistant Supt. Chin eh -ci-vici's each second and foiiilh Suhdav at 11.3(1 o'clock. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 6' .:)) p in. Davis Chapel -Sunday Sehool at 1(1 o'clock. Kiank Davis, Supt Jar-vi- Caldwell. V - i- t.-.i.t Supt. Church S.-rvne each first and third Suinl.i.s at 11 u'cloik. Mitlii.ili-t ouili Fellowship at 7 in lot k Joe ( aid". . II president I iiuhn Clupel Sunday fUhi,i,l ,.l in o'clock, rrtd Nilalld Supt . V .1 Mi i i .0 '. ,s , hui ih Service- e.n h fii'U and tlilid Sunday- at 11 o'liock Meihudi t Youth Fellov-ship at 7 o'cloik. Mi l.ucile IFmey Tabor, pi esidenl Mt y,r, Sunilav School at 10 o'cloik ! . !n I lii.ft i-. Sup!. t Inn i h i i v n-e.. ev 1 1 y second and tutu th Sot. day at 1 1 o'clock Yrs ll LF. I'lthsin IF KIAN III l( II Rev Malcolm li. William on. I'a tor S, h.a.i ni :o en o'( lock. Whitelier I'levot. II, a I lilt elllli-nt . Mortiii.;' Wnr-hip. I I DO o'clock. Sermon hv l)i II II 'rhuinp-oii on Vi -itai ion l.v .on eli in Special inn- ii I. . t lie ( hun ii choir. Mi" , .1 I. K il pali irk direc tor Flora i r and Youth Fellow hip nieetiim.- at (i.'Ml p. in Dr. II 11. Thorn p --on. director of F.var.?eli m for the General As sembly i t iiie F: e -b.. tc rian Church in the- Urit'-I State . v. ill he the guest pnjrhc:' at l!; nairninq ser vice. He will duvet a Prr-sbytcry-Wide pin.'ian: of i- i it.on Kva.n Relism throughout the w k. lie will speak to a rail-- of iniiii-ters TAKE OFF UP TC IN 10 DAYS! . 5im i tASY TO HAVt A MOOQ. ftGVU Pro Dvfi NO LAX ATT VI no unaui NO MUST UQUWI NO TIRINO ROUTIMII f Those tebby buigw that spot yAu luuearancc. tine taverv oi ucir hit Lhal eh mm down phviicafl r and mentally can now be r mi W piauea oy eye-catciung curve qunikj Y,tsij, -mitiv, pjffltantly. beaJthf ulijr The Troom I ,r Tablet W.if. Moat weeoes oeed never atta aufler irom oceta fat! TREMETT SWEET TABLETS BRING MIRACULOUS RESULTS I 0haoa. autntiocia IntamU tmbitU kr mo miy Umt. Yam ui emrrj them 1b your par mmd imtm tham liwiiw jam mtm with m fan, mi or mm amiMiim. tt Uma u roa vmH mmmif. Hm wmxiaj with BgaMs rtjmrmi. Owaij wuwtim foa wth rcqutmd wttmtaiim ud Mtnertia ad amrmy Kwooid ortfenaniy gmt from trnttttaog foodi. Cm- IDS I mmmia mm rnltndB. UtMi MMilta oC IM mm mm, ', Biekar wmj Im tlwm Ammm . U-OAY NO-RISK TRIAL Tnr momt mhum fun hr kmt wmmtoL, hw am proved IWiira, roa Mtt took, turn) bettor mr m ft YOUB MDNBT BACK WUHOUT dVVBTION. Th. nnt jam mm, tmt MM m Om tomt oi mmt jm jmtn tar. TimiiI B mmo Ml.lhtNl la lotm tor bemm SMITH'S DRUG STORE Jesus taught by the seaside and as the multitude crowded around IK stepped Into a ship and sat in it while He tallied to the people, using pai.illrs to make His points char and the lav worker fir-l I'ri hv in tell. ll sundav alteii.oon al'ti lot 1- Fl os' rams of m- d .0 ion v. ill he stai'ed hv all t id A im die I'm h '.' . colllllla, Vv l t k In a n lion i n i n -' ;la of l)r 'riiiunpsi n la i Malcolm U Willi. i I lie local I ' 1 1 s 1 1 v It ii urues cv i'i' otic who t do so to be present Si ing to heai Dr 'l lionii engaged exclusively u of evangelism A number ol local church have the program ol gelism. vvoi'Kei's in li: CHRISTIAN Sunday SI IKM K March li. siiivki: i ii in The subject lor moll at the Chi i-ti v u e on next Sun, I: be "Man." The .ervieo will ( l;u; eh i ooliis on t of till Mil OIlK o clot k . ;l I ! G RACE III K II IN I III MOI ST IS Episcopal The Rev. Edgar Gould. Hector March 6: First Sundav in 1 a lit !l 4.i a. m . Choi i 11.0(1 a. in llol liool. C and sermon. Wedne.-day , March ll: 8.00 p. in.. Evening M-r ice ami address LAKE JIN'Al.lskl ItAI'tlST H. V ( ) .1 He. K F.e t.ii Sunday clioal at III o i loi I; . vv It h f) R hilev , ii i ,i,t, ml, .,; I'reai hiiii' i , e , ., loll., I'u -.1 S.uiida'. ai 7 :io llio -I ' .oil at 1 1 0 cloi k Mid-vvi ek pra . i , i .. , at 7 1 o I 1 Oi li . CLYDE Ml llliilii i ( '11 Hi II W T. .Me.llin I, Urn, I. i Sundd i . ll.ii i Ii I.. I 'i Pi (ALL SERVICES IN IMF NEW ( III K( il 10:01) ( hit: . h ''.el I. el Sopel inleial, o I 1 00 Momma, Win hip Mr (' i t I. ii k, ion t inii i i - i li 'Ml Mi I bodi I Voi,: ii I-. I!.,,-,, htp. 7::S0 Fveiino , !,,,, .1,, 1 program n nil, r the on , 1 1 e ,u Miss .Janice Snial ln i ; The Com oval mi: ot t he CP de Bapti I Chun h v. ill h, , . , , eiie-t- ai ih, .inii mi - i,,,, ,,i 1 1 00. ST. JOIiV s ( i;t If lies , A. F. Rohi b.a I cr. I'a tot Mass w ill b a- follow : Waynessille, St. John'-, (hunh. esers Sunday at 1! a.i'i. Canton, YMCA 'ouiKiiim. eve:; third Sunday at 8 a in. f ikst iiaetisT lit it' ii Ih.v. I.. C. 'Flli'ilt, I'a i.,r Sunday Sunday School at D 4a ah!) a place and a veliorte for tl o , of cs-n-.v age. Tl.s suriiv v.r t , u j Jesus as the i.'leatesi of all . ,, -p. ers, the lesson' he tan "lit am! i,. methods he used. ()ur stud;.- in vites us to find the an. wits t hkiov questions. Mr. Morijiiii's Bible r lass will be on the air. Morning Worship id 11:00 The pastor s subject w ! he. ' l'i i,avv Your Mind". S-i in: !,. lesion. i Romans 12:1-3. Spen.-.i n-,u-ie ,v 1 the Senior Choir din clod lr- Charles Isley; Mrs )(11il'I;,s Moore. : organist. This service w ill be broad- ' cast over WHCC Baptist Training Ci.ion ;d (J.aO I The Junior Cniun will have charge of the assernblv. Evening Wor-hip at 7 :n'i "Ann Chair Christiarut v will he tin j pastor's suhjecl. Seii,in,,. ,. . .,n. ; Luke 9:23 27 Sp rial run ,c b;, the : Youth Choir. Monday Intermediate K. A.'s meit at the Listen To Read Your Bible Campaign Every Friday 6:45 P. Hf. WHCai400K.C. I Jesus' first parable was about a man who sowed seed, some of which were eaten by birds, some withered In the sun same were choked by weeds but same flourished and wer harvested a i"e .-.! w A. meets v illi Mary Chare , ; 7 ad Mrs .loe I itier will ; tin mi ion Mtutty class at I'.ii aiu s Women's Circle meets . ;, FI- ie and Edna Mc- . ai at 7 ill). . ;ll ,in, mi el ill the church of- 'III. of the W'.M.S. meet at ihows: Moon Circle with Mrs. Sin;.'.lelary. Mrs. Boyd 11 have charge of the pro- I in siiav- l.i. Hi ll wi Ann Ilassoltlne Judson Circle w nli Mrs. Will Medford; Mrs. Guy Mi'sser is associate hostess. Mrs. i Kan I Messcr w ill be program lead er. I Fannie E. S. Heck Circle will li t i I with Mrs Sam Jones. Mrs.; .1. I.. Edwards will have the pro- '';:m. Henrietta Hall Shuck Circle with V!i -,, .1. li. Siler. Eli7,a :itcs Circle with Mrs F I! Ciniiy mill Mrs. Joe .lust ice. vli M T. Hridges will have the mo: raoi. V ( llio sil.iy ioulh Clioir meels for rehearsal at (i 4a. Rcr.ular Midweek Prayer Meet ing ;d 7:30. Senior Choir rehearsal at 8:15. I i iday Intermediate G. A.'s will have j 'heir mission study class Friday iio hl at (i 4"v. They will have a cov di li slipper meeting in the I oel.'il nail HAZEL WOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Paul V Thrower, Minister ' okI. iv. Si hool 10:00 a.m. l.avv- 00 'moil ai ri ovv, Supt. 'dm inn'- in ship 1 1 :00 a.m. 1 1st. 1 I ...,d -nli- Sundays; i. ( htltli . ii ', Hour 6:45 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. (2nd !,. I ..Hi Suiiduvsi. vial W, el, Bible Hour, Wednes-a- 7 :: p in. Followed by Choir . ai a i I he p..-lor'- - object for Sunday ion ne will be, "More Than Good Illll it. Ill ". I v .toe rotational meeting will be la hi lollovviiig the morning -an i.ip to consider the budget for , 1 la ia ,v church seal'. j mi i Inn ch is joining the 'Inula-; nf Asheville Presbytery .ii .i in i ml Visitation Evangelism ( .joipci 'ii March h-10. Visitors will i o i.. v beville for a 3:00 o'clock :i net m". Sunday afternoon, and the ai ', will join the pastor in con tti'cd home visitations Monday. To d ,- and Wednesday evenings. DE ' .1 LI WOOD METHODIST CIRCUIT F 15. Housor. Pastor mitnient Day services will be Kliabeth Chapel Sunday at ock Foslor's theme: "The of Society" Evils of Di ink. The services at Dell it 11 o'clock will be in of the Woman's Society of an Service. ch-,! ; h: IIAZEIAVOOD METHODIST CHURCH Mrs M. V, Lee. Pastor S'li t'ay School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. The -ubiec! of the morning message vili be The Destruction of the Temple". Evening Worship 7 p.m. Song serv ce in which every one is asked to participate followed by a medi tation on the tenth commandment Mid-Week Services Wednesday 7 p.m. Prayer Serv ice. Thursday 3 p.m. Children's Hour. Thursday 7 p.m. Youth Fellow ship. FREE METHODIST CHAPEL Depot St. 1,'ev. Charlotte Bishop and Rev. Ruth Gruber, Co-Pastors Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. 'This Sunday morning and even ing, the Rev. E. R. Dawson of Seat I le. Wash., who is conducting a re vival Feb. 20 through March 6 at tlte chapel, will bring the messages, and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will follow the morning servicp.) Wednesday night prayer meeting 7:30, conducted by Rev. Mary Gladys Tubb. You are cordially invited to wor ship the Lord wRh us in these gos pel services. The who sons tioii pentant, and IN THE UNITED STATES LAST YEAR THERE WAS ABOUT ii 1 DIVORCE ro EVERY 3 MARRIAGES A CHRISTIAN HOME IS A HAPPY HOME ITH ST METHODIST (TUTUTI Hev Km II L. Young. I'aslnr Sunday Sch Massif. Gel. i urge-, all im , to come In . ol. 10 a. i,t. I'rancis ,-d Sup' rinlelident, hei-s ol the family Sunday School and :iiid feel Ilia dilferelice sour hcarl and home. Church, it make.' Mornini- Worship, 1 I o'clock. Followiii'; special music by the Senior Choir, under the direction ;of Mrs. Fred Martin, another lea 'ture of I In service will be the part ' laymen will have in the M-rvice: Donald Corvvin will t'ive the invo cation. Margiiri I Heece will read the Scriplnre and Mr Myrtle 11.1 y ;iiiil Col. .1. II Howell will each make three iiilnille talk-; on the Advance for ( hi i t. The pastor will u- e a- hi Ih. ioe "l iool Ci u i sade To Coit'pie -t . The public is i inviti d : Th. .Methode I Void h Fellow hip. th-la ill Ihe i v i iiiii", v. dl bei.'iii a 1 : ei ii" ol el v i: c oil I he Peliel ill t heme, "How I an I Ktto .. W hat Is Hi, hi " ' All Yoiin I l'i ople Wel- 1 Hilled 111 the I i l V II . The inn - S.i i v ice. 7:110 in the Y.nilii cl... pel. tollou im: Ihe usual Mill:' el v ii e I lie pit lol VV ill diseii-- l he I in, : h : i n" hi l he series ol ci v t In 'lol i li li -t one ago. Conn and "el a lill for Ihe week. The Woiiien' Society of Clin--tiiltl Servue v.ill in. el ill the 'o)di Chapel. Haiti n't Im k. Tuesday aP lernooii Til. n.i w r ei nop in the Pastor'.- Sludv at .1 o'clock. Wedne-dio Choir lieheiirsiils: Youth " o'cloek. in Youth Chapel; Senior, !i o'cloek in Church I'ar-j lor. It i-- mo I in. pni I ant thai every ineinbi r be m it! I'm- these re hearsals a we wiil In- on the ait March IT Sound-Motion Picture Equipment Purchased By First Baptists Last we, k the Fir-t Baptist j Church bou:'ht a lo'mm sound- motion projector, an Ampro Pre mier 20, to be ii-ed in the visual education procram. With this ad ditional ( (Miipnie 'i the First Bap tist Church is m a position to of fer the membership and the many organizations tin- vers best in visu al education. A s ear ago the church was Risen a S .11. projector with sound equipment and large screen. This equipment uses slides and filnistrips and a No has a turntable for playing records no to 16 inches, the same Ivpe of records used for standard broadcasting purposes. One of the chief purposes of the sound-motion projector is to show on the screen the background of Sunday Sc hool lessons each month at the Officers and Teachers meet ings The Woman's Missionary So ciety make , good use of it in show ing films of the various mission fields. There is one other needed piece ol equipment needed and the church wdl have a complete audio visual aid program; A wire record er is anticipated which will make possible the recording of a com plete worship service which can be taken to the homes of sick people and shut-ins The First Baptist Church is lending in the program of audio-vi-ual education in Hay wood counly HORSE IN A HURRY DETROIT ti p) Charged with speeding his junk wagon into the side of an automobile, Louis Small, 62, explained to the judge that his horse. Bob, just couldn't help be ing in a hurry. "He always speeds to gtt home for fupper," he ?a!d.. next parable concerned the man divided his wealth between his two one of whom squandered his por nearlv starved, returned home, re Jeaus' rh lj - storm was welcomed back COOI) DEED UNCREDITED COLUMBUS, O. i UP) When Samuel McKain was knocked down by a bicyclist, a Bos Seoul hurried into a nearby doctor's office for aid. But McKain doesn't believe the youlh should receive credit for his "good deed". The Boy Scout was Ihe bicyclist who hit McKain. m m Parables Dramatize Jesus' Teaching STORIES MAKE HIS MEANING CLEAR v Scripture Mark By NEWMAN CAMPBELL WHAT ib a parable? It ia a story told about easily under standable, everyday things, and is used to make the point of a mor al clear. The parable or story dramatizes the truth, so that it is Impressed on the mind. Mothers know well that child ren can be made to understand certain truths which they are try ing to establish by telling a story that could happen and which the child will recognize, and the point will be driven home without fur ther talk. Children are quick to grasp the point of such a story Preachers and lecturers use the same method of driving home a point to grown-up audiences. It may be a humorous story, but its purpose is serious and the hearers remember not only the story but the meaning of what the speaker is relating. Jesus used many of these stor ies or fables to make his mean ing clear. The first one told by Mark was about sowing seeds familiar to everyone o; the mul titudes listening to Him. Jesus was seated in a ship near the shore of the Sea of Galilee. The crowd was so great that He had entered the ship and talked from it to the people on shore. A man, He said, was sowing seed, and some of it fell by the wayside, and was quickly picked . MEMORY VERSE v'rfcou,' Lord, art good, and ready to fornwi up by birds; some fell on stony ground. It grew quickly, but be cause the ground was stony and little earth for it to grow roots, it withered when the hot sun fell on it. Some of the seed fell among weeds which choked it, but some fell on good, rich ground, and this seed grew and flourished and yielded a good harvest Jesus ended this parable with the words, "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." After the others had left, Je sus explained this parable to His disciples: "The sower soweth the word," and those that fell by the wayside were heard by some lightly, and Satan took away the word that was sown. The stony ground on which others fell were minds that heard but the truths did not reach their hearts, so that when trouble arose per secution or other difficulties they had not the courage to be true to the teaching, but let it wither and die. The cares and temptations of the world were the weeds that killed the good word that was sown In the hearts of others. However, there were some who MtyMftlttd Mtttm trrtuctd b Kducttjgn mat iu4 by ptramion. disciples took Him in a ship, and rd wearied, fell asleep A great arose, and they hi mg afraid wakened Him. who quieted the MEMORY VEFISK l's '-.:'. .-itit 1.1 First Baptist Church : Installs Modern Radio Broadcasting Equipment When the Sir t Itapl i t Church : broadcasts the vvm- -hip ervi e al 1 1 :00 o'clock on Sunday inoruitu', (the new radio equipment will be ! ii-ed for t he lie a t inic. Yiiles liur i i;ess and Capers Crei n have install i ed ;i hii'li lidelity pulpit mi'TO jnhcmcwilh the hi si and mosl mod : ern conneclions leading through concealed wires to Ihe church of fice from which point the amplifier will feed the oroyram to the radio station by a special wire. Heretofore the church has been using the equipment of WIICC, microphones and lead wires which were strung on the door from the two microphones in the auditorium. In a few davs another microphone will be installed for the choir. The next slop will he the purchase of amplifying equipment and the ! installation of a public address sys tem. Mr. Burgess is bearing the major nail of Ih.' expense involved contribul ion to I he church. 4; Luke 15 11-21 not only beard the word, but they believed it deeply and sincerely and they lo .pi it in their hearts, nourished it, talked about it to others, and brought forth an abundant harv-'-.t of good deeds in spieadtng the (i..-:pel. The parable of the Pr. nilgai Si.n has been called the most re markable short sto; y in history It is a familiar story, but always worth i e-ti llmp; Jesus was in Peraea, east of the Jordan when He told this story. A group of "publicans and sinners." and also Scribes and Pharisees had gathered to hear Jesus talk, for lie had been accused of eating with sinners and publicans with whom the Jews had no dealings. This accusation suggested this parable to illustrate how God the Father loves His people and is willing to forgive those who sin when they come to Him repen tant. A certain man had tsso sons, and the younger asked his fa ther to give him his inheritance which svas not an uncommon thing in thos-. days A man would divide his property among his children, and the children would care for the parents as long as they lived. The father did as this son asked, and the young man went asvay ssith his share and. in a - r i far country, he hv..! riotously and squandered his m, .ins. There always are people to help a reck less young man get rid of his money, and that was what hap pened to this youth. Finally his money svas gone and when a famine struck the land, he became so impoverished that he hired himself out .is a tender of swine. Worse 'hanthat, he had nothing to ea. and was brought so low that he envu, . ssvine their food. Sick in mind and bod;-, he thought of his home sshere i .en servants had all they could eat and more, and being a youth of action, he went back home, mean ing to ask his father to take him in and let him be a servant. "But when he was yet a great way off, hi$ father saw him and had compassion, and lan. and fell on his neck, and kissed him " The son told his father that he had sinned and svas not worthy to be called a son, but his father had his servants bring rich clothes for the boy and had a great feast spread and they svere merry, for, said he. "For this my son was dead, and is alive again, he was lost, and is found ' TIM International c,.mii !,,.,.. Ei'tributtd by Kinj Fuiurei Syndicate as his conl rihul ion to Ihe church. 1 Wire was mad" in ancient days Egypt in 1100 11. C. i n '.im y 1 -' r i - h'Sn"n'y ii..ihw K-mmr- n ii mwh, "Thou, lord, art food, and ready to forgi.g- Canton Baptists Set Up March Attendance Go "Marching With The Master In March" is the slogan for The First tiaptist church of Canton, accord ine to Rev. Horace L. Smith, pas tor. "We have the opportunity of making March the greatest month ever in attendance. May we make an effort to break all records?" liev. Mr. Smith said. The program as proposed for the Canton church during March is as follows: 1. A visit to every one enrolled in the3unday School. 2. Every member giving one seventh of his time. 3. Every member giving one tenth of his income. 4. With Special Recognition to the following groups: March 6 Morning Service, Prim : ary and Junior Departments. ; March 13 Morning Service, Inter mediate Department. March 20 Morning Service, : Young People's Department. March 27 Morning Service, Adult Department. The Training Union to have Spe cial Recognition at the Evening services. March 6 Evening Service, Adult Department In Training Union. March 13 Evening Service, Young People's Department In '-,.., i.,i.lrr l!.,0.n j I I ill ll 1 11 laiiiuii. March 20 Evening Service, Inter mediate Department In Training Union. March 27 Evening Service, Story Hour and Junior Department Train ing Union. The Woman's Missionary Union to make 100 visits before March meeting. Rev. M. L. Lewis To Be Heard On Station WHCC Rev. M. L. Lesvis, pastor of the Hazolwood Baptist Church, will have charge of morning devotions lo he broadcast over station WHCC, Monday through Saturday at 9:30. Many listeners say this is one of their favorite orograms TIip radio j station is cooperating with the Haywood County Ministerial Asso ciation in bringing this quarter hour period of meditations each week-day morning. The following week Rev. V. N. Allen, pastor of the Pigeon Valley Methodist Church, will be heard on this program. Talent Show To Be Given At Maggie 18th A local talent 'show is being, planned for the Maggie school on March 18. The event will be spon sored by the PTA of the school. The committee, headed by Mrs. Lee Evans, announced that all persons Interested in participating must make an entry by March 15. Entries may be made with Mrs. Evans on route two, or any teach er of the school. In addition to the talent show, a special food sale will be held. Revival & Youth Rally Free Methodist th Depot Street Hear Special Speake Rev. F. R. Dawson CHALLENGING MESSAGES-JN Closing Sunday 77te prodigal son. Free Methodist I, Have Special Seni Here Saturday "Youth im ( lui'i Saturday niihl ai n dist Chapi will iiia,i,(i oi special servic, - Dawson, of Seattle Ua. ing the mcssas SU1 Wright . ,, w J. W. Stiles. (,;,;, terial students ,, u Methodist Cullcia m (W will be the Icaiumi J Saturday night. A hm O-Felt gospel stun nil; the leatui es ut the- San program Patn-nacr ApprnJ illnut I A. VI. Ma... i? Katherine 1 1 1 1 1 1 n -. v al. 41st annivcr. saia Dy giving aviav buyers' I'avunti which avcraai il i- a i. IT 111 iSltf' It'll ft papers a day sv hen lie newstand w ith in i fatli past the 1,0(1(1 niiiik. Man And Wife IM They Have Never The Equal Of St MR. AND MRS. K. M. Mr .and Mi- C. M P.. 6, Boaz, Ala , vm for Scalt" . Mrs. Rouiin . I suffered limn gassy Ii night and Idi v rundow n. Mv ,r that I lo-1 v.i i l only 90 pound my Initial vvui k Dot lies of Sell I can even i im t .41. i .il. I; lii.ll. ,11..! If and now I svi irh 11 C Mr. Ross .hi wiilr years I soil, i. tl b.,d -p. eeslion. All h""i liiirl my -.1, mi. it !. I I fell oil' in hi! i,l,B" has bellied im- 'i anything 1 w . - ,u pickles, ki iiin awl to give me - 11111111 ''' now I weigh l""1 I" and I agree lliiii r seen the e(it:i SiiSf 1 ., .. Scalf's Indian k'm" on sale at all i!'""1 llr": it. Not hi iia H'T11'' Of Use. Listen I" SCIll!"' E; Quartet over Mei-tliiv ll: 9:30 a. m 5JW Seattle, Wash. SPECIAL SINGING GI.Jl!rS . COLLEGE YOUTH