MARCH 8, 1949 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE 5272II It ad ITES 2 (tnts PT word' , 40 i enis 1P :i cents per , , h if'e 60 L type, 50c tan men. l published i ..h,ilult drill ru ctlJIT.r. . . I, ...,!) hf srlllHiis diatrl,. Tl.r Mourn ..... kilde kut w i"P" --- t Incorrect ln- LruFNTS ARE Ir i vi P (ash must Lrs sent by mall. L in office before I .! ,v li.-lore publi- Intee to be want o insert a want ad . 700. TS sw Haywood next to farmer chr-ville Road. H. Xger, "hone 277-M. IfSK Desires pa- :,he anv hours. W.nilil prefer ma atter dismissed M 8-11 IXTRIC CO. Main Street KF.NT " room (I on Sulphur l!a-- automatic il In ;il. and wired ,T ,l ,ii niinplele lln ll. See .1. J. h in WJI-J. I'B-1 1 finest sporting svlllc ale sold ttt Co. I 1 1 1 1 1 f 4(il . If KADIS HIWV j (IIK KS SI.VIMI i I li.iii' Money fil l CHICKS i V. e . ld MA Mrawbor- lid and black III I I'M (lulld 1 1 E i . I and p.iii ll.ili llilnl e Min ik'-. I'lanl Farm. . I'llnile Can M 1-4-B-ll t-VF - $7.1)0 1o k inr one. $(!.()() fi'i am tin- lu in few available F25-U' autiful five-room ungaliiu with all flienees. G 0 0 d F'aKe with two Lmaled in Hen V below Lake l I" M Stinnell y 2a M 1-4-8 - Good ift rags it tons re- No wool. N Moun- i-I.adv M-ei-et k: Supply Com-lu-k:.. M4. '"' station On, l(l hicaliiin c. aJ !"k Appl, Road. M A fl-ll-ir ft - Used desk M 4-8 Ids. f a"'i Toasters. fuments. F Service. nio and P Co. Waynesville Charley (Red) Ruffing leads ai' pitchers in World's Series victo ries with seven. GLASS CUT and installed in cars by experienced men. We have felt channels, metal channels, gi ills for any kind of cars, lock sets, etc. Glass cut to fit any kind of Refrigerator, coffee table or gjass shelf. Holes -drilled in glass to suit you. Le Faine Service .Sta tion or Five Points Garage in Hazelwood, owned and operated by Tom Lee. F15-tf CINDER BLOCKS Superock blocks and Concret Block, 4", 8", and 12" sizes. The W. A. Hays Block Plant, Phone 102. Franklin or 903 Highlands. tf WELLS DRILLED Water Wells a Specialty farm, Home Darie 10 Years' Riperience GREEN BROS. WELL-DRILLING CO. Rt. 3, Canton, N. C. Ph. Canton 2S20 DAYTON "V" BELTS All sizes in stock. MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. tf FOR SALE 14 acres, few miles from town, on all-weather road. Pasture, farm land, wood land, stream and electricity. $2500. The L. N. Davis, Co., Phone 77 78. Mch 1-tf FOR SALE Large and small new, used and rebuilt woodworking machinery. W. F. Slack, 71 Thompson St., Box 1232, Ashe villc. Phone Asheville 3-4752. M 1-4-8-1 1-15-18 FOR SALE Used 8 cu. ft. Kelvin ator refrigerator. Needs some slight repairs. For quick sale $75.00. See. C.- R. Clark near Ben Medford's home or Phone 806-W-l. M 4-8 FOR SALE Reasonable. Three room house with bath, garage and garden on Short Street. J. R. Marcus. Phone 9171. Mch 1-4-8-11 HOUSE TRAILER Completely furnished. Oil heater, gas stove, lights, water with a 60 gal. water tank. Sleeps four. A real buy. $450.00. See it at Jell' Bril ton's. 10 1'lott St., Canton, N. C. Ml -4 FOR SALE New and used Furniture. Bargain Day is every day at JUSTICE FURNITURE STORE, De pot Street, Phone 5G7 tf FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING Phone 770-1W M. V. BRAMLF.TT, JR. Dellwood Road LOST Solid gold man's ring, last week, between the Dixie Store and 116 Boundary St. Phone 122, Bill Shoolbred. Reward. M 4-8 FOR SALE -Large wardrobe and baby play pen. Excellent condi tion. Call 101-M. M 4-3 FISHERMEN You will find Balti more Minnows at York's Plant Farm. Also strawberry, Raspber ry. Hoysamberry, perennial and pansy flower plants. York's Plant Farm, Rt. 1. Waynesville, Phone Canton 5133. M 1-4-8-11 STENOGRAPHER desires to do work at home typing and book keeping. Phone 393-M, M 8 HAVE PASTURE FOR RENT For 35 head of cattle by month for reasonable price.- Will rent boundary for 35 head. J. B. James, Clyde, Rt. 1. M 8-11-15 FOR SALE Field rock. 25c per yard. Excellent for building. In .pile ready to be hauled. John son Orchard, Pigeon Road. M 8-11-15 LL KINDS OF SEWING Even ing dresses, street dresses, print dresses, suits, and alterations Reasoable prices. Phone 396-.T Mrs. Will Ray, 214 Meadow St PARTMENT FOR RENT Finn ished, 2 room apartment, private bath, gas heat, private entrance Close in. Call 197-J, 100 East Street. M h MISLAID OR STOLEN From car Small electric motor for portabli sewing machine. Call Mrs. Tom Alexander, 22-J-l. Reward. M 8 Everyone Points To HOTPOINT RANGES IRONERS REFRIGERATORS WATER HEATERS HOME FREEZERS Other Guaranteed Makes PHILCO CROSLEY You Build The Home We'll Furnish It Sales-Service Easy Payments- Cagle Furniture Co. Clyde N; C. Phone 3379 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate m Joseph Turn er Kus-.-li. Sr . deceased, late of Haywood Count'.. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claim; against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Wa. nesvllle, North Caioliiia. on or before the 8th day of March, 1950 or ibis notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to aid estate will please make immediate pay ment. Tins the 7lh day of March, 1949 Mrs Helena Staleup Russell, Administratrix of the Estate of Joseph Tin ner Iiu---er deceased. 1834 --March 8-15-22-29 April 5-12 FIRE EASY TO FIND INDIANAPOLIS (UP) Munici pal airport firemen here, answer iui a loidiiii'lit can, found tin- fire with ease. It was a box of Hares in the department carafe. Herman's Garage Phone 565-R Balsam Road SEE US FOR ROCK DIRT GRAVEL SAND TOP SOIL REST QUALITY ANY QUANTITY Arkansas Town Becomes Midwest Gretna Green JOPL1N. Mo. H'l'i-Tlie mar riage center of the four-state area of Missouri. Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas has moved from Colum bus, Kan., to Bentonville, Ark. Missouri and Oklahoma have had marriage license wailing peri- t ods and blood test laws lor some time. Kansas enacted Mich a law in 1947. Until the Kansas law was enacted, couples converged on Co lumbus, Kan., whole they could get married without waiting. Hun dreds of Missouri and Oklahoma couples said ' I do" in the Colum bus court house. Now, Bentonville is the Gretna Green of the midwest as Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma couples go to Arkansas for a quick license. CARD OI THANKS We wish to thank o u r fri.-iiii;; ;inl ii(-i".lil)nr;i for their many acts of kiinliiess anil ex pressions of sympathy shown 11s, (hninf, the recent illness ami 1I1 a!h of our husband and father. We are also very i-ratefiil for the l e.iutiflll flor ; I ollerne s. Mr:;. V. lan-io-v and The Knllmari Family. LOST Billfold wilh Minneapolis. Minn, address. Contains ap proximately $8.00 and identifi cation papers. Finder keep cash, return billfold to The Moun tinocr or call 757. M 8 Announcing THE OPENING OF WYATT AND HAMMOND SHEET METAL WORKS !8 Lane St. CANTON, N. C. Telephone 4386 We will save you money on your uttering and sheet metal work. Sensational New Radio Quiz Show EVERY TUESDAY 9:30 to 10:30 p. m. Over WWNC IT'S FUN! IT'S EXCITING! IT'S ENTERTAINING! Brought To You Bv Howell Motor Co. Haywood St. Waynesville be Soto-Plymouth Dealer 1 FOR RSSatTSi Double Jeopardy MINNEAPOLIS lU.P.i Peter Pnlioiis walked out of the police -.latum tiuttic of i ire, where he had just paid a $2 parking ticket, to find a policeman writing a tag for hi.-: ear. He was fined another $2 for paiking in a "restricted'' zone alongside the city hall. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ot the estate of Louise L. Bell, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against tile estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville. Noith Carolina, on or before the 7th day of March. 1950 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 7th day of March, 1949. C. V. BELL. Executor of the Estate of LOUISE L. BELL, deceased. 1833 M 8-15-22-29 A 5-12 For Expert Repairing of all makes of cars and trucks, See Us Efficient Mechanics Quick Service Economic Costs We Quarantee to Please THE FLOP FAMILY yy . vv"-' -ilv tou -i . , . , rri. uiHr isi w -Mr- ii mm n 1 t 11 mwm . - , r v MYRTLE RIGHT ARO UND HOMK By DUDLEY FfcSIIEil M I P WELL, DON'T JUST I f II I r II " PFITI f1 . x SlTTMEPE. GO TO THE ) 'dim , HEV, MOM V FPONT DOOR AND S ' ao ThEV H ( BINGO IS BARKING TELL MIM r l W ( CDOyE OUT - L,!1 fil. vA ' i .-J I It 1 "t?Jrygn J I II I p-i 1 'A Yr-s I v ". '"p rr,,-. st,,j.lf i, . -u,i,i ,,ti 1 1938 Ford 2-Door With '41 Motor Clean HENRY DONALD DUCK I Wjf'd Kigfit? Rcvrvrd ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of J. P. Dicus, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before 'he 28th day of January, 1950 ur this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate iil please make immediate pay ment. ' This the 1st day of February, j 1949. MET A J. DICUS, Administratrix of the Estate of J. P. DICUS. deceased. 1824 El-8-15-22 Ml-8 ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Ben Sutton, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, Ihis is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit thein to the undersigned al Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 1st day of February, 1950, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay- MUGGS AND SKEETER PHONE 48C fDAlSV WONT UNCA DONALD... SAV VOUVE S. N0W....CR05SVOUR LEGS'. MS s WELL, YOUNG MAN, IM HAPPY ) my ' 1 7 A C GOING TO TEST YOUR REFLEXES JulJ A-' TO SAY... YOUR REFLEXES M TA-TA J " I JS r Vs HiMl WlLLve. end PIGHTING AGAIN 3- THE OLD HOME TOWN xf - KETCH EM s back e' ' fU SAIO l"C CHUM " cvfc ,M, Ki ta STVP1CT In. WCU WKUn 1 1 . .' lllellt. This the 1st day of Eebriiaiv, 1949. EVELYN P. SUTTON, Administrati ix of the Estate of BEN SUTTON. Deceased. 1825 F1-8-15-22-M 1-8 70fF notfe, ) ne. To 1 111 1 irr ' iiii. ,K.i, ,1. MOTOR CO. EVERY TIRE WE RECAP IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE NEW TIRE MILEAGE BELIEVE VOul KcUI'l I SHE LL BELIEVE IT IF SHE SEES HOW IT HAPPENED BEEN r s r V GET IT 9 By STANLEY ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra ti ix of the estate of W. P. Mehaf- fey, deceased, late of Haywood I County. North Carolina, this is to nolif all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased 0OT MAIN STREET GAfJl --s VrWv - J ' Kios Fr. 1 1 ' 1 r t H Kl 07T" THIS EXPLAINS ONE.' ) -yNl i HovvABOuTn . -V THE. fSrf J . f , SVvLlTT- OTHER? to exhibit them to the uriOfci ngpeci . at Canton, Rt. 3, North Carolina, on or before the 12th day f Feb-j-ruary, 1950 or this notice will be pleaded in bar oi tneir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 12th day of February, 1949. -ELSIE MAE MEHAFFEY, ; Administratrix of the Estate of W. P. Mehaffey, deceade. 1829 F 15-22-Mch 1-8-15-22 I) INCOME TAX This is the niG YEAR TO SAVE TAX MONEY! TouTl need expert guidance to take full advantage of every NEW saving now ' allowed, and THIS YEAR a Tax Re turn MUST ACCOMPANY your W-2 Form. COME IN AND SEE US THE CLOSMAN CO. 114 Main St. Upstairs Across From Court House Fourth Year in Waynesville BY WALLY BISHOP Bv KWAi POtAT TWIN COULO HME KNOUM HOW MfNLL TH flfWT HELP lrA6 WfV 30M& ,m TO 0F v f . CARL C. ANDEIWO p AY WALT DlSNlTi FOE SALE 1936 FORD SEDAN &a t"

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