f omp 220-230 S First fif Tffl Jews n Waynesville Mountain UNCLE ABE SEZ Don't know which harts the wurse, gettin' yore shin bumped, or sum 'un telling what aint so about ye. Published Twice-A-Week la The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance 01 The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - ishing Changes with time- hanges ,..nht (o l'ght as , ,-alls mak- Pnl at the old tiffed .he h "e.r,Pr Moon uculd cut off the and taking - v. awltn 'few big fish " .few ....n recalled. Lnt practice. nc aci- the fish even wht-n about Stops 'em king new. or exc.u, , h yet when a lu," ,jldb a minature jc window, puts in have an attraction. Massie Furniture ,hlstteeK. m - l,o as a oa.se, mi-" id put in gold fish to ,nV a pei H.11 stopper Ink they did. Strain ... gut very little work .and who can manic th storv over and how he hooked and 2 inch trout, weigh- lunds. ; in ' lay off" fishing so. as he thinks the lerwcnt (luring that is just too much leart There were six plus, bill only one e ji,int trout. One Rogers nervous, was a line that tested foul!, and there was Jveiglied almost the 'y be did not know 4ne he was worrying at was un after-math hooked near shore. 1 All of Them well known man ting for his father to place of business. teeing the youngster ipped to speak, and is vour lather?" Iking, and will be as will listen" said the luting lo the place It Can ist A Little .inter pulled a fast about noon, and PM of snow into the order that some not fnrrpt that f U such a thine as hi flakes, riding a rwa as fast as they pn Legion miliary To iday Night d Post No. 47 of the m will observe their '" Friday night Miliary will meet f'the social hall of church. ?h1runest Edw"rds. 8 birthday (.ake has i and will be served ' . P Lake To Sunday P" be off ,t . .. Sri" , . , accord- k M0n-!ocal "p- LCarna Power & Mori,, . "''-tension ,ines cutii,, . "lies 0! Power X . itBH temper.. f d by the staff of the Max. 47 67 62 Min. 22 25 39 64th YEAR NO. Waynesville 20 14 1 ii i Just another happy family and Top.' 31 years service in the Army anil Aii three-Years. Since 1024, the Sergeant job and I like I he Air Force, dial's Sergeant Brown, his wife, ami six children. I.cll lo i d age 16; Peggy, age 17; Kelly, age 13. i Sealed Lucille, of Overhills, N. C; Ma.'.ler Serjeant '.Valler I). "Top Twice Service Is Started Two Sets Of Twins ! Born Wednesday Wednesday was "Twin Day at the Haywood County Hospital, as two sets were bom during the day. Of the four new ar' rivals, only one is a boy. The experience was nothing new to Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Ruff, of the Test Farm. It was their third set of twins a boy and a Sirl. The other set, two girls, of identical weight, were born to Mr, and Mrs. William T. Willis, of Canton, Route one. Death Claims Mrs. Sallie Duckett Mrs. Sallie Lcatherwood Ducket I. 71. of the Jonathan Creek section of Haywood county, died Thurs day morning at the Haywood County Hospital following a long illness. She was a life-long resi dent of the county. Surviving are two sisters, mis. Alice McCrackcn of Canton and Mrs. Erastus Medford of Waynes ville, Route 2; four brothers, Ver lin Leatherwood of the Pigeon sec tion, Lucius Leatherwood, Horace Lcatherwood and Charlie Leather wood, all of Waynesville, Route 2. Funeral arrangements, under the direction of Crawford Funeral Home, were incomplete Thursday afternoon. A Business Man ,-vJ1'' f -mfilJ "in f . !rL' CHARLIE BIRCHFIELD. of Hazelwood. is a hardworking carrier boy for The Mountaineer, having started with a small route, and now serves 130 'customers twice a week. Charlies two older brothers are also carriers for this newspaper. -Continued on Page 3). PAGES Associated Press Man Spends 31 Years In Army heller known as Master Sergeant Walter D. Brown wilh nearly Force, re-enlisted this week at Pope Air Force Base for another and his family have lived lor 19 years on the base. ' I like my why I'm staying in. I he Sergeant hi islanding) age II); Mrs. Blown and The inaugural ion of two deliv l ies of mail daily lo all residences n paved sheets in waynesville was stalled this wceK. The project was approved some weeks ago, and Posljuaster J. H. Howell, said yesterday that with ihe heavv increase of mail, he now finds he will have In put on a third1 carrier on a part time basis to handle I he mail. In addition to the two city deliveries daily. Postmaster Howell said work had already started to extend Rural Route one to take mail lo some of the outlying areas, and to the new sections included in the extension of the city limits. These areas would include Balsam si reel, and the Sulphur Springs area, and Atkins development. This new service on route one is expected lo begin before too long. Receipts for February showed an increase of ten per cent over February of last year. Postmaster Howell said, while January's re ceipts Ibis year were more than ten per cent ahead of last year. The two city deliveries are made daily, except on Saturday, when only one delivery will be made. Several large transfer boxes will have lo be installed at different points on the routes in order for the carriers to handle the large volume of mail, he said. Mrs. .1. W. Reed, who has spent the winter in Clearwater, Fla., arrived on Wednesday and is re siding at The Retreat Convales cent Home. Mr Reed will join Mrs. Reed here in the near future. In The Making '. -!. ; AMI 9 " -j , . Daily Mail and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, said. Shown above are Masler Walter D. Jr., age 1; Norma Jean, Brown, the former Pearl L Davis Bobby, age 8. (U. S. A. F. I'holo). Walter Brown Has Served Uncle Sam j For 31 Years iSpeeial to The Mountaineer Wilh nearly 31 years service in the United States Army and Air Force. Master Sergeant Waller D Brown, re-enlisled for another three years this week al Pope Air Force Base, Fort Bragg. A veteran of two wars. Sergeant Brown enlisted in the. Army Sep tember 29th, 1917. and was as (Scc Walter Brown Page 5) V Aliens CreeJk To , Discuss Program Of Community ? Members of the Aliens Creek ciimmiiiiilv mel at the Aliens Creek school on Monday night , March 7, in riiciic the fnrminp of a Com- munity Organization under the Community Development Program which is being started in Haywood county. After much discussion and ex plaining of this program by Joe C. Cline. assistant county agent. it was decided lo hold another meeting on Friday night, March II. to formulaic and organize under the Community Development Pro gram The leaders in, Aliens Creek urged all the pcorrie in that com munity lo be sure and attend this meeting, which will be held on Friday night, March II, al 7:30 o'clock, al the Aliens Creek school. Concrete Wall Being Built At Stadium Workmen are building a con crete wall at the high school ;tad ium to replace a section of wooden fence. The work is being done under the GI training program, under the direction of Charles Gaddis. Included m the program is the construction of a cement block ticket booth near the main en trance to the s-tadium The work scheduled to be completed late this week, or early next week, according to M. H. Bowles, district superintendent. Expansion For 4-H Clubs fetarted An expansion, of 4-H club work in Haywood was announced yes terday by the Extension offices. The exnansion of the present 21 clubs with 1.5o0 members, will in clude 4 he scope of activities as well as membership, it was said. Among the major program tor Haywood, will be the development of the 4-H Camp at the State Test Fiarm for use this summer. The construction of the camp is al ready underway, and every effort is being made to complete the camp by June. The announcement of the ex pansion of 4-H club work in Hay wood came right in the heart of the annual National 4-H Club Week, which started Sunday, and extends N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1949 iRflany Major S Are Be'mg Made A Ministers Talk About Approaching Election Members of the Haywood Min isterial Association discussed the proposed elect ion on abolishing wine and beer, al their regular monthly meeting al Longs Chapel Monday. Rev. I! L. Younu. president, presided at the meeting. The group disposed of several mailers of business, and discussed some of Hie phases of the approach ing election The consensus of opinion was lhal the proposed state wide referendum would not be called The association had held up tormal presentation of the petitions asking for a county election, pend ing the final decision on the state wide election, ! "II looks like the proposed i referendum for the stale has died in eommitees of the Legislature," ' Rev. M. li Williamson, chairman of the eommillee charged with pre Iscnling the petitions to the board j of elect ions. Building Permits i For February Hit kn Even $25,000 Building permits issued during J February totaled an even $25,000, according lo the records of Hugh Jolly, building inspector for the Town of Waynesville. Mr. Jolly's report showed Ihc following department of con struct ion: Business buildings $ 4,!i00 'nwcl lings' 15,000 Alterations and repairs I on Main Street 5,500 Tolal $25,000 The reports showed permits issued to the following: J. E. Massie, Massie Department Store, 'Town of Waynesville. W. H. M. D. Brannen and Mrs. ourgm. Lyda Holtzclaw. Wreck Victims Still In Hospital Harold Robinson, remained Cope, 19, and Aaron 20, both of liryson Cily, in the Haywood County Thursday noon, recuper Hospital ating from injuries sustained early- Sunday morning in an automobile wreck. Four oilier nccupanls of the car which wrecked on the Soco Cap road, have been dismissed from the hospital. The car was demolished after leaving the highway and landing in Jonathan Creek. Joseph Ellis Esles. also of Bryson City, was the driver and owner of the car. Pigeon Farmers To Meet Monday P All farmers of the Pigeon River watershed are being urged to meet Monday nigh! at 7:30 at the Bethel school for a forestry meeting. The program will feature extension specialists and movies. A specialist on blister rust will also be present . The meeting is being called by Wayne Corpeuing, county agent, and W. L. Franklin, assistant coun ty agent. Program through this Sunday. The other motivating factor in the expansion program is the re cently adopted community develop ment program for Haywood coun ty The 4-H Clubs of the county will be called upon to take a defi nite part in carrying on this pro gram, according to Joe Cline, as sistant county agent, who is charg ed with activities of 4-H Club boys, and Miss Elise DeLozier. in charge of the girls. Mr. Cline said yesterday, "We have five senior 4-H Clubs, and 17 junior clubs, with a total member ship of 1,500. The object of these rlnhc is to work with rural boys and girls to make them better citi zens through project work, recrea (Continued on 1, .section 2) A Big One That . r V s , k S, !,,& tumiti''1- iim A 'r :.,.jitim Max Rogers is shown holding the 33' -inch trout which he caught at Glenville Lake Sunday. His two lishing companions. Phil Sutton, left and Harry Kent, right, look on as proudly us the owner of the ' 14-pound whopper, which was landed alter a 'JO-minute struggle, near Ihc mouth of fine Creek in Glenvillo Lake not far from the dam. More than 2.50(1 people have visited Uohci-s Electric on Main street here and viewed the trout, which is frozen, and kept in a dee) freeze box. The fish will be mounted in a lew days. Committees Named For Iron Duff C. Hospital Was Busy Place During 1948 One of th busiest places in Haywood during 1948 was the Hospital. A review of the records yes terday showed some of the fol- 1 lowing facts, to prove how busy j the place was: Patients admitted 3.5."l Major operations fif2 Minor operations ... 311 White babies born 947 Colored babies born IK An average of 10 patients ad mitted daily, and an average of three babies born each week-day. Resigns STANLEY HENRY, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, has tendered his resignation, effec tive March 15th. and will re enter Western Carolina Teachers College at Cullowhee. majoring in commercial education. James L. Kilpatrick. president of the Chamber of Commerce, said the matter , of a successor to Mr. Henry would be taken up by the board of directors next Tuesday night. I Lmmiii ! il'rt-n '" '" ' 1 SS.OO In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties mprovemenis t IrQespnta Stayed Caught D. Program iSpcciftl t The Mountaineer) : A special n , commii Ice "I I nuini'y I lev cl ! iianii-d I u ' I c h i l i ne of I he steering the Iron Duff Com-niiiii-iil program have imimilloes for the I work. .Ian i man ol the l( ( aldwell is chair-i-oiiii. and I he meeting j was held a' his I 'Din .r ii. lined li feree.l plia-.c-. "I doveliipnielll pro i carry on t he dif Ihe work of Ihc yram are as fol- 1 lows. ol I null, and Nutrition. Mrs. (Jrady DavL. House Furnishing, Mrs. ( I Medlord; Home Beauli- (ii at inn. All s T C. Davis; Clolh : ma. Mi',. -I H ''aldwell; Health, Mrs. Ned ( 'rau ford Recreation. O. I, Yates. Chair man. m.e Caldwell. Helen June Brad .haw .loan 1 F.lroy. Ouylene Caldwell, l!a Milivr, Jim Davis, Helen I i i , :n mi Mrs. Raymond C aldwell. .1 li Caldwell, Jr. i Timlin. If-ilph Unison. Mrs. Joe i iWcdlni d. Mr- lanis Chambers. Fore-in. Man .on Medford. Gor don S.-niliii-d Lawrence Brown, ('omnium' 1 Improvement. Nor ' man Unii'tun Mr-. Clinton Mc Elroy Dam, nii- I ei enson, chairman, jo,. M.ii'c wl Joe llayncs, Ray mond Caldwell. Mrs. Taylor Med (Sc,. Iron Duff Page 5) Mars Hill Glee Club To Give 3 Concerts Sunday foil- inn,- niii.ieians from Mars Hill ( nllre, ii ii give three con ceils in Haywood Sunday. The Collece Glee club of 42 voices will he feaiured at I he First Baptist, church in Canton at 11 o'clock; at I he Cly de Baptist church at three, and al lhr First Baptist in W'ji ncsv.llr at 7:30. The 7:30 coneeri will he broadcast ever WHIT, Mr. I eai li'T direelol t-.li.ihr-i li i.osan Souther, i, I vine al the College, is ol i he group The violinist is fid ward '.elman. of Athens, ., and Me- pianists are Miss Ga.. Mat I Biguers. head of the music depart menl al Mars Hill; Edward Collins, of Avon Park, Fla., and , Bert Miss Clay Edwards, of Mars Hill. Patricia Roberts, of Lenoir, is organist. Dean R. M. Lee is accompany-(-,. Mav Hit! Ptge 5) Institution Operated In Black For Past Year The Haywood County Ho pit j! operated within its income for 1948. and bad a fair balance left over, according to the auditor'!- re port made public yesterdav R. Lee Davis, admini ,-Jrator for the institution, presented the 194S financial report to the board oi trustees Tuesday night 'I'-pv were warm in their praise of thp work done by Mr. Davis, and for operating the Hospital in the "black" for 1948. The auditor's report showed that a $6,000 deficit of 1947 had been paid, and a balance of over S8.00') on hand as of January 1 of this year. A number of improvement-- h.:vc been made, and others are Hear ing completion. Among them is the renovation and painting of the en tire interior of the building. Mam' organizations and individuals are contributing to this phase of the work, Mr. Davis said. There are yet one or two units lo be re painted. Among the contributions on the improvement program in KJ-lR -ss the $600 set of reception room fm niture donated by the Champion Paper and Fibre Company. The institution has 72 beds, with 68 persons employed full time for the operation of the place. 'I hero are 19 registered nurses, four supervisors, in addition lo man ager, clerical help, cooks, orderlies and maintenance men. Some of the improvements on the building Include changing of plumbing in baths, and a remod eled Jiursery, with a lnrgf- clos door for the public lo see the babies. The nursery is one of the units yet to be painted. New ba-.siii-ets, and curtains will ue in.slalled in the room. Mr. Davis said thai the pljn now is for "everyone to see the babies all they want through the (See Hospital I'aee Kl Merchants Study Credit Bureau, To Make Report Soon The directors of the Merch-rt.: Association met this week and ri'i cussed the proposed credit buvsu. The mailer was discussed at i't- recent annual meeting, and t'"s directors are making a sludv of the plans. W. M. "Bill" Cobb, president of the organization, said that seeer-il plans have been studied, ami Mv directors are now working on definite details to present to the organization at an early date. NO ACTION ON BILL No action has been taken b' Senate committee on Hon B'.'.l No. 491 to extend the city limit.-, of Waynesville. The bill passer! the House and went to the Senate several days ago. The measure was introduced by Rep. Grocer C. Davis BACK FROM ATLANTA Mr and Mrs. J, C Gahiiha have returned from Atlanta where they bought merchandise for The Book Store. Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed.... 0 Injured .... 9 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol). mm

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