.FRIDAY. Easier Bunnies Gel Around K-F Add New Type Sports Sedan To '19 j IT' "nt THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE TWO MORE ABOUT Judge Smothers (Continued irom Page li when hi' wen! lu the M j Ciuiti in Rochester. Minn I . i- a clmekim m 1923. After thai. .ludee si;.thers tried ju?1 about c cry t hint: th;it olh, i arthritis vict i i t i l.,.c! iiiiii, "1 lived e.chisio! on milk to, i'.vc yearv m fruits an! w-Vtahm-tor two mom I undt rw c:it fa OKonwui.' ariirici.-! it u . ! 1 1 . n Hit III- . even Mi! i ill! el! :l 1 b, ill 1 . tenia anl iiiiK'r:i-tn wrnir ;t"al he, -Im-;. "I 'liane'-'cd t, sii!:,- t !.cm ,! pel st, mca.un s '.i i .r.t tun ,' Bui !(i en. i ilif .iiib!T..- ' oV I !ll- in '1 1 el' 111!- I'lhlllH-i! line my jaw .nekc! - 1 w i-i iiu t il' ( .".;n m) far In -idf ' Ii.M il r a- arlt-et ei! in . hi-.. t and Miadi 'J pah nt 111! e, r lull- 1 -pi-nd 95 pin leill ill !!,, I III:.' i I. I ..-.I . u,r ..'.11- .mi ' HI I! I'l Il ,1 , a ! I.i . - rtiaal Hi.. I lamed mUm c r,:m5e I omplel eh h li alt H tide le va. d ill- -Utteriim i.l I y-it) .it a I '.ill.ul i. ill nun, .Kill.-.- Siinlliei - w 1 nil ' i in I .. w.m. einaeiai ml 'Hi!i v.c...ii liui , il.ly n i -li 'j n : a d l, ;,r;li. r.ii: Y( 1 ill !a 1 In l-dl! i - I -aw a .-081 K tllal I i'l. Med ,!d nam', i -.t ml," 111 li. 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 ,.,. i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 e -tJ li,.,; i In nil" I: !a r -l.l' i" :n.: -he t a.t 1 1 mi l id a la'.', 'lli ," a .a e ami i.Hf.nine- - in 'la I, -1 : iu': i h. i' sod .i . i ai .. I iii iv,! in.! : :i - ii a-a- II., ii : . .. :.- d ' a ' '1 in l a i . -1 1' i id.,: ! ia.i i a i ; ii ; , d mv W .Nan -H IT i'SD TO creaturt who I'll! I. ilely :!:e fan! thehi ;n v a . I. '.i d i.. . Ic. Fabb.t n a .-.nail qj.e. '-"re Mian -it. --tare ami be petted. a , ih.myed wit li the result that nil cam I'm - iin i v a w idi va rielv nt Milim- Jlere 'mii.i.v liana Id a n, ire' Km, s innelix mart i. .n V., i k. 0J&I VV-' ;' 1. a . I I' 'r I ! I Ml' I'OX t ot,'.iM'i!i ion fi v in a MORE ABOUT Bankers lC nnlinui d from Page D banker, (he county ayent. ami the soil conservationist . Increasing production by in creasing the yields per acre, and the carrying capacil.v of the pas 1 ore. Alore extens.ve inechani.at inn -; ct t i tlf! the state s arii nHuri as !ar away as nn.-sible from 'he Man wilh the Hoe. ' Livestock and dairinc. Increasing income b riduii'i-' opt rat ing cos! And fundarm nt: 1! . the neces rit o! the Tar line farmer to adapt him-e'l in the tremendous change that is taking place in American agriculture. Pair.nini:! llirou Ii the major , ta.'ks. also, was the faci that agri culture has FloWn. tlillll ihe Self- tifTici, i.l (mtii. to a lid'lily coin- iu average 40 bushtis per acre. n!e:; business it quuiin' acute man- in nd'cn nee lo o. sture- he .'.ferial skill western North Carolina alone la, EMinsion Agronomist '. li. srow as good pastilles a.- there ..i Dellart of the Virginia Afii icultui e , in an oilier section ot Hie nation Extension Suvici . speakim; on the that in these live couiiUe , tarimi- ,;i,t pri ,ared for nieeli - .t.,,:,, - IT LOOKS JUST LIKE a convertible, but tlie Katser 'VirginUn"-newest Kaiwr.jr i -ii .i .f-t t nnrler it Durf.leri. satiny coveiins of nylon. The tm.ru , driver vision front and rear, plus the 112-h.p. engine and other mechanic, 1 features ilale are : ', 000 li..eiu! ill u e lui d dnO (aid lain. . tin, I 30 pi f fvi.i ui n ;! I. i;a., -lid' i!i ;iiaid nil arninal h.n Th" l.ann- pari icularly in thi- p,,. i" . if llA , f at W'ad- . I'.ai'ln n; km! a'lmm:. Thnitiah Hun ,,M: ( i. 'I mil ili In a i a ! I , i f't l'i : I ,,; he .. i . " , to. ill! -i , k li. LT.aa ; v.oiili I'.diid -thai a.-' c. .nnd man - i ! i h - ' 'c- - uiireinniah. id , , or-.- and I. r He did mniv rendu l: ulillosophv and lid en hi- leading lie di-m , r, ei liA'alld-. ,1k, a, : -, , Keller and fan , n , , 'n ni dill not rdve up He came to : In- em , iu-nni "Thai w li,-,' , n . need :, i- an o ei w i ,i ! m i ; , , , ' n n m in a i an-e a i: v j, , . I , ,, , i ., Judge Sin.ii inn - iiad h - m lite-long i I. u ie . ene , nn ill From hi- -n kIc.; m I, ii tile corrupt inr. : n i-1 t r -, a t lie polit icai in ; !. a e ',, ...ii be-1 ti.T slide and na din,., .U t "nun-nil r urn i rnnmiiii ' 3 " IHWt" '.J!IW' .ntportance ol rt-pJaciiiK lost plant 'now have better pastilles and Ion a food, declared that the develop- .if pasture si a-i,:i-. merit to the best oi ability ol the ),, Hiree years, he declared. :i00 - area's basic asset is the co.icern, mjo Mt.w acres ol iiiip.ovtd pa-lmc not only ol the fanner, but ol K,V(. tjt-e il added in the state, everyone iu the community. e pointed out that an i ltii ieiil The real basic as.-el in tin- fiu- livestock industry will keep fain, county area, he said, is the :i3ti 0!lU aiJ01. employed the year round, in acres ol forest land, and about 44u.- -iiad ol jut s. as'onally : th. I liw 000 acres ol crop'; ,d and pa-luie. fU)i.k i;ike'- mure capital ..M r a Slj, ,!l 1(!tl''t': Ion" period ol lime. , ,., Ul "Thi- is the source uf Wealth -jf Vt UM. ihe a:.-rici!d nra! dmii fm this aiea. The pie-cut and Iu- in,,in:atiim we know now. liana-- and i ,mc weaith ol all ,a,,ee uln, Ii i- jt illld aj d ,i the far.n." !n in this area will di 'ii nil .n a large ! sij(l, "if we woi k a- a .roup will i Mei;i upon hov, well this a-sel is'the larmer .tin bai.kt r. 'there wil in ch'pen and cm -c:'a'il." be more progress in the Southea-; nr- in ll.n na'ia'ion nf Ihe farm-..- 'Ihe lui!..-; d", ciopiiieiil ol t he j Kin j , , ;( ,. ( ,! hi r -eel ion nf t he na- ar, at i -1 : !ii 1 d i -s. I v, hiiai main - na ;h;s ha-ic a-- (j,,;-, ' : ' "d- In a eel i".!t nl hi- n sunlmar. he declared amyai.nii .dial he admitted il h n v.ntdd he land lo ju.lii'v a tractor mi a iliana farm. Bui he added j,m ilm ii.i: inn I be made. Kit .ir'! V V',.vne, vice-pivirtenl !"-' d ll.e i , di ,,. Hi -ei ve Rank ui lin hn nnd V.I.. paiiili-d a bri'd.! ' ' nn I n 1 1 )..-: i i . id.ari v ler I Imi five- "' Si.ee- ! ai !.n iiiiii"' he d'clar, il ; "' I e, u il i l:',a, i Iii a epev. hi'-li pre- ! ' " : nail el product io: i. ' ii ' ai .'del In :ir - . iid I. l.n -ed t lie importance ', ini.iv. m !' on 1 lie- nai I of t arm- ' ' am nil ural worker-. and bank- (''' air Va lie cited ,v':"' 1 :i a i enort . l l"' " a MOltt t:o Bob Gibson iContii'-i'd f i'i in r.i 1 1 lh, ( ill 11 I, a',, a:a' Mint ,d-n I, -ti' 1 -I nl S' mil-Iteh'- hi n I ', , Ti.innn ami ' i Ilm i i " i i n i , : 1 1 . linn 1)1-1 ;,' r I, w papia -nl lh, Aliens Creek K onliuiii tl linm ',1S(. ) Ihe P 1 1 n i ! i inn a I'1-. nl n 111, Il w d! 10,11 Ii'..: Hi,. , an "' ' l.:l"'Vll',i. "a 'in Iii In a, i : n i mnr I , 'a I l:n ' i i neal nn. nnmdi : i a I , n 11 i- voi;r vtiui'T I t. Davis i( oiilimrc1 lu'in I'.u.c 1) 1 I" (d'n, n Hill ( em, I, ; ( d! !),. con ducted In lh,' n:l'i Carolina Na- -'I 'in, ad. IL'Oih II, aw Tank t mi l..:l -aid, on Ihe-, lliiee grmris - f skud keel) and d. elt.! our ca-h I'lnm IX tembei 1941 to D-.-cer.l- , " '.'if.' li Iminers. bai.Kt I -. aal a';ncill- crops, build a livestock industry. !,, r 11)47. C S bank deposits in-j ' be haul. , Ural workers. : and develop a stronger educational (ica-cd lla ner (cut. "V.c a 'I hi lack ol pa.ut loud is prob- i program it vc are going to maki In the live nunlies in thi' area, cnun, m, i' l t ;u tl'i ate- lane n an lo I in milt 1 progres taark diynsi's increased, in thi';'1''"11. ue a n I dcvclnpinnl i 1 1 it basic ; Karm Management Specialist M. same period. 135 percent to 340 North Carolim- .sscts in tins area. He said. s. Williams of State Cnllege Ink "The productive al ilily ot Ihe ,11,1- audience that the "real dial -oil depends mi plant food." He- 1 l, nge lor tin- future calls for high Marl told bis audience "It requires a cirtain yield per acn In break even. He tnund that hi- -u'l, im u 1 less. "Slowly I am bunding up a -nitons, loll- ll'-l-lancr In ' a. i tie elii i ms ni 1 riv a ! a! n ' He aNo lea: in ,1 "in Ihe -dniiei nl th.- m lull! kick ne jjs car. afc-p, 1. man -It-- Ot Cr.x:. "U hen 1 ain 'or'ni-, , ,u iMi , the invalid sleep,,, h'ludv ,M1 ) 01 lwo perhaps. ,,.,1 ii-,,r n, , i- In ue iiga in p n : . , ,.u p , (-inhmm- and (did 1 I'llll lh,,-e i,u: ,,; ,, ht wiesl- a ,i( -mi,! nhdn-n;,)!-, d . , ' In s-i- m 1 -In n. i 1 : ( i ' a '1 III.' -lap. n ..mill p.,-tnr . I The iaai wid 1 1 1'uiier. . I lh, uie in Saluiai.v Jli'iai'i, ' il w id l.- l.'.ken in I laaia ul m I he 1 1 I I ' I u i-, r.al in u.'u ,d (iarrett I it'll!' u'clnck a; which lime a' home ol Ihe Hull' section, u ."-until Cnrn- 1 "! !fo II, Iha Hie , - ' ' " " 1 Li. illUV- ' - a!', i d 1 That ( a -I w 1 'd, (ddn, 1 llu I'mmi high 'hoi.: in I rami 1.1 a' nllma! Col- , , , U -u ,a Spat t ;i 1 1 Iiu 1 n lb w as a , ,, , , , ,a an law -1 mmn: a: ( ,1 a' -rlmi n w, : k I, h, required I,, , ,.,,:,, ,. v,-.,..,,,,, ,.., (. 1 ' sinclure. but that , . .. , ,' , a 1 ue 1 m e nn man: e,i 1 ;e service on V.v, h , . I d'Sd M, 1 eneiverl T.i'P'na ..: ('amp !.,,.. '., t n i.-i and allui'ded Ollicm - Candidale School ai Fi", I in mum a i ma ui. w iarn !m w a- ' na ;m-s,, a;, d ,1 I inn 1 mint . I ' : M a is entet - (! cnriha! with ",v j Hi' Tib I, d.inl. I), i is,,,,. :,,,f s:m 01, sniiii'i 1 :. ;"n. ' n am. in'ii'l u e. , u. (lkm,,wa He ku'i d i:, ,:, j len ,. ( Ikmawa ! t ! '- '' 1!4:.. Me In U! U. ' II -I i-.td Sil-.ei Star 1 ' ' - -and -tune and cem on in, g ; 1 . 11 111 . s . 1 1 'a 'nek of I laze I w nud, will - ' ' 1 w i a k a "d men 1 hei s nl u . 1 e.m..u:,., inn I 1 " d ''ai a al.d I), I In 'a-. , i 'a'li-ii money npk 'e I lie present m ,h F, r w 1 n it- 1 I'sl nig to I he v. it!1", our bauds - 'mil)-!,', Mm tit know sets t.nns (ii mm. , n mm. i : -i- ma ,., Hainr in ;i ma-ii, ;., 1 n .' man. i.e h h--- hi- 1 a,, - and ..... 1 lir : e.dnaii nn, thai ihe m mil , 1 "pu I".' lint I',-,,; ' lue Him i, . ng hi- . 1 up Urn p i ,,i tired you ,,' I,,., il'.e -aid 'Tnill" he eseli 1 vt l.i-c, 1 ni, bus. , Jimge .Simathei's, won Ihe-e ,,,rds: l-.3i ,ung 'u jv a: ,;a-s. wild in, indebtedness whatever ' w In n I he ' ,i!'k t- eo'tiph-teri." !'t (man.;!,',! 'I n- M a n's (', eek Church w ish- Sm ibank M e li i im Th- He a ' ... 1 1 1 i - !7C I'll : Inlan' t . 11 Ok. '"i ii i d- 1 hat do not e sin tie jell! ly in- mi", h .aim c II. like conl n! 1 pi i-e " ' nl 1 a. 1 1 1 hi 1 - ol j ma Ii c m.ti id,.;- j ,,, 1 ni,.. "i,f,l ,.. e; j n I. !.'',. la st. I Jo. i.e (,, , , ,d:, fi", mspire, , ... f h ho;, hi - t,-in : ecm, n ;,,h. : im i ll s. I ' e -am t w : ii. I . '. 11 st, a. hu-N Wings Over Jordan In Area April 6 MO!'! ?t(H I Clyde Program iCm-.ti'iiird fmm Pi?C It hi ; ! n ,d ; Hi r. ,'k. ield ai ihe break-even point, the tanner will never get ahead. High v ield.- brint: ui away from Ibis point. "If money Ihal is loaned is used n buy nnor seed, both the borrow er and Ihe lender will be behind Ihe emht-bnM." , To increase and conserve soil crtilily. conservation is not enough, he said. ,u another point. "We have soil that has a very low ferlility level and this basic fertility must be restored through t lie us.- nf lime, lea, ones and plant food "Then till- lerli'ity must he con served ihroiiL'h good Inrmin prar Hens " In discussing means of build ing up and conserving Ihe soil, h, advised the cstaohshm. n nl cro total ion w bieh he described ;, "cheap way l build tin land He also advised Ihe farmers t use tommerclal Icrtilier onlv a- a i,;,... jr ,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,... ' ,ai yvS(,,' -"'ifst. be said u e imm ..",, ." t, ' ', ', l 'e. plan! re'idue. and legume ,,! U p.. mile "nd Mr'' '",,st'rv-- flHni; I be eoiiuer I' Wall!', , ,a ' S' i;a n-e Nl-w,''"' lV,',iliz,-r l,1;ik'' "I ll..ili am" (leiiciencie- thai might rmmon Mr. J. II. Hilton, dean ot th, Stale CoWi pe School ol Agrmiil lui'e uiL'id the e-liibli limeiit ol a I mure efficient live-toak indu-lry to help balance the state's amm cullure. i n. He pointed out that 83 per cent i in in i of the slate'- income is frmn ci-,1, cops. ()l this. 71 per cent come from' cotton, tobacco, and peanul 'i 'i'l Hi Pei' ct lit from lives'm k. The three big cash cum- ar. Dioduced. Dr. Hilton 'declared, on V;! -vi!' j '"ay 25 oar emit e! t!ie -tali 's ti!l- i . .s ,imi,,n ,, ab'i land ,,'n lo'ldi i M ai will1 ' ''v state has the resources to mrcein - mm,, trmn (louhle the lla- 1 1 ai am ..'.aim j, f m;d ;i i !'?:' 1 Cai'nla i "We lime tin- opportimilv now," "Seili-h er production per man, ner acre he declaied, "II depends on what nitii.n v mil-. c or living standards will have lo he ' we do about Ihe money we use." p.'md n- naiiai lowered. He relerrnd lo I'tr Hilloo's rle- tabhdii, llsnk 11 '"' Pbml food limits Ihe! It takes 2 j to three acres to scri nl imi ol h vest ock hei ma I he hah , Stale ( d1 1, : , supply one family, according to is- a nee wheel iu agriculture, declared j La I i,.r. I limales. he said, and the United that dairy ina lies the man close to -t oon stud, m - States has 4(i0.00(l.000 acres with Ihe hoinu. and to the coininunilv profiam. Iirimgd which to support a population of. Me referred also to iiiechaniza- on I. i a ,' 145.000.000. limp good farms, successful larms '.,"'''i ! There is no land shortage yet , ( nslai:!!v udna' nn uhanical power. 'I 'm 'a.1 lie declared, but lie emphasized the "The mm villi ;im tiaclor is in- will pinhdl,';. importance of hiKh production, finitely 'inarm; to the man with! underlining the importance of the mule." 11(11 AC! II TOll Mechanization in farming for this And this dillerem e. he addetl. is .1 CKMPVI higli production. (aiuiid. :.(,. t The trend, he said, is ava'iy Irum "dr. W. i e 1,,'d :(,.,v a da'ii l.m, ha I,,. In horse and mule-power, and toward ii.nn in Wfiinia Ihal v.aas heavily m-hl lnai ne macnine in dent v. a- 1 1 am! .a im -d inlor:n Jma - I a., il l.u ll "And the farmer will have to go optvalioi. laid pm dmed a net an- riihia A , .long with it. or qui;." nu,,l imamm nl S ObO. The cliani'e sianbi M i., In North Carolina. he noted, w.-. I'l.cd Ihim, an leamwajik ),-. ali.i ! ' Any car without new individual, inner-spi front shock suspension is out-cl-falil mk iiiin-' Tourist Group (C (intituled from P am 1 ) V. : . Cliam irg the ', hi rcc-u- ui her "ai the be -ulmmlnd n i nmutir.g T-rr--' :.' ..tr ..: n a :. , d iiiciudod: I!"- as cha i r.m, . n . Mis H.tL'h Rogn-s. 'da, :a, i r.,,f Mrs ' : " mai am. Carli r man dm rl .Ins! j,., I li".'' : s ,t nd v. a s a !- ( I'v.'isiv. chidr '' u. Van n, ma r. ,' I"' i."d l.iving- hga in allend Ilm r Me waited until -s, s ere oa r be I rip liniiH'. Ann lie ol Mm ( 'handier nt ( 'mn:m rrc board of diiaalors lor approid Mi . Cm na'ser named Paul Ih.ill. Alls. Sam Quoen in rl "Hud" (Jii.se In a com i n I M ce an. v.- up j such a s.inmle. ' lb- I ( (iii.'-ii ( i br.l li!" ;,u n,n ing ni;;cK ,l!Vf wrile "! (nlereu i imm em a. pa- (npicitng ihe scen eiy. flowc'-, or ether attractions m Mm W;i !ie- ille area to bring limn lo Mie Chandler office for tl-u in the dikler. Mr Cmmat-ur i'ddnl lh.it all j plioin- a nuld hi' re: urn- d to t heir , owner- .dl.r - are ii-id. j The ( dumber o! Commerce lM'es-i !il' the requirements of such an indust'y. he added, pastille, labor, feed, hay production. The state has 1.000.000 acres ot hand thai are idle. The feed I'm such an industry mus be produced- -and the state's ! farmers can do that, j K("-( arch work has boosted pro- dim1 ion of corn per acre nine bush tis in lour years. The research in the development of hybrid corn has resulted inj-cscarch to find bet ter fertilization and cultivation methods. In Ihe lie.; len years, he said, corn production is expected WIS OS 0V2H JORDAN CEO IE Some of We-iein Nor'-h f aro- Mm f i i- ,-t , ,' r. , , tin,,'., ....... X- . ... iinesi -e. i o ma in win stn-r rr'rectivt rdo"- in the Western Norih Carolm-, Thr n "v di drmrns',-)r- ,ix Spring Music Fesinal at the Ashe- M re- cf churih mus'it-h-mr ville Auditorium April fi. Gocl '-or,?'. juh'Vcs, spirituals AI the same time, the famed anl !, and r!aMts. Negro choir, "Wings Over Jordan,' There will tjr perfe m.mccs by will background the festival music. ol- wts, trio. a) q,,arott5 nr. by tb.-ir C.eneral sentiment was that the M Iv Inn- midniuh'. idma ,i-iu,al Mm --n, tat ion of joint efforts of both groups would mi- hi- Mrs! morn-j the (onipitl, oop.m al mn ot Ids result in a better understanding I eriana? -I m i jp ;hi roini l and a better season. ivc ' h Ssiff iSwfc I g'fMmw m&W Hf' fill fern if mt f mh m Engineered (or comfort! Drive the roughest Little Red Schoclhouse? The event, which will be in the One pi Ihe features- of the p-o- I gram wnl be the sincina of "Ama7- form of a talent demonstration, is ing Grace," in Ihe classic fashion a benefit affair to finance construe- "V the combined choirs, including tion of the new Hill St. i Negro , th" "Wings Over Jonrlan" group. Baptist church, and maintenance of ! Tickets are being sold at diam ine Good Will Nursing Home for I Pton Drug Store, Canton; Smith's the aged. I Drug Store. Waynesvllle; and the The singers who will appear in Asheville Auditorium. 7 W&JWWVfW,lfc''$&'?H' -' yy.)yCT .... if- l - This new high school under construction in Dania, Fla., is a modern version of the place where grand ma learned her readin', 'ritin', and rithmetio. This $1,500,000 plant includes 12 separte buildings for 1,500 students. There is a library of 15.000 books, at auditorium and stage, football field, baseball diamond, and gymnasium in the layout. And there is even sn astronomy observation platform 'perched six stories above the ground. less bounce over bumps Less side-sway on curves! To a new distribution of mass and load has been added a sturdy new frame, an engine so vibration-free you can scarcely hear il finger-tip steering, new, longer springs. Inside you'll find wide, wide seats, deep and soft . . . These are just a lew of the 103 new features in the 1949 Kaiser . . . backed by the RUGGED RELIABILITY proved by 330,000 owners in wver three billion miles of postwar driving. . f,,r vimii In a Kaiser you eet n- You'll be burpri- 'l I" ";. costs you to in n The Koi'ser Traveler the Kaiser Special fbc Kaiser De Luxe m nfflj A new Kaiser imYliitiirt1;; ceasartes . - - k" 1 . , .sir-' etattj and tut;ti ux jeict to change Most copied cars In America . KAfSER-FRAI Deolers every1'' Htii! Htut Hurt tiAJkxU&ddlC tir '$in..rMim tlm.. w ' -: LYDA PHONE 626 1