PAGE THREE 1949 THE YVAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER RCH 25. tz Is ! India , ,i.itiii-; ill! .,.,! I j Dal." .... .if tt" senT"n has w learned re-d- ,.m Scar ifies ,i n an1: 'u me . r. !t 0f September Canton Band Will Give Concert In Andrews April 1 Director - Edwin Troutman will take the Canton Band to Andrews ..,t uppk for their fourth amual concert Friday night. April 1 at ,t,e Andrews school auditorium. The high school Beta Club is sponsoring, the concert. The Canton musicians and their director will be guests thst day at a dinner which will be under lne direction of the school's home economics department. Series Of Illustrated Lectures On Beef Cattle Scheduled For Next Week IN LATEST RUSSIAN SHAKE-UP Consider The Future. And Heads Teachers 3 . AT THE FIRST SIGH- OF COLDS r mulT numerous at this time of the year and ukes lunger to get rid of them, l or Tul"ij ,,r ,nore Mrefu' ,o avoid colds anrt .... c.i,r doctor right away . . . lie . . prrMi'l'1'011 10 Cl'RTIS DRUG STORE. Our h ,Huv your aociors uiun- .u ... ulie BUI 14l III J i lH ARM Af'V iiU. nil!' ' . xirk nPI'H4TKn UK 0.r' RTIS IBUG STORE Your Walgreen Agency .). I'm I'.i nil hi) f ui'llll'1 1 UUhlil ' 1 1 n . i in j he-A il If, ll.ii I)' . II t li i it .1 i i' ntelll ul llie Sunlit ( amiuia 1..1U. alion Asn lutiiin I.. r l'MJ-:,u He huxv ir-:Uit-i ml. hi ul -i bonis al Cati nex , :-. ('. J. Paul Beam Heads S. C. Education Unit .1. I ; 1 1 1 1 ".Ki ll" Ileam, former h 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; I ul a i lion! here, has just been named president of the Smith Carolina l- ducal ion .issnrial inn. Mr. Brain left here about 15 years ae.o and entered the sehiinl sXstein ul Calfnex. lie is now the s li i t-1' i lit i 1 1 1 I ii lit ol' the city schools. (Oli.M'H 1U K PICKS FARMER KAVMIlM). Nell. 'I l'i Ncxei operate a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 k ( i in a mixed noxxd. Clyde Campin was ul lin slalks from between Hie pirkei 1 1 II -1 when his overalls became culannlcil; Hun his shut. A I no nielli lain he was snipped ul both .V.U'lllenl dson n Time For Easter R ENTIRE STOCK OF OATS AND SUITS Off New Stocks All Styles 0 Choice of Colors o Any Fabric Visit Our Large Ready - To - Wear Department And Save (Second Floor) hi 'Home of Better Values' Paul Swatier. N ( State Col lect' extension beef eat I le specia list will address a series ol nieet-iiif-'s next week in Max wood coun ty, ill coiinet tuiii Willi the Coin niuintx re elopment Program On Molidax ni:'ht he will aiipear al a meeting-at the Pities Cit-tl. -rtioul, and the tollowun; meht at the liayxtood County Couittioife m Wax nesville Mr. Smarter 'tui i5 reparoed as one ot the hation s onletaniii'ig hu ttioiities on beet cattle. Will t -cli-s the OUfiooi. tor beet cattle, HiCiiidiiip steers prade kixx hertt and purebri-ti beid- A color .liox ie on beet cattle production ai-u xxiil be hoxwi in addition to the-e mteiinrJ' Iheie will ne others in - ext ra! communities on 1 1 i.i.i. ,i,,trii.. . tetding ami proper management a iolluv,s. Monday. 2 p. ni Medtord I.eathtrxxoud -, barn. Jonailian Creel;. Tiieda. HI a m 1 rank , Med lord'' bam. L'ralitiee: i p in Po S Haxne-' barn. ( ixiie Ti.ii.u,i Wednesday, 9.30 a in Ceor-e K Stanley's dii n, Pine.m Fruits - Vegetables To Be Discussed A meeting oil li'int-. and e"e- lables will be held We.hie-dax at l (' P m. id the II. n xx ui, il couiilx eourlhouse In Wax nesx die in con nection xx ith the Counl x ('omniun H l)e flopineut I'luerain. II. If. Niswoni'.er, ('. State C o I I c K e extension Inn In ullui e specialist, xxill speak. r 3'rf iM y'w i ' :Hx. Ia, ! Nf ;; Is . ; ' .amt ( .., i,.i....llv.lVHWl.'tl)Mll1.1ll.inMllili8i Spend An Evening On Your Charm ANATOLI VOLIN NIKOLAI VOZNESENSKY NEWEST DEVELOPMENTS In the shake-up of the Russian high command 1 ii.rliMes the removal from his post ot lx an Colialu v and his replace ment with Anatoli Volin (left) as chairman of the I'SSK Supreme Court. Another repoi ted change was the removal of Nikolai Voineseiiiky (right) as president of the Russian Planum Cummissim. ( 1 utcr initio rial ) Landscaping To Be Discussed At Meeting On 30th cuunlx t 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x development ,iot iain xxill In .0 Mr Hairis tlis i ii-.- oiit hoiin heant ilii at ion and land-1 .ipiiit.' ol I. ii m homes. He xxdl illu lrale he. leituie xxith the lioxxiiii' ol slide John Harris I.andscane Special- ! Mr II. ml-, xxnli i-l ol he N. C. Slate I'olleee K- ;lMled "I'll'' T.u leli-ion Serxice. will addrt"-s a w bub appeal I lii'iue lusiuHlication meelini: al 7 IiU I In oui'houi the p ni U i'di'.e'dav al the ll.ixwoodj ' . . .1 I i u 1 1 1 t'ourlhoife in Waxnesxilli 'I'lie audience al tin' lueelim Mh.ilnled in eoiineclioll with I he w il h nal oral ra a column rn- lleel (i.udener," in new -.papers tale Some H i --late are served today By HETTY Cl.ARKK. AP New'sleiiture l'.dit.n Some niRht this xx-eek net i harni wis,. Once you make up xoui mind Hut you are t;oinu in devoir an e'ltii'e evening to glamor, don't let anything chauee xtuu mind A series ut postponement-: ot voui beautx routine will put x on t.uther and tartber back on the charm l.ul tlei', it nexer seems to tad that when you are Hied and in need ot a beauty lift, friends x. ill tl x to per suade you to iuoie i he piotiiam in favor ol an evening ot hi nliie 01 a movie He firm Peuiember these friends will not he aiound to mm oui your wrniKle-. ten vtais limn JiOvV. Cream your lace, throat and neck 11 little line- ale -taitiliM 10 appear, Use a rich mi-ui him cream. Give voiu-eil a l.uial ma: s;ige with upxxaid and outward strokes. Tin-! is the no-lit loi' the pedicure leg inootlimR and nip ecrcises lake a up. r halt, complete wun hunim , u e a spicy duslinii powder and Special Services At Clyde Baptist Church The Sunday School le-on lor next Sunday at the Civile Haptft church w ill be. "Jems' Com t i n For All People " The Hex. Daxxver I) (iross, pas tor, also announced lhal m con neetinn with this emphasis, a mo tion picture entitled. "Who f mv Neighbor'.'" will be shown. There are 1.0 Hi gas ulihly com panies in the United Slates. i5x -i-x. V j r X J f i J. loir otl your exeinn-t ui glaniour ! wilh .pice-' ceiited dustins pow-Ui-r, an early Amrriian favorite. j You can be pretty with iiUle eltolt. Former St. John's Pastor Returning For Series Of Services Th. Ilex1. Francis McCarthy, loriuti' as-iMant pastor of St. John's Church in Waynesville, will conduct an 1 1 startui", at chill t il He is now Mf-ion P.. mil ei.'.ht-dav Mission, ,i. m Sunday at the witli ihe Diocesan al Wake Forest. Kxeiiiiii' Mi--ion -erxiies will be held at 7.110 o'clock. xk our j Q MANY NEW ITEMS JUST RECEIVED -BIGGER VALUES New Spring Shades SI Gauge - 15 Denier Nylon Hose C Seconds - PS Cu x. 9 9 For Lace-Ti iinined Beautiful SLIPS Mhiiv Colors All Sizes if ONLY $1 UX,. v Ladies' and Children's kirts REDUCED TO A mil her Shipment Heautifiil I'OTTON THROW 1UGS Non-Slip l!acks All , Colors Only One Lot Of Ladies' Beautiful COTTON Dresses FAST COLORS ONK LOT BKAUTIM Ii COTTON DRESSES Fast Color Sanforized $3. Ladies' $2.98 Outing GOWN $1 All Colors Children's Sturdy JODHPURS Si Price that means savings The Bargain Center Of All Haywood Is Our Basement Sizes 2 to G In Children's COVERALLS $& Another Real Buy Boys' Pullover SHIRTS S Assorted Colors 9 One Lot Ladies' SWEATERS l'art Wool Some Are All-Wool OUR LOW PRICE $1 New Merchandise Daily Belb-cMud&cm Our Basement Is a Complete Store Within Itself.

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