STANDARD PTG CO Cnmp 220-230 S First L I.OI-1SVILLE KY t The Waynesville Mountaineer UNCLE ABE SEZ IVisht thar wui some other way t' start the day off on col' morain's 'thout havin' to fast git out o' bed. Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - The 1st Phot" 64th YEAR NO. 25 8 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties of preside"! k vac." Rep, son. ' J!"P 4 Viiw a State'- 1 U l. n 1 en says m ; reprcrfiitativ- lr Truman dur fTh, photo a.s piskcrs Ray Optimistic In Getting Money For Building Parkway Services For Pfc. Warren To fcconu un - p Un H I hliTS. hiorani ' Lil of Winslon- uncas ai arancc oi Lnth. ran us population ."- boards and mus- the t s cen' in May. All bu' ,hc ssor Lor of history slopped in io any neaniy ios- hterest he could Ls told. "1 Here pot where the in the War He ight like to visit suggested. much. Having over a ycais, rests me." kas snown un a to gel l 'he Funeral services for Pfc. Carl ulphur hprums m Warren, zo, son oi rar. ana irdly wait lo get ; Mis Arthur Warren ot Canton, Houte 3. will he held at the Friend ly House, near Sunburst, Thurs day afternoon nt 2 o'clock. The Rev. Thomas Krwin will officiate and burial will he in Iiiiti.iii Chapel Cemetery. Pfc. Warren was n native of Ilay- mpse of the top j wood county and attended the and underbrush I Bethel Schools. He entered t he lor a Southern ! service in April, 1943, and sailed for the European Theater in Sep tember, 1943, He was killed in action in Luxembourg, Germany on January 25, 1944. Surviving in addition to the par (Sce Pvt. Warren-Page H) ?r-7 f "- " minutes he was usiastic. j motional tones, concern on his li of the matker lent out, to the spot, to He was dead tialist ais Week tent Specialist he North Cam- Extension Ser- p work in llay- fcek on the Corn- lent Program'. lay-wood county in connection ter sheds added Canton Masons To Confer Degree Friday The Hoyal Arch degree will be conferred Friday night at a meet ing of the Royal Arch Masons Jof Canton Chapter Number 87. Secretary Philip B. York an nounced Monday that the program at Masonic Hall in Canton would start with a dinner at 6:30 P.M. Following the dinner the degree will be conferred on a class of candidates. Charles Ray of Waynesville, chairman of the North Carolina Park Commission, said Saturday, i prospects "look good" for a $5, ; 000,000 increase in federal funds ! being sought for continuing con I struction on the Blue Ridge Park j way. I He and other members of the i Commission conferred with Con gressional leaders Wednesday, and paid a visit to President Truman at the White House, which was ar ranged by Congressman Redden. In an interview with the Moun taineer, Mr. Ray said members of the Tar Heel group were given a favorable reception by Senator Carl Hayden, Arirona Democrat, who is chairman of a subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Com mittee on the Interior Department. The Commission chairman term ed as "encouraging" Senator Hay den's olT-the-record remarks in re gard to the increased appropriation being sought. The group, accompanied by U. S. Rep. Monroe Redden of Hen dersonville, also conferred with U. S. Park Servce officials and U. S. Senator Clyde R. Hoey, Tar Heel senior senator. At a meeting in Waynesville several weeks ago, the Commission voted to seek the boost because the current appropriation of $7, 500,000 proposed in the President's budget makes no provison for new Parkway construction. As the situation now stands, this appropriation would be divided among the five U. S. Parkways. And of the funds, $5,000,000 would go to cover old construction. The remaining $2,500,000 would go to finance administration, mainten ance and supervision of all the Parkways. The increase in appropriation oi $5,000,000 js being sdugtjt, Mr. Itay said, partially for completion of projects out of Soeo Gap into the Park, in the Pisgah Forest at Wagon Road Gap, and in the Oteen area, these being considered vital to the future development of this section. Other members of the group who (See Ray Optimistic Pae 8) f Township Has ommunity Groups Township was separate corn night for the Community ram. ken at a meet- ;ly 135 citizens uniueo. into I East Pigeon immunities for Program, and Pmittees were 1 ;c officers and ' fay Chambers r Martin, Lou K. Sellers iM' Sherill, Van Vaughn Kuv. (hn Cathev Bh K. Win Mrs- Joe Dev. ""d Howard A Go-Getter j F : the Center Stf UH"! ; Friday at ,he U ' a"d for East M J immunities at Hv " X - . IfiilR 29 - Partly i fc "... . rui Officers For Haywood Demonstration Farmers MMlMMIlMmlWl:Wi:M1WnWIlllf I" These men were elected as officers for the Haywood Demonstration Farmers recently. Left to right: George E. Stanley, president; R. C. Francis, vice president: William Osborne, secretary, and T. C. Davis, treasurer. Photo by Ingram's Studio. Waynesville High Wins First Place In District Meeting Band Wins Top Honors WTHS Band Truman Interested In Visiting W.N.C. Police Arrest 15 Over Week-End The records show that the Waynesville police department had a busy week-end, making 15 arrests. Thirteen were for public drunkenness, one for reckless driving and one motorist for op erating a motor vehicle with faulty brakes. No accidents were reported, according to Chief Orvillc No-land. Mrs. DeLacey Dies Following Long Illness Mrs. Eilat Barnes DeLacey, 83, who resided in Waynesville for nearly forty years, died Saturday morning in an Asheville nursing home following a long illness. Funeral services were held Mon day afternoon in Hamilton, Ga! Mrs. DeLacey was a native of Hamilton and after her marriage to the late J. F. DeLacey, lived in Eastman, Ga. She came to Waynes ville in 1912, following the death of her husband, and operated the Georgia Inn until she became ill in 1946. She was a member of the First Methodist Church of Waynes ville. Surviving are a brother, R. N. Barnes of Waynesville; four nieces, Mrs. Ruth Derbyshire of New York City, Mrs. Mary Ella Ormsby of Spokane, Washington, Mrs. Louise Barnes Shoolbred of Atlanta, and Mrs. Elsie Barnes Wilder of Mari etta, Ga.; and one nephew, Rufus Ansley of New Hampshire. Mr. Barnes left Sunday after noon to attend the services in Hamilton. First National To Close At Noon Wednesdays The First National Bank of Way- mesville will close at noon each (Wednesday, starting this week, ibank officials announced Monday. They said this policy was in keeping with the business hours of stores. Truck Found Without" Tfie Sugar Cargo Somewhere near Walerville, about two tons of sugar, and two cases of pork and beans were un loaded from a stolen wholesale grocery truck early Saturday. Thp truck was found in the woods bv a rabbit hunter, who re- ! b)th a" interest in and familiarity nnrted it to officers here. Col. ! wit.v. the Park and Parkway pro- Last Week, President Truman indicated definitely he would like to visit Western North Carolina. Charles Ray of Waynesville, chairman of the North Carolina National Park Commission, said this was Mr. Truman's reply to a commission invitation extended Wednesday when the group visited the White House. Mr. Ray told the Mountaineer that the Commission made no at tempt to set a definite date for the President's visit because there was no occasion in immediate sight that would justify a Presidential appearance. However, he added that one such occasion would be in connec tion with a proposed celebration of the cntnpietion'of the Blue Ridge Parkway southward into Asheville. The Commission members, he said, had in mind such an event when the Parkway is sufficiently com plete. Mr. Kay and other North Caro lina officials were in Washington last week seeking an increase in federal appropriations for contin uing Parkway construction. He said the President showed Jones and Patrolman O. R. Roberts went to Waterville with officials of the Asheville grocery concern, and got the truck. Eight cases of pork and beans were still on the truck when it was found. The only damage was a run down battery, as the lights had been left on I he truck. The loaded truck was stolen from the grocery warehouse early Sat urday morning. Officers harl a feeling that the cargo of sugar was taken into Ten nessee, and the truck left in this state, in order to keep F.B.I, from entering the case. jects. Mr. Ray quoted the Chief Execu tive as saying he would "certainly like" to vacation in Asheville and that he had enjoyed his previous visits at the Grove Park Inn. Mr. Truman also told the group that he was "well acquainted" with former Senator Hob Reynolds. The Commission chairman said he and the other Tar Heels with To Compete In Contests Waynesville High School's crack concert band last week-end came through with top honors in the Western District Music Contest at Asheville. earning the right to enter the State Contest at Greens boro next month. The band, led by Carol Under wood, gained a rating of "superior" from the judges of the competition in this division Friday over Let Edwards High School of Asheville. It takes a superior rating, high est award in the contest, to gain the state-wide finals. Waynesville, which had more than 200 musicians and singers entered in the district contest, was the only school to gain superior ratings in mixed chorus and band competition. k Cardf himself Won the right to compete in the Greensboro event by getting the "superior"' appella tion for his cornet solo. Sammy Wiggins also made it with his baritone horn solo, and Waynesville's Mixed Chorus and Boys' Glee Club also clinched berths in the state finals. The Boys' group of 32 voices won out over Valdese High among the Class B schools, while the mixed chorus of some 80 members outrated similar groups from Val (See Band Wins Page K Petitions Calling For Election On Beer Given Rogers The Haywood Ministerial As sociation have formally present ed petitions containing more than 1.700 names to Jerry Rog ers, chairman of the Haywood board of elections, asking that an election be called to ban the sale of uine and beer in Haywood. Mr. Rogers, who has been ill at his home for several weeks, said yesterday, that he planned to be gin checking the names against poll hooks to verify them as soon as possible. He said "it is going to take a long time to check all the names on the petitions." No indication was given as to when such an election would be held, in view of the pending bond election for the hospital, the city election in Canton, and the road and school bond elections pro posed by Governor Scott. No election can he held within 60 days of another, the law provides. Pfc. Singleton Rites Are Set For Wednesday Five Community Program Groups Meet This Week ' vvl'. j More Community Development meets were scheduled this week him wore tremendously impressed j aK the program continued spread- wilh Mr. Truman's personality and that the President "looks the picture of health." Also impressive was the Presi (See Truman Page 8) Committee Heads Named For Dellwood Program Dairy Specialists To Work In This County F. R. Farnham. North Carolina State College Extension Dairy Specialist, is to work this week with Haywood county farm agents on the dairy program under the county's Community Development Program. Mr. Farnham and the county agents also are working to get Grade A dairy barns built for Grade C producers. e tpm-. the staff of tho Min 35 52 52 57 Rainfall .53 .15 Photo by Ingram's Studio Less than a month after he start pa as a carrier for The Moun taineer, Carl Mundy had added ten new subscribers to his route. Carl is the 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mundy, Sr., of East &tteet, and started work the first Sp Go-Getter Pate 8) Town Extending Garbage Collection To New Areas The collection of garbage i" the new areas just added to Waynes ville will begin Friday, it was an nounced yesterday by G. C. Fer guson, town manager. For the present, the collections will be made every Friday until June first, and then twice-a-week schedule will be inaugurated with collections on Tuesday and Fri day, the town manager said. A survey is being made of the new areas, and a map will be com pleted soon. A number of streets will probably he built, Mr. Fergu son said, and water lines added in the due course of time. Nathan Rogers is making the survey, and John Taylor is making the map of the added areas, which include the section on the Dell wood road, Sulphur Springs, Belle Meade, Country Club, and Ninevah areas. Mr. Ferguson requested that all citizens living in the recently ac quired areas, have garbage con tainers with lids, and place the containers on the street each Fri day morning. Members of the Dellwood ("om munity Development. Program steering committee Thursday night organized other committees to help work out the program. ing through Haywood county On Monday night, ofTicers and committee members of the Louisa Chapel community program met in Clyde, while a similar session was held for RatclifTe Cove leaders at the home of Chairman R. C. Fran cis. The remainder of the week's schedule: Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Hominy Creek officers and committeemen, at the home of Hershel Hipps; Beaverdam Creek, Mrs. George Worley's home. Mrs. Francis Rogers announced there would be an organization At a meeting held the previous , mcctinK at the Fines Creek School week, J. A. Singleton was named building Thursday night for the chairman for the program. rines Creek Community Develop- Ai I lie steering couumncc int-ei-, pn, proeram ing at the Old Dellwood School last week, Mrs. Henry Campebll and Sam Queen were elected co chairmen of the Community Im provement Committee. Other commiUees, with their chairmen or co-chairmen were chosen as follows: Home Development Mrs. W. D. Ketncr: Arts and Crafts Mrs. J. A. Singleton: Clothing and Textiles Mrs. Glen James; Family Life (See Dellwood Page 8) On Thursday night, also, there will he an organization meeting ,at Oak Grove Baptist church for the Brown and.Bowen community. The same night at the Crabtree Iron Duff School, committees and ofTicers of the Hyder Mountain Riverside Community Development Program will meet at 7:30 o'clock. Want Ad Rents Two Houses . . . Within 50 minutes after The Mountaineer appeared on the streets Monday afternoon, Jer ry Liner had rented a house, and the next morning by seven o'clock the other house had been rented. "My want ad gave fast and satisfactory results," said Mr. Liner, as he called to say to stop the ad, as he was "out of houses to rent". Last rites for Pfc John W. Sin gleton, 23, son of Mrs. Ella Kuy kendall Singleton and the late Ben F. Singleton, will be held Wed nesday at 2:30 p. in. at the River side Baptist church near Bethel. Rev. Gay Chambers, pastor, and the Rev. Doyle Miller will officiate and interment will be in the In man Chapel Cemetery near Sun burst. Members of the Canton Post of Veterans of Foreign Wars (See Pfc Singleton Page 8) Canton Masons To Honor 10 Members Wednesday Night Ten veterans of the Pigeon River Lodge Number 386, A. F. and A. M. of Canton will be honored Wednesday night at an Emergent Communication, in recognition of their long, loyal service. Dr. Maxwell E. Hoffman of Ashe ville, Grand Master of the North Carolina Grand Lodge, will pre sent a gold button symbolic of 50 years' service to Brother Harwell Craig Crumley. He also will present certificates denoting 25 years of service to Brothers Roy Waldroop, Gene W. Young, Carey T. Wells, Lloyd Revis, Charles Jacob Setzer, Joseph Powell, Carl Thrash, Robert L. Snyder, and Jake Edward Palmer. Dr. Hoffman will be principal speaker at the Communication, which will open at 7:30 p.m. All Master Masons are invited and urged to attend. Waynesville High School's schol ars and musicians last Friday suc cessfully defended their title in the annual Literary and Athletic Field Day competition at Western Caro lina Teachers College. For the second straight year. Waynesville's boys and girls brought home the first place tro phy after competing in a field of 1.000 western North Carolina high school students. Canton High School's girls meanwhile, came through with vic tories in three events in the at li lctic division. Olene Benfield sank 20 free throws in 25 attempts in winning top honors in thu event Gertrude Hall won tho broad jump. And Alene Haymie and Nancy Lee Cody teamed up to win the 50-yaid re lay swim. In the Music competition. Fred Calhoun, Waynesville tenor, plated first among boys' vocal soloist-, and helped the Waynesville Buys Quartet, which included Jack Kel ly, Donald Matney, and Earl Mot ion, capture top honors in their section. Among tho scholars. Howard Liner gave Waynesville more (See Waynesville High Page 8) Kirkpatrick Heads Hyder Mountain Community Group Marshall Kirkpatrick was named chairman of the Hyder Mountain Riverside Community Development Program at an organizational meet ing Friday night at Crahtrec-lroii Duff School. Mrs. James Kirkpatrick was elec ted vice-chairman; Mrs. L. O. Fer guson, secretary; the Rev. (', Newell, treasurer; and Mrs, B. I'. Nesbitt, reporter. The following committees were appointed: Ways and Means Millard Fer guson, chairman; Willie Green, (J C. Palmer, Jr., C. M. Massie. and Mrs. Shiher. Survey B. F. Nesbitt, chair man; Buck Ferguson, Jodie M r -sic, Pete Noland, Stella Fisln r. Mrs. G. C. Palmer, Jr., Doris Mr Crary, Mrs. John Ferguson. Witnia Sanford, and Hubert Wells, Program Jack Mcsser. chair man; James Kirkpatrick, Mrs. ('. O. Newell, Mrs. John Kirkpalri'-k. Jennings McCrary, Miss Naomi Massie, and Mrs. II. 11. Holt. Street Project On Walnut About Finished Workmen have about compii-i ' ! the widening of the Walnut I curve, known as Denton s in-i . A new curbing, and drain I i - -- Imv-'i added, as well as widening (Ik street. The work will allow water to drain off the area instead of pond ing up, it was pointed out. Haywood Payrolls Go Over $3,600,000 Did you know there are 263 firms in Haywood County employ ing 5,836 people? That these firms have a total tax able payroll of $3,697,000? These figures are in a U. S. Com merce Department book entitled "Business Establishments, Employ ment and Taxable Payrolls." These and other pieces of information about the county in the booklet were drawn from data provided under the Federal Security Agen cy's old-age and survivors insur ance program. Here are other Hay wood County facts you can find in the publicat ion. There are 12 firms engaged in contract construction. They employ 62 people, and have a taxable pay roll of $22,000. The county's manufacturing in dustry is comprised by 21 compan ies which give work to 4,396 people who draw $3,171,000 in pay. Haywood County public utilities business is conducted by 17 firms employing 95 people and having a (?pe l oi'uy I"!yro!ls Fsgn 8) ECONOMY iNrivrrre) o n 1 1 iav by following the dote of procticof uggestion i" "TOUR HOME" iupplem?nt section, loom how yoo cin cenoffiii nd mod yl'J' horn moro livable. Read "YOU HOWf." Save copies for future reference. (Coming soon in The Monntqinef r) Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) 1 In Haywood Killed;::: o Injured . : : : 9 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol). I

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