La RCH 29, 1949 THB' WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THltEE Editor In Page 2 0rpd from iftereiice of 4." service u" , B.E.A. Caro Company was customers in . 0f that date. ahen from the r fils- 5rt to discredit rtas created to ,vice to rural aot be reached is by privately ,panies. Since ,ev from the at low interest quired to pay reason that it tain lines on a of return than !Wer companies all items of is In the case , our tax bill ible hem. fur not having his information iry of our 1943 lable. s, I am l.v. (hector department er & Light Co. ur experienc- lent fills your er flawlessly as accuracy iuse only the otent ingred- a fiords. knd Operated TIS STORE len Agency PLY Specialist Speaking At Beeft Cattle Sessions Paul Swaffer, N. C. State Col lege extension' beef cattle specia list will address a series of meet ings this week in Haywood coun ty, in connection with the Com munity Development Program. On Monday night, he appeared at a 'meeting at 'the' Fines Creek school, and the following night at the Haywood County Courthouse in Waynesville. Mr. Swaffer, who is regarded as one of the nation's outstanding au thorities on beef cattle, will dis cuss the outlook for beef cattle, Including steers, grade cow herds, and purebred herds. In addition to these meetings, there will be others in several communities on grading, judging, feedllig'and proper management, as follows: Tuesday, 10 a. m. Frank Med ford'S barn; Crabtree; 2 p. m. Roy S. Haynes arn, Clyde Township. Wednesday, 9:30 a. m George E. Stanley's barn, Pigeon. Beautification Of Home To Be Discussed Here John Harris, Landscape Special ist of the N. C. State College Ex tension Service, will address a home beautification meeting at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday at the Haywood CountyCourthouse in Waynesville. The 'audience at the meeting, scheduled in connection with the county community development program, will hear Mr. Harris dis cuss proper home beautification and landscaping of farm homes. He will illustrate his lecture with the showing of slides. Mr. Harris writes a column en titled "The Tar Heel Gardener," which appears in newspapers throughout the state. A Cheap Way To Sell Want Ads '" Dota't JfegtectTheittt Nature designed the kidneys to do a mtrveloui job. Their task is to keep the flowing blood itream free of an excess of tosic impurities. The act of living life titelfii constantly-,- producing waste matter the kidneys must remove from the blood if good heath Is to endure. When the kidneyB fail to function as Nature intended, there is retention of waste- that may cause body-wiHe dis tress. One may suffer nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puttinvss under the eyes feel tired, uervous, all worn out. Frequent, scanty or burning passages are aometimia further evidence of kid ney or bladder disturbance. The recogniwd and proper treatment is a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys fet rid of excess poiso.icus body waste. Tie Doan'a PilU. They have hud more than forty years of public approval. Are endorsed the country over. liiBiai uii Doarit. Sold at all drug stores. &uncinf New In keeping with the business hours of mer chants on Wednesdays, this bank will start clos ing at twelve, noon, each Wednesday, beginning March 30. This institution shall always strive to keep abreast of the modern trends, and the best meth ods of doing banking in an efficient, safe, and satis factory manner. THE -St National Bank H Deposit Insurance Corporation ORGANIZED 1902 ...j ..... DEATHS JOHN W. CLONTZ Funeral services for John W. Clontz, 72, were held Saturdav at 2:30 p. m. in Morning Star Metho dist church with the Rev. Asmond Maxwell officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Larry Rhod armer, Finley Cook, Albert Wilson, Albeit Sharpe, John M. Smathers and John Rhodarmer. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Arnice Moore Clontz; four daugh ters, Mrs. John Jenkins, Mrs. John nie Williams and Mrs. Floyd Hol combe of Canton -and Mrs. Nelson Coleman of Asheville; three sons, Norman and Wiley of Henderson ville .,nd Luther of Enka; four brothers, Harrison of Cantpn, Char lie and Allen of Morristown, Tenn.; and P. L. of Chattanooga, Tenn.; 2ti grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Canton In Good Financial Shape Canton's tax valuations at the end of 1948 st. at $6,300,000. This means that the town's annual lax receipts would total $108,241 annually. The figures are in an auditor's report read last week at a meeting of the Canton Civitan Club. Generally, the report indicated Canton wound up the old year in Hood financial shape, though the work of collecting garbage cost more than the service brought in. The 210 parking meters set up on the town's sidewalks last year cost $13,650 and brought in $12, 31b'. 81 during their first year. In reference to garbage collec tions, the report showed that labor costs ran to $9,800, while receipts from this service totalled only $5, 381. The report also showed that you can walk on 16 and four-tenths miles of paved streets in the town seven and two tenths mile paved with concrete, the rest black-topped, with more street improve ments continuing, Onlhe recreation side, the swim ming pool and bath house now un der construction are expected to be ready by this summer. Donkey Ball Game Will Be Played Friday A Donkey Ball Game will be held Friday night, April 1, at 7:00 o'clock in the gymnasium of the Crabtree-Iron Duff High School. The game is being sponsored by the Parent-Teacher Association of the school. A team composed of parents will play a team composed of faculty members. Member Fedeivl Reserve System Rotarians Hear Talk On Content Qf Fertilizers Howard Clapp toid RotaHans about the content of fertilizer, in an illustrated talk before the club on Friday He explained the analysis of fertilizers, pointing out that 6-8-6 type means 6 per cent nitrogen, 8 per cent phosphate, and 6 per cent potash. The manufacturer must now put on each bag. "Guar anteed Analysis'' he said. The De partment of agriculture has check ers out making an analysis on all tjpes of fertilizers for the protec tion of buyers, he said. "It is important to know the need.-; of the soil, in order to use the proper fertilizers," he empha sized. "Find out what a certain crop takes or adds to the soil, and then use a fertilizer that fits into that picture," he urged. "Constant study of the soil is a necessity. Beware of using lime until you are sure your soil needs lime," he pointed out. State VFW Heads Are Coming To Canton Saturday Officers of the Canton Veterans of Foreign Wars post and its wo men's auxiliary will be invested formally Saturday night in cere monies at I ne Canton Armory. The joint installation will lie conducted by State Hepresentat ive Harry Vaniierlinden of Hickory, State VFW commander; and Mrs. Alberta Vainer, state auxiliary president from Greensboro Glenn Hobinson of Champion's Inspection Department, is the in coming Post commander, while Mrs. Louise Lcatherwood of Cham pion's Medical Staff is the new Post Auxiliary president. Mr. Robinson succeeds Bruce Leatherwood, and Mrs. Leather wood was named to succeed Mrs. Evelyn Robinson. Members of the post and the auxiliary Will attend a dinner, scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. A dance that will follow the din ner will be open to the public. Lions Hear High School Musicians Members of the Waynesville Lions Club heard some of Waynes ville High School's finest musical talent at their regular Thursday night meeting at the Towne House. There were songs by Donald Matney, baritone, and Tenor Fred Calhoun, and the Boys' and Mixed . Library Notes MARGARET JOHNSTON County Librarian ODDS AND ENDS The Caldecott Award has just been presented to Bert a And Elmer Hader for their book, "The Bin Snow". The Newberry Award went to Marguerite Henry for her "King of the Wind". Both of these selec tions are very popular in our li brary and we heartily approve the choice of the committee. - On Saturday, March 12th. 210 books were taken from the Library Headquarters and the week before was higher with 305. Over 100 books and magazines go out every day! Pocket Books can be used on our "Put and take Shelf ". Why not bring yours down when you have finished with them? Hours of the Library are 10-12 and 1-5 every day except Sunday and Wednesday afternoon. Funny how some people never read the information on the door. A number of interesting pamph lets have been received. The story of North Carolina's first novel writ ten by a resident North Carolinian with a North Carolina background was "Eonguski or the Cherokee Chief ,a Tale of Past Wars". Rich ard Walser tells about the story in "Senator Strange's Indian Nov el". Incidentally one of our bor rowers had read this pamphlet and visited the Pack Library in Ashe ville where a copy of the novel may be found in the Sondley Ref erence Library. A biographical sketch of John Charles McNeill by Agatha Boyd Adams is certainly an addition for the lovers of McNeill's poetry. The Library would love to buy a copy of his "Lyrics from Cotton Land , which unfortunately is out of print. file i uw wt xsn? wuh mst mum More South Carolina Triplets The statisticians say triplets occur only once in 7,100 births but here's the second set bom within two weeks in Lancaster county, South Carolina. Ellie James, Negro farmer, is stunned but happy as he gazes at his three offspring. Their mother died soon after they were born. Last week Mrs. Janus Donald Thomas, textile worker of Lancaster, gave birlh to three daughters. (AP Photo) National Housing States Have Own CHICAGO ilIPi Only a scatter ing of cities and slates have their own rent laws which could be used to replace federal lent con trol. The National Association of Housing Officials reports that only five states Connecticut, Illinois. Maryland, New York and New Jer sey have rent laws which would become effective if federal regula tions expire. Onry five cities New York, Washington. Buffalo, Philadelphia and Flint. Mich. are currently ad ministering theiiV'WU rent Control ordinances. Flint never has been under fed eral regulations, but has had lo cal rent control since October. li)42. New York and Buffalo control rent on hotels, apartment hotels and lodging and rooming houses. Philadelphia regulates evictions and has rent control provisions on a standby basis if federal controls expire. Washington's rent control law expires a month after the fed iral law unless it is extended by Congress. The standby laws with the long est life expectancy are those of Illinois. New York and New Jersey. All I hree -are effective until June 20. I!H). Connecticut's rtnt control law will expire when the stale legi-la-ture adjourns t-int die. Under the luw. I lie deadline for adjoin nnienl i-; June fi. Mainland's rent control law el lo expire June 1. Six slates Connecticut, Minne sota. New Jersey, New York, Ore gon and Pennsylvaniaare con- id erini; legislative proposals to set up 'Idle controls for another year or longer in the absence of federal regulations. Massachusetts is con sidering a bill to permit rent in creases of not more than 20 per cent above rentals prevailing March 1, 1940. Quartets. Another feature of the program was the piano solo by Jimmy Gal loway. Fred Calhoun and the Boys' Quartet of which he is a mem ber of the Mixed Quartet, gained ratings of excellent in the District Music Contest at Asheville last week-end. Club President Joe Davis said motion pictures of last year's Lions Internationa Convention in Now" York City will be shown at this week's meeting, Thursday night. !5F ASXYOIIR t , 4B90O9 ?. i SPECIAL V i e fes- I Group Says few. Rent Control Laws SHOCKING LOUISVILLE. Ky. (UP) He'got the wrong kind of charge from his chocolate milk. Albert Bryant said here when he filed an $8,500 dam age suit against a dairy concern. Bryant said he found a dry-cell in the milk. !--! 'I .1.1 "1 y -1m" -rriirZTT DEPARTMENT STORES 'X ff' a new shipment of l 1 l I lif EUMLL0ON W W (GL0TO : f , f New Spring Pastels I! jf I V.V V FINE QUALITY Uj 1 y " REGULAR $1.00 YARD fTTT 39 Inches wide J ' V 1 Belk-Hudson Jv U ZS YARD H--U In Every Field There Is Always A Leader In Haywood, Belk-Hudson LEADS WITH LOW PRICES! "Home of Better Values" Capital Letters (Continued from page two He sent it to her, along with a bill for $100, explaining that this hos telry was not permitted to pass out, for free, directions, etc., for the preparation of its dishes. The story has it that she paid the $10(1 and forthwith began sending the cake recipe to her friends. One of them lauded with Kerr Scott. Here it is and if you make good witii it you might send a piece of it to Governor Scott or to this column at 838 Insurance Building. Raleigh: One-half cup butter: 2 cups sug ar; 4 oz. i4 squares) chocolate; 2 eggs; 1 and one-half cups sweet milk; 2 cups flour; 2 tsps. baking powder; 2 tsps. vanilla; 1 cup nut meats. Cream butter and sugar. HERE'S YOUR. ,n 8 recent test of hundreds of people who smoked only AMCUrpI Camels for 30 days, noted throat specialists, making . . ,i weekly examinations, reported -s r- Win r nflttTfi i I i made the .rH V. cmu 30 PAy rfrr' f " fi i now i know f-rrsk t$k' H0WMUOAND ' r t'--J OOOD TASTINO A" f & M i 1 Add me! ted chocolate and beaten eggs. Sift dry ingredients alter nately with milk. Add vanilla and nuts and bake in loaf pan 350, 45 minutes. Icing (not cooked): one-half cup butter; 2 oz. chocolate; 1 egg; 1 and one-half cups powdered sugar; 1 pinch salt; 1 tps. vanilla; 1 tsp. lem on juice: 1 cup nuts. Melt butter and chocolate to gether. Add beaten egg, sugar, salt, vanilla and lemon juice. Eith er mix in nuts or sprinkle on top. Good luck. If you prefer you might make I his a layer cake. MAYOR TELLS THEM FITCHBI RG, Mass. (UP1 When the city council opposed his plan lo buy a new fire apparatus, Mayor George W. Stanton bought a full page advertisement in a local newspaper to get across his argu ments. NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION nilF Tfl MMtlNn f AMD C it' ,1'

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