STANDARD PTG Co t'omp 220-230 S Fust St LOUISVILLE AY jhts (he ys The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Se&t of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park UNCLE ABE SEZ Menny rumors a i r like snowballs, they gether size an' speed as they travil then suddenly bust all t' peeces. - - 64th YEAR NO. 27 8 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 4, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties row the , April tools d Williamson l.',hmii!ht was teal, he found la cup ot a" half salt. Ls or. Thomas BOW"" like the white it was raw iai Id in a nh'j 'he baKea f"1" a little mclleu ,ik were ob- week of exist- ll,c hungry od as any pro- troupe couiq gotta a flat grader Friday. ktorist smiled, was Apr" 'Yen, I know-- its Apr" scratched Ids disgust on his , but not that Le on--for half A(jent Joe bidaged finger. led from a case the part of a I a hold of Mr. he had to let version of the lied Thursday Club meeting new member. kv Lions asked ell us how you king machine." fsistant County lary parked his tile he was on a fcs were grazing Ime. lack to his car, mges had been luch upholstery also well ehew- weren't grazing he Making i It to behold." !ssion Dr. Dean ted in describ ee State Test he first director est Farm here, tarm when the Fed as they arc Apartment House And Hotel Sold In 2 Real Estate Deals Ratcliffe Cove Program Leaders Funeral Today fr I V 1 made of the Inth, and snmi- Id there is such pnakes a fellow to krmuL' l,nM pevelopment." the farm. Dr facial course in pnd is now heart F State Colleen Funeral services were held Mon day afternoon for Staff Sgt. Jack Mcsser. SSgt. Messer Rites Held At Clyde Today Funeral services were held this afternoon at Louisa Methodist Chapel in Clyde for Staff Sgt. Jack C. Messer, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mcsser of Clyde, who was killed in action on July 25, 1944. The Rev. W. T. Medlin officiated and full military rites were con ducted by the Canton Post of Vet erans of Foreign Wars. Interment was in the Memorial Plott at Bon-A-Venture Cemetery in Clyde. SSgt. Messer entered the serv ice in September 1940 and served .,-.-(See S:Maser-Jre 31, ., McAlhaney Killed As Car Plunges Into Tuckaseegee An auto accident near Wilmont Saturday afternoon took the life of 41-year-old L. F. McAlhaney, Haz elwood merchant and operator of a tourist court near Cherokee. State Highway Patrolman C. D. Lindsey reported Mr. McAlhaney's car apparently went out of control on US Highway 19-A, turned around on the road, then plunged into the"? Tuckasegee River. Mr. McAlhaney drowned. Tommy Bowman, 25, of Cherokee, who was riding with him, escaped injury. Mr. McAlhaney's death was termed accidental by Coroner H. S Dills of Dlllsboro. A native of South Carolina, the merchant owned and operated Mack's Indian Village adjoining the Cherokee Reservation. He also formerly operated a store in Cher okee. His widow, the former Miss Lil lian McClain, and three step-children survive. Two real estate transactions were completed here today, and involve property valued near, the $100,000 mark. The 10-apartment Klrkpatrick Apartment House has been sold to Miss Sarah Long and Miss Eliza beth McCracken. They bought the property from the Dr. W. L. Kirk patrick estate, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kirknatrick. The other deal was the purchase of the interest of the Dr. Klrk patrick estate in the LeFaine Hotel by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick. The apartment house was open ed in June, 1927, and was built by the two Kirkpatrick brothers. The new co-owners plan to operate the property along the same lines as in the past. They plan to make some improvements within the near future, it was said. The apartment house is of brick construction, and is on Walnut Street. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick are now the sole owners of the Hotel LeFaine, on Main Street. They rebuilt, and opened the hotel twenty years ago this month. Since January 1948, the hotel has been under lease to Edward N. New man, Jr. He plans to continue operation under the lease plan, it was said by the owners. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick plan to continue to occupy their apartment at the hotel. j" 4 f 1 If L J Tourist Development Planned By Soco Road Property Owners COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICERS for Ratcliffe Cove are,1 left to right: Mrs. Hugh Katclitle, vice-chairman; iirs. jumes nieu ford, secretary; Mark Galloway, treasurer; It. C. Francis, chairman; and Mrs. Algie Ratcliffe, reporter. Photo by Ingram Studio. Local Red Cross Chapter To Start Blood Program A meetine of the Haywood Chapter committee for the Ameri can Red Cross Blood Bank Pro gram will be held In the Court Room here on Thursday, April 7, at 2 p.m. - Miss Jewel Graves of Atlanta, regional director of the blood pro gram, will be the principal speak er and plans will be made for the establishment of a blood center here. The program will be financed through contributions made in the annual Red Cross fund campaign. Jonathan Woody is serving as general chairman for the program with Wayne Corpening as recruit ment chairman. Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan as volunteer service chair man, and Mrs. William Norris as publicity chairman. Committee (See Red Cross Pare 3) C. of C. Membership Drive Starts Thurs. Age Ernnn .r f it a L r r n Pt, that fa Pto the machinp try Savinu (ho f million trac- " American Nne is fast re. In mnio Merchants Meet 7:30 On Tuesday The Waynesville Merchants As sociation will meet at 7:30 P. M. tomorrow, (Tuesday) at the Coun ty Commissioner's office in the Haywood Cdlinty Court House. The announcement came from Association President W. M. Cobb. Dairy Research Program Started At Test Farm R. N Jirvis has been assigned to the Stale Test Farm for special dairy research. He is here under a co-operative agreement between the N. C. Experiment Station, State College and T.V.A. Mr. Jarvis is studying to com plete his degree from State Col lege. He has been assigned to the work here for one year. He is from Mars Hill, is married and has one rhilH The Test Farm herd is composed of about 70 animals, with about 35 being milked at present. aunched To Raise For Cancer Belief F and Tuesday: na warmer. Hie ten,.. by the staff Mn- Rainfall M .57 43 29 4 .0B The 1949 drive for the relief of cancer victims is coins forward in Haywood county. Mrs. W. M. Cobb, drive com mander for thp rVinnlv flanrpr Snriptv nnn,.n 1 4i - niiiiuuiiucU lliai I I1C pcu- Ple of Haywood are being asked give ,ouo this month for can cer sufferers Thie i Cinn higher than that for last vear. Mrs. Cobb rplnlnH (h. details nf the inonth-lntio Mtnnoim, (nllnur. Ing a meeting ..r o,n ccutiye board at the County Com- rv I...,: . . . ".iuner 8 office Friday, the open ing day. She said materials and posters have already been distributed for the campaign, .which Is being spon sored by the Waynesville Junior Chamber of Commerce, with the Waynesville Woman's Club spon soring the overall organization. S Cancer Drive Pai-e J) ! Haywood Delegation Attends Dinner Havwnod Connty was represent- on hv the largest delegation of any county in the state, with the ex ception of Wake, at the Jenerson- Jackson Day dinner neia in iw- leigh Saturday night. The Haywood representatives were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brown, Miss Gladys Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Byers. Richard Queen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Campbell, John Queen. Miss Katherine Queen, Rep. Grover C. Davis, Mr. and Mrs William Medford, R. D. Cole man, Mrs. Edith Alley, L. A. Co man. Jr., W. J. Damtoft, and Ernest McCracken. 8 Community Meetings Are Slated Tonight's meetings of the West Pigeon and East Pigeon Commun ities at Bethel School will launcn apother full week of activity In the county's Community TX-velop-rwntTrogramJv-- ; The separate sessions will start at 7:30 P. M. Here is the rest of the schedule f6r the week: Monday. 7:30 P. M. Organiza tional meeting at Saunook School, by Saunook Parent-Teachers Asso ciation. Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Clyde at Louisa Chapel. Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Panther Creek at Panther Creek Baptist Church. Thursday, 7:30 P. M. Aliens Creek at Aliens Creek School; Thickety (Brown and Bowen Com munity) at Rockwood Churcn. Friday, 8:00 P. M. Upper Crab tree at Mt. Zion Church; 7:30 p. m. Francis Cove at the Com munity Church; 7:30 P. M. Fines Crepk at Fines Creek School. Friday, 7 P. M. Center Pigeon at Mrs. Welch Singleton's. flreanization will start tonight on the Saunook Community De velopment Program at a Parent-1 Teachers Association meeting at the Saunook School at 7:30 o'clock. The meeting was announced by Mrs. Clifton Shook, PTA president. A representative of the County Agent's office will attend the meet ing to explain the objectives and the organizational details of the County's Community Development Program. Students To Get Out Noon Friday Haywood county school students will get off a few hours earner a week from Friday. And they can thank the North Carolina Educa tional Association for it. County Schools Superintendent Jack Messer said schools would close at noon that day to permit teachers to attend the Friday ana Saturday sessions of the Associa tion's 65th annual convention in Asheville. The usual closing hour is be tween 2:30 and 3 p. ni. Mr. Messer said about 125 coun ty school teachers probably will attend the convention. He added he is planning to go, also. As indicated from bulletins of the State News Bureau in Raleigh, 1949 is going to be a big year for the tourist business. Mrs. Frank Knutti, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, reports that all in dications point to a bigger season than Waynesville and vicinity have had since the end of the War. The Chamber of Commerce has made extensive plans for the pro motion of the Tourist Trade in tlie pnmins vear. and have on hand for distribution, copies of the Vaca tionist's Map 'andGuide to Western North Carolina. Plans are well under way for the new (older intended for Tourist in formalion. A broad program is under way for the betterment ol the com munity and the Chamber of Com merce will give its complete co operation to all plans for civic im provement. Paul Davis, Chairman of the Membership Drive, announces that the Drive will begin with a Dutch Breakfast at 9:00 a.m. Thursday. Eleven teams will be organized (See Membership Page 3) Mass Meeting Set J For Friday To Complete Plans For Major Projects Plans for making the Dellwood Maggie area into an outstanding tourist development will be made at a mass meeting Friday night at the Maggie school. Tentative plans call for chang ing the name of Maggie, and the possibility of incorporating the area into a town. All this is be ing advanced by the newly orga nized Soco Road Boosters Club, which was organized last Friday night. Jim Plott is president, Bill Mil ner, secretary, and A. R. Phillips is treasurer of the club. Mr. Plott said yesterday that plans for the development of the vallev into a tourist renter had been discussed at various times for many years. "We are anxious that every citizen attend the meeting Friday night at eight o'clock, and take part in the formulation of these plans," he said. The area in general, includes all the property along Highway No. 19 from Dellwood to Soco Gap. The changing of the name ot the Maggie post office will be one of the matters to be discussed "The name is just not in keeping with what we want to develop in the area," Mr. Mllner, secreiary, said, in discussing some of the general plans. "We have an opportunity ot malt ing a tourist , development in the valley that will be comparable, or even ahead of anything in the Smoky region," Mr. Milner said. The officers of the newly orga nized club are anxious to get sug gested names 4or thp ares. They want something in keeping with the location, and a "good catchy name" that will appeal to tourists, it was pointed out. Miss Smith Given Gift Ju Q . ti G jNUUL This photograph was made during the meeting last week, when 200 women met and named Miss Mary Margaret Smith as the "out standing woman of the year". Miss Smith (left) is shown acceplin,;; a silver dish from Miss Anne Rowe, former district agent. Mrs Rowe presented the gift in behalf of the women of Haywood Home Demonstration clubs. This photo by Ingram's Studio. 5 More Cabins Start UpAt4-H Club Camp 7,000 Seedlings To Be Planted At Four-H Club Camp State Forester Charles l'ettit and other forcsl experts will he at the Mountain Test Farm al 9 a.m. Saturday to hell) launch the work of setting out 7.000 white pine seedlings at the Haywood County 4-H Club Camp there. Assistant County Agent Joe riinn sniri todav "Monday) tnai with Mr. Pel I it would be TVA For ester R. A. Vogonherger, N. C. State College Extension Forester John Ford, and Ted Davis of the Champion Paper and Fibre com pany, Canton. Mr. Cline requested that as many 4-H Club boys as possible be there to help set out the trees. Milk Producers To Meet Tuesday At Court House Grade A milk retailers have been asked to meet with the Dairy Com mission under the County Com Develooment Program at 2 P. M. Tuesday in County Agent Wayne Corpening s office. In his letter to the retailers, Commission Chairman Frank M. Davis wrote: "The Dairy Commission which is composed of producers, retailers, wholesalers, etc., would like to meet with all of the re tailers of milk at the county agent's office on Tuesday, April 5 at 2:00 P. M. "This is a very important meet ing, and it is hoped that you will make a special effort to attend " Road By State Test Farm Will Be Paved Soon Highway crews are pushing the grading of the road from Ratcliffe Cove to Highway No. 276, by the State Test Farm. Present schedules are to have the road of about a mile and a half surfaced within 30 days. State road trews are doing the work. The road through the farm and connecting with F:ast Street will be paved later. SMALL ROOF FIRE Firemen extinguished a small roof fire at the ' Millard Howell house on Howell Mill Road Satur day afternoon. Slight damage was reported by fire chief Clem Fitzgerald. 15 To Face Trial In Mayor's Court One of the largest dockets to come before the mayor's court was scheduled for trial Monday after noon. Chief oi i'iil'ee Orville Noland said that the police department ar rested three for driving drunk, and twelve for public drunkenness over the week-end. This is the largest number ot arrests for a week-end in some time. Construction started today on the second group of five cabins on the 4-H Club Camp, on a site near iho State Test Farm. Five cabins are complete snS tifady;! or callip ers. Work is scheduled to begin soon on the kitchen-dining room build ing, and a little later the bath house will get underway. Plans are to have 10 cabin; ready by June first which will en able 120 campers to use the facil ities of the camp. The specifica tions call for the camp lan:e enough to care for 240 when ail buildings are finished. For the 1949 season, the 4-lt Club leaders of the area expect to confine activities to 120 campers at a time. Workmen are also busy grading, and draining the area which wilt be the playground for the camp. Fruit-Vegetable Unit Organized In Haywood R N. Barber. Jr., was named chairman, and Vincent McEIroy of Francis Cove and D. D. York of Pigeon were named members of a committee of three to head the Fruits and Vegetables Commission in the Haywood County Commun ity Development Program. Members of the commission se lected the committee at a meeting in the County Court House Wed nesday night. Thev decided to hold a series of meetings in the county and to ask members of the commission to go along, including buyers, sellers producers, bank representatives and fertilizer dealers. Colored movies on fruits and vegetables were scheduled for each meeting. The first meeting will be held at the Fines Creek School for citizens (See Fruit Group Pafe 3) Reading Contest Set For Tuesday Waynesville High School s ii i .. will compete tomorrow morning in the Woman's Clubs 241 h annual reading contest. Honors will be awarded In win ners in the two types of reading serious and humorous. Presiding will be cluh prr:-i!c!it. Mrs. Frank Kinsey and ed'ua'.iou chairman Mrs. Douglas Grant. Waynesville FFA Boys Make $16,000 Net Proii Last year the 53 members of the Waynesville Future Farmers ol America chapter completed 159 of 176 projecis hr a net profit of more than $16,000. The figures are from a report of the chapter, of which John Nes bitt. agricultural teacher, is ad viser. The members during the year set out S00 pine seedlings and pre pared and seeded two acres of lawn on the school grounds. The boys also remodelled their chapter house, and each member completed two projects in the shop. Rogers' Trout Believed To Be Southern Record More Recreation Discussed When Max Rogers of Waynes ville caught that giant rainDow trout in Glenville Lae, ne iuiC he had something more than just another big fish. He was right. The 14-pound, one ounce beauty broke the state record for the species, reports Executive Director Clyde P. Patton of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. The old record was a little more than seven pound's. The catch may be even better than that. Patton's office says the fish, 33W inches long, is "undoubt edly a record for Eastern U.S. waters," The Waynesville angler ought to claim another record: On land ing the trout after a 20-minute fight, he found he had caught the fish on a 15-pound test line. Here are other statistics on how he did it: (See Rogers' Trout PaKe 3) In 1944, a suggestion was made that the Waynesville Community Council plans for a town recrea tion center be dropped for five years. The suggestion was followed. Thursday night five years lat erthe matter came up again at a meeting of the Waynesville Lions Club Board of Directors. Dr. Harold Meyer, director of the North Carolina Reqreation Commission, noted the coincidence as he made suggestions for setting up the machinery for organizing a recreation program. Visiting here on the invitation of the Club, he suggested that the first step should be to ask the town government to establish a recreation commission, by ordin s nee Next, he said, try to find a suit able method for financing the pro gram, then hire a director trained in recreation. And then, he added, start work on recreational areas and facilities, Five members raised and ?rM habv beef animals in Asheville last fall, and seven have been started this year. The members have an orrhard of 68 young apple trees they arc- taking care of. Last Spring, they planted sov beans, disced them under in iba fall, and planted Austria winter peas. (See FFA Boys Page 3) beginning with neighborhood play grounds. For financing the program, the University of North Carolina soci ologist suggested these metnoas. 1 a special tax, subject to pop ular vote. 2 Use of parking meter re ceipts. 3 A bond issue, subject to ap proval by the citizens in a popular election. To assist such a commission. Dr. (See Rrrrvation Page ift Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed.'.:: 0 Injured . : : . 9 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrql).