aTANIMKD PTG co Con)v 220-230 S Fir,, c, JLOrilSVILLE RY tar0 L The . Waynesville ; Mountaineer , Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood Covinty At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park UNCLE ABE SEZ This is the time o' year when a nun thinks of seeds and flshin' while the women foaks thick of new duds. - 64th YEAR NO. 29 12 PAGES Associated Press and United Press Nejys WAYNESVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 11, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties ijrsday t back of the ed over the apher nw- iled t n,s tothepnoi"" L thrown so bright llgw. is tne (ace" k glasses i"' you change L ramp con" week from search de- Itaineer went , with some this moul s the expres- .of-arms pco- business for. on a neiu " thought on Lent decided from eating llso revealed that the ramp Itivating force Bar children's nf the ramp den was what into trouble. Is of the story took lettuce Is describe the rsmuion, or him, and de- his wife pay ta child. The f course, fig- lave a child. lurse, and they It to the witch, nzel. also heard an rding the name fcord from an lialect spelled "ramp lover." e, is ridiculous. at that man of ib.ster, gijes rampioM as e Italian Words, oiBoto, all of fetantlally like ken word, in- mce, and the fcnce, or repon les the rampion llflower (Cam tiavine an lot, used as a it "any herb fuma," and also tiatever that is. inent Mr Web- him when it : ramp's odor -indefinable. And Great Was The Fall 1 imlmmmsw - This was just one of many Waynesville men who hit the dust of the Athletic Field Thursday night in a benefit Donkey Baseball game for the band. This unidentified player had just slid from his mount as Ingram snapped this photograph for The Mountaineer. The play er was not hurt that night but did walk with cqrc on Friday. The game was played between the Rotary Club and the I.ions Club. The band netted about $300 from the game. Players Have Feelings Hurt In Baseball Game The Waynesville Band and 2,500 spectators won the Donkey ball game here Thursday night. Players on the two teams lost by heavy falls. The players were keyed up for bis eame. but their means of transportation over the field, the spirited little burros, just did not want to follow the rules ot tne game. Manv a player's feelings were keenly hurt, when his donkey stop ped suddenly, and the dignified Lion or Rotarian hit the dust. There were not any close plays that demanded sliding Thursday night, but that phase of the game was the1 most prevalent hardly a siijgle Player Prticipau.t iat made a iiltnfcer of ,lid"es-&8nfkj off the back of his donkey. . There was one beast of burden that was cooperative. He went when and where directed. He had three brothers, as much alike for looks as three peas, but temperament and disposition were opposites. . ' One donkey carried his player to third base instead of first, and upon arrival, staged a sit-down strike and just gazed at the huge throngs. Another very co-operative one, took his player to first base, then headed for the outfield in a full .gallop, minus his player. (See Players Page 6 38 Put In Jail Over Week-End "Must have been home coming, or something.", commented Bill Plcinmons, jailer, as he counted his record and found he had re ceived 38 "boarders" on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the county jail. "Most of them were drunks," he said. "We don't have much trouble with drunks, except they all want cigarettes, and never have any when they Ret put in jail." Jailer Pleminons asked a re- .fclMte?; !qnirtjMn!Hn6 totpiease I .jt is k ' "I vnu arr rolnr to I'cfcof iif: ... drnnk, and (set locked up, please have an extra package of smokes with you. We don't have time to run out shopping all day." afternoon sent ivate cars bear- pgular firemen Street. My. then turn- !n' back, hoses F had turned Smokp hpaun pn window. N the grease as put out arrived. Ive Ratcliffc Cove Group To See Out-Of-State Farm Tour Movie Thurs. Citizens of Ratcliffc Cove will see a movie of last year's Tcnn- (See Ratcliti Cove rage oi Cancer Drive Is Pushed Haywood County's 1949 fund raising campaign for cancer relief contiuued today with solicitations. The drive opened April 1 toward a goal of $2,500 - - $5.00 more than last year's. Materials have been distributed, and collection boxes placed in drug stores and restaurants in Waynes ville. The educational phase of the campaign continued through last week. The Waynesville Junior Cham ber and the Wavnesville Woman's I Club are sponsoring the Campaign this year. The drive being conduct ed by the Haywood County Cancer Society, with Mrs. W. M. Cobb as drive commander. Blue Robinson, president of the I Waynes' ille Junior Chamber, and Virgil Smith are campaign co- chairmen. The work in the county is part of the national campaign being held this month. Poultry Series To Open Tonight At Bethel School A series of poultry meetings scheduled in connection with the Haywood County Community De velopment Program will open to night at Bethel School at T.AV o'clock. The principal speaker at all three meetings this week will be C. F. Parris, North Carolina State College Extension Poultry special ist. He will talk about the poultry situation and the outlook for broil ers and fryers. At each session, color films on poultry raising will be shown. County Agent Wayne Corpening i n announcing t h e schedule pointed out that poultry was one of the six enterprises suggested for promotion under the commun ity development program. . . , .. .. A-t Ji ' -MM r It is ieic, wwyuuncr' i""1 Incre are many small farms in the county where more poultry broil ers or layers should be raised. "If you need some special help in your chicken business, please let us know and we will be glad to contact you." After tonight's session, the re mainder of the schedule is as follows: Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Haywood County Court House, Waynesville. Commander N.W.Carver On Welfare Board N. W. Carve has been named as the third member of the Hay wood Welfare Board. James R. Boyd, Jr., is chairman, and N. W. West, of Clyde is the other member of the board. Mr. Bovd is named to the post by the slate, while the commissioners named Mr. West, and the two mem bers name the third, which is Mr. Carver. Mr. West replaces H. A. Osborne, and Mr. Carver is taking the place vacated by C. E. Brown, who is now secretary to Rep. Monroe M. Redden, in Washington. Mrs. Sam Queen is superintend ent of the welfare work in the county. Lower Crabtree Program Leaders Ernest (). Edwards, .'IS. Pacific combat veteran. I- the new post commander "1 Haywood Ameri can l.ecion Post Number 17 He was elected at Friday night's monthly meeting to succeed Fred Y. Campbell. Post Adjutant i i '' "Vim i i'ii lift '" X. itlW Wednesday. 7:30 P. tree-Iron Duff School M. - Crab- Bill To Cut Terms Of Clyde Officials Becomes A Law Last Monday, the North Carolina General Assembly ratified legisla tion cutting the terms of Clyde government officials in half. The new law, authored by Hay wood Representative Grover Davis, reduced from four to two years the terms nf tVio riira dermen, and police court judge. Stc PU TL" 1 i fled About Trash k MUA pon City Dump Maggie Citizens Against New Name 'SSI. alvmf An F On COPriiH F city dump immunity, at a mpoii., the. 7Zs..f L v::mi;rj F 'hey started rMnmunitu r. f. The decision t"5"ct health office in Waynesville. On the recommendation nf the citizens, a committee of three was named to Start artlnn tr. the situation. This committee, made un of Chairman Jack Harris, Roy Robin son, and Dale Rirrh alcn i to take action to stop the dumping of trash on community hfhwavs and to look into the matter of high way improvement. The discussion of the city dump was going on when County Agent fSee Thlckety Page 6) R, Tuesday: ""My, Partly fcsvilu ' l - lempera F " staff nf .u. Plans for developing the Maggie Dellwood area into an outstanding tourist center took another step forward Friday night at a mass meeting of some 200 citizens of the section. Sentiment was strong, however, for retaining the present name of Maggie for the post office. It had been suggested by the newly organ ized Soco Road Boosters Club that the name of the post office be changed. Genera! opinions expressed Fri day nigl'.t. were that the post office name be left as it is, and that the whole area be given a suitable name that would be attractive 10 drawing tourists into the valley. H. C. Wilbtirn, an authority on Indian lore, was called upon for suggestions, and presented t h e name "Socoluska." This was one of many names presented, and a com mittee will select about four names and present a petition to the citi zens for their choice. Mr Wilburn pointed out that at one end of the valley is Soco Gap, j and Junaluska Ridge at the otner. By combining the names, both ends of the valley would be incorporat ed into one name. Other names in cluded Soco City. Mountain Valley, Mountain View, and numerous others. 'William Medford. former slate senator, told the meeting the im portance of organizing, and coop erating to develop the area. He in troduced Mr. Wilburn. Charles E. Ray, chairman of the N. C. Park Commission, urged that the area be kept natural, with the roadsides beautified with native shrubs, and to steer clear ot "be coming cityfied." He also point ed out the work Rep. Monroe M. (See Maggie Page 6) Robert Plott was elected adjutant of the American Legions Hay wood Post Number 47 at the regular monthly meeting Friday "ninht .to succeeds Ernest O. Ed wards, who was elected com mander. Edwards Named Commander Of American Legion Members of tjie American Le gion's Haywood Po.-t No. 47 at their regular monthly meeting Fri day night elected Post Adjutant ' Ernest O. Edwards. .!.- -ear-old Navy combat veteran, as their post commander. He succeeds Fred Y. Campbell Tn lill Mr Kdwards old Jon. they named Bobhv I'loll. The Km- (I. L. Young, na -lor of Waynesvillc's F M l Mefhodi.-I Church, was re i'l I' d po-l chap (Scr Ldwnidh I'asc Waynesville Girl Elected To College Posts Jean Ann Bradley, of Waynes ville, was elected recently as sec retary of the firrnau CnHrgp Stu dent Government Association. Miss Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs W A Bradley, also has been circled vice-president of Phi Mu. a sorority at the college, which is in Gainesville, Ga. Baptists To Take Action On Church Building Wed. The congregation of the First Baptist church are making plans for an important business confer ence Wednesday night at eight o'clock. At that time, formal ac tion will be taken on a resolution which is being offered by the fin ance committee, board of deacons, and building committee. The resolution, is the unanimous report of the three groups, says in part: "that the church authorize the building committee to employ an architect immediately to pre pare plans and specifications for a new auditorium in Keeping wun the expansion program adopted several years ago." A tentative survey of the mem bership over the week-end showed unanimous opinion favors the rec ommendation of the deacons, fin ance and building units of the church. The conference Wednesday night is just the formality of giving every member an opportunity to express themselves on the matter it is the Democratic metnoa 101 lowed by the church," Rev. L. G. Elliott, iatoi, .said. (. OtTiep business matters of a rou tine nature will also be presented, as this is the regular monthly business conference. These men and women were elected .principal officers of the Lower Crabtree Community Development Program at the organizational meeting last month. Left to right are: Mrs. Larry Ferguson, secre tary; Chairman Marshall Kirkpatrick, Mrs. James Kirkpatrick. vice chairman; the Rev. C. O. Newell, treasurer; and Mrs. Millard Fer guson, reporter, i Photo by Ingram's Studio). 3 Hurt In 5 Auto Wrecks In County Five automobile wrecks over the week-end in Haywood, accounted for three persons being injured, and seven cars damaged. The property damage ran high, as several of the cars were almost total .wrecks, according to investigating officers. The series of accidents started at Lake Junaluska when two out-of-town cars collided; Saturday night two cars col lided onjhe Plott Creek road, cjriven by M. R. Ketncr and Jerry Smith. Early Sunday mornins Mrs. Rogers New Vice President Of Teacher's Group Mrs. Claude Rogers, Aliens Creek School teacher, is the new viee-nresident of the Classroom Teachers Division of the North Carolina Education Association. She was elected without opposi tion Saturday during the Associ ation's 65th annual convention. Mrs. Rogeri, who was nominated previously by the Haywood' NCEA Unit, has served as president ot tne Haywood Classroom Teachers As sonation for the last two year. She will be succeeded in her Haywood post next fall by Charles Isley. director of the Waynesville High School band. Jail Prisoners Eat Five Bushels Of Cooked Ramps That peculiar odor near the jail in the court house is the "hang-over" from cooking a 5 bushi l bag of ramps Saturday. "Never saw anything eaten so fast in my life," said Jailer Bill Plemmons. The prisoners following the pattern of Jack Spratt. licked their plates clran. The odor was so strong that officers taking prisoners to jail would lo k thrin in the elevator, turn the automatic control, and call to Plemmons to "take 'rm oft". Jailer Plrmmons enjoyed giv ing the prisoners a v't,rral" and said the little spring tonic is good for their system. a car driven by Robert, .lames Korte crashed into a power pole at the Hotel Gordon, and early Monday morning a car driven by John W. Chubb, of Gastonia turn ed over just east of Lake Juna luska when a tire blew out. Services For Holy Week Scheduled Grace Episcopal church will hold special Holy Week services this week. They will be at 8 p. m. Wednes day. Holy Communion at 11a. m. Thursday (Maundy Thursday), and 1 1 a. m. Good Friday. The public is invited to attend. Just Before The Players Started Eating Dirt County's Finest Fiddlers Ready For Maggie Session - 67 87 - 64 Mln. 44 46 27 34 Haywood County's finest musi cians will compete for honors Fri day night in the fourth annual Fiddlers Convention at Maggie School. , The events are scheduled to start at 8 p. m Maggie School Principal R. R. - suoun reported that a dozen bands and Individual performers, ncjuding Fiddling Masters Uncte B1y Evans and Cal Messer, had entered the contest ijy Saturday. More entries are expected before the event gets .under way. Uncle Billy, a Maggie citizen, and Cal. from Cataloochee Ranch, are both widely recognized as ex perts in their art. But they face strong competition for honors in this department from other musi cians. , , Prizes will he awarded for the best performances by fiddlers and by bands as units. (See Fiddlers Pe 6) .. MIMMMHHM 'IJpj (lip , sV ' s - - h ... . j This is the beginning of tM Rotary-Lions Donkey Baseball game here last Thursday night, before rSOO fans The person on the extreme left is J. W. Kilban, under the mask Next astride he white k , u Rev Russell L Young while Howell Crawford, in straw hat, poses in his new Easter outfit. k T fcort".died donkey, then Joe Uner in the clown outfit, and an unidentified boy ? , .hiri holding i SSey In the backgroun d near scoreboard is Rev. L. G. Elliott, then Claude WoEd a d as Kte the don ey on extreme right is Claude Rogers. This photograph by Ingram's Studio. . - Carnival Bill Is Ratified -A Law A hill which would prohibit vaudeville how; and carnivals from appealing in Haywood and Graham enmities passed second and third reading!: Eriday in the State House of Representatives. The measure, a substitute for one introduced by Haywood Rep resentative Grover C. Davis, thus is virtually certain of being rati fied into law The Senate's in clusion of Graham County in the bill's provisions was the only major change in Representative Davis original measure. to Smith Bound Over To July Term Of Court Jerrv Smith was bound over July term of court by Magistrate W. H. Noland Monday morning, under $1,000 bond, for driving under the Influence of liquor, car rying concealed weapon, and as sault with a deadly weapon. Smith's car, a 1936 Chr -rro!;-t, and the car of M. R tittcn ' Ketner, collided on the Plott Crork road about B o'clock Saturday night. There were no in.iiinr- It was brought out at the hearing;, that Smith struck Ketner a I'.svd blow on the nose afler the rr!!!. ion. Smith said he hit Ketnr-r with his fist. Patrolman O. R. Robert; v!-o investigated said theie was con siderable property damage to both cars. Smith had not made bnrd a: noon Monday, and was still m jail. by Tire Blows Out, Car Turns Over On 19-23 A 1942 Ford coupe drvrn John W. Chubb, of route 2. G:w tonia. turned over on Hiih ' ay No. 19-23 early Monday momms. block ing traffic for sometime Chubb told Patrolman O. R. Roberts that (See 5 Wrecks Pae ft' Restless Anglers Warned Against Jumping Gun With the opening of the trout season only tour days off. the fish ermen are getting restless. But jumping the gun would be expensive, and the chances of es caping the usual fines are slimmer than a trout hook. District Game and Fish Protect or C. W. Ormand and his assistr ants are touring Haywood's trout havens with their usual vigilance, aided by plane, radto and patrol car. The season runs from April 15 through August 31. with a daily bag limit of 10 fish, but no limit on size. The limit for possession is 20. A rule prohibiting fishing after dark will go into effect this season for the first time. Mr. Ormand re minded anglers. The new Wildlife Resources Commission regulation is designed to protect brown trout which feed at night. Highway Record For 1949 (To Dat) In Haywood Killed.;:: o Injured . ... 12 (This Information com piled from Records of SUt Highway FatroD.

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