- PAGE TWO THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Mond :"'V t . i i l i til v OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SOCIETY and CLUB ACTIVITIES Office Phone 700-Home Phone 462-J MRS BEN SLOAN, Society Editw- Ma Bride Of James H. Coman !" Honr i M. Oi Miss Smith A 1 tc Mafioior.t I . i . lA.ll IdataE'C Vnkt ,"".!. MisS Smith Is late Mrs. Hall of Candler, and , , James Howell Coman. son of J T. , TT A) ryiYr"!vn A t Coman and the late Mrs Coman of u " 1 LSfce JuilalusKa. wen- married Fri- Sit fMi'ttfia Prtrftr Uay afternoon at Montmorenci KjULtJLiC rUIlY vh0rlC:Urth ?,"dh: J"" Mlss M" Sniith. who T 4 r-r ;p,on"umd b-; lhe Rtv- having this week to reside in Uit r " " the'GaStonia. was extended a farewell ttedding ot the hr.de, parents. lXjUrtesv Saturt!ay even, hen There were nu attendants and mpmh, , ,k i,. rv. .... , , , . . - n'v uuii iuii uuiiitr wi". liirinucii ui mi- ivio lamnies and a few tlose friends were pres ent The bride wore a two-toned green wool suit and matching felt fiai with feather trim. Her cor sage was ot orchids Foliowmg the ceremony the couple left for a weddintr triu through Florida and upon their Elro leturu will icMdc in Ueverl Hills -sheville Mrs. Coman is a araduale ol Hilt nore Junior Collcpe and the Wo man'" College oi the University el North Carolina She also did FC't graduate work in Puhlic Wel fare at the l'ni-r.it of North Carolina .1 present she hold a position with th,- Huncomhe Wel fare Department Mr Coman is a eraduate ot the Wanesvillt School, and attended Weaker College. For the past fourteen year- he ha. been em ployed In I he State Kevenut' De partment and at pre-e.M ha- head-MUaiter- in A.lit vilic Demonstration Club met at her home for a surprise party. Iiss Smith was also presented with a pair Of silver candle sticks from the club members. Attending the party in addition to Miss Smith were Mrs. T. C. Davis. Mrs Ifardy Caldwell. Mrs. Harley Brvson. Mrs. Clintnn f, . Mrs Ravmnmt r'aMn.n Mrs Oral Yates. Mrs. K. N Palm er. Mrs. E W. White Mrs. John McClure and Mrs T. J Medford. Joint Hostesses Give Dinner For Bride-Elect Miss Mary Margaret Smith, who y is leaving . this week to reside in ;j Gastonia after serving as county j nome demonstration agent here for i ne past tourteen years was hon- i ored Sunday afternoon when mem bers of the Wayftesrille Homemik ers Club entertained with a tea given at the home of Mrs Earl Messer. Mixed spring flower- were used in decorating The tea table was Coered with a lace cloth and centered with a vase of callenduta and yellw snapdraeon. flanked by yellow tapers in silver holders. Mrs Ben Phillips and Mrs. Law rence Leatherwood presided at the tea service and members of the club assisted in serving Miss Smith was presented a eifi w Dy tne club. The guest list included Miss Smith Miss Elise DeLozier Mrs J L Cannon Mrs. Marion Bridges. Mrs Howard Bryson. Mrs Howell Brson. Mrs. John Cuddeback. Mrs Charles Isley. Mrs. Frank Kirk patrick. Mrs.. Lloyd Kirkpatrick Mrs Carl RattllfTe. Mrs Jack Roe ers. and Mrs. Jimmy William.. -..VHl I -if ti V . - h . i- i r rsi - - t r v. i i i H $ ) ?4 i f t -tl;. 4 li t-l.iv l-.i4 coat is pj smart 1 cut lit i i . t i L:.bird!iie. '-m- b..n- MSJtK.AL f . . 'I ties.- two very young ladies are sure of the spotlight in the Easter parade. Both wear Coats by Barribury. Left paste! covert dressmaker coat: right, navy covert with white pique collar and cuffs. THF. KINGS KETl'R.N FKOM CALIFORNIA Air. and Mi-. Hairy Hung, who Kile .spent Hi- v.i.'iii' in Holly wood. Caiit'oi n,a. retuined to SV a nt- Mh- Sunday. They aie re--id.ng al The Waynevilla where they will operate ti,.- dining room aonng the corriinj -casnn The fiuni). lormerly r,p( rated ihe Creen 1 1 1 1 1 ea Room hen Mrs. Franklin Fricks of Svlva. Mrs Frank Martin of Franklin, and Mrs. Sidney Martin of Asheville. were hostesses of a family dinner given on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Fricks' mother. Mrs E P. Martin a- a courtesy to Miss Floise Martin, bride-elect of May. Spring flower- were used in decorating. Following the serving of dinner the guest of honor was presented a shower of miscellaneous gifts. Out of town guests were Mrs Margaret McCorkle of Asheville and li.-e- .Martha Ellen and Eliza beth Lynch, cousins of the bride elect, who are students at W..o,.rn Carolina Teacher- College. WCTC Play To Open Thursday Noland-Hyatt Wedding Plans Are Announced Plans have been announced for the marriage of Miss Kathryn No! and. daughter of Mr rfiH ir More Communities Scheduled To Organize This Week Here - the :h-dj:, tor rr.cet.r.s. in ccnnectU'i: urn !.. Havwi.ed County Cnrmr.tintty I y t lop.T.rr.' Program: Monday. 7 311 P M - Iron, DutT a! Iron Duff Methodist Church Hon -iny at Gobe! McCr.nkti - Wwtnetitai tit r t iiey isaxton Noland and William than Creek a- R,, k H;!! Sho,.: Darwin Hyatt, son of Mr and Mrs Beaverdam at Beavei da'.i Schoo' Harry Jones Hyatt. Fines Creek at Fine Cr.- k Scrtv The ceremony will take place Thursday. 7 30 P M - Thick. : at Long's Chapel Methodist Church, at Oak Grove Chun i-dKe junaiusna. On Friday April Thursday. R p ; i.i. at tour o clock4 In the afternoon. Cove at RavlifT, with the pastor, the Rev Paul 11 Duckwall. officiating. Wedding music will be pre-ented by Miss Pegj?y McCracken organ ist, and Mr. Thomas Ray soloist. The bride will be given in mar riage by her father and will be at- Church Monday. April 1 ? Saunook Com:nur:' School West Pigeon Rate 'iff e B.ip' i-t School: East kendall's April 19. 3d P. M. st Saunook at Bethe! Pigern at Will Ku- '30 p. m Panther Times Change Integrity Endures CULLOWHEE "Special to The Mountaineer' The Western Caro lina Teachers College Little Thea ter will present "All My Sons" at 3 P. M. Thursday at Hoe.v Auditori um here. The cast for Arthur Millers prize-winning play Joe Keller Doug Davis. Mars Hill. Kate Keller Rachel Ann Sut ton. Sylva. Chris Keller Dick McAuIey Charlotte. ' i Ann Deever Ann D One thinn hasi"t changed in this picture: The Curtis Drug Sheibv Store pharmacists take the George Deever Charlie West same old-fashioned care in A,nr'vij!e- ,. Di Jim Bayliss Jim Wood An- compounding your prescrip- drews tion. His painstaking double check insures accurate results . . . safeguards your health. Ifour Walgreen Agency Home Owned and Operated CURTIS DRUG STORE Sue Bayliss Celeste Sahittl,, Black Mountain. ' Frank Lubey Albert Locke, Mc "OXALD DUNHAM ARRIVES t,an. Lydia Lubey Gwen Denton. Robbinsville. Bert J. R. Dills. Cullowhee. This will be the third produc tion presented by the student drama organization. Ernest V. Deans. Jr., member of the College English Department, is director of the play. muted y Mi Jean Hyatt, sister Creek at the Panther Crfek Bap- , nonor list church and her nieces. Miss Nancy Caro- n .-otand and Miss Jackie Sue Redmond, as junior bridesmaids Jimmy Lealherwoori, yoUng son ; of Mr. and Mrs. 7Jarshall Leather i wood- wi" wve as riiigbearer and little Miss Beth Hyatt, daughter of Mr and Mrs Clarence Hyatt, will be flower girl. The groom will he attended bv his cousin, Walter Hyatt as be-t man and ushers will be Reue Nol and. brother of the bride. David Hyatt, cousin of the groom, Jimmv Swanger. and Tom Medford. Immediately after the ceremonv at the church a reception will be held at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs Marshall Leatherwood Benefit Dance Is Slated For Friday Night At Armory The Waynesville Junior Cham ber of Commerce will hold a dance Friday night at the Waynesville Armory to aid the 1949 fund-rais-;r.g drivt. in Haywood County for 'he relief of cancer victims. Jaycoe President Harry "Blue" Robinson, cancer campaign co chairman, said Freddy Martin and hi., orchestra will play at the. dance, which i- scheduled to start at 9 v.m. Tickets aiv SI .25 w hen bought at the advance sale, and $1.50 at !hi door. Donald Dunham, manager of The Dunham House on Main Street ar rived last week from Jacksonville. Fla.. to spend the coining summer season He is making preparations tr the opening of his hotel. Mrs. Tom Fisk and daughter. Mrs. Fred Coward, were guests last week of Mrs. L. C. Guy and Mr. land R. V. Justice in Canton. Attractive Nightgown Give Hfcr Flowers For Easier ROTTED PLANTS Easterlies Azaleas "Hydrangeas And Many Others i CORSAGES $2.50 Up ORCHIDS $3.50 Up Vaynesville Horisi Phone 805 Main Street '' 'Y ' iOoiil Clinic Starts For Public Health District Nurses Five nurses from the Ha wood Jackson - Mji-on - Sv.am District Health Depart mini aie at' nding a 3-day Institute u, rn n'a! l.-y "iene to be held at Highland. Ho pital in Asheville which opened today. They are: Mrs. Alma McCracken supervis ing nur-e ol the di-triet. Mrs. I'.uhv Bryson of Way ne-vill.-: Mr-. Jan ette Helm ol Canton. Mrs. Gladys Shope of Franklin, and Mrs. Doris Hicks of Biy-on Cty. ( The program will include courses b: Dr. Maurice Creenliill, Duke University Department of' Neuro psychiatry: Dr. Loyd Thompson department of 'neuro-psychiatrv. Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Winston-Salem: Dr. David Young, general superinh ndent of mental! hygiene. State Board of Health:! Miss Blanche Vincent and Miss Esther Garrison, consultant pub lic health nurses. State Board of' Health: Dr. Charman Carroll, medi cal director at Highlands Hospital: .' and Miss Jennie Stout of Asheville. ' a public health educator. Baptist Circles Will Meet Tuesday Night The circles of the Woman's Mis sionary Society of the First Bap tist Church will meet Tue.sdav. April 12, at 8 p.m. as follow.-: Eliza Yles Circle will meet with Mrs. M. T. Bridges. Lottie Moon Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Henry Hall with Mi . DougJas Moore as co-hostess. Ann llasseltine Judson Circle will nue4 at the home of Mrs Homer Owen with Mrs. Hubert Hoglen as-co-hostess. Fannie E. S. Heck Circle will meet at tju home of Mrs. H j Ilundlefwuth Mrs. Dewey Hyatt as co-hostess. Henrietta.. Hall Shuck Circle will Miss Noland Is Entertained At Shower Mrs. Reuel Noland entertained with a miscellaneous shower Fri day evening at her home on the Crabtree Road, honoring her sister-in-law. Miss Kathryn Noland. whose marriage to William D. Hyatt will take place at Long's Chapel Methodist Church next Friday. A color scheme of pink and white yvas carried out and spring flowers were used in decorating. The dining table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with an arrangement of pink and white snapdragon. Guests included Mrs. Paul Duck wall, Mrs. Ray Ellis. Mrs. Charles Edwards. Jr.. Mrs. Wallace Ward, Miss Polly Dyer, Mrs. Willard Moody, Mrs. Frank Davis. Mrs. Garrett Reeves, Mrs. Curtis Seay, ' Mrs. Rufus Reeves, Mrs. C. o! Klopp. Mrs. John Reeves. Mrs. Colonel Medford. Mrs. Hugh Leath-jei-wood. Mrs. Garrett Howell, Mrs. Q. 2. James, Mrs. Carroll Mor '(rW. Mrs. Dock Boyd. Mrs. Ben Med ford. Miss Mary Jane Edwards. Mrs. Mary Dotson. Mrs. Harry Howell, Mrs. Weaver McCrackeii. Mrs. Ida Rhinehart of Asheville, Mrs Marshall Leatherwood, Mrs! Levi Morgan of Clyde. Mrs. Charles McCreory. Mrs. Carl Green of Fines Creek. Mrs. Rov Plott Mrs Fred Allison. Mrs. Jack Redmond, Mrs. Joe Beverage. Mrs. Noel Fisher of Canton, Mrs. S L Rog ers. Mrs. Curtis Rogers of Clyde. Mis. A. L. Ensley and Mrs Paul Sutton. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds of Cuthbert. Ga.. announce the hinh Mr. Williamson Is Guest Speaker For D AR Meeting The Rev. Malcolm Williamson was guest speaker for the Apiii meeting of the Dorcas Bel) l.Vl. Chapter of the Daughters i ,i American Revolution uhi.i, .. I held Friday afternoon with Mim U....tl.n Cl.iu.lC.l.l I. :iiuiiim an uieuciu us Hostess ,, her home on Walnut Street, li,. was introduced by Mrs. J. W Seav. er, who was in charge of the p, . gram. Mr. Williamson1 spoke on Nation, al Heroes. He 'pointed to the fan ihat most men who have been set aside in history as heroes 'ha,, been leaders in world-Conflict while heroes in other fields have received little notice. He then paid tribute to the many leaders in re ligion, education, home building and oilier professions. Mrs. J. W. Killlan. regent, p,.t. sided during the business hour and ' f-ead a letter from Miss Gertrude Carraway, state regent, in which alie thanked the chaDter fur , part in the recent state conference neid in Asheville. Mrs. J. It Howell. Sr .ni,.. resident of the Children of ti,t itevoiution. reported on the la t meeting of that fioud and aiw, nounced that she had collected 20u magazines lor the Indian School at Cullowhee. She read the m,..; dent general's message from the IJ.A.K. magazine and called nil,.,,- lion to other articles of interest Miss Ida Penny, chairman nf proved schools, spoke on the origin of the Second Hand Clothes Store at Crossnore Special guests for the meelino were -Mrs. Malcolm Willia,..... and Miss Margaret Stringfield. During the social hour the i,., ess was assisted in serving by her mother. Mrs. Sam Slrinnf.i.iH ' vi.... Thomas Stringfield, and Miss Dor,.- iliy Kuheson. Home Clnhs Rmw Demonstration On1 rrozen Foods A joint meet ins of th vi I Creek. Crabtiop-HvH,,,- n ; i - - ' 'J inuuiiuilll and Iron Duff Home Demonstration Clubs was held Thursday afternoon at the Crabtree School. Miss Mary Margaret Smith, coun- 1 ty home demonstration agent gave a demonstration on Frozen Foods She was assisted by Joe Cline as sistant farm agent., who showed a film on methods of freezing fruits and vegetables. Following the meeting refresh ments were served by members of the C i ahlree-IIycler Mountain club v "..., t Mr and Mrs. Joe E. Johnson; and Miss Bobbie Jean Shelton of Oasioma were week end guests ot "H's. Lee Ray at their home on Fast Street. ' Mrs. Newton Cook of Ports '"'',. h Va., is ,le feUe,t of Ml,ald Mis. Felix Stovall. 01 W """i at (tl -".ll. tO '"'utiaEH' 'wntsivw, "iUlli Will ftJ The Woo, 'an ServU. d'f Chord, 3 mi iz, mj-J t llllll a (JJ :vi''- Bon, ""111 Mr; 'Pealter. i'l love jk " A'". .Time iiu ie wui -""-li. un., diiiiounce tne Dirtt meet at tffe home of Miss Maynie of a son- Joseph William Reynolds I U. IUII Read the Want Ads. Jr.. on Satuidav Anril in r-..ti, bert. Mrs. Reynolds is the former Miss Sara Bryson. tarJto itUk UH'trtm. tot tltit It ttd tt thft ttfeU ilthteown,Bittry'ffiBlllIi(rrA laca dyd to ton. Tfa lac fa backM 'with flh )Iord tttider ly. It band th t&p dlppljtf to V in front Tb fact fa t ia t tli waiiUiue, ribbn Ult 1 drawn tbtongk nJ tie la k low fa front. Th ddrt lufa urfitMc4 .lt rm fb tn4,. u ttm . fcodfa dc ith id aippw. DONCAS'TER DRESSES - SUITS - BLOUSES Mrs. ft. L. Coin 217 N. Majn Str(?et ..- Orders Taken for Hand Crocheted Hats Showing . . . Tuesday Thru Saturday Plan Now To Attend theli EASTER DAK Friday Night, April 1 9 (ill 7 WAYNESVILLE ARM' -featuring TEDDY MARTIN'S OEM Proceeds go to Cancer Dntt ADVANCE TICKETS, $1.25 Per Person. M $1.50 Per Person At Dimr. Tax H ORCHIDS for EASTER . $3:50 $5:00 $7:50 $10:00 We Wife flowers Anywhere CLYDE RAY'S FLOWER SHOP Phone 89-J Waynesville, N. C. Town & Country Shop Waynesville, North Carolina The Little Shop bf Distinct Fashi 10ns For Women Discriminating Tast( Where Odth-es Bell themselves 58 Main Street Phone 896 Mrs. J. Richard Queen Adi THE OPENINi of QUEEN S Ui EASTER SUNDAY fealuriiis Home cooked foods BREAKFAST 7 to LUNCH 12 to I DINNER 6 9 Phofie For neserv

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