Monday .f( n THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE TWO THE MOUNTAINEER flaln Street Phone 700 Wayncsville, North Carolina The County .Scat ef i Haywood , County Published By 3.HE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. W. CL'RTIS BUSS . -Editor W. Curtis Russ and Marion T. Bridges. Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY HAYWOOD COUNTY' One Year $3.00 Six Months 1 75 NORTH CAROLINA One Year ' $4 00 Six Months- 2.25 OUTSIDE NORTH CAROLINA One Year ... $4.50 Six Months 2.50 nierd at the post oflice at Waynesville. N. r a Sec ond Class Mail Matter a pmviavd undei the Act ol March 2. 1879. November 20. 1914 Obituary notices, i evolutions ol respect, raid uf thanks, anu all notices of entertainment for proiit. will be charged for at tne rate of two cents (ier word. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND THE UNITED PRESS The Associaled Press and Uniled Press are entitled ex cursively to the use lor re-publication ol all the local news printed in tins newspaper, as well as all Af ana UP news dispatches. They'll Do It Every Time tfjriyjslf? SCMOOL WE5 UOOD MOv)E FEATURES THE VERY PICTURES . SUiTEP FOR TW KIDS 4-12 Monday Afternoon. April 18. 1949 Zeroes Are Pesky Things Anyone handling figure? realises that a little zero can often cause a lot of trouble. In two recent editorials, we seem to have had "zeroitis." In trying to compare aceraye for growing lood crops to the size of Lake Junaluska. we dropped a .ero and said ten instead of one hundred. A lot of difference, and an error we discovered "too late." Jn another editorial about the Aliens Creek church we mentioned their contribution for the year to the Baptist Hospital. We said $1,000. when actually the gift was not that much. However, in fairness to ourselves, we took the iinu'f'e from a printed report furnished us. but also learned "loo kite" the report was in error. The Aliens Creek folks are generous in '.heir gifts, but did not want the world to get the wronc impression. Yes. those little round figures can make a lot of dilference. and they are so small when being handled that they are easy to drop, or cling together. However, we are sorry for all the extras that get in, or for all we fail to get in. Unity And Progress The eiuut county is interested in the news that the First Baptist church has climaxed their expansion program by purchasing the Main Street lot adjoining their property for a modern and large auditorium. It seems fitting that such a decision, and announcement was made during Holy Week, and just prior to Easter. The expansion program of the church was launched several years ayo. Nothing definite at the time was decided upon. The plan back then was to start getting money for the pro gram, and make neccessary decisions as to how, what, and where at the proper time. That decision has now been made. The exact details of the modern auditorium 1 are to be worked out by officials of the church and an architect. The church in conference, voting unamiously for the, entire program,; and stipulated that the auditorium seat about ' COO. The church is solidly behind the program. The fact that there was not. a dissenting vote on any of the final propositions presented to the church, within itself assures success. A number of proposals were considered for ! expanding the facilities of the church. A jre-! modeling program was studied at length. Qne : major problem which confronted the; Baptists in remodeling was finding suitable quarters for carrying on the work during the con- j struction period. Under the present plan, the erection ot the auditorium .will not in any ways interfere with the church work. Buildings now in use will not be bothered unt'il the new unit is finished. The First Baptist church has grown stead lh have been too slnwlv tr nlpaco enmo Ki haps that is over-shadowed by the unity that ,M.u"b.',? 1,10 Pra,lua,is tlas pau-nts. is called baek to his ship exists ,nr! th, Hpfinit- cl tL ... .u.. " Wavnesv,llo High School , on account of .In, European silua- - - " vyiutii an ilic uif euienainea ai annual partv tion. given by Alexander's Drug Store By Jimmy Hatlo .tOMtS fT "7WE 5UNQy MATINEES iOrV 1WBV.REEL O'ST TWESlOOP AND "WUNDERr Thax to - mlM II Ml I jfiljOMMMMMMA? f'- M;,G CATl''tES M) A1E, tot. WORLD BlCBTa EFJtlTEaH Rambling Rit: Of Human Inlprsct v cjj fTheMou,iti,i,u.e; Lookmg Back Over The Years, 15.VE4RS AGO Board of directors of the Build ing and Loan Association decide to resume making conservative loans. president of the Industrial Base ball League. Lena Wyatl wins reading run- ! lest sponsored b the Woman's Norman Plott of Bethel is win- I Club for girls in the Waxnesville ner of district declamation contest ' High School. - , . oFuimiieu u tne miiicnng and, and at times, it might have appeared to Loan Association of Ihe slate. i Leo Buekner. Jr.. of the LSS Yolklown. here on a visit to his and S. L. Sanderson are in the race for nomination as representa tive for Haywood County. tie looked his astonishment. !,, you mean to say," he asked. 'ili-,t yesterday was Easter?" When assured that it was. In- laughed. "Well, my niece has two half grown chicken by now I gave them to her a week ago, think ing it was Easter then. ' No weapon in war is as ous as an automobile with a drunken driver at the wheel. The tragedy of the little girl win, fell into iui abandoned well, laiiflii us that Ihe world forgets all d.i feieiices in the face of di-;a!ler The. wnole .country's , heart beat m unison and prayer. A tadv wjtio enjoys a Joke on iierself, was telling us of an in uiiUvc; little,, boy visitor. "How Jd .are you?" was one -of Ms questions. ,fhe ,liy lanyitjulv replied, "Oh, I'm twoty . . . aIld then some.", He, looked his. nine,. disgust and ewresi,ed ,U .in un mistakable terms: "Gosh! you're a heap older than that!" it. in:,! Vv: W thaT'iJ 1 mrll. j 71 ""HI- U i '"""ifitii! just tuitj n., .. v Hit old '" "'ul a ttiU ""'I'lllr u si-fll-'' 1.. ami d In-p (n Capital 4 iiid j, nulling m ' he N. W. Garrett is elected presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce. Extra canning sugar will be made available to those who apply to ration board. Lett By EULA NIXOX GREEN J 801 members are striving. Mrs. W. R. Arlington has five sons in the service. Pajamas And Politics We wouldn't have believed it if the United States Department of Agriculture hadn't told us. We are talking about the conclusion trom a recent poll that only about half the men in the country wear pajamas. Civilization, where are thy fruits? However, we are not going to Jet this grave deficiency pass without questioning the polling methods of the Department. Only 2.L'00 men were questioned and they were supposed to represent a true cross-section of 5o.U00.000 men over 16. We wouldn't put it above the night-shirt crovd to run in some votes against the pa jama contingent, if they had heard about the poll. Anyway, we were thinking pollsters were a little more careful with their job since last November. Ol course, maybe they are only more care ful, when it comes to political candidates. And the only relation between pajamas and politics is that both cover the subject. The Shelby Daily Star. The Bis. Chicken Farm and Preachers Hilliard D. Moody is convinced that the future of the poultry industry is staple. After experimenting with chickens for several years, Mr. Moody is now going inoi the business in a big way. In fact, he is completing a project which wijl take care of 40,000 chickens at one time. Such a pro ject takes experience, faith and money. We have every reason to believe that Mr. Moody will succeed. Certainly he will if location has anything to do with the chicken business his gigantic plant is just a, stone's throw from the entrance to Lake" Junaluska Methodist Assembly, and is there any group that can eat more chicken than JVIethodist preachers? It looks like Mr. Moody knows his chick ens and his Methodist preachers. I Doris Grali! has birthday party. 10 YEARS AGO Dixie Rose, owned by T. G. Boyd, wins in puppy class in the Tryon Hound Show. E. C. Wagenl'eld is re-elected VOICE OF THE PEOPLE D......1,!.... O I 1 ..... I . . ,, ..... . . Expansion at Dayton Rubber sage lo Chancellor Hi it for a ten r- ,. , Manufacturing Company creates year peace term. 1 ,, '. , i more than ISO essential war jobs. Mrs. Charles Quinlan and Miss Alice 'Quintan return from a visit Miss Io yon favor ffivinfr university scholarships openly to deserving Ktudents for athletic ability as stu dents now are awarded scholar ships for academic ability? 5 YEARS AGO j Haywood cattle average S57o a head at .tatesville sale. i to the former's daughter Glenn C. Palmer. H F. Sentelle. Alary Quinlan. in Alexandria. La UNCLE ABE'S LETTER Milk Draps In Price Mr. Editur. I not ist in yore pa- , to push ahead or be fust, others per low days ago that milk hari.tryin' like the dickens to keep up drapt, icourse. you spell it "drop", an' all a-lockiii' ban's an' savin', but in my Diekshunaiy it's spelt ' Le's go!" Ye-ah. rite i. Well. I jist wanted to say Arn Dun cityzens say they're al that. in my 'pinion that's 1 Ao' the , teddy fust. in 3 or 4 ways 'mongst moast signifcrcant draps in his-j the townships less poverty, less ' rv- , crime, more home-oaners. fust in Fust, wimmen's dresses drapt' tin taxes, fust to oil thi i,.,- lit ans Bt-lievej in u, .NOTES Those highway em ployees who have been ..whispering opposition lo the road, bond issue are in for a rude awakening . . Thjs may smack rather soundly ol politics, but the hint comes straight from the Governor's office ... It now looks as if the Legislature is finally going to let the people vote on the road and school bond issues i totaling a quarter-billion dollarsi . . If the folks turn down these proposals. Dr. Frank Graham will have opposition next year . . . Get it? . . Althoush onlv tw n nr t hri.. ! papers tool; note of it. (lie most newsworthy incident at the Jeffer- i s on-jarKson uay dinner here was .,,.. roiJ( 1 e. ,,'t"V,t'r'.,US. aiplfUSe giwi j is treisf ..miani d. uuisteau wnen ne was : pnjj.rt I urn noticed, n lasted tor aoout live wt.,k h ,M lou.mcs . . wniy tun nas done (I(JU1, ,, w ioeuer in mis ilalo. reports say. tVuntimtii worked mm Hian the maim have, and Urn their raih Harding of M Un. veterii J i fv i tggerstl i c -V Pelerw ! change iron j cxcrtilions ii "KAY THIS! ! es; unetins ! il (lues look s 'ill sue Ihepo lalnioasl to their ankels i! didn't , fust lo git that. An' now Virfe 1 A Tourist Getter tu o xt -i i- i I would have gotten a college edu I hp State Ipu7 Hpnartmpnt rliH thom. ... ..... , .. ngii wiuiout atnielie scholarships selves proud when they produced the pictor- "The holders ot such scholar ial mar. Wooto.- M.-u r-i; , ships should be reauired to main. n,, , tt . , . , , ,,i twn high standards in their class The colorfful map. which was made avail- , work. In other words, the e.npha- aoie to tne cnamDers ot commerce in the area at cost, is different from the old stero type map. The map is interesting, inform ative, and tells at a glance just what the trav eler wants to know. For more vivid details, the entire back of Charles Isley: "Yes. Why not go ahead and let it be known, since cn anyway. . ; u,al avaP- then gro. drapt a Davis sez they re a-goin' to try lo "For anything a kid is outstand- ! : nex wear'" 'hmgs an dry lead in the dairyin' industry; ing in, music, for instance w, . 5. ce un. an now iney say loid some o' them that wuz a pur ahcad and give him a scholarship. ,he nlarkit 011 't'os an' bubble ty big try. Ennyway. Earl Forgason euin is aii (o U1-ap sooiwinat will sez mars no queschun bout Arn ,also be an important drap. Dull bein' fust in magistrates. But, if milk has drapt jist a drap. ; I do say aig-in an' aig-in" without I wuz jist a-think' Mr. Editur i fear of sucksessful contra-dick- "What's the cauze o' all this pro i shun" that it is 1 of the moast im- , Kress?" Course, back an' onder- equired to main-! 1 ,r . r" ,"nle oraPs ln "st ry. An' , neath all is Franklin D. an' the w.iy . wen. u we can jist hold it ifcnnes.see: howsuinever thars oll, at this 1 little drap. maybe we air er small local leaders so to speak safe: but if milk drapes mutch the I like Wayne Corp'niiig an' other farmers will begin to drap them- good county agets.. before him selves, shore as you're born! also many individual fanners inai ii ue cases oi larmers a-drap- j dairymen, an' slock men in' With hait-disp7l all VnnnH mllhn l-minlo l 1 Janies Howell. Jr.: "Within rea ison, yes. Man good boys never i would have gotten a college educa- i sis shonld be kept on the scholar ship side ol the college education. thruout MIRROR OF YOUR MIND Bryan Med ford: "I do. A smart boy wilh good athletic ability ought to be able to get a scholarship for it just as another boy would get j uj.Kl.,..t,l f.... l...: ... , - dwiwiai Binr iui ueiti excellent the large sheet is devoted to a word picture cf mathematics or biology." places to see, and the best routes to take for ! n , . nr. Janics Louis Cobh: The getting there. g00d athletes always have been This piece of information will be valuable iKelUng scholarships quietly, and to all the state this season and the seasons to ' .'-L a'way".,lt'" ,hf'v shulf,'' ' t. r ,i ., . . ' """" vmcre one Doy gets a Well foke. Uncle AhP worn come, it is one ot those things- vou lust can't scholarshi n lor cnm twinl i a-m,i- lii u:, i . . . i " " . r "r"'"' uu-1 "ivu ome tin iasi week in the 1 PRFTTv iid tu-oi- put down until you have finished reariino emlc talent, another ought to get I kuntrv. thru oaru n- i.,i. ' 1 lF IHOSE WINDOWS everv word. 1 1! lor his exceptional athletic abil- Arn Duff, Crabtree an' Fines Creek' ! Jm JUL "I.?. dis,imtio" ' a uy. Aintetic scholarships should an' I jist want lo. i o..j ! .. , . d t'a,r ' short be given to deserving students, and Uiey snouni Do given openlv. in an' that wood be a case o' killin' the goose what laid Ihe gold aig. yes sir-ee! So, put out the word. Mr. Edi tur, sump'm like this MILK MUS' NOT DRAP A NUTHER DRAP! FREXLY Bl'CKIN" Well foke. Uncle AhP An' Mary Margaret Smith ehnniH come in for a share, an' some of our Ap. teachers. Also, in this con neckshun. we mus' menshun Jona than Woody an' the Fust Nat thar s a Fusti, an' Hie Wavnes ville Mt.neer yes. sir-ee! An' now glory be! Uncle Abe. Be Sure Your MILK BARN CHICKEN H0II AND ALL BUILDINGS ARK Bl'DJ t QUALITY H1.0CK Ask the man that has used our BLOCK will buy a Western Carolina pf All Sizes Ol -ConcreM See your contractor or material dealer i DIAL -21 Concrete Produd ASHEVILLE, t By LAWREJSCE. GOULD Consulting Psychologist may be affected, by your moods and feelings. A woman I once knew sard that she -developed hives .whenever she surrendered to an attack, of self-pity, and two eminent psychiatrists have stated that the condition frequently, is caused by "states of intense. ad frustrated longing." an i jtst want to-say, I never seed windows side-bv sid hv h so mutch progress in ali mv nf u siat. .-s'de by hanging ' ' "'- " !neer rei in9. dairy- draped in soft folds etenHinB Hits ever-whirs- stead of on the O T ..' ' " l'" ! 'airy- nr . I mcKanicRs. labor-, l eight inches ae ".-'l lls rom Uie 3 or. 4 hoboes an' ings on either side t , i bums 1 saw. fry seem to be pros- high curia in , ll? Jhce",n8- The Rev. I,. G. Elliott: "Yes- j Pcrln'. too. Thar jist seems to be a ' s " ? 'd e5rtend provided thai the boys have high ! "Peril o' frendly buckin' eompeti- a oair 1 nl' , u lhk 'n Hang scholastic standings, are hand-1 all thru the kuntrv -.,11, Lf!" plal". fabrlc d'aPeries to picked and screened. But I am flot the farmers: some wantin' side of the windnw' in favnr nf nu'irHinn -.11,1,..;.. u..i I l"1 WIW. arships promiscuously on the basis of athletic ability and brawn alone, as has been done." each I lif. oosier for "giff" chiWrtn? Answer: No, it's likely to be .harder, says an article in Under standing the Child. Either high in telligence or special talent ham ,fers a child's learning to get on with others of his own age all the more since children resent - "difference" even more . than adult do: Then again, the t'gifted" .Child is likely to be bored with ipoolia and lessons which he finds ..Joo easy to be stimulating. Parents z suvh; child should takespecial kf ar to cultivate his social inter fts, as well as to see that be. has ijask. ,wfaicb be Ieelsar ,wprth lAsMnrer Yes though they may also come from being poisoned by some substance to which you- are . allergic. Like most skin disorders, "hive" or urticaria are brought on by irregularities in the blood supply to the skin, and the nervea - by which this supply is controlled Doos onbjoct 4 hot's "tome- thing to you" seem larger? Asswer: Yes, report Harwd psychologists in the Journal of ; Experimental : Psychology. .And wbether,,what they mean is,plea sant or unpleasant is comparative ly unimportant Students were re . quired to estimate the si2 of three .equal disks,. one, bearing a'.'posi , tive" aymbol (the dollar sign), another a J'neutral", one- a geo omctric figure), and the third a "negative" one tbe swastika). Regularly, "dollaa v disks - were Judged largest, swastika dks nex and neutral disks smallest Things about .which you eel strongly aeera erd.iaore .important Letters To Edijtor . Ql R F1QLRE WAS WRONG Editor The Mountaineer- On your editorial page of Mon day under "21-i Acres For Just You," an error in arithmetic oc curred.. You say. "Take a plot of ground the size of Lake Junalus ka a 250 acre area. On such an area, only enough food for ten people could be grown for a 12 nionth period." I believe this figure should have been one hundred in. stead of ten. I .believe that .you have worded it a little differently than the agri cultural experts intended it. You say, "According;! agricultural ex perts,, it takes 2', acres of Jand to supply each person with food for a year,"-1 believe that should have read "We're using 2VS acres of land to. supply .each, person -for a year", pur agricultural experts are striving to make our land pro (Continued on page seven) j ENDURANCE TEST ''P mid: S kta?i? XT If an tum today rl to meet If. You, with a regular Income, col and borrow money; you could borrow or f or you moy hay, a. littl fund et oiide i"1 But uppoe ypu wv not here. Would y0' . . . UifvotlO"01 ro meer tucn emergencietr one woi - l- e-j F.ndlob ""wn oionaara cmergom-x jj he doesn'l exoect. Without corf, we ihn complete details today. S. E. Plione 705 District Represent" -Main Slrf" rJEFFERSOIl STAJ t W mm HAiinll Pk UUI Lirt iKdutlAnui. .