STANDARD J'TG CO Comp 220-230 s l i, i ! LOUISVILLE KT iter The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At Th e Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park UNCLE ABE SEZ . . . Makes no difrenc if yore najbor's baby is sorter ugly better brae on it, case you moot have one o' yore oan. 64th YEAR NO. 32 16 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 21, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties I claim one Gets $410 Check For Suggestion Work Umidlerway On 6 of tne . Jonathan nflSDoiess races r24-inch, 5V4 .rir Monday oreman told tomorrow is day's Wed- and nothing L who swore the only cow in drink. L to work on Herefords. at the nrsi fa he'd ever lain. aint Come Lrning, found opening day and Mrs. C. Massie on the id stream, (lien prepared lam and eggs, said: "While I'll pull out breakfast." lis fly Into the d three times ted, and ready le grease was ivere the fish limping when fn grease. 'as left over). fist is at work the tire and n broken glass barking places. ks spreader is that today' Ian they were lied holes in lrpose. only tempers ow Living an accident, purt last Mon- Ivers involved that his steer- dismissed the p. furt. fdly damaged, less than 20 But Late as just be- a coin into fn Canton for jiuie had run pt an officer fore him and fa ticket. P himself in fing. charged I n officer in pr violation. "St ordered costs. f that the na the ho Fious trouble kd the fin pnd dismi5sed fWS CLUB Organil Fibers ntiL. i! . , ",e f ,8sist in the Mloudy nd Phonal rain, pied cod. TO . "X taff of M- Min. -58 w 25 (RAIN 1 f H- W. Moore, clearly shows his happiness over receiving a check for $410 from L. K. Barber, (right) superintendent of the A. C. Law rence Leather Company here. Mr. Moore suggested a method of salvaging some material which had formerly been going to waste at the plant. He received a check for 10 per cent of the value of the products salvaged. Carl Swanger. (left), chairman of the sug gestions committee for the firm, looks on as Mr. Moore smiles at his check. (A Mountaineer photo by Ingram's Studio). Tannery Man Gets $410 Check For Good Suggestion H. W. Moore has dusted off his thinking cap, and plans to wear it some more, since he has just re ceived $410 for a suggestion made to officials of the A. C. Lawrence Leather Company here. Mr. Moore has been with the firm for 24 years, having started with a Tennessee plant, then com ing to the plant in Hazelwood. He iwtth the tan yard force. Sometime ago he suggested ways artihHSfqg.-01'fialvlBgtti ikiuid tan ning materials which had been go ing to waste. The material is now reclaimed, and reused, The check Mr. Moore received is based on the savings his suggestion will mean to the firm. The company through all plants paid out almost $1,200 for sugges tions made during the past 3 month period. The plan was started by the company in 1930. Mr. Moore plans to use the money on his house, which he was remodeling the day he received the check. The suggestions committee is composed of Carl Swanger, Floyd McClure and Lucius Allen. Education Board To Meet May 2nd The Haywood County Board of Education will meet May 2 in the board office at the Court House, County Schools Superintendant Jack Messer announced .Tuesday. He reported that the members adjourned their regular meeting on April 4 without acting on school machinery for the next two fiscal years because the State Legislature had not taken action on the state wide legislation containing such provisions at that time. The stite school bill would set up the structure by which county education boards could handle their local matters. The county board chairman R. T. Messer. is Ditch-Blasting Demonstrations Scheduled H. M. Ellis, North Carolina State College agricultural engineer spec ialist, will conduct two ditch-blasting demonstrations April 28 on Haywood county farms. County Agent Wayne Corpening said today that one demonstration will start at 10 a. m. that day on Vinson Morrow's farm in the Cove Creek section, and the other will start at 2 p. m. at Joe Palmer s irm in Crabtree. Huge Crowd Expected At Ramp Picnic Ramp Convention workers were 8'ying their plans a final polishing this week and praying for clear weather preferably windy for ndays 18th annual gathering at Kck Camp Gap. Meanwhile, . the Waynesville v-namber of Commerce board' of tiT "ouea ineir support to lne unique affair by unanimously I Burgin New President Of Jaycees K. L. Burgin, Jr., was named president of the Waynesville Junior Chamber of Commerce in the an nual elections Monday night at the Haywood County Court House. He and the other new officers will be installed May 2 at a dinner meeting. Mr. Burgin succeeds Blue Robin son as Jaycee president. Robert Korte was, elected vice president; Tony Jones, treasurer; Bill Dover, secretary; Charles Woodard, state director; Bill Porter and Bill Norrls, directors for two years; and George West and Herb Singletary, directors for one year. The outgoing officers besides Mr. Robinson are Vice-President Virgil Smith, Treasurer Bill Cobb, and Secretary Chester La Fontaine. Hotel Owner Sees Big Season For This Community Optimism based on a careful study of conditions in Florida and other points, promotes D. Ballew, owner and operator of Wayside Lodge to predict, "The best season this area ever had." Mr. Ballew said he had bookings starting in June right on through to September 15th. "We will get a lot of Florida fruit and truckers this season. They really made money after the California and Texas freeze," he said. "A great need here is more en tertainment," he continued. "But for this season, you had better get ready, because the people are coming in large numbers. Chamber Of Commerce Adopts Heavy Program A busy month faces the directors of the Chamber of Commerce. At their meeting Tuesday night they adopted a far-reaching pro gram, which Included everything from tourist promotion, to two clean-up campaigns one being the annual clean-up week, and the other is a clean-up on the mem bership drive of the organization. The membership drive is about one-third completed, according to the report of Mrs. Frank Knutti, secretary. The report showed $2, 180 in pledges, with $1,750 paid in cash. The treasurer's report show ed accounts paid to date, with a "small balance" on hand. The directors voted to publish approving the sending of invita tions to Life Magazine and some of the state's leading newspaper men. The invitations to the aromatic session went by telegram Tuesday night to Life's New York offices; Grady Cole, Radio Station WBT. Charlotte; Jack Riley of the Ra leigh News and Observer, Chester Gunn Starts Work On His Building A remodeling program costing several thousands of dollars was started this morning by Gunn's Corner. Included in the program, is a new front, new tile floor, fluorescent lights, and several pieces of equipment. Workmen have started putting in a modern tile floor, and when this is completed, four additional booths will be added, giving four teen in all, uccording to R. C. Gunn, owner and manager. A larger and modern back bar will also be installed, and new fluorescent ceiling lights added. The changes on the front will be made to harmonize with the new front being installed by Reliable Jewelers. Mr. Gunn said that it is expected that the project will be1 completed within thirty days. He also plans to start construc tion on his home on the lot next to Mrs. E. L. Withers, on Church street, at an early date. He re cently bought the property for his home. Mr. Gunn opened his place of business in May 1941. Memorial Marker Hearing Completion; Funds Needed When Dark Comes Better Put Away Fishing Tackle When night comes, fishing in trout streams is illegal. That is the new law. When it gets 0"ark, you had better put away your rod and reel if you are near a trout stream, warned Game Protector C. W. Ormand this morning. "We are patrolling t r on t streams at night to prevent night fishing," he said, "and violators will be fined plenty." Fisherman Breaks Law; Judge Breaks Fisherman's Heart One trout fisherman is out $16.25 for trying to get ahead of the season, and not having a li cense, according to Game Protec tor C. W. Ormand. The man was from Buncombe county, but fish ing in a Haywood stream. Five young boys were also hail ed into court for violation of the game laws, and given fines. Protector Ormand said that ten persons had been arrested in the past few days for violating the game laws. Several were fishing without a license; others had over their creel limit, and two for fish ing out of season. a folder for the promotion of tour ist business, and also voted $250 towards the expense of entertaining the honorary Tar Heels here next fall. This event has been going to the east each year, and plans are to bring the nationally known writers and leaders to this area next fall! Tom Alexander is work ing on details with the State News Bureau. The board also wired Representa tive Grover C. Davis to include Haywood in a bill which would prohibit cruelty to wild animals. Such a bill was recently passed for Swain and Jackson counties. G. C. Ferguson was named chair (See Program Page 8) Davis of the Winston-Salem Jour nal-Sentinel. Floyd Henaiey, Greensboro Daily News; Larry Dale of United Press, Paul Hansell, chief of the Associated Press bu reau in Charlotte; Tom Fesper man. Charlotte News feature writ er; and Columnist Gus Travis of the Charlotte Observer. In spite of the fact that this is Gets Citation IPhoto by Ingram's Studio) PAUL J. HIGH, manager of Smith's Drug Stoic, has received a national citation of merit for outstanding sales ability. The award was for Mr. High's ability to sell as well as for his origin ality, courtesy, service a n d knowledge in serving his cus tomers. He was chosen for his out standing salesmanship by the In ternational Association of Rexall Clubs in connection with the company's annual survey among 10,000 Rexall stores. The erection of the large memo rial marker will be completed with in .another week or ten days. Mrs. Will A. Medford, chairman of the group, said yesterday. Plans "' to have the Memorial Plot in Green Hill cemetery com pleted and dedicated on May 29th. While construction is moving along at a rapid pace, the contribu tions for the $2,280 marker are not coming in so fast, Mrs. Medford said. Only $600 in cash is in hand, and $300 outstanding in pledges. About $1,400 in cash, and all pledges paid will be needed by the last of May, according to Mrs. Medford. The marker is over nine feet square at the base, and will be about nine feet tall. It will stand in the center of the Memorial Plot which will be the burial plot for men and women who died while serving their country. The movement is being sponsor ed by the Gold Star parents in co operation with the American Le gion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Auxiliaries of both organi zations. Mrs. Medford said that those who have contributed in cash to date includes: Rogers Electric Com pany; Mrs. Crews Moody, Ruff Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. Will A. Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Cagle, (See Marker Page 8) Iron Duff Program Meeting To Be Held Monday A community development pro gram meeting for citizens of Iron Duff will be held at 7:30 p. m. Monday at the Antloch Baptist church. The movie of last year's farm tour will be shown. Everyone is urged to attend the session. GOING TO ATLANTA Jerry Rogers, member of the po lice force, leaves Monday for At lanta, where he will undergo treat ment. He has been ill for the past sev eral week. He is improved, but un able o return to work. GO TO TEXAS Mr. and Mrs. Hurst Burgin. and Mr. and Mrs. George Haynes left Wednesday for a ten-day trip to Houston, Texas, to visit relatives and friends. an nff-vear for the political cam paigns, only the failure of the State Legislature to adjourn before this weekend was expected to prevent many state officials and legislators from coming to the convention. In any event, Thad Eure, North Carolina's Secretary of State, is scheduled to be principal speaker (See Ramps Page 3) Reliable To Have A Hew Home Soon Work is well along on the new home for Reliable Jewelers. A modernistic front is being put to the building formerly occupied by Goose Creek Crafts, just one door from the present location of the jewelry firm. "Our contract calls for having the store complete, and the stock moved by May 10th," Dave Feld man. owner, said this morning The front of the store will be of dark green glass, with large dis play windows, and ultra modern front, including an all-glass door. A third front display window will be next to the lobby that leads to the telephone office. Mr. Feldman said the interior of the store would be completely modern, being arranged and lighted with special lights throughout. It was learned from Mr. Feld man that more than $3,500 is be ing spent in remodeling and ren ovating the store. The building is owned by Dr. John Smathers, and a long term lease has been taken by Mr. Feldman. The Reliable Jewelers opened here in October 1939, and has been at the same location during their almost ten years in Waynes- ville. Fred Campbell Is Head Soco Road New Boosters Club Last night, the Boosters Club of Soco Gap Road was made a per manent organization to develop the valley from the Gap to Lake Juna luska at a tourist center. The delegates at the meeting in the Mount Val ley Inn elected Fred Campbell as president of 4 the permanent organlzat 1 o n; I - V"" JJonn fieer l ' H vice-president; ' Mrs. Alfred '' L Phillips, secre '...' '"ltary; Norvell yf I Rogers, treas- i urer; and Joe 1 It 7 Campbell, Tom l; Campbell, Sr., 1 1 la n d William Holsten, direc- Fred Campbell tors. To help cre ate interest and organize the val ley citizens for the promotion of the program, these committees also were established: Program Tom Campbell, Sr., Chairman, Albert Siler, John Fing er, Henry Campbell and Jim Plott. By-Laws Alfred Phillips, chair man, George Jones, Mrs. William Holsten, Ned Moody and Chester LaFontaine. The membership in the club al most doubled, as 30 more persons joined to boost the enrollment to 65. The organization, formed to im prove and beautify the community into an ideal tourist resort, operat ed prior to last night on a tem porary basis, with Jim Plott as president. The delegates set May 4 as the (See Soco Road Page 8) J Frying Some like their ramps raw. This delegate at last year's ramp con vention likes his fried. A fellow ramp-eater watches his display of cooking skill between bites. Superintendent m imiimiii mill i 11 .in. miMPmmWWe i . MRS. F. I. L E K CAMPBELL FREEMAN, superintendent of the Haywood County Hospital, has had much experience in hos pital work. She took her train ing at Hex Hospital. Raleigh, lat er going to the Lying-in Hospi tal in New York for lour months, then returning to the Rex as supervisor for live years. Later, she was night superintendent of the James Walker Memorial in Wilmington tor two years. Waynesville is Mrs. Freeman's home. Band Leaves Today For Greensboro Approximately 35 members of the Waynesville High School Con cert Band left by bus today for Greensboro where they will com pete in the State Music -Gont tomorrow. Mrs. Doyle Alley accompanied the students to the contest, in which they will compete against Charlotte Central and High Point High School bands. Eighteen singers, most of whom also are members of the band, went to Greensboro last Monday with Band Director Charles Isley. They sang last night in a chorus of 600 high school students from throughout the state. Front Of City Hall Building To Be Improved The city hall building is due for a face lifting next week. G. C. Ferguson, town manager, said the entire front of the build ing will gel a coal of plaster, and the fire department building a coating of paint. No immediate plans are being made for remodeling the front of the present building. Two offices were built recently; one for the Town, and one for the Chamber of Commerce. E. Waynesville School Getting New Lunchroom War veterans training in mason ry are building a new lunchroom Ramps Massie Is Building 4 Mew Stores Construction was started this morning o n four modern store buildings on Miller Street, by W. Hugh .Massie. The four buildings will be on the lot just back of the Firestone Store, and face Miller Street, Mr. Massie said. Each building will be 12 feet wide, and 42 feet deep. The build ings will be built in units of 24 feet, so that the partition can be removed and give a room 24 by 42 feet. The buildings will be one story high, and without a basement. The buildings will be of cinder block and brick construction, with modern glass fronts. Mr. Massie said work would be pushed as rapidly as possible on the structures. Arthur Sheehan is in charge of the work. "There are already five pro spective tenants for the buildings, but we have not leased them to anyone they are for rental pur poses," Mr. Massie said. Mr. Massie owns the Firestone building, and these new building1? will be on the lot directly back of Firestone. No announcement was made as to the cost of the structures. Bryson-Miller Motor Sales Open New Place Here The service station unit of Bryson-Miller Motor Sales Company opened yesterday, on the Ashe vllle road. Their building has been remodeled and redecorated, and was formerly occupied I by Davis-fciner-Mtor Sales Company. Henry Miller and Sebe Bryson are owners of the firm. Mr. Miller will be active manager. He said yesterday that plans are to estab lish an automobile sales agency, and operate a modern garage in connection with the firm a little later. A large enclosed grease rack, and a large indoor wash-rack have been constructed. For the present, the firm will service cars with gas, oils, greasing, washing, and carry a full line of nationally known accessories and tires. Isolation Ward Is Completed At Hospital Here The isolation ward at the Hay wood County Hospital has been completed. It is a three-bed ward. The ward is complete with scrub tank, sterilizer, and ready for use. it was announced by Lee Davis, administrator of the institution. This is the first time that the Hospital has had an isolation ward Id take care of patients with con tagious diseases, it was pointed out. for the East Waynesville school. County School Superintendent Jack Messer said yesterday that when the new structure is com pleted by July 1 it will accomodate 175 pupils and provide an extra classroom. He added, it will free the present lunchroom for use as a classroom for up to 200 students. And by the time the 50 bv ."2 foot structure is finished, the 60 Gl trainees in masonry and carpentry classes will have received valuable practical experience. The work started Monday. Highway Record For 1949 (To Dais) In Haywood Killed . . . : 1 Injured .... 12 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).

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