!f,i Thuwday Afternoon m. . PAGE EIGHT (Second Section) THE TFAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER MITH Tl Box f 40 1 headquarters for smother s day gifts Motmom Special Jar .1 ctx: 1 HOSE u m r W W SAFARI I I Cologne j I S.50 7 W HUGHES HAIrV I Brushes 1 I $2-50 up J ff Dusting J Powder 1 SJ.OOupy WHY BE FAK ? Eat plenty yet lost weight with delicious candy reducing plan Have a more slender, graceful fig ure. No exercising. No laxative. No drugs. With the simple A YDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan you don't cut out any meal a. starches, potatoes, meats or but ter, you simply cut them down. It's easier when you eajoy del icioua (vitamin fortified) A YDS candy sQirerreq. wpsoiuteiy narmies. In clinical tata rtmAnrtA r m I tirZwZ!T thsn to psraoiie ImI 14 ta 1 fr. svsrsjs In a tmw waaftta wHa AYDfl Vitamin Candy K- -diy supply cf AVDi or It 2 2fc. If not rfshgatod " "ui, UUIILI OAK-t-i. OB DOS. riWM Thrill and delight your mother with a gift she's been dream ing about. Give her a gift of beauty this Mother's Day a lovely tribute to a lovable lady a gay gift chosen from our grand selection of bound-to-please presents. They're eco nomically priced but rich in the thoughtfulness that makes Mother's Day dreams come true. cimn Hollingsworth Whitman's Old Dominion Miss Morris Pangburn's mi Famed Yardloy ENGLISH Woodsy Scent LENTHERIC TWEED LAVENDER Poised lovely $1.75 Bouquet of charm Yardley Or Bond Street PERFUME Lcntheric Tweed Miracle, Dark PERFUME Ientheric Tweed Miracle, Dark COLOGNE 15c New MAX FACTOR PAH-STIK CREAM-TYPE IN STICK FORM Mother's Day Dox THE SWEETEST GIFT SKOO TO " 'l French Accent MAS OUI PERFUME .. $1.25 ss: $2 . $250 up Brilliance . $175 up Brilliance $125 $225 Popular Brands CIGARETTES Pack 2 Packs Carton 30c $.39 IJOO KREML SHAMPOO 89 SO'PACQUM HAND CREAM TON I HOME WAV! SET 2 2.00 CHERAMY t SKIN BALM t " mmm m I I i .. y n ft- v tii-C ONLY . I95 fej'ASSORTED W COLORS I Stationery 1 If' AMITY I Billfolds I $5.50up jf Compacts F C'oty, Tussy, B j Yar.-"lcy. lludnut i I $1.50 up I W Minit I $125 Thermo I Jugs 1 i $2-40 up f Sun f Glasses J $10.00 ZfP AND YOUR Gillette DELIVERS A NEW BLADE READY TO SHAVE (1 7ein eincarnate DERMETICS AGELESS HORMONE and Reincarnation Hydronized Beauty Oils 4.50 VALUE from 4 fnnjouS Shoh -to you the new, improved home permanent SAVES UP TO HALF The latest in home permanents featuring the same type preparations ... the same improved process used in the Richard Hudnut Fifth Avenue Salon ! It's easy . . . quick . . . gives you a lovelier, stronger, longer-lasting wave! -Jj" Q75 """" At our cosmetic counter . . . . X Refill Kit M50 P"ces plus 30t Fed. lax) THatAe 'Day Chre Her Specia Airmaid 4 Tfc Perfecf Presenf tor m xfra-tpMial MatKcr, aiak titii o tra-pcil Motktr"! Ooy. Giv Kr tomvfhiiiQ prvtty ond practical. And what cwU ba prattler and nor proctwol rnon filmy iK.r, Harlaring Alroiaid Nlaat, tha lrtgr lailincj nylam. In Ina now FLYING COLORS. $1.35 t. J2J0 3 REGISTERED PHARMACISTS TO SERVE YOU 1M WW 1 I - LIGMTEItSlH your beauty with USUAL WAVING TIME to 7 ? J the Bortf Scale tells your exact weight every timet When you gain or !om pound, you know, right twty with a BORCI For (hit bathroom tcale tella your exact weight every time (guar, anteed, within of 1!). New beauly-deaign only 2'V high magnified dial for eauy reading Chrome or enamel, O.01 up 2PPO 74e 'Parnate, PIRTU FULL-VUE TWIN-LtNS RtfLtX CAMERA Complett with Shoulder Strap r I i - M TAX The Sparfus Full-Vue is simple to load and operate. Designed for instant use no adjustment, no focusing. The big groundglass re flex finder shows you just what you are taking. Simply frame the image in the findei and click the -shutter I Gives you 12 full size 2 Va x 2 'A contact prints with each roll of No. 120 film. Snapshot or time exposure. Attractive case. Light shield snaps down when no) in use. t, 9 US Pt O" SWIMPROOF fYEBROWl ano EYELASH DA3KENER ;0Nt APPLICATION LASTS 4 TO 5 WEKS! Bloclt or Brawn ' 80( 2f Cream Deodorant nTUSSY 6t00ORANT CKAM HALF-PRICE SALE Large $1.00 Jar ST Aspin Bottle .100... Box of :i 73 L GILLE1 Blue Bla: ) Pkge C 20 3 Cream w.ro Bottle... C. Chest Co? DR. W Tooth Pows 50c Size..t.WVL 50c Bottle. Upjohn Bottle 1 100 3 fcoiji I DentalCrf I Economy r (3 Ia I