: : - 1 IWa 111)!"1 5 More Young Haywood County Citizens '1 J THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNT AINEES More Meetings Set To Organize Communities More organizational meetings A gout Wayne Corpenjng explain were stiieduled as the job of set- the aims of the county-wide orga ing up Haywood County's Com- mzation. munity Development Program en- White Oak citizens launched tered the last lap. j their organization last night in a Citizens of Crusp were schedul- meeting at the White Oak Presby ed to meet at 7:30 p. m. today at lenan church. Cruso School to elect their princl-1 (h . -nmmllBMes not learn, organiza-J ye, organtzed, only Dutch Cove had not scheduled an Initial meet night at 7:30 i arrjineements werp hpinfi o'clock, " the Community Deve.op- ma,e for one as The Mouritaineer ment Program for North Clyde is vvelt t0 press iu ue urganizeu. Earlier this week, citizens of County Agent Wayne Corpen- Cove Creek and White Oak launch- ing reported that all communities ed their programs in initial meet- were expected to be organized for ings. the program by next week in time Approximately 125 persons turn- tor the county-wide meeting at the ed out. Monday night at the Cove Court House the night oi May is Creek Baptist church to elect their when county officers will be elect- program officers and hear County cd. pal officers and tional procedure. Next Tuesday W. Pigeon Program Objectives May Be Reached Easily It appears at the present time as By MRS. CLYDE COLLINS Mountaineer Correspondent Pigeon Community Club met Friday home of Chairman The West Development night at the Jack Sloane. The Rev. Clyde L. Collins pro nounced the invocation, and the chairnitfn read the aims for the community. Discusses Contract: if these aims will be easily reach ed. Work in the West Pigeon sec tion is porgi ensing rapidly. Survey sheets to be filled in as of January 1. 1949 were gfven to he membprs present. The next meeting will be field May 17th at the Bethel School. Registration For June 4 Elections Starts Soon All's Fair In Love But j You Have To Pay Judge Citizens of Haywood County will join other Tar Heels at the polls June 4 to vote on proposals to is- sui bonds for rpad and school construction. ASHBORO, N. C. UP) -Judge The- separate elections lor tne I Ferree a man with memories, , bond issues were provided in meas- listcned attentively while the bail- urcs enacted by the 1949 state iff read the charge against a youth ; legislature. whose love had spurned him for Governor Scott in a proclama- another. 1 tion called on state and county The boy Was accused of slashing i boards and elections officials to the tires on the car owned by the , hold these elections. man who took his place in his , Havwood Elections Board Chair- i nw T, rn iir U . nim nlun fVursham. 18 months, son ot ivir. ana ivirs. u. i. vvuisudiu, ;mvuic, "'J" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Inman, Koute 1, waynesviue; jonnnie unaer Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Underwood, Route 2, Waynesville. 2nd row: Tommy Worsham, ml Mrs I). T. Worsham, Waynesville; Barbara Jean Raffety, l'i years, daughter of ... mn.. nc f ,nH 1Y1 rc H 1 Tnllv MaUtfip ty. Wavnesville; nooeri lee ioiiy, niumua, aun ... . oo n. 31 j years, daughter of Mrs. Grace Raffety, Waynesville; Mary hrancis Hamp- Ulu.rul Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hampton, Waynesville; Muarl lliggins, Z'2 years, son oi U IliW'ins. llazelwood. These pictures, which were taken by Ingram's Studio, are in a scries published by The Mountaineer. lady's affections. His ex-girl testi fied that she saw him chop up the tires while the car was in front of her house. "I've got to find him guilty," Fer--ee said, "but I feel a lot of sym pathy for him. I've been in love a :ew times myself, and I know how it is." He sentenced the youth to buy his rival a new set of tires. man Jerry Rogers announced to day the plans which were made in accordance with the governor's proclamation. Ho said registration books will be open next Saturday (May 7) for eligible Haywood citizens not noW' registered, and will remain open through May 21. lie added Saturday, May 28, will be challenge day Francis Cove Plans To Raise More Funds For C, D. Projects By MRS. BILL HOLL1NGSWORTH Mountaineer Correspondent I clued tnat tne Kecreanon tmuan- tee would meet at 7:30 p.m. Wed-" Citizens of Francis Cove Friday nesdav at the home of Committee night decided to work for a larger , Chairman William Hollingswortft. treasury to finance major projects in their Community Development Program. Members pointed out that this vould enable them to make other plans for community progress. END REIGN SYRACUSE. N. Y. (API The retirement of crew coach Ned Teti Evck at the end of this seasoti completes a 40-year cycle of Syfa h 1 tit " - o 1 liuwmjuwiiill aiiilililiiiiiftwn"r"ir" It was pointed out that there I cuse University crew coaching urN were needs for a larger church and der. the Ten Eyeks . Jim Tent for an adequate water system. Eyclt, father of Nod, coached Before adjournment, it was de- Orange crewmen for 35 years. StfitM tut H drtH hU tffilon'a 1949 coal contract, John L. Lewis, head at tirt! United Mine Workers, it thown tn Washington as he talked td members of is strategy board. At th same time, bituminous op erators were considering counter t&nteij. (InternatloiKil) alroanv regis- The world's largest supersonic i ; rntflllnr rnl.ntv ,)ooks- vind tunnel, in which winds of i . ibout 1,500-mik-pcr-hour velocity j Mr. Rogers' announcement said, ;an be produced, has been unveiled i "will not have to register to vote n Cleveland by the National Ad- h,, ti,js special election." isory Committee ioi' Aeronautics. I JCC RADIO PROGRAM SATURDAY, MAY 7 5 r,n Si((n On i; on NKWS li IIS Farmers Almanac 7-il0 NKWS 7 OS T;ike A Number S 00 NEWS H 15 Minintain Melodies a IK) NEWS !l 05 -Truths Men Live By 11 20 Organ Melodies 'i :iO Morning Devotions !i 15 Menrv Burnette Hi oo NEWS linos - Dixie Land Hill billies in ::o News For Women II IK) NEWS II i)5 News and Views of Teen Agers 11 :t0 Smoky Mountain Hamblers K 00 NOON EDITION H' la Farm Forum I'.' Blue Ridl?e Parttiers 1 oo r.no Mountaineers 1 '.o Huh Mtn. Bovs 2 00 - Hot Spots On Sat. fi oo EVENING EDITION r. 1.7 Snoilight on Sports r !0 Silver Strings 7 00 1400 Club 0 Hatlle of Melodies li oo Popular Melodies in oo . Muir To Read By Hi '.4 - NEWS II on -Sifin Off BON ris SUNDAY, MAY 8 7:59 Sign On 8:00 NEWS H:05 Merle Pitt 8:30 Gospel nl the Cross 9:00 Big Hoy Hooper 9:30 Church of Cod 10:00 Truths Men Live By 10:15 First Baptist Sunday School 10:45 Silver Strings 11:00 First Baptist Church Service 12:00 Noon Dav Melodies 1 00 NOON EDITION 1:15 Songs of Hope 1 -30 Organ Melodies 2:00 Piano Moods 2:30 Baptist Hour 3:00 Concert Hour 4 00 East Canton Church Hev O. L. Ledford 4:30 Crabtree Baptist Ch , Rev Win ADcl 5 00 Melody Five Quar. 5:30 Sanford Quartet 6:00 EVENING EDITION 015 Spotlight on Sports i:3fl Old Son?s Beloved 6:45 Chapel Upstairs 7 00 Pop Music 7:301400 Club 8:00 University Hour 9:00 Music by Masters 10:00 NEWS 10 05 Music To Read By 10:54 NEWS 11 :00 Sign Off MONDAY, MAY 9 5:59 Sign On 6:00 NEWS 6:0' Farmers Almanac 7:00- NEWS 7:05 Take A Number 8:00 NEWS 8 15 Time And A Tune 8:55 NEWS 9:00 Sacred Heart 9:15 Hymns of All Ages 9:30 Morning Devotions 9 45-Airlane Melodies 10 00 NEWS . 10-05 To The Ladies 10 30-Kevboard Melodies 10 45 Social Security Pro. 1 1 :00 NEWS 11 05 Mid Dav Melodies 12:00 NOON EDITION ' 12:15 Farm Forum 12:30 Blue Hidge Partners 12 45 Trading Post 12:50 Blue Ridge Partners 1 :00 News, Stocks, and Weather 1:15 Riders Purple Sage 1 30 Reviewing Records 2 00 NEWS 2 05 Reviewing Records 3:00 NEWS 3 05 -Concert Hour 4:00-In Your Neighbor hood 4 05 Don Matney's Hill- blllv Roundup 5 00 NEWS 0:05 -At Your Request 5 30 Pop Concert 5 45 Children's Story Hour fi 00 EVENING EDITION G : 15 Spotlight on Sports 6 30 Dinner Music 7 oo UP Commentary 7.05 Melody Five Quar. 7 30 Community Devel opment Program 7:45 Mike Mysteries 8:00 Marine Band 8 15 Here's to Veterans 8 30 Cavalcade of Music 8.55 NEWS 9:001400 Club 9 30 Guy Lombardo Ore. 10:00 NEWS 10 05 Music To Read By 10:54 NEWS 1100 Sign Off KsDay Is Sunday, May MM VERS AGES Oup Roses e Hay's POTTED PLANTS $1.00 to $10-00 Hydrangias - Geraniums - Lilies 17 M, CUT FLOWERS $250 up Flower Shop Waynesville o)f Iu Era juyiPitDillll!iliJv ON AND SUITS Half & Whole Sizes 1- OFF This Cul Makes Prices Cheaper Than You Can Find Any where Women Who Watch Their Dollars Will Gome Here At Once To Take Advan tage of Raiff Terrific Mother's Day Housefurnishings SALE It's Ait Event Worthy of Your Notice . . . Since Savings Are Ter rific! It's Not Merely PRICK at UaifTs . . . It's Unusualness, Too , . i Wide Selections . . . Finding What You Want At Your Price! Mother's Day Suggestion New Arrivals In Special Group of Cottage Curtains KufTled and Panel Good Mdrqnisette Curtains Regular to $2.98 1- 00 J.77 BATES SOLIDS AND FANCIES Bedspreads Kuff,ed Curtains . Regnlar to $9.98 4-98 J.98 Closing Out Chenille BFAIIT1FUL Bedspreads , .u.t, (.lirtajn8 3'98 1-98 Fine Quality Ninon Ltmy F,ora, Designs Curtains japer r)raies Regular $4.98 Pair 2- 98 79c Closing Out Our HOUSEWARES DEPT. Give Mother One of These As Her Gift Mother's Day Vfr 'Z t.fs4 ttzizii op irtl 1- i 300 VENETIAN BLINDS Finest Aluminum and Steel ForWidthsto 30 Inches Regular $5.98 $3.66 At Raiff's t EXTRA SPECIAL 46, 47 and 48-Inch BLINDS 6-98 SPECIAL ORDERS 50c Promptly Delivere'd Per Sq. Ft mm mm M mm wmm mm m mm mmm mm m tmm Reg. to $48.00 To $2.98 $6.98 Electric gg pressure Tq Lgg Leath. .r.T Aluminum rI OPRQ er Picture RADIOS TRAYg dKS COOKER FRAMES 14.95 1.00 398 7.98 49c Reg. $5.98 Reg. $3.98 To $9.98 Regular $39.98 Fruit Design Electric Electric Table Wall IRONS TOASTER LAMPS Victrola PLAQUES 2.98 1.98 2.-98 J 15.00 I 49c Close-Out All Radios N matter whrf you live, it will pay you to come to Canton and browse around at long as you like In I