The Waynesville Mountaineer UNCLE ABE SEZ . . . The man what katnt fit -nuf to eat is to be pitted; but tke one that eats htaself sick is to be do-splted. Published Twice-A-Week In The County Scat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 64th YEAR NO. 39 8 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 16, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties' fty cloudy "nn to- ' leniDpra. P'ffof the Min. ' 46 ' 38 I 45 1 42 Robert C. Francis Heads County Organization On Development Program Fishing Rules Cited For Lake Fishermen who plan to try their luck in Lake Junaluska were warned this morning of three regulations, now In affect: No fishing is allowed on Sun day, or after eight at night, and all fishermen must have permits. These . regulations were an nounced by Max Cochran, spe cial officer in charge. Permits are 40 cents a day, or $5 per season. The permits are avail able from Officer Cochran. County Meetings Announced A series of meetings for this uwk in connection with the Com munity Development Program and other matters was announced to day as follows: Monday. 7:30 p.m. Smoky Mountain Apple Growers Associi- tion. at County Court House; 7:30 p.m. East Pigeon Com munity at Will Kuykendall's. 7:30 p.m. Cruso at Cruso School. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Dutch Cove, for organization of Community De velopment Program, at Morning Star School. 7:30 p.m. West Pigeon at Pigeon School. Thursday W. A. Stephens, N. C. State College extension bee specialist, will spend the day in the county. He may be contacted through County Agent Wayne Corpening's office. Fridav. 7:30 D.m. Saunook Com- 'SauaWlt''ietaoL-. --wwl-w:-. r 1 Aliens Creek To Talk Annexation Plans Tonight The citizens of Aliens Creek will hold a mass meeting at the school tonight. The announcement was made yesterday by R. L. Hendricks, chairman of the special committee recently named to get facts regard ing the proposed annexation of the area with either one of the two towns. The meeting originally schedul ed for last Monday night was cur tailed, due to a revival then in progress at the church. Clogston To Address State's Haywood Alumni Athletic Director Roy Clogston of North Carolina State College will address members of the State College Alumni Club of Haywood County at their regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Towne House in Waynesville. Allan Nelms of the State Col lege Wolfpack Club also will speak. Wayne Corpening, who is hand ling arrangements for the meeting, also said that movies on football and basketball also will be shown if the group wants to see them. Apple Growers To Meet Tonight Memhpre nf ttin fimnlr tain Apple Growers Association will discuss their problems and possible solutions to them when they meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight at lit- T1 . . - - naywooa uounty court House Teamwork Is rarm Program Meeting Teamwork and cooDeration be' tween rural people and town peo ple will make the Haywood County Community Development Program work, i This vns the keynote spokesmen f every aspect of county life sounded to 150 people at the county-wide Program dinner meeting at the Towne House Friday night. The meeting climaxed the exten. 5,ve job that began last winter of organizing every community to ful "'I the most ambitious undertak ng ever launched in this county to improve every phase of home, farm. and business life. On the The organization of Havwood County's Community Development urogram was completed Fridav night on a keynote of optimism, determination and cooperation. Approximately 150 people rep resenting a complete cross section of the county elected the .govern ing officials and executive board at a dinner meeting at the Towne House sponsored by Haywood county's civic clubs. For their general chairman. these representatives of everv phase of county life selected gen ial, popular R. C. Francis, huskv. sixfoot. Ratcliffe Cove oroeram leader who is recognized as one of Haywood's agricultural leaders. They also elected another com munity leader and successful farm er for their vice-chairman, K. O. Carswell. of Thickety Road, chair man of the Thickety program. Charles Duckett, leader of the Fines Creek program, was elected secretary. For treasurer, the citi zens picked Mrs. W. D. Ketner, of Jonathan Creek, president of the county Home Demonstration Coun cil. The job of reporting the news of Haywood's most extensive and ambitious undertaking went to a young veteran newspaperwoman and Clyde school teacher, Miss Lu cille Cathey, former staff writer for the Greensboro Daily News. To the county Executive Com mittee, they elected. Dr. A. P. Cline of Canton, Mrsf! Paul Hyatt, also of Canton, Larry Cagle of Clyde, Jonathan Woody, Waynes ville banker, Mrs. W. A. Bradley of Hazelwood, Mrs. Bill Cobb of Way nesville, Dick Barber of Saunook, prominent apple producer; Mrs. Marshall Kirkpatrick of Crabtree, Mrs. Marvin Leatherwood of Jona than Creek, Mrs. Welch Singleton of Bethel, Fred Mann of Thickety, jfoWilliam Osborne of, Clyde, to make this board living, balanced pic'ture'-of Haywood county. These officers, nominated before the meeting by a special committee, were elected by unanimous appli cation. The elections thus climaxed the job of organizing the county, com munity by community, that started early in February under the direc tion of County Agent Corpening and his staff. On the nominating committee that selected these candidates for the county's approval were, Mrs. T. L. Gwyn, who served as chair man: Mrs. C. T. Francis, Paul Fer guson, Charles Liner, Fred Alli son, Mrs. Otis Cole, Mrs. weicn Singleton, Mrs. Troy Leatherwood, (See Francis rage ) Francis Cove Folk To Meet On May 18 By Mrs. William Hollingsworth Mountaineer Correspondent Francis Cove residents will hold their next Community Develop ment Program meeting at 8 p. m. Wednesday, at the Francis Cove church. At a Recreation Committee meet ing at the home of the chairman, the members drew plans to have a box supper at 7:30 p. m. Friday. They also decided to arrange to have the quartet appear at this meeting. Those present included Mrs. Richard Boone, Paul Franklin, Jimmy Sisk, and Betty Franklin. Chamber Of Commerce Directors To Meet The board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce will meet Tuesday night at 7:30, it was an nounced yesterday by James L. Kilpatrick, president. This is the regular monthly meet ing of the board. Theme Of economic level, the success of this program would effect a peneci balance in agriculture and industry-Each speaker indicated the part each phase has to play in the Pro gram as a whole, each underlined, by direct statement or otherwise, what it will take to make this ex tensive and intensive enterprise work. In some of the messages were nr cunnnrt of the proposed state-wide road building and school bond issues. The predominant statements, however, hit directly at (See Teamwork Page 8) First Killed x . (1 Pvt. Joseph B. Underwood is be lieved to be the first soldier from the Waynesville area to die in action in World War II. His body will arrive here Thursday for fin al rites. The 19-year-old infantry man was killed September 13, 1945. while fighting Nazi troops in Germany. Body of War Vet To Be Returned Here Thursday The body of Pvt. Joseph B. Un derwood, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Underwood of Waynesville, Route 1. will arrive in Asheville Thursday, and will be taken to Crawford f uneral Home, waynes ville. where it will remain until the hour of funeral services. Pvt. Underwood who was the first known casualty in Germany from this area, was serving with the infantry when he was killed on September 13, 1945. He entered the service in June, 1943 and re ceived training at Fort McClellan and Fort George Meade before go ing overseas. The funeral will be held at Rat cliffe Cove Baptist Church, Friday, at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Balo Rog ers and the Rev. Elmer Green of ficiating, interment will -twCrato-ford Memorial Park where full military services will be conducted by the American Legion and Vet erans of Foreign Wars. The Rev. R. L. Young, chaplain of the Le gion, will officiate at the grave side. Pallbearers will be Dewey Ford, Charles Balentine, Jack Rabb, Herbert Tate, and Clyde Buchfteld. Members of the Auxiliary of Veter ans of Foreign Wars will be in charge of the flowers. Surviving in addition to the par ents are one brother. Howell Un derwood of Waynesville; two sis ters, Mrs. John Webb of Waynes ville, and Miss Lucille Underwood of tlie home; and the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Laura Under wood of Waynesville, Route 1. Draft Board Seeks Current Addresses Chairman W. A. Bradley of Hay wood County Local Selective Serv ice Board No. 45, today announced the board was interested in learn ing the present addresses of the following: Robert Leroy Hord. Hoy Frank Reece. Dennis Uay Franklin. Ray Graham West, Clinton William Pruett, William Arthur Franklin, Lawrence Fullbright, Joe Putnam, Roy Herbert Anthony, Robert De los McCall. Seldon Eugene Shel ton. Clyde John Buckner, William Frank Ford, Jack Johnson Rhine- hart, Wilburn Virgil Massie, Wil liam Anderson Trull, Paul Doug las Haney, and Roy Allen Waters. He explained it is necessary to know these addresses so that the board can send draft question naires in accordance with the law. Davis Points County Will From School "There are a lot of rumors float ing around about the two bond is sues to be voted on June fourth that should be cleared up," Repre sentative Grover C. Davis said this morning. "It is easy to see how this mat ter could be confused, due to the lengthy discussions which took place in the recent session of the Legislature," he continued. At the request of The Mountain eer, Mr. Davis this morning gave the following facts about the two bond issues as they will affect Hay wood county. "The largest of the two bond is Osborne Heads Haywood Group Seeking Better N. C. Schools And Roads H. Arthur Osborne was named chairman of the Haywood unit of the Better Schools and Roads, Inc., at a meeting here Saturday morn ing, as a complete organization was set up to promote the approval of the two proposed bond issues to be voted June fourth. A representative group from all sections of the county attended the meeting, and made plans for "get ting the .true facts" to every voter in the county. Among those speaking in behalf of the program included Rep. Grov er C. Davis, D. Reeves Noland, Jonathan Woody, Jack Messer, A. J. Hutchins, Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, Bryan Medford, Tom Alexander, T. L. Gwyn and J. G. K. McClure, district chairman. The county organization is head ed by Mr. Osborne, and his co workers are: Mrs. Troy Leather wood, chairman of the women's di vision, and Mrs. Paul Hyatt, Mrs. Henry Francis, Mrs. Willis Kirk patrick, Miss Gladys Hcnson, Mrs. Will Hyatt, Mrs. T. L. Gwyn, Mrs. Henry Garner. ' Also, Leonard Westmoreland, Charles B. McCrary, D. Reeves Noland, Tom Alexander, Bryan Medford, Larry Justice, Mack Caldwell, and Van Wells. The speakers committee is head ed by Jonathan Woody, Jack Mes ser, D. Reeves Noland and A. J. Hutchins. Attending the meeting was J. Dale Thrash, district highway com missioner. D. Reeves Noland told the group that, "If we expect industry to ex pand in Haywood, we must have more and better roads out where the workers live." "This program is the most 1m portant thing that has come to Western North Carolina our roads are ready for surfacing, since the program of putting on crushed kUwa, last year," Mr. Noland said that Commissioner Thrash will give this district a square deal, and paid high tribute to the new com Biisisoner. Jonathan Woody termed the pro gram as the people's program and not that of an individual. "This is not a political issue it is an issue of progress for the rural people and the school system of our state. I am for the program, and am willing to take any criti cism anyone has to offer me for taking a stand for progress." Mr. Woody continued by saying, "if the farmers don't turn out in large numbers and vote for this program it simply means they will stay in the mud." A. J. Hutchins, of Canton, point ed out that "either North Carolina will approve these two bond issues on June fourth, or both matters can be forgotten for 25 years, as no other leader will bring these (See Osborne Page 8) School-Road Meet Set Wednesday At Bethel School The first of a series of meetings to be held throughout Haywood in connection with the Better School and Road Program will be held at the Bethel school, Wednesday night at eight o'clock. Larry Justice, of Bethel, is in charge of making arrangements, together with H. A. Osborne, coun ty chairman, and other members of the committee. Four speakers will explain the different angles of the program. They will include Jack Messer, Jonathan Woody, A. J. Hutchins and D, Reeves Noland. Out That Benefit Road Bonds sues is the road bonds. The pro posal is to issue $200,000,000 in bonds for construction of second ary, and farm-to-market roads in the state. "The bill designates the amount each county will get. Haywood county's share is $1,892,000. That much must be spent on secondary roads in this county, as prescribed by law. No one, or any group can change that figure. "In order to help finance the new road program, an additional tax of one cent a gallon will be put on gasoline. This new tax would (See Davis Pare 8) H. ARTHUR OSBORNE Waynesville To Be Host Friday To Park Group Waynesville will be host on Fri day night U the 25 members of the House Public Lands Committee, together with their official party. The 25 Congressmen are coming down on Thursday from Washing ton, and on Friday will leave Ashe ville early to make a tour of the Park, returning here for dinner at the Country Club that night. Details of the trip are being ar ranged in Washington by Rep. Monroe M. Redden, a member of the committees'; -( -- Plans for the hearing on Satur day ,Jn Asheville, together with the touf of the Park, are being headed by the N. C. Park Commission, of which Charles Ray is chairman, in co-operation with the Western Carolina Associated Communities, and the Chambers of Commerce In the area. ' Mr. Ray said this morning that about 100 people will make up the official party, including the Con gressmen. A group of Tennessee officials are to take part in, the tour as well as attend the hearing at ten o'clock Saturday morning. Mr. Ray is slated to make the initial presentation of the group (See Park Pate 8) West Canton Pastor Resigns The Rev. C. H. Green has re signed as pastor of the West Can ton Baptist Church. He accepted the position eight years ago. The announcement of his resig nation said Mr. Green would en gage in evangelism. Since he became pastor, the West Canton church's membership nearly doubled, with more than 600 persons now enrolled. Stone Heads Canton C of C W. J. Stone is the new president of the Canton Chamber of Com merce. He was elected at the annual banquet the night of May 6 to succeed Frank Newman. ' Blood Program Starts Tomorrow In Waynesville The Waynlesvllle area's Blood Program starts tomorrow at 10 a. m., when up to 75 volunteers will appear at the basement of the Way nesville Presbyterian church to of fer their blood. Doctors, nurses, technicians and volunteer workers will set up cots and other equipment to handle the donors. The American Red Cross Blood mobile will pay its first visit to Waynesville tomorrow also, and will be on hand to take the dona tions of one pint of blood each from the donors to the Asheville Regional Blood Center. Donor Recruitment Chairman Wayne Corpening has designated persons in each of the surround ing communities to have their vol unteers at the church tomorrow at specified times. $60,000 Suit Is Being Heard In Civil Court Here Cannery Here Is Wanting 300 Tons Of Blackberries The cannery wants 300 tons of blackberries that is 600,000 pounds. Not only is O. P. Crews, owner, looking for the 300 tons at black berries, hut he wants 1,200 tons of arecn beans, yes 240,00 pounds. Indications are that there will be a rood crop of blackberries, as well as Rood price. With a little effort, many a fat pocket book can result from "a little picking;". 8-Year-Old Child Hurt Sunday In Highway Accident Mary Hall, 8, was painfully, but not seriously hurt, in an unavoid able automobile accident, shortly after noon Sunday. Patrolman Jeff May investigated the accident, and said that Mary jumped from a truck at the inter section of the Jones Cove road and Highway 19-23. She ran back of the truck, and into the back of a car driven by Lloyd Irvin Bowers, of Porthsmouth, Va. The license tag on the back of the car cut her forehead, and she suffered other bruises and cuts. Patrolman May said Bowers ditched his oar, stopped a passer by, and hurried the child to the hospital for treatment. The child was returning home from church when the accident oc curred,- She M'as with her grand father. L. M. Hall. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hall of Jones Cove. Two Horses Wounded Two colts were wounded last week by shotgun blasts. T. N. Leatherwood, Cove Creek farmer, reported today he found his one-year-old horses lying in his pasture last Friday, suffering from wounds in their legs. He declared he is offering a $50 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of who ever was responsible, and that he was reporting the case to the sheriff. One of the colts, he said, is not expected to live. Mr. Leatherwood said the shoot ing occurred some time between May 9 and May 12. Military Order Of World Wars To Meet Here The Waynesville Chapter, tarv Order of World Wars, Mili wlll hold a dinner meeting at Patrick's Restaurant at 7 p.m. Wednesday. Capt. William G. Westbrook, Jr., of the Asheville chapter. Reserve Officers Association, will be the principal speaker. The Waynesville chapter commander, Col. James Hardin Howell. Sr.. will preside. All former officers of the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Forces are invited. Six donors will be accepted every 20 minutes. The volunteers will report to Betsy Lane Quinlan, volunteer ser vice chairman, when they reach the church. Iron Duff Group To Give Box Supper 19th There will be a box supper at the Crabtree-Iron Duff high school on Thursday. This event is being sponsored by the recreation committee of the Community Development program, to raise funds for the center for which plans have been made, Medford Leatherwood will auct ion off the boxes. The public is in vited to attend. John E. Sentelle, Plaintiff, Brings Case Against Five Haywood Men Trial of a $60,000 law suit was slated to begin at two o'clock this afternoon as the May term of civil court convened after the noon re cess. Judge John Clement is pre siding. ' John E. Sentelle is bringing suit against five men and asking for damages totaling $60,000. Over two hours was taken this morning selecting a jury to hear the case. A number of the regular jurors were excused, and the court officials picked 12 of the special venire of 50 men who had been called into court for possible jury duty. Guy Weaver, attorney for Mr. Sentelle. took more than an hour to examine, and get 12 men in the box. Then Grover C. Davis, one of the attorneys for the five defend ants, took some 45 minutes, with the remainder of the two hours and fifteen minutes devoted to cross examining jurors, and reading the complaint. Mr. Sentelle set fortli in Ins complaint that he was arrested and lodged in jail on November 2. 1946, when he attempted to make an address at a Democratic Rally being held in the court room. He names in the suit: C. E. Brown, chairman of the Democratic Execu tive Committee; R. V. Welch, sher iff; Orville Noland, chief of police of Waynesville; Guy Messer, a member of the police force, and R. E. Sentelle. the plaintiff's broth er. The plaintiff is asking for $50. 000 compensatory damages, and $10,000 punitive damages. ' The defendant,' tn ' answering the charges, said in open court through attorney W. Roy Francis. "The charges are untrue, and are hereby denied." They further stat -ed that the plaintiff was arrested for disturbing a public meeting. Mr. Sentelle, about 80 years of age, is deaf, and Judge Clement ordered that the oath be typed so the witness could read it before taking the stand. It was understood that Mr. Weaver, and Miss Pearl Leslie Johnson, other attorney for Mr. Sentelle, had typed questions to ask their client when he went on the stand. Other attorneys for the defend ants include Morgan and Ward. The court room was about half filled this morning as the case got underway., A Haywood Superior Civil Court jury last Thursday returned a judgment of $1,220 in favor of W. L. Patton. Waynesville structural steel contractor, who had filed suit against the Bowers Construction Company of Raleigh. The suit arose in connection with a contract to build a bridge at Williamston. The next day, the jury ordered a $1,440 judgment for Kelly Scruggs, Canton Negro, for the ex penses he and his wife incurred in taking care of the child of Odell Gibson and his wife, another Can ton Negro couple, for nine years. The testimony was that the Gib sons put their child under the Scruggs' care when she was 11 months old. About six months ago. the child was ordered returned to her par ents after a habeas corpus hearing in another western North Carolina superior court. Scruggs then filed suit for recovery of expenses. The Scruggs-Gibson hearing clos ed the first week of the two-week civil term with Judge John Clem ent presiding. A non-suit was ordered in the case of Carver vs Leatherwood. the hearing on the suit of Shackelton (See Court Page 8) Highway Record For 1949 (To Dt) In Haywood Killed.::: 1 Injured . . 16 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).