M..v " PAGE TJIREE THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER I IplSANCB I fil-AYNF-S-1 ..... ..in- to ht "1'- hi take iu'- If Vj nes- stta , M" 26 194"t l unci: " t luvtv i . m. m the Town Hall In the Town of Waynesville for further, considera tion of adopting ordinances for the xitnsici of the corporate limits of the Town of Waynesville to in clude within the said corporate limits the following boundary or area, namely: BEGINNING at a stake in the tenter of the creek, or Browning Branch, at the corner of the re cently added corporate limits of t lie Town ol Waynesville, on the Southeasterly side of U. S. High ly 19A-23, t.nd runs down said creek in a Noitherly direction t ho REWMD to the arrest and lhe pcr .on or persons who shot . W il J i r,,,,;,,,, to T. IN. L,eamervuou m p:i litre between the 9th and LEATHERWOOD long nx calls as follows: N. 35" W. ! 70 feet: N. 21- W. 84 feet; N. 8 45' W. 50 feet; N. 5" 30' W. 200 feet: N. 17 15' E. 73, feel N. 5 3a k. about 2U() feet to a slaku in the Wesl margin of the Fanner I or Cat ClilT Hoad; thence to West side of said street or lane laid out hy J. M. Lout!; thence with the West itle there.nf in Southerly anil Southeasterly direction to golf course and Farmer line; thence with said line South to Farmer Branch; (limine down said branclt along the Southerly side ot the Va uet,ville Country Club golf courne ami with the center of the creek to a slake lu-ur the South west couier ot the golf course, be ing a conicr of the Town of Wajnesville corporate limits as re cently added bv Act of the General Assembly; theme down lhe center of Browning Uraiich wilh said pres- I ent corporate line of Town of i ' Waynesville about 55C feet to the BEGIN MING. All owners of properly, and all if TIMES TODAY 0 DONE IT?" ABBOTT and LOU COSTELLO and WEDNESDAY, May 17-18 A K08UST STORY Of I0LD ADVINTUH, V1BRAMT KOMANCE IN THE. DAYS Of THE CALIFORNIA GOLD FUSHI v ill"'? a stake in the Northerly margin of the road leading to the property known as the J. C. Welch residence near the Tapestry Mill, and runs thence with margin of said road in a Westerly direction to a stake In the center of the street leading In a Northwesterly direction by the Prison Camp to a point where said line would strike the present Haz eiwood corporate limits; thence with the llazelwood corporate lim ns in a Westerly direction by the Lee Winchester property to the center of Richland Creek; thence up Richland Creek in a Southerly direction to to the mouth of Breii- uie LieeK; theme up Aliens Creek in an Easteily direction to the! bridge at the r-ad leading to the' J. C. Welch residence; thence with said load in a Northeasterly direc tion to a point on the Northerly side of the Southern Railroad tracks; thence along the Westerly side of the railroad to lhe railroad crossing near the Dayton Rubber Plant at a point on the Southerly side of the highway; thence on the 1 1lla""fed voters in the territory Southeasterly marpin of the hiPh- hereinabove described will take no tice mat a meeting will ne neia Dy the Mayor and Hoard of Aldermen of the Town of Waynesville at the usual place of meeting of said Board al the Major's office in the Town Hall in the Town of Waynes ville on Thursday, May :!, 1949, at three o'clock 1'. M. for the purpose of hearing objections to the pass ing of the ordinance extending the corporate of the Town of Waynes ville to include the territory here inbefore described, and said prop erly owners and qualified voters residing in said ana proposed to be annexed will take notice that if a petition shall h,- filed wilh the Ma; or and Hoard of Aldermen on or before lliri-e o'clock 1'. M. on May 1!I4! duly signed by at least lilli-cu per cent of the (iiali I'uil voters rcsidine, in said area proposed lo be annexed, request ing a referendum on the (most ion of annexation, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Waynesville will cause to be sub mitted to a vote of lhe qualified voters of said area hereinbefore described and proposed to be an nexed, the quest ion as lo whether or not said territory shall be an nexed, and unless such petition by fifteen per cent of the qualified voters ol lhe territory proposed to At The Park Rambling 'Round (Continued from page two) Views Of Other Editors (Continued from Page 2) out a more ambitious and ade quate program of reform, remedy and expansion in the State mental hospital system. The Winston-Salem Journal way in a Southwesterly direction . 400 feet to a stake. ' Thence S. 75' E. to a stake in the center of the railroad; thence S. 7:V K. 258 feet to a stake in the fence, line; theme S. oS" 30' E. 297 leel to a slake in lhe corner of the John Francis land 20 feel So'ith of an 18-inch heni locki; thence S. 71 E. 318 feel to a stake; thence S. 41" E. 203 feet; thence S. 31" 30' E. 35 feel; thence S. (if)' E. 383 feet to a 12 inch locust above a barn; thence d. u" M) DOS feet lo a point in the East margin of the Aliens Creek Road; thence with said mar gin of said road S. 13" E. 921 feel- thence S. 0 ;)()' W. l(i! feet to a itake in the H. O. Allen and James Page line; thence with their line S. 84" 45' E. 179 feet to a noinl on the Wesl side of Browning Branch: thence with West side of said branch two calls: N. 12" 30' E. 200 feet; N. 11" E. 250 feel; thence crossing the branch N. (16 E. 547 feet to a stake in a fence on a ridge 20 feet East of a 18-inch pine; thence N. 82" 15' E. 391 feet to a 12-inch forked locust; thence N. 49" E. crossing Camp Branch 1295 feet to a 30-inch W. oak on top of a ridg" marked as a corner: ware ' 1 It-,?" thence N. 23" E. crossing Farmer be annexed shall nwl be filed, or 0RNIAS W J fl!tiBnfe!iia;ii Zw 1I ,l J II rrr 11 fP Branch to a point in the south boundary line of a subdivision of the G. C. Farmer property, as shown on a map recorded in Man Book "E" Index "F" page 2, and runs thence with the southerly margin of said subdivision N. 79" 25' E. to a stake in the turn of a oadway shown on said map at the southeast corner of said subdivi sion; thence with the East margin tt' said road N. 3" 15' E. 190 feet to a stake; thence S. 79" 25' W. along the Northerly margin of an intersecling street 590 feet to a stake in the westerly line of Lol No. 4 of the G. C. Farmer subdivi sion as shown on the map in Map Book "E" Index "F" page 3; thence wilh the line of said Lot No. 4, S (T 15' W. 175 feet to a stake at the Southwest corner of said lot; thence Willi the East Margin of street or lane laid out by J. M. lo Color Cartoon News ij at midnight : i i ft-' handsome new 'hile you sleep. 1 cubes remain ru stored in the disturb,.,! All J""-'e each week, clleutd in the "1 Handdroster. 8 1 Cubic Foot Models JvlQQ QC $20.00 Down UAOJ.W $9.00 Monthly 16 BfMlifnl Display of Norge Refrigerators at ,3 ELECTRIC CO. Main Street unless a referendum shall be called by lhe voters of the Town of Waynesville and the vote cast ad verse to said annexation, then the Ma.uir and Board of Aldermen will proceed lo pass an ordinance as provided by Statute annexing to lhe coiporale limits of lhe Town of VVa.vnes ille the territory herein before described. All residents and qualified voters in the Town of Waynesville will take in it ic.' that if. 1 hoy have ob jection lo the annexation of lhe . territory hereinbelere described lo I the corporate limits of the Town of i Va nosvilh , if they file with the Mayor and Hoard of Aldermen, on I or before Thursday. .May 2(i. 1949 j at 'three o'clock I'. M. a petition signed by al lea-.l lilleeil per cent of lhe qualified voters residing wilhm Ille present corporate Hin dis of lhe town of Wayncswllc . , ..r M V .: yi.s.jJ incident iiwt A fVw HllllLlteS Lfl- i . f I V5?M fnrp that alibis showed weakness kS"r f YM ofmindand.!r!-... 1 'HX 1S A word of praise is like yeast P "t I $ s f S !, in doueh ... it doubles the work- 1 1 ,v v ta 4 - 1 C -k . 1 P&n i t"rt -:- -:- -:- a,i ..nroH what the veter- VV ""o Jir JF Sne was known for her good' an's hospital thought when they 1 J -TSNfL if sT 1 1 & ,,cc if liuart also for the ...,..,1 - Iv,. .f cvnuisito 11 S s & 4 s s v , 1 hvanlv of her Bifts to friends. So a.hn,,;,lurcH IVmlnine (vervt i - A ' I ,-aomi.t when sh discovered she . f" , J V'? "1 had mailed iby error, of course), a The Southern Conference trac : I V sWs -'-s 1 kv f ,IH hni hMDiitiful Christ- nnri fiolrl meet will be held al '' f . 'lHaV ' f ,.,aS cards oear friend. I Chanel Hill, on May 20 and 21. ro-- rSsJ tfw . XI 1 .wat.i .. ' VIA- V0m& i J MOYS' SOCKS V V'J k y j? t-jc - it's;'..' :' . . . . ' lJBt . Ji UtW3if Lovely Doris Day with funster Jack Carson In the gala Technicolor 'feSWA itt1 musical "My Dream Is yours" at the l'ark Thursday and Friday. , J$j!pf f f V At Strand Tuesday Kill l li'nnM. i i ii n mmmummumtiikmi"-Jlf' -"S'-" John Wayne, Albert Deckker and Binnie Barnes in "In Old Cali fornia" opening at the Strand Theatre tomorrow. Capital Letters 1 pare; theatre PROGRAM MONDAY and TUESDAY, May lfi-17 r A HOMERUN Or LAUGHTER, ROMANCE AND FUN H7T Gift TOT WEDNESDAY, May 18 CSsJujJ - - Blonde Pirate... 5"'J 1 GF.NT jl CEORCE REP VIS ' ' PTffily " THURSDAY and FRIDAY, May 19-20 Jack CARSON Doris DAY N RANGES ll00l5 (Continued from page two) Secretary Charlie Parker are now busily preparing speeches and a lour for the Governor during the next few weeks. One of Governor Scott's main speeches for the bond issue will be ; made at the 47th annual conven liou of the N. C. Merchants Asso ciation at Charlotte on May 23. Itealizing it would be extremely dill'icult to keep Governor Scott oft his favorite topic, the merchants have reserved sufficient time on the prpuram for him to talk on anything he wishes. He remarked with studied rasu alness last week that his subject would be "The Importance of Transportation and Education to the Merchant". He said if there had been a network of good roads and telephone lines 50 years ago. the merchants would not be plagued with so much mail order competition today. MALF-A-MILLION NEW YORK i AI'i -More than half a million dollars in purses were distributed during the first two weeks of racing at Jamaca. A minimum purse level of $3,500 was maintained and a daily average of $39,500 for the eight-race card was offered. Nylon Reinforced at Heel and Toe (or longer wear. Genuine ingrain knit cotton yarns. Dyed by Adura-Color-will not fade or stain other fabrics when washed. "Home of Better Values" WILL PASS Consensus about the Stale is that the bond c-sues will pass. Hoad contractors have been a little cool on the matter, having heard that the highway forces would do most of the work, leaving them out in the cold. Reports are that they have now been assured that they will be giv en all the work they ran handle. Much of the money to publicize the vole and carry it will come from these contractors. Since there is no organized opposition, the bond issues will porbably be adopted and all school busses will run on time, for the first time, by 1952. Capus Waynick will not injure his good name and future by sup porting them. Champion 'Y' ' Annual Banquet Set for Tuesday Dr. George Heaton, pastor of Charlotte's Myers Park Baptist Church, will address the annual banquet meeting al the Champion YMCA in Canton tomorrow night. President Louis E. Gates an nounces the dinner will start at 6:30 p.m. During the business session, the nominating committee will an nounce the elections of next year's officers. b f EIttoirD Each team in the Pacific Coast Baseball League plays a schedule of 186 games. that the question of annexation will also be submitted to the qualified voters of the Town of Waynesville at a special election to bp called therefore, as provided by statute. Done by order of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Waynesville at a special meeting held on Thursday, April 21, 1949, at three o'clock P. M., as amended at a meeting held April 25th, 1949. This April 25, 1949. HEDWIG A. LOVE Town Clerk. 1845 A 2M 2.-9-J6. Instructions For Holding The Special Road and School . Bonds Election On June 4, 1949 v Governor Scott, by proclamation, called a special elec tion for June 4th, 1 949, on the road bond and school bond issues, which election is to be held under the General Election Laws of The State. In his proclamation the Governor called upon the State and County boards of elections and all other elec tion officials to proceed to hold the said election on Saturday, June 4th. In accordance with the said proclamation the State board of elections met and made plans to hold said election and adopt ed the following plans. "The registration books for the election will be open on May 7th, for the registration of those eligible to register who are not now registered. Those already registered on the regu lar county registration books will not have to register to vote in this special election on June 4th, as this will not be a special registration. The books will be open through May 21st. Sat urday, May 28th, will be challenge day." JERRY ROGERS Chairman Haywood County Board of Elections IK HANKIE CARli ft, :

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