PAGE THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Salem Centennial "NS HOPE ONBBflj Old College Becomes Hospital County Meetings 4pnpupced Time Turns Back In Winston 1 "" 'rr"" TWFn A series of meetings for this week in connection with the Com munity Development Proeram and (other matters was announced to- ip wirmmv W tfa I.I - S : vwvlfr Whr' ViiM ? rt X ) I Ir'A Iff 1 :: n&tL f HJL III-, ... uity i iujiuws: ThurtdayW. A. Stephens, N. C. State College extension bee specialist, will spend the day in the county. He may be contacted through CoUntV Aeont Wacna Corpening's office. '7:30 p.m. Center Piueon Com munity meeting, Longs Methodist church. 1 Friday, May 20: I 7:30 p.m.-Fines Creek Cominun- I ity meeting, Fines Creek School, County Schools Superintendent ' Jack Messef and D. Reeves Noland to speak; 7:30 p.m. Cove Creek commun ity. Baptist Church; White Oak'Communiiv Pi-h. ' terfan Chureh; Saunook Community. Saunook School, program featuring movie on poultry. Jli-re are v iews of Vnlilc-c Con. which held open house riiur.da in ci-lrliiviimii ol , ,-..,)li.i..n at a cot 0 $150,000. Located lour mile. In, in VaMc-c hi Huikc counly. the hospital and clinic occupy Iniiliiiii;.;- . h lonnei lv housed old Kutherford Collefif. The building ;,i I, II i,,p ... ihc uciicitJ hosoital. The clinic is housed in the whit, -pilar iMnldmu ,,t ip.'hl. Tliov are connected In an enclo-cil coiiidm. hoitopi is the new nurses- home built just to the lirht ol the clinic. The fund for the hospital c ame largt-ly from public rout nhul ions. Al' Photos'. Hear Progress Reports flock Hill School Sets Commencement A colorful May Day Program ! starting at 10 a.m. Wednesday will honor 30 sixth grade Rock Hill School pupil who are being pro moled. N. W. Rogers, the school princi- j pal, announced this week thnt ih ' program would be highlighted by j singing, games and dances, includ- ; mg a May Pole feature He said an invitation is extended ! to all parents of school pupils. if W, St in . mi '- tifefafi DURING AN INTERV.EW at his home outside 'J fmaacu l Wirn that rko wo:ld solve the "roval oi.Pit)nn .- throne. Pictured here with hi. . e.ttlJ he hoped the new Parliament, which wiliTtf ouicklv rpmnvp H ',, .1 , . , U on nis return to Orange Juice , " Recent tests show ' that oran?( I A Dair juice, extracted at night and kep. ( pluckL covered in a rotriaa . .. . 1 hralrfnt Hncc n . Itw woe viiamm u. stitrhin a. Ratcliffe Cove Adopts New Program Projects; Names 3 New Groups I3v MT?S A I (UK 1! rri.urK Mountaineer Coric ponih nt The adoption of community pro jects, progress reports. ;md the appointments ol Ihree new ,,iiis featured the HaleliiTc Cove Coni munity Development Program's regular monliilv mc' ini:; I hursd.n night. Approxiniatel, oil residents the community came to the Kli7;i belh Chapel Methodist church to help si t up ihc new groups and lake part in the varied program, with ('(immunity Chairman It. C. Francis presiding. They adopted the reconiinenda t"iis ol the fays and Means Com mittee in: I'm up-direction signs through em the (onimunily; To establish a ((immunity motto; ISiaultlv the cemetery; Having a large mailbox and a You Will Find M BAY'S NEW LOW PRICES OBI PETERS SHOES - FOR MEN AND BOYS - PRICES REDUCED BOTH ON Dress and Work Shoes The Peters Company has announced reductions on most of their line. Here at Rav's-wo r tions into immediate efTect. rr CITY CLJJB SHOES ALSO REDUCED Where Peters has made a reduction in the nrir of City Club Shoes, we are passing H oh to you WHEN YOII RTTY DFTFPC cxirwc w Uxu.iu kilUljO . . . You get the best values on the market' lor your nioney.' " ye Have Ypur Size and Your Type i ii rr ii .i -vi arp u mmm urn N 9 sign set up al each farm showing the name of the owner. They deelded to choose the com munity motto from siiKKcstions sent in by each meinher, and to award a prize to the person whose suggested motto is adopted. in connection with these pro jects, new committees were set up as follows: Cemetery Chairman, c C Francis, llob Wtlli:itits M,-.- A I..;. Iiatcliffe and George Liner. motto Mrs. Way Ii;itclilTe, chair man; C. C. Francis W,r,l wl.i . . " ' ' ivpill - riek, R c. Francis, and Claude Francis. wJ.,'"W ""d N""-t'l'airnian. Mdrk Galloway, Hay Miller and Marry Crawford. As these new projects were 1 Planned, the audience heard of the I progress that has been made al- i i euuy. i I'oultiy Chairman l.em Leopard j reported he had acquired 100 baby chicks for food, and 250 more for 1 raising ' a laying lock to produce hatching eggs he will sell. Boone Swayngini and Mrs Frank Leopard also reported ih. hn.) started a laying flock. I Alfalfa Claude Fraiieis Hl... sing the advantages of a good field of alfalfa, offered to show his field to anyone interested, and to ex plain end answer their questions. He SDOkp in !!., il, ,. . . ,- ""wine "i Al falfa committee chairman . neeves Noland. DairyJne--Mrs f i i di3cussed the building of Grade A. barns and the advantages of buying the best dairy cows Beef Cattle -Chairman Claude Francis spoke on the advantages of having the best grade of beef cat tle. He added th.f k j , ueniano now was greater than it has ever been. Tobacco Chairman n r. Swayngini, discussing this year's shortage of tobaeen ntmi, members of the communitv who nave plants to remember their neighbors. We are proud that a member of our community was chosen as County-Wide chairman for the Community Development Program The resignations of JUrs. Theo dore Haby as chairman of the Beautificalion committee and Mrs Way HatclilTe as rhnirm.-.., or n,o scrapbook ahd progress committee were accepted. Mrs. Claude Fronds u-a. the new chairman of the beautiR cation group, and Mrs. Carl Jones was elected In vmwi Mrt- rt clifrc as Wiairmaii of the scrapbook dna progress committee. We- extend our emiirr.ilnlaiinnc to Mr. Francis' on being selected fr this' honor and wc feci that th Ittmiinafinu nimmilten mj th people 'of Haywood County have wae a Wise ehoicc. The strighie of "Amerie:.- lw fh group opened the nrnoram .,h Mrs. Way RatcIilTe accompanying at nit; JIUO. Mis. IIuL'h Ilatl lilTn ,!...-., IK.. .1 votfonal, reading the 19th J'salmi and the faimnia nnnn "t... i...' uyce minier. C. C. Francis closed uiih prsyer. Chairman n r rr..i, .i. took charge and asked for the rcad- "S ui me minutes of the last meet lug. After these minutes were read by' Ml-s. James Medford, commun ity 8ecretarv k . - - " Luiiuiiiiiec chairman was eivvn iic r .i tervlng with his group. ' The "Mr. Francis read the county goals for the program. ' At the codntv-widn 'night at the Towne House, Ine Ratclirfe Cove communh,, represented by Chairman R. C FtMtciB, lra. Medford, Mrs. Hugh The hustling city of Winston-Salem turned the calendar hack a hundred years May 12 in celebrating the centennial of Forsyth county: Here are some of the scenes. Upper left: Bearded citizens ride ii a donkey cart in (he sfiVet pilracte. Those beards were nursed along for months just for the occasion. Upper right: Poficeman Sid Hiimillon" tides an early 1800 bicycle in the parade. Walking along are men and women dressed in the fashions of 104!). Lowe, left: Hoards, parasols, lop hats and fancy cali cos are much in evidence aitmng this group (if dandies and belles riding in a 1908 automobile. Kvery kind of conveyance of 1he pa'st century was seen in the parade. Lower right: A lime capsule is buried on the courthouse square to be opened on May 12. 2049. It contains newspapers pamphlets and manu factured products of the limes. I.ftft to right: Mayor Renrc.c 11. Lenlz. Congressman Thurmond Chath am, County Commissioner James G. Ha lies, and North Carolina's (lev. Kerr Scott, i p photo VffVall M. . Will Hid $3,.ppqr00p forehead Planetarium Dedicated I A.N - wwgn rr7TrT 1 You NEW LOW P OtJ VORKCL - And Many Oth 3 p. G arc life jj ST1 Heie ue four of the principals who iiMi iiciiv-ii0,i i ,u j.,..,..., ' ' it b "' : e"';y; - t" - ing on the University of North Carolina c. VcZZ tr u h ' "?he'd Bui,d- ium on a college campus in the world, along with art A,eHcs d "" fim PlaWtM- right: Chancellor Robert B. House, John Motley M ireheacl of New York luu H h ""t ""If" and diplomat who gave the project to the university Go K , chem,St- '"dustrialist Graham, former president oi the univershv M re el.l i 1 L" S' Sei,atr Frank R . ...: -V' Molllu''ll ls alumnus of the university. i.AP Photo.) Leftover chicken soup may be You can usuallv count on , s retched with a can of cream pound of fresh shrimp to m , style corn and enough salt and pep- main dish to serve three wh , i is per to season well. Servo .iih J t( "lu" " ls ll's Tea At Dinner TORONTO UP)Delegates at the Canadian Restaur-!., light sprinkling of paprika or chop-1 sauce: if the shrimp is to" be'n'seH '' c0llvemin were told that 57 ped parsley or a sprig of water-j for a first-course cockta I I centt of Canadians favor coffee cress. .: , . '"" l"" breakfast anH ih.i . m-ivf lour easily. ! , - " "u per cent at dinner. WHCC RADIO PROGRAM VV M.VV o I KKIDAY. MAY ?0 5:5Si(fn on 8:0(NEWS 6:05 Farmers Almanac 7:00 NEWS VKft-Tuke a Number 8:00 NEWS 8:55 NEWS !:00 Sacred Heart 11:15 Hymns of All Ages ,10 Morning Devotions 9:45 Melodies 10:00 NEWS 10:0S -To The Ladies 10:30 Keyboard Melodies 10:45 Vocal Varieties 11:00 NEWS ll:05Mid-Dav Melodies I2:00NOON EDITION 12;15 Farm Forum 12:30 Blue Ridge Partners 12 :45 Trading Post )2:50 Hlue Ridge Partners 1 00- News. Stoi:ks. and Weather 115 Riders of Purple Sage 1 :30 Reviewing Records 2:00 NEWS i 2 05 Itevjeiving Kccords lie wo 3 05 Concert Hour 4:00 In Your Neighbor hood 4 :05 Don Matney's Hillbilly Roundup 5:0O NEWS 5:05 At Your Request 5 30 Veterans Adm. 5:45 rhlldreas Story Hour 6:00 EVENING EDITION 8:15 Sftotlight On Sports 8:30 Dinner Music 7:00 up Commentary .7:051400 Club 7:30 Community Devel- opment ProgTam 7:45 Mike Mysteries 8:00 NEWS , 8:05 Waltz Time b:is Guest star 8:80 Sine Time 8 55 NEWS 9:00 Al Trace Orchestra 10:00 NEWS . 10:05 Musk- To Read By 10:54 NEWtf ' 11:00 Sign Off SATURDAY, MAY 31 5:59 Sign On 6:00 NEWS 6:05 Farmers Almanac 7:00-NEWS 7:05-Take A Number 8:00 NEWS 8:15 Mountain Melodies 9:00-NEWS c,uc"fS 9:05 Truths Men Live Pv Melodies ' 8:30 Morning Devotions ,.? ;5?t'nrv Burnette 10:00 NEWS 10:05 Dixie Land Hill billies l?StNEW8F,,r WOme" 11:05 News and Views of Teen Agers 11:301 Smoky Mountain Ramblers 18:15 Farm Forum 12:30-Bh,e Ridge Partners 1 ZS?Jh ""ta'neers R,t'1 Mtn. Bow 2:00-Baseball Game 8.30 Silver Strings 7:081400 Club 8 S-StS;" of. Melodies U:00 Sign OIT I Sl'MlAy, MAY 22 I 7:59 Sign On H:0n NEWS I 8:05 Merle Pitt I :i?,lR Boy Hooper .. 9:30 Church of God n "WIru,hs Mp L've Bv 10:15 -Presbyterian ,n ,r s'lr,day School : Silver Strings 1100-Prcslivierian m Church Service T:2!?SsV.Day Melodies 1 .00 NOON EDITION iS."e8 of Hope ""Piano Moods 2 30Baptist Hour 2 -Concert Hour 4- OOEast Canton Church Jin nAv u Ledlord 4 30-Crahtrec Baptist -nnvJ -, v- W,1- Abel 5 - S0 Melody Five Quar 5:30 Sanfnrd Quart?! iH'jlM on Snorts h.. to Old Soups Beloved 7 (to Pod Music 7:30-1400 Club iS;oz&sbv Mas,e !o .gz To Rtad E- ll:00Sign Off MONDAY, MAY 23 5:59 Sign On 6 00 NEWS 7:&rvvTS A'manac 8::otlNaE,wsA NUmber SiifcSES .AndA Tune 9.00-Sacred Heart fi-3,tSVmns of A" Ages lO-T6 Mcldies !H: t&',,r,1 Melodies j:0O-NEWs V,,nCllCS . l:002Iue Ridee Partners WeaTnerSt0eks' a" l -nZ:Rj,!rs Pl,rpla.Sage SINEWS''"8 ReCOrds 3:05 r.. . 4 odYUr 4'-0SJ$n Matney s Hill- bll v RounriMn 5:00-NEWS P CourdrenS Si0y vino-?'""" MGsie"8 7;05MelodvmEenta', 7 lftrcf wly Fiv Quar ..iO Community Devel .'ttftfflt ' Musie 9?oZr-4',C,ub 'fl:WNEWSmbard0 Ore J?t!iiTo Rd By H:00S,gn Off 1 Big Dad - 8-oz. OVERALL Men's Sanforized WORK SHIRTS AND FOR BOY; 1 to 5 OVERALLS . . 2 to 6 OVERALLS . In The Children s Rofl"1 8 to 16 OVERALLS . . OVERALL PANTS . . . , In The Boys Departinen,l "You Will Alway? Fir Low Prices High Q th general -officers. i